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#1026 2018-01-28 19:23:58

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Remeber Trump said that Nafta was a bad deal well guess what thats not true as U.S. farmers have much to lose if NAFTA deal collapses with the U.S., Canadian and Mexican negotiators met in Montreal over the weekend for the sixth of seven planned rounds of talks to revamp the 1994 pact.

The United States remains the dominant grain supplier to Mexico. Yet Mexico imported 583,000 metric tonnes of corn from Brazil in 2017, a 980 percent jump from the previous year, according to Mexican government trade data.

Mexican imports of U.S. soybean meal, used to feed chickens and livestock, fell 29 percent in the first 11 months of 2017, compared with the same period the previous year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


#1027 2018-01-28 19:48:50

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

“You don’t need $25 billion for a wall” on the U.S.-Mexico border. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said the White House’s proposed immigration framework offering a pathway to citizenship for as many as 1.8 million young undocumented immigrants is a “breakthrough.” plus new restrictions on legal immigration such as ending the visa lottery system and limiting family-based migration. “You need wall systems. You need roads. You need redundancy. You need to fix old fencing. So we’re not going to build a 1,900-mile wall." “We aren’t going to put a wall in places it shouldn’t go," the senator said. "As to where the wall should go, and whether it should be a fence, we’ll have experts decide that.”


Prototypes of border walls are seen in San Diego, Calif., Oct. 26, 2017.


The eight border wall prototypes between the U.S. and Mexico are seen from Tijuana, Mexico, Jan. 10, 2018.


#1028 2018-01-28 22:11:41

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,764

Re: Politics

SpaceNut wrote:

Kbd512 have you gotten any follow up reports on the "Silverado was stolen from in front of my house in broad daylight" as to the progress or even what they have done to locate your vehicle and or lead to capture of the criminal or criminals to did this act? Sound like there is a lack of surveilance cameras and use of them in the area security even here in NH we are fully within the zone that is border patrol system and the security camera's are every where, the use of road blocks unannounced set  by border enforcement and state troopers and county sheriff's as well to capture the bad guy's.

The Police have no leads.  The thief disabled the OnStar system.  It was reported within several hours of being stolen and I immediately tried to use OnStar to locate it.  On December 29th, my wife left the house at 11 AM to pick something up from her place of work and she came back at 1:10 PM.  It was there when she left and gone when she came back.  She called me to ask me if I'd gone anywhere without telling her.  I was asleep at the time, having just spent about 20 hours awake trying to resolve a problem for a client.  Her call woke me up.  We quickly called the bank and impound lots, but my car loan account was in good standing and none of the impound lots had the vehicle.  I called again a couple days later, to no avail, just to double-check.  I made the Police report approximately 3 hours after initially calling to see if the vehicle had been towed for any reason.  A detective was later assigned to my case.  It still hasn't been located.

The officer who took my report said if it was a kid out for a joy ride, then there was a chance they'd recover the vehicle in good condition.  They don't chase people down unless they've committed a violent crime.  They just wait until they stop somewhere and then pick them up quietly.  He also said if it was a professional, then it was probably gone.  I don't know how many teenage kids know how to disable OnStar, but I'm guessing there's not very many.

SpaceNut wrote:

I can say that not all car thefts are by illegals as a 16 yr old that had lived up here in NH was only down in Texas for a year and was drawn in by the gangs click to which he did steal a vehicle, was captured and is doing time for this crime.

I still have no clue who stole my truck, but HPD recently took down a chop shop ring here in Houston that was run by illegals with lots of stolen vehicles inside.  The Police, one of the mechanics who works for the shop I take my vehicles to (a legal Mexican immigrant who said it was commonplace to see gang members riding around in stolen US vehicles when he still lived in Mexico), and my neighbors (maybe black people are racist against Mexicans, but that doesn't fit the regressive narrative that only white people can be racists) all seem to think it transported itself to Mexico.  In any event, I don't care who the little shit was or where he's from.  I want him or her found, prosecuted, and incarcerated.  Five years seems in prison seems like a nice round number, assuming he or she didn't also steal a bunch of other vehicles.  I will be more than happy to show up to court if the Judge wants me there.

SpaceNut wrote:

With the invention of facebook live videos, these give another means capable to capture the crimes to be sent to the police directly or through the anonymous websites that they use for the tips that would lead to arrests.

I doubt that professionals would tape record their criminal activities, but lots of criminals have done lots of dumber things.  Nothing would surprise me at this point.

