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#951 2018-01-08 04:21:38

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,887

Re: Politics

RobertDyck wrote:

Canada has higher literacy rate than the US. When I lived in Virginia and Miami, I read newspaper articles and heard people go on and on about how bad the public school system is. But I also heard that at least in Virginia, money per student in core areas was the same as wealthy suburbs. Why? I don't have an answer. Canada's public school system isn't better than an American middle-class or wealthy suburb. The difference is that Canadian core area schools may not be as good as those in wealthy neighbourhoods, but the difference isn't nearly as great as in the US. Why?

Are you comparing like with like? America has a large population of African Americans, who unfortunately bring school scores down and crime rates up. How do European Americans compare with European Canadians?

Use what is abundant and build to last


#952 2018-01-08 12:33:23

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

Terraformer wrote:

Are you comparing like with like? America has a large population of African Americans, who unfortunately bring school scores down and crime rates up. How do European Americans compare with European Canadians?

You're not comparing economic situation, you're actually expressing prejudice on race or ethnic background? Not touching that with a 10-foot pole!


#953 2018-01-08 14:01:46

From: USA
Registered: 2017-12-20
Posts: 81

Re: Politics

kbd512 wrote:


Politics has devolved into personal attacks because one side has run out of actual arguments.  If they had any arguments, then they would make their arguments and begin piling on evidence.  Since they never had any arguments to make, other than their party of choice lost and they're upset about that, they've started in with personal attacks.

The liberal news media has nothing of value to share with the American people.  They will say or do anything to get attention now because they want other people to join them in their temper tantrum.  They've no objectivity left nor valuable service to provide.  It's just cheerleading and fit pitching.  I miss the days when our mainstream news media (liberal or conservative) could actually critique the activities of a politician and ask questions that mattered.  I haven't seen that since I was a kid.


The MSM carries on and on as if Trump staged a coup with vast military might and forced himself into the White House.

He won the Electoral College fair and square.

I've been (past tense) shocked at how vitriolic the DNC is because they nominated Hillary instead of Bernie. They'd have this nation thrown into an actual blood-letting civil war over it.

Original registration - May 2002

[i]I want that Million Year Picnic on Mars[/i]


#954 2018-01-09 01:47:52

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

Just saw this on Facebook. Posted by a guy running for the US Senate.


#955 2018-01-10 21:12:04

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Sure make you not want to go to the store... Immigration agents descend on 7-Eleven stores in 17 states

Seven immigration agents filed into a 7-Eleven store before dawn Wednesday, waited for people to go through the checkout line and told arriving customers and a driver delivering beer to wait outside. A federal inspection was underway, they said.

Within 20 minutes, they verified that the cashier had a valid green card and served notice on the owner to produce hiring records in three days.

Then again it does not do much with the unemployment side of the coin either...or for the stores that might now close due to lack of business in the neighborhoods to which they reside in.

Trump says he will not sign immigration deal without wall funding 18 billion seems so small...not....

Congress barrels toward another shutdown crisis Jan. 19 deadline.

They are expected to offer a short-term stopgap measure given the fast-approaching deadline and a failure to lockdown a deal on raising spending ceilings for defense and nondefense.


#956 2018-01-12 16:38:41

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

America's Racist President is making it very clear with each word out of his mouth with the latest being used 'hate-filled, vile and racist' language in immigration meeting talking about immigrants from Haiti and Africa as “shitholes” and asked why America would want to accept more immigrants.

Denial and restatements meant to clarify does not change what was said,

"I cannot believe that in the history of the White House and of that Oval Office, any president has ever spoken the words that I personally heard our president speak yesterday


#957 2018-01-12 17:58:45

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,764

Re: Politics


Real racists, like the evil clowns proclaiming that calling a country a "shithole" constitutes "racism", are proclaiming whatever they wish to proclaim.  The real racists, our very own liberal regressive Democrats (people like the Clintons, who seem to think people who share the same skin color as former President Obama should be serving them their coffee, at least according to Wild Bill), desperately need cheap slave labor and votes based upon promises they never intend to keep, from foreign sources.  These evil little cowards know that native born Americans who have a pair of neurons that are still firing won't support their prejudiced and racist policies of importing foreign slaves to replace native born citizens that they have encouraged to murder their own children.

Why complain about not being able to get a stable job when you keep voting for cretins who want to replace you with a foreigner who is willing to work for less money because it's still more than whatever they made wherever they came from?  You keep shooting yourself in the foot by supporting these clowns and you keep complaining that it hurts.  As a good doctor I know once told me, "STOP DOING THAT!"