SpaceNut wrote:

As for the family visa issue is there a possible avenue for other types such as the H1, H2 to be able to start the process for reuniting the rest of the family. Such as setting up a famiily business in veitnam (foods, handy crafts, textiles ect..) to which you leverage a satelite office to which she would come too here in the states to generate sales?

We're not trying to find ways to circumvent our immigration system.  We're trying to legally bring her sister to the US where she can enjoy the freedoms denied to her for her entire life.  I don't see why she should have to wait in line while people who came here illegally get to cut in front of legal immigrants.

SpaceNut wrote:

I know the feelings of the wife and family members with the support that they count on everyday as she has had 3 strokes, fibromyalgia, chronic pain and the 3 sons that are adults with educational, learning, speech issues plus more... I also had to get a gas guzzler for the replacement large enough for the wheel chair and family when the other one died from at the time I thought it was the server cold but during this warm spell I found that the timing belt was gone....

I know the damage that strokes can cause.  My wife suffered a stroke after her first brain surgery and she's suffered from short term memory loss, blindness in the upper quadrant of one eye, and hearing loss in one ear since.  She gets upset because she constantly misplaces her cell phone and car keys.  All I could tell her was, "Welcome to my world" (and no, I didn't leave the keys in my truck).  The second surgery went a lot smoother than the first because she wasn't pregnant at the time, but she was in a lot of pain afterwards.  They had to cut through the nerves and muscles during the second surgery to get at the regrowth, partially paralyzing one side of her face.  I told her she should be happy since she would never need botox for one side of her face, but she wasn't amused.

I never thought a 34 year old woman would have a huge brain tumor, thankfully just a benign meningioma in the dura mater in her case, but life happens.  The first produced a midline shift because it was 39mm x 82mm in size.  That resulted in loss of consciousness, which would be why she had to have the first operation while she was pregnant with our last child.  The stroke followed that operation, along with several grand mal seizures.  They think the heavy steroid dose they gave her to deal with the swelling caused her diabetes to become permanent, but there's no way to know for sure.

On the bright side, the mother of my children is still alive, our son was and has been perfectly healthy after 2 months in NICU, and she still works at her job.

SpaceNut wrote:

The 12 trees being cut up here would have been about 800 to 1,000 each to be removed by tree specialists , so ya that is quite a savings to you for the solar that you are trying to set up for sure.

We were charged $1,100 total.  We had some sort of deal cut to us because the HOA mandated the removal of the trees.  The point is, every time I try to save money for the things I want, someone does something that costs me money.

Last night, for example, I think some little twerp threw a rock at our front window.  I saw a kid (teenager, I think, as he was too skinny to be an adult) take off like a shot just after it happened in the apartment complex right across the street from our house.  I only clearly saw the back of him, though, as it was starting to get dark outside.  I just happened to be walking behind the window towards my office at the time.  This has happened twice now in a period of several months.  At first I thought someone took a shot at me because of the sound the window made when it exploded (recall that we have special windows that are sealed on all four sides and filled with inert gas), but I noticed that there was no bullet hole in the wall behind the window and I wasn't perforated.  It was a small chunk of concrete about the size of a racquet ball.  It didn't penetrate all the way through because one of the dividers in the window stopped it.  My face was about six feet from the window when that happened.  It was a good throw.  The kid could be a pitcher if he quits acting like a little shit and learns to respect other people and their property.

Anyway, my wife is freaking out over this stuff and now she wants a security system.  We've never had one before and I never thought one was necessary, but these little cretins are costing us too much money to ignore at this point and I want to give something to the Police so they can prosecute the people doing the stealing and vandalizing.  Apart from that, these kids also throw their trash in the street and on our front lawn.  I've caught them doing that, so I don't have to guess at who did it and don't really care why they did it.  I'd think that people with less money than we've managed to acquire would respect what little they do have, but they don't.


#1029 2018-01-28 22:39:36

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,764

Re: Politics


If a Police Officer suspects a law has been broken, then he or she can detain the individual suspected of breaking the law to stand trial.  The people they're arresting are illegal aliens, plain and simple.  A court of law can compel a person to provide identification.  You may disagree with the law, but what I stated is law and it is enforceable.  Any US citizen deported to another country has a very credible civil liberties violation case that any newly minted lawyer should be able to make rather effortlessly.  If you think I'd support our government in cases where they deported one of our citizens, you're mistaken.  In cases where they deport people who are not US citizens and are here illegally, they have my full support.  I support Americans always and our government when it deserves it.