Haiti is a "shithole" because the evil little twerps who ran that country into the ground were criminals who put lining their own pockets above the welfare of their own people.  It has nothing to do with their ethnicity or the color of their skin or their religion.  There are white people living in Haiti, too.  Nobody I know of, except for bleeding heart missionaries, irrespective of their ethnicity or skin color, wants to go live in Haiti when they live in the US.  I knew people from Haiti in our Navy.  They had no desire to go back, either.  Their own words they used to describe the country they were born in were a bit more harsh that what our President said.

My bunk mate aboard my first ship was from Nigeria.  He had no desire to go back to Nigeria and wanted to become an American citizen so he could live in America.  He actually did something besides walking across a border to earn that privilege.  People who merely broke our laws by entering illegally earned no such privilege.

Immigration should be merit based.  We don't need more regressive thinkers who wish to regress to "racism everywhere" and "everyone who doesn't look like me is The Devil, Bobby Boucher".  It's stupid.  People who perpetuate this nonsense are evil and stupid.


#958 2018-01-12 18:20:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

This was also report by Republicans so the words came out of his racist mouth...Paul Ryan calls Trump's "sh*thole" comment "very unfortunate" and "unhelpful"
..As for the decimated haiti island being a "shithole" is from the images given at time but to bring a poor nation forward you do not demean them and make these sort of statements.

A country tainted at its founding by slavery and struggling with that legacy ever since is now led by a chief executive who, intentionally or not, has fanned, rather than doused, the fires that divide white, black and brown.

I applaud the Nigeria shipmate for not only wanting to become american but also for his service. As for the Dreamers that still are of age and able bodied put them into some sort of service as a requiremnt is a good thing to do as well.

As for the clowns shooting, raping,ect.. I do not care where or when they came to america, what race they are or national, lock them up and take care of the problem....

Oh Trump lawyer arranged hush money payment to porn star - report just another clown.....$130,000 payment to silence an alleged sexual encounter. Well you do not pay out money for not doing the crime......


#959 2018-01-12 18:35:48

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Negative jobs growth continues as Walmart is reportedly planning to cut over 1,000 corporate jobs

The report said the retailer is planning to remove about 3,500 store co-managers and adding 1,700 assistant store managers. The latter is a slightly lower-paid role. Walmart, like many retailers, is attempting to reorient itself to a new retail landscape in which store footprints are out of sync of shoppers. It is also battling e-commerce giant Amazon, whose advanced investment in technology helps it leapfrog traditional stores' profit margins.

63 Sam's Clubs close, how to get a membership refund

Walmart said Thursday that it's raising starting wages for hourly employees to $11 and Walmart touts $1,000 employee bonuses, but there's a catch is only those who have worked for Walmart for 20 years or more.


#960 2018-01-14 18:54:20

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

The American people do not want $18 billion to fund the border wall expansion project as Sanders said: ‘I am not sure why' Trump is pushing for a wall Mexico won’t pay for. The president has demanded that funding for the wall, one of his key campaign promises, be included in a deal to provide a fix for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. What the American people do want, is to provide legal protection to 800,000 Dreamers and a path toward citizenship for them.


#961 2018-01-14 20:22:06

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,643

Re: Politics

Actually speak for yourself.  I am the "American People".  Mercy is something we just might offer, it is not something that you can grant on my behalf.  Quit stealing from me.

End smile


#962 2018-01-14 20:59:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

They steal nothing from you that a lazy american does not already stealing from all americans....
Well look at it another way when we allienate and deport what we create is hate towards americans to which what would happen if these all became the next Isis in your back yard bombing and doing more than learning to be a better peoples. Instead you need to have them teach them to teach there own people to all be better such that they stop coming.

American population 323.95 million (2016)
Illegals in America  11.7 million


#963 2018-01-14 21:08:21

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,643

Re: Politics


They steal nothing from you that a lazy american does not already stealing from all americans....

Well, thanks for calling me lazy.  And yet I come here and try to make things better.  Struggle, endure shame, and yet you dare to judge me?  So what about you?

By the way, I will give you an easy pass, even though I expect you will violate it.

I understand I think you cannot comprehend. You will comprehend when it comes upon you.

I have always been on the side of the best consequences.  But you run nin-compoops.

I am sorry, but what other description could I apply.  You are on the wrong team.