As far as 2A is concerned, armed insurrection against a duly elected government is treason and punishable by death.  You may not agree with the speed limit, either, but that gives you no legal standing to offer resistance to law enforcement officers who pull you over for speeding.  I would think that we'd want the military and law enforcement on our side of the argument if we did believe our government was acting in an unlawful manner.  Advocating for armed insurrection because our government has faithfully executed its duties to protect its people is bad form.  Armed resistance is a final action to be taken only when legal means to correct unlawful behavior on the part of our government have failed.


#1030 2018-01-30 18:54:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

The illegal border crossing are the results of crime, corruption, poorer living standards ect. to which NAFTA is just one of the steps that had been taken to try and slow this action as to make better oportunities for the Mexicans to look towards but Mexico has not tried to control the corruption of crime in the border areas. Those that have been deported if they speak up could be the firsts to try and turn that tide of era....

Trump has called NAFTA a "disaster" and has repeatedly threatened to withdraw from the 24-year-old pact if the U.S. can’t get a better deal for its workers and businesses.

The president is expected to discuss his trade policy during his address to Congress on Tuesday night, a day after Canada, Mexico and the United States completed their sixth round of talks on the agreement in Montreal.

“NAFTA supports 14 million jobs, representing thousands of jobs in each of the 50 states,”

The Oklahoma City-based company Chesapeake Energy is reportedly laying off 13 percent of workforce employed 3,247 people as of September, which suggests it will trim back about 400 positions.

Harley-Davidson announced Tuesday it will close its Kansas City, Mo., plant as part of a cost-cutting move as it continues to face dwindling shipments.


#1031 2018-01-31 19:54:37

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Nearly 30 minutes of State of the Union spent applauding more than 110 rounds of applause and more than 70 standing ovations during Tuesday's State of the Union out of the hour and 20 minutes of the speech.

FactChecking Trump’s State of the Union filled with several repeat claims about the economy, tax cuts and immigration, as well as new false and misleading statements on auto plants, judicial appointments and development aid. Trump claimed credit for creating 561,000 jobs that actually were added before he took office, and for starting a rise in wages that began years earlier plus created 2.4 million new jobs, including 200,000 new jobs in manufacturing alone. The actual increase since Trump took office is 184,000. The biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history, as Trump said will cost $1.46 trillion over 10 years.

President Trump highlighted his plan to rebuild the nation's "crumbling" infrastructure in his State of the Union address on Tuesday, unveiling his intentions to push Congress to approve a $1.5 trillion plan. About 54,259 of the 612,677 bridges in the U.S. are "structurally deficient," with Americans crossing these deficient bridges 174 million times a day. American Society of Civil Engineers estimate $2 trillion over the next 10 years needs to be invested to keep American infrastructure from falling apart.

Republican chairman of a congressional committee Trey Gowdy to retire from Congress; 9th GOP chairman to call it quits. Gowdy became the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee last June after Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, decided to resign from Congress.

These are the eight GOP chairmen that are retiring:

    Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas -- House Financial Services Committee
    Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas -- House Science, Space and Technology Committee
    Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Virginia -- House Judiciary Committee
    Rep. Bill Shuster, R-Pennsylvania -- House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
    Rep. Gregg Harper, R-Mississippi -- House Administration Committee
    Rep. Ed Royce, R-California -- House Foreign Affairs Committee
    Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-New Jersey -- House Appropriations Committee
    Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina -- House Oversight and Government Reform Committee



#1032 2018-02-01 20:43:13

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,764

Re: Politics

More companies have recently announced cash payouts to their employees as a function of their tax savings.  After we jump-start the economy, maybe we can move on to fixing our infrastructure.


#1033 2018-02-04 15:43:00

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

The sums of payout has been to management levels and few to the lower employee level to which from the poverty topic its 1 time is little more than more already spent, to which people do not have.

On another note of the border and this has taken mexico quite a while to finally realize that it needs to do there part in boder control as Mexico finds 200 migrants hidden in lorry to which it is about time.

Now if we can keep doing the same on the other state boders that are in Mexico maybe life can begin to get back to something normal.

Changing direction to the national monument reduction ealier this year, greed has taken its turn and Trumps greed has begun to parcial the land out for its mineral, gas, oils ect with claims deeds for poluting the area as the regulations have all but been removed as safe guards....
Lands stripped from Utah monuments open to claims, leases by oil, gas, coal and uranium companies

For anyone interested in the uranium on the lands stripped from the Bears Ears National Monument, all they need to do is stake a few corner posts in the ground, pay a $212 initial fee and send paperwork to the federal government under a law first created in 1872 that harkens back to the days of the Wild West.

They can then keep rights to the hard minerals, including gold and silver, as long as they pay an annual fee of $155.
The price of uranium, which has fallen to about $22 per pound — down from more than $100 in the mid-2000s lands were open to claims for 150 years prior to President Barack Obama creating the national monument in 2016.

So maybe the land will be safe for a little while longer....


#1034 2018-02-06 15:42:36

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,764

Re: Politics


Your claim that bonuses are going primarily to management is simply not true, but you're welcome to believe otherwise.  You probably think that if you're not getting a bonus this year then nobody else is, either.

Incidentally, "the land" doesn't need saving from anyone.  The land is just dirt and rocks.  All of those "environmentally friendly" things like solar panels, batteries, electric cars, and wind turbines are produced with energy and raw materials dug out of the ground.  If we don't get them from America, where we can employ our fellow Americans, then where would you like to get the raw materials from?

Sometimes I think that you've not really thought this stuff through.  If you have, then I'd love to know your logic.


#1035 2018-02-06 18:08:48

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

It’s a myth, in fact, that tax cuts automatically stimulate the economy. Instead of stimulating markets, the tax cuts are scaring them.
Trump tax cuts are looking hollow right now

The tax cuts will also require the Treasury Department to issue a lot of new debt, since there will be less tax revenue coming in. That could push the federal deficit from about $666 billion in 2017 to nearly $1 trillion in 2018.

There are over 3,500 publicly traded corporations in the U.S., with more than 70 major U.S. companies which amount to little more than well-timed PR stunts designed to curry favor with the public and the president. Consider retailers like Walmart, Lowe’s and Home Depot they tied the size of bonuses to tenure. An employee who have been with the company for 20 years or more will receive the $1,000 but results in a $250 bonus, and at Lowe’s, $200 with bonuses at these big retailers ranging from $150 to $200. Travelers, an insurance company, the $1,000 bonus will be distributed to workers who earn $75,000 or less based on annual performance reviews. A survey of 241 companies by Aon Hewitt in December found that 83 percent did not expect the tax cuts to result in any changes in future salary increases.
Less than meets eye: Bonuses, not raises, from U.S. tax cut windfall to which the group with big bonuses are  large not the typical size business needing the tax cut the most for employees.
The new minimum wage increase comes about a year after Walmart hiked hourly pay to at least $10 for most workers and after the tax cuts its now just $11.

American Airlines is handing out $1,000 bonuses to its employees. So are AT&T, Bank of America and Nationwide Insurance. The same for Comcast, JetBlue Airways and US Bancorp.

As for future use of minerals to make things from unused property via claims there is no regulations now to fix the condition once these are raped of the minerals as these are not owned....and if there is any property with buildings on it you lose to the claim as you do not own what is under it.


#1036 2018-02-06 20:57:13

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Weeks of bargaining have left the two parties divided over how to extend protections for such Dreamer immigrants and a court ruling has blunted a March 5 deadline. The retired White House chief of staff John Kelly noted the proposal would expand protection for some 1.8 million immigrants. That group includes both the 690,000 currently shielded and also "the people that some would say were too afraid to sign up, others would say were too lazy to get off their asses, but they didn't sign up," he said.
Trump has always had a hidden goal with immigrants : Trump immigration plan could keep whites in U.S. majority for up to five more years

All told, the proposal could cut off entry for more than 20 million legal immigrants over the next four decades. The change could have profound effects on the size of the U.S. population and its composition, altering projections for economic growth and the age of the nation's workforce, as well as shaping its politics and culture, demographers and immigration experts say.


There are 50 Things You Won’t Believe Are Banned in the U.S. yes laws that are still on the books


#1037 2018-02-06 21:40:37

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,764

Re: Politics


Maybe you believe everything that a company does for its employees is some sort of PR stunt, but my wife actually received a bonus this year, so I certainly don't.  I would call that bitterness or resentment, but for what, specifically, I don't understand.  There are lots of people in this country who make more money than we do / have / ever will, but I don't resent them one bit.

As far as Wal-Mart is concerned, their employees will now make their money tax free and let's do a little math while we're at it.