You know however, don't stress about it.  We will get it figured out I pretty much think

Last edited by Void (2018-01-14 21:19:17)

End smile


#964 2018-01-14 21:30:49

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

I guess you have miss read my sentence as it says that lazy americans are stealing from those that work. A simple commer or semi-colon is all that was missed in its original context....I am sorry that you endure shame as that should not be done.....and I am not judging you


#965 2018-01-15 03:42:19

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,764

Re: Politics

SpaceNut wrote:

This was also report by Republicans so the words came out of his racist mouth.....As for the decimated haiti island being a "shithole" is from the images given at time but to bring a poor nation forward you do not demean them and make these sort of statements.

We've been pouring money into that place for decades.  Is it demeaning when the same words come from the mouths of people who were born and raised there or is it just an accurate description of life for them?  I understand why nobody who comes here wants to go back.  I wouldn't want to go back to that, either.  However, I recognize something that most of them don't.

Quite unlike the previous President who made no attempt to get the facts before commenting on matters he wasn't involved in?  Please.

SpaceNut wrote:

I applaud the Nigeria shipmate for not only wanting to become american but also for his service. As for the Dreamers that still are of age and able bodied put them into some sort of service as a requiremnt is a good thing to do as well.

I don't think that deporting people we've already paid for is good policy, and neither does President Trump, but we can't seem to get Congress to make a deal.  Part of the deal is a border wall to discourage illegal immigration, most of which comes from our southern border.  In a deal, one side gets something they want and the other side gets something they want.  Deals are not one-sided.

If Democrats in Congress more worried about scoring brownie points with people who hate President Trump than they are with getting something for people who might vote for them, then this is exactly "why Trump".  Why do you keep voting for those dimwits?

SpaceNut wrote:

As for the clowns shooting, raping,ect.. I do not care where or when they came to america, what race they are or national, lock them up and take care of the problem....

We can't let the Police do their jobs, because that would be "racist".  If we don't let foreign criminals come here to begin with by enforcing our borders, then Americans don't have to pay to try / convict / incarcerate violent illegal immigrant felons.  The border wall between the US and Mexico is part of our law enforcement effort.  Illegal immigrants can still come here in an aircraft, ship, truck, or through a tunnel, but it's a lot harder to do since we now have electronic sensors that can detect that sort of activity.

Which Americans want illegal aliens to come here and obtain benefits denied to people who were born here or fought for us?  Certainly not I.

Walking over our borders doesn't make anyone a US citizen.  It doesn't make anyone who walks over the Mexican or Canadian borders a Mexican or Canadian citizen, either.  To suggest otherwise is to suspend reality.

Americans who cross into Mexico or Canada illegally are put in jail and/or deported.  That's exactly what should happen to anyone who comes to America illegally.  I don't care who they are, where they came from, or what they look like.  It's not racism, classism, or xenophobia.  It's following the laws of the land.  The law of the land says you don't get to come and go as you please without obtaining permission from the host country.  Those laws exist in nearly every country in the world for the security of the people who live there and those who come to visit.

Every sovereign nation has borders and immigration laws.  Enforcement of our immigration laws is not prejudicial to any given person or group of people.  INS will deport anyone they believe is here illegally, irrespective of ethnicity or national origin, especially if they've broken other laws after they come here.


#966 2018-01-15 04:45:47

Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,262

Re: Politics

If Trump wants to look at some moons, he should reinstate his trip to London. I'm sure he would see more moons at less cost than alternatives. Unfriendly and incorrect comments leave a nasty taste.


#967 2018-01-15 12:30:32

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,643

Re: Politics

Looks like we are going to have to have some conversation Spacenut.


SpaceNut wrote:
A country tainted at its founding by slavery and struggling with that legacy ever since is now led by a chief executive who, intentionally or not, has fanned, rather than doused, the fires that divide white, black and brown.

Leave Trump out of it.

I want to talk about your assertion that we bear shame for the existence of slavery.

On the contrary, we should have honor for helping the world to try to end it.

It is also not my fault that organized crime exists on the North American Continent.  But it does, and I didn't make it happen.  I am not going to take the blame for it.

Now I have explained the history of slavery before, but apparently we have to go to a remedial class.

Ok, obviously there was slavery in old empires.  I do believe that the Romans had slaves in the mining industry, and if there was a slave rebellion, they would simply kill everyone and get new slaves.

So, I would not be happy to take lectures from Romans or Roman wanna-bees.  Hmmm... Who could that be?

Sugar cane farming is the beginning of colonial slavery.

It first existed among the really Old world peoples.  Say Arabs, maybe Turks.  Not sure about the Turks.

We still have to devote efforts to give these idiots spankings for mistreating the unfortunate.  Even to this day some of them keep trying to restart the slave trade.  And indeed there are real people who are kept as slaves on this planet right now.

Cyprus is the start of European involvement in sugar cane slavery.

A group of French, English, Italian, and Greek investors felt they could make money growing sugar cane on Cyprus.

Guess where they wanted to get their slaves from?  The Ukraine.  Have you ever noticed the similarity of the ethnic classification Slav with the word Slave?

Well the Turks for whatever their reasons would not allow them to get Ukrainian slaves, so they turned to the Arabs, who had black African slaves.

So, just like an organized crime syndicate that can make money people trafficking and on the exploitation of the weak, it spread like a filthy disease.  Yes our country was tainted, infected. 

But I won't take shame for it.

I did not do it, and as far as I can see my ancestors did not.

In fact many people of that age suffered due to it even if they were not slaves.  Plantations deprived common people of the opportunity to get farm land.

A common practice of that day also was to hire some desperate person such as the Irish, to do the brutal work, since black slaves were property and they did not want to damage their property.

So the common person driven to do the brutal work, having damaged their back for instance would just be allowed to go off and suffer with an injury which most likely would cause them to live a short helpless sick life leading to an early death.

My country and many other countries got rid of slavery with a vast cost of blood.

I am not ashamed.

Last edited by Void (2018-01-15 12:57:56)

End smile


#968 2018-01-15 15:07:00

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,764

Re: Politics

My ancestors came to America after slavery was over and done with.  They came when their own countries suffered from drought, disease, and starvation.  They worked the land with their own hands, somehow managed to survive their trials and tribulations, and their children reaped the benefits of their toil even if they never did.  Why should I be ashamed of the actions of a few people neither I nor my ancestors ever had any interactions with?  It's stupid.

My ancestors on both sides of my family, through multiple generations, have fought for our country.  I served in the US Navy.  I am grateful for that privilege and it's what lead to all later success in life.  I was incredibly fortunate not to be injured or killed.  Some of my relatives were not so fortunate, but they persevered as best they could.  I had lots of ideas and little discipline before I was permitted to serve in our military.  It was a true blessing and an honor.  Much like my college education, it was like winning a golden lottery ticket.  I'm dumbfounded by how much opportunity we have here, if only we're willing to do the work to take it.  It simply doesn't exist elsewhere in the world.  After multiple visits to other countries, as good and sometimes not-so-good as those experiences were, I can't imagine ever wanting to live anywhere else.

We're a country founded on a lot of great ideas, imperfectly implemented by imperfect people.  The key to our success is that we never quit trying to make things better.  And yes, we're going to fail along the way.  Ending slavery was part of that, as was desegregation.  It took a long time to change beliefs and attitudes, but I do not believe there is any sort of institutional racism in America.  If you try to find an exception, you can probably do it.  Exceptions don't disprove the rule.  If we get knocked down 99 times, then we only have to get up 100 times to succeed.  A fearless and unabashed pursuit of excellence is what Americans should strive for.  I don't want to just be good at what I do.  I want to be so excellent that there's very little comparison between my work and the work of anyone else.  Maybe I'll succeed and maybe I won't, but I'll never quit trying.


#969 2018-01-15 18:47:55

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,643

Re: Politics

And that is a vastly more wonderful story than mine, although I get by OK.

SpaceNut.  I wish you all the possible best.  Until next time.  I just wanted you to try to have an additional perspective.  There are lots of experiences going on here on Earth, and the popular media, is really misleading you I think about who the players are, what their objectives are, and what is moral.

Truly please find happiness.

End smile


#970 2018-01-16 23:05:23

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Nearly all members of National Park Service advisory panel resign in frustration

Three-quarters, those resignation of nine out of 12...

"This discourteous and disrespectful treatment of the board is inexcusable and, unfortunately, consistent with a decidedly anti-park pattern demonstrated by Secretary Zinke's department," coalition chair Phil Francis said. "We keep waiting for a pro-park agenda to emerge, but we are now convinced we are waiting in vain."

Puerto Rico knows what it’s like when Trump treats you like a ‘s**thole’

Over a million Puerto Ricans still lack electrical power a stunning four months after Hurricane Maria made landfall. Trump administration’s botched effort to rebuild Puerto Rico’s grid — on which they have made no progress whatsoever in the past seven weeks. The degree of incompetence on display is staggering. Remember an oblivious Trump visiting the island early on and literally saying, “Flashlights!