$11/hr * 40hrs = $440/wk

$440/wk * 50wks/yr = $22,000/yr

$10/hr * 40hrs = $400/wk

$400/wk * 50wks/yr = $20,000/yr

If I was only making $20K to begin with and paying income taxes on top of that, even if it wasn't much, it sure would be nice to get an extra $2K/yr and not pay any taxes on it.  Maybe you can work those numbers, or maybe not, but the reason I've been successful at what I do is that I can and do.  I'd take an extra $2K per year any day of the week, say thank you, and never think twice about it or complain that I didn't get more.  That sort of money would've been enough for me to pay at least 4 months of rent when I was still in college.

After a brief series of manual labor jobs, I started out making $27K after I left the Navy when I was still in college and my salary increase and bonus ($512 and some change after taxes) bumped that up to about $29K during my second year with the company.  It wasn't much, but every little bit helped, and I was paying taxes on what I did make.  There's never been a year in my entire life when I didn't pay taxes.  Anyway, I went from making minimum wage in the Navy to well over $100K/yr in about ten years and my wife did the exact same thing.  There's nothing terribly special about us, either.

As far as the mineral rights go, the land can't be "raped".  The land is not a living thing, it's dirt and rock piled atop more rock.  Please come back to reality.  You're so consumed by your anger over what President Trump and Congress have done for us that you can't see anything but what you don't like.  You also failed to answer the question.  You can't seem to tell me where we're supposed to get the minerals from to make all those solar panels, batteries, and electric cars you like so much.  I promise you that it has to come from somewhere and recycling alone would never be sufficient for all the new production.

Sometimes I think you coast liberals forget where things come from.  The house you live in, the car you drive, the schools you send your children to, all that stuff had to be built by someone and the materials had to come from somewhere and it ain't cheap.  Contrary, to former President Obama's assertion, yes, someone did build that and the materials used came from somewhere and that "somewhere" was probably "here".  The sky didn't open up and rain down labor and materials.  The roads, bridges, buildings, cars, computers, and the rest of modern society didn't simply materialize out of thin air.  There was a past before there was a present and future.


#1038 2018-02-10 20:37:45

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Trump being trolled:



#1039 2018-02-11 18:34:16

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Just because the president wants a wall does not mean that he will get one... The road to building a border wall would be long and difficult, and go through the courts

The U.S.-Mexico border, which is about 2,000 miles, has barriers that block people and vehicles along 653 miles of it with no fencing on about 1,300 miles of the border, but the Rio Grande forms a natural border along several of those miles.

This week the Senate plans an open debate on an immigration bill. Into the mix will be a new idea floated by White House officials: It calls for maintaining legal immigration levels at about 1.1 million a year.

Trump Administration Wants To Decide What Food SNAP Recipients Will Get : The Salt The proposed changes to food stamps, now called SNAP, would be drastic: About half the benefits would be boxed-up, nonperishable foods. Recipients would lose a lot of their ability to pick their food.  The Trump administration is proposing a major shake-up in one of the country's most important "safety net" programs, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as food stamps. Under the proposal, most SNAP recipients would lose much of their ability to choose the food they buy with their SNAP benefits. Under the proposal, which was announced Monday, low-income Americans who receive at least $90 a month — just over 80 percent of all SNAP recipients — would get about half of their benefits in the form of a "USDA Foods package." The package was described in the budget as consisting of "shelf-stable milk, ready to eat cereals, pasta, peanut butter, beans and canned fruit and vegetables." The boxes would not include fresh fruits or vegetables. Currently, SNAP beneficiaries get money loaded onto an EBT card they can use to buy what they want as long as it falls under the guidelines. The administration says the move is a "cost-effective approach" with "no loss in food benefits to participants."


#1040 2018-02-12 18:08:44

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418


#1041 2018-02-13 18:40:53

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

More negative jobs growth as 
JCPenney to close Wauwatosa distribution center, put 670 out of work

Beleaguered gun maker Remington points to bankruptcy court
Remington, one of the world's oldest and best known gun companies, plans to file for Chapter 11 to reduce its debt by about $700 million and add about $145 million in new capital.


#1042 2018-02-16 16:48:33

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,887

Re: Politics

Oh please. Most people know the difference between being allowed to enter a place and not being allowed to leave it. The walls around most buildings (schools and prisons excepted) are there to keep people out, not keep people in.

Or do you actually think people were trying to flee into East Germany, and they built the wall to avoid being overwhelmed?

Use what is abundant and build to last


#1043 2018-02-16 20:31:21

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Whether Trump gets his wall or not, it doesn't fix the real issue as you have a 'no trespassing' sign on one side and a 'help wanted' sign on the on the other side of the wall. The other side of the border has jobs that need to be fulfilled and we have people on the other side of the border that want them. To which if there are jobs on the other side then we will not need to have a border wall at all as none of the Mexican's would be leaving there nation as they would have the same economical job possibility in Mexico.....Its simple make NAFTA work as we would want it keep Mexican's on there side of the border.....problem solved.....


#1044 2018-02-16 21:30:59

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,764

Re: Politics

In conjunction with a border wall, we could use the Active Denial System developed for the US Army with solar / battery powered emitters every 1,000 meters or so.  This is a high frequency microwave system that nobody has been able to withstand for more than a few seconds before they start complying with orders to leave the area.  It also has the ability to target individual people.  By my count, we need approximately 3,600 of these systems to cover the entire border.

Anyone who uses explosives to try to breach our wall is committing an act of war and can be legally shot using armed drones.  Anyone who attempts to tunnel under the wall can be dealt with using penetrators like our bunker buster munitions.  Robotic vehicles can patrol between two walls and use ground penetrating radar to detect tunneling.  Anyone dumb enough to mortar the border wall can be taken out with Predators or Avengers, which can operate at altitudes above what a bunch of illegals would ever see or hear.

Eventually, illegal immigrants and drug smugglers will get the message that the land route is closed and then they'll be forced to use methods that are far more hazardous and less certain to produce the desired result.  Every year illegal immigrants from foreign countries arrive in America by ship, but their numbers are fewer and more typically die en-route than over land.


#1045 2018-03-06 00:45:02

Registered: 2016-11-26
Posts: 2,429

Re: Politics


If finding a single sharp on the floor of a Laundromat bothered you, then please don't ever visit san Francisco, and wade through feces on the sidewalks and needles all over the ground. Ditto in Dallas, TX, or Denver. You are living far from the seriously affected areas--lucky for you! I grew up in Denver--back when it was a clean but smaller city--unsullied by the wretched refuse of their teeming shores.


#1046 2018-03-06 17:37:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

The no response is what bothered more.....since they are there to serve and protect to which they are not doing this little part of the job....they are as bad as border guards.


#1047 2018-03-07 14:22:47

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,764

Re: Politics


USBP can't be ordered by the Executive Branch to move miles away from the actual border and then be expected to do their job of preventing people from illegally entering the United States.  People turned away at the border don't count as "deportations", either.  That is exactly what former President Obama's administration did.  That would be part of why some of us want that border wall.  The next administration to come into office may "decide" that they don't want USBP to do their jobs by ordering many of them away from the border, effectively ordering them to not do their jobs.

The Police are city sanitation workers, after a fashion, but sharp pointy things laying about don't become their responsibility until they're jammed into someone.  I agree with Oldfart1939's assessment of the situation.  If you think finding a single needle is bothersome, then you've obviously never been to cities in California like Los Angeles or San Francisco.  Houston has a similar problem.  It's common to find such things laying about outside in urban areas here, too.  EMS or Department of Health would probably dispose of it, if contacted.


#1048 2018-03-07 20:56:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

The EMS is part of fire departments which are mostly volunteer in nature and only respond to emergencies and call for ambulances.
What is really diapointing in the PD response is the lack of whom should go and take care of it if they are not the one's that would go and do it.

USBP seem to have been using sives rather than nets......catch an throw them back by catipult over the border line....


#1049 2018-03-10 11:24:23

From: USA
Registered: 2017-12-20
Posts: 81

Re: Politics

Senator Elizabeth Warren has (supposedly) agreed to take a DNA test to prove her self-claimed Native American heritage.

Such testing will prove it; my sister took a DNA/ancestry test in October. She kept it a secret and surprised me with the results yesterday. We'd been told a maternal near-relative was Native American...and sure enough, we're 0.4% Native.

It ain't much but it's proven.

If Senator Warren doesn't follow through, she needs to quit with the claims.

Original registration - May 2002

[i]I want that Million Year Picnic on Mars[/i]


#1050 2018-03-10 16:27:25

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: Politics

Terraformer wrote:

Oh please. Most people know the difference between being allowed to enter a place and not being allowed to leave it. The walls around most buildings (schools and prisons excepted) are there to keep people out, not keep people in.

Or do you actually think people were trying to flee into East Germany, and they built the wall to avoid being overwhelmed?

The Berlin Wall was built to keep "east" Germans in.   A Trump wall of both sides of our border could have a dual use.   Keep furinners out and Mericans in.    Or as Trump the self-proclaimed genius would write:  HAPPY HAPPY!  GOODY GOODY! NOT SAD


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