Shocking chart shows how badly Trump botched the effort to restore Puerto Rico’s power


Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress like “second-class citizens,” which treats the island of 3.5 million American citizens as if it were a foreign country and could devastate the island’s economy with another 5.3 million Puerto Ricans in the United States.



#971 2018-01-17 21:52:00

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Trump to Announce Carrier Plant Will Keep Jobs in U.S ...Carrier plant layoffs: Worker thought Trump would save her job. She was wrong.
At factory Trump highlighted, disappointment at lost jobs, Duane Oreskovic is disappointed in Donald Trump. In 2016, he voted for the brash businessman in the hopes that the take-no-prisoners Republican would save his job at a Carrier furnace-making.

The tax overhaul was another of those that got people hoping for higher wagesSurvey: Few big companies planning wage hikes after GOP tax plan to determine which would boost worker pay, provide bonuses or increase domestic investment in direct response to Trump-backed tax reform.

Out of the 100 companies, just 9 responded affirmatively, saying they would use the money saved from corporate tax cuts to increase worker pay or invest in charitable causes.

Twenty-one firms responded with no comment, while the same number responded with generic statements that did not commit to specific details on worker pay or domestic investment.

The nine companies committed to boosting worker pay included: AT&T, Walmart, Wells Fargo, Comcast, Boeing, Bank of America, PNC Financial, and U.S. Bancorp.

Of those companies, just two, Walmart and Wells Fargo, pledged to raise pay for some workers permanently. The rest, with the exception of Boeing, committed to one-time bonuses of $1,000.


#972 2018-01-18 13:44:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Many posts ago the deportations that Trump was targetting were to be the bad homby as by his own mouth but we found that to not be true as they were stories of those that had children were caught up in the ICE raids....
To which Maribel Trujillo Diaz deported back to Mexico a mother of four who'd been living in Fairfield, Ohio was carried out a while ago deported in April..  Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican, spoke out against her deportation, insisting “we have enough broken families in the country.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. 6th Circuit Court (district covers Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee) of Appeals ruled that the federal Board of Immigration Appeals should not have rejected the motion to stop Maribel Trujillo-Diaz's removal.
Righting a wrong the Trump judicial appointee rules in favor of deported Mexican mother of four


#973 2018-01-18 15:24:24

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,764

Re: Politics


Believe it or not, walking over the border without permission of the host country is a crime in the US, Canada, and Mexico.  Even Rob Dyck should be onboard with this one since he wants the US to be more like Canada.  Our laws are not to be considered by foreigners only when they feel like following our laws.  That woman knew what she did was wrong, she did it anyway, and now she's dealing with the consequences.  Boo hoo.  Poor woman.  Cry me a river.  If you think you'll be treated differently elsewhere, then try what she tried in Canada or Mexico to figure out just how wrong you are.

The only thing that's "broken" is enforcement of illegal immigration.  Walking across a border and popping a squat to pop out a kid doesn't make you a citizen.  Your fantasy world where you can go wherever you want, whenever you want, and do anything you want doesn't exist.  Civilized societies have rules for behavior that benefit everyone in the society, although not necessarily people who aren't considered members of that society.  Consequences for bad behavior is what you're really complaining about.

Puerto Rico is undeniably burdened more by the people who live there that directly govern them than any decisions made by the White House.  Democrats literally can't manage money to save their lives.  They make every possible stupid decision with their money and then want other people to save them from their poor decisions.  It's not always possible.  People need to fail to learn from their poor decisions.  In extreme cases, natural selection needs to take its course.


#974 2018-01-18 15:29:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Continuing in what can only be called racism just Days After 'Shithole' Controversy, Trump administration bars Haitians from U.S. visas for low-skilled work (H-2A and H-2B visas) from lists of more than 80 countries for seasonal workers in agriculture and other industries.... Gee must be a hugh rush on all the 711 store employment oportunities.... … work-in-us

November, the Trump administration made the decision to revoke Temporary Protected Status for nearly 60,000 Haitians, giving them 18 months to either leave the country or find another way to stay in the U.S. legally … sas-2018-1

more claims of overstaying visa's to blame....


#975 2018-01-18 16:09:08

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Trump Transparancy should not be a problem but it would seem that its going the other way as One year after Trump's inauguration, no one will say how they spent the extra money

Nearly a year after President Trump’s inauguration, the committee that raised a record $106.7 million for the event has not disclosed how much surplus money it still has or provided a final accounting of its finances.


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