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#526 2017-03-07 20:07:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Remember when Trump indicated that he knew more about ISIS than did the generals, well that is because Trump Hotel in Azerbaijan is Linked To MAJOR Terror Organization.

So let the witch hunt begin for more Russian and now ISIS.....

WikiLeaks publishes CIA trove alleging wide scale hacking

Maybe they can find the connection to Trump.....To obtain such a warrant — known as a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Act order, or FISA — the FBI, NSA or CIA would have to prove to a judge that the target of the surveillance was either “an agent of a foreign power, or involved in criminal activity.”

Ex-CIA director on Trump’s possible ties to Russia: ‘There’s a lot of smoke’

Ex-British spy who compiled unproven Trump dossier surfaces

Donald Trump Met Russian Ambassador During The Campaign, Despite Repeated Denials Trump had at least some interaction with Kislyak on April 27, right in the midst of campaign season.

Trump campaign gave Page permission for Moscow trip for his controversial speech in Moscow in July 2016

Here is the Obamacare replacement House GOP health bill adds up to big tax cut for the rich
Low- and moderate-income families would lose their subsidies to buy health insurance in state and federal marketplaces. The subsidies would be replaced by tax credits to help them buy insurance.

So will it be Obamacare replacement bill appears dead on arrival

Even with the rewrite of the ban is still full speed ahead with Deportation causes Single Dad of 3 Deported to Mexico: 'He's Not a Drug Dealer and He's Not a Murderer' Leaving his young children to care for themselves. His 23-year-old daughter, Yennifer Sanchez, said she is now left to care for her two younger siblings, 14 and 17 years old. The family says he arrived in the U.S. about 19 years ago.

State of Hawaii to challenge new Trump order in court -court document


#527 2017-03-07 22:11:32

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

The Low-Income Families Would Have To Give Up A Lot More Than iPhones To Pay For Health Care Health care is expensive. So are food, housing and transportation.

Under the current health care law, a standard health plan for a 40-year-old nonsmoker costs around $4,400 a year without financial help, or $2,485 if they qualify for aid.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average household earning between $15,000 and $29,999 a year spends $30,974 annually ― which means they are already spending more than they are earning.

Households earning between $15,000 and $29,999 spent an average of $6,840 on rent or mortgage payments in 2015, according to the BLS data. Utilities and other housing-related costs drive expenses even higher. The average household in that income bracket spent $2,953 on utilities in 2015,

Americans at all income levels spent an average of $10,742 annually on housing. Depending on where one lives, housing costs can be much, much higher. In California, for example, median rent as of January was $2,400 a month, or $28,800 annually. And energy costs can vary greatly by location, topping $150 a month in states like Connecticut and Hawaii, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

On average, Americans spend about 30 percent of their annual household income on housing and related expenses.

What does it cost for transportation:

According to an Experian report released in 2015, the average monthly payment for a new car was $483 a month, or $5,796 annually; owners of used cars paid $361 a month, or $4,332 annually. Leased cars, meanwhile, cost on average $394 a month, or $4,728 annually. (These figures are the average of all income levels, not just low-income households.)

On top of that, households earning below $30,000 spent an average of $1,291 on gas and oil in 2015.

When adding on insurance, maintenance, tires, registration and other costs, the average total cost of car ownership in 2015 rose to $8,698 a year, according to a study from AAA.

But you still need to eat:

Food and groceries

Households earning between $15,000 and $29,999 spent an average of $4,394 on food in 2015. More than half of that was spent on groceries consumed at home.

Households in that income bracket also spent $995 on clothing and shoes.

So as long as you stay healthy and can afford to pay for the healthcare premium you will feel like you are working for nothing as you will have no extra cash for even a coffee at a local market..


#528 2017-03-07 22:45:47

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Politics


How exactly is President Trump connected to terrorists through a hotel he built, or tried to build, in Azerbaijan?  Is there any evidence or just a lot of accusations from anonymous sources and innuendo from political partisans?

I don't have a crystal ball, but I have a small prediction to make.  We'll all be dead before there's any evidence to support the accusations.

There also seems to be some attempt by the Democrats to relive the stupidity of McCarthyism.  What better paper dragon for Dem Quixote to chase around on his donkey than those evil Russians?  We can still elect Hillary in four years to sell them some more Uranium.

It's obvious to me that since the people thumbed their noses at the Democrat Party, the Democrat media has doubled down on the same tactics that led to the defeat of the Democrat candidate for President.  I'm hoping that they keep after it.  The more stuff the media lies about or mis-represents and the more obvious they make their political partisanship, the better.  If they can't stand four years of President Trump, then let's give 'em eight years of President Trump.


#529 2017-03-08 07:37:52

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

Terraformer wrote:

Shards. America's managed to get back to WWII levels of debt without actually having a world war.

I wouldn't say we need energy prices to remain as low as they have been in order to have a space travel future, though. It all depends on how committed we are. It might come down to a choice between keeping our cars, and taking the train to free up resources for rockets...

I don't think a future marked by massive inequality is going to be a bad thing for space travel, either, at least not with the current crop of billionaires.

I have no problem with billionaires traveling in space, and unlike politicians, they don't like to waste money, that is how most of them got to be billionaires in the first place! NASA don't mind wasting other people's money, they were happy to launch the shuttle for 30 years, it was expensive, but it wasn't their expense, as a fraction of the Federal budget, the cost of launching the Shuttle was small. For politicians who weren't interested in space, NASA's budget was a small item, the idea that the Shuttle was reused was sufficient justification to keep on funding it. During this time, we could have funded the Apollo Program for just a little extra per mission, the Federal Government could have easily afforded it, and at least then, we could have had a couple missions to the Moon a year.


#530 2017-03-08 07:45:42

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

kbd512 wrote:


How exactly is President Trump connected to terrorists through a hotel he built, or tried to build, in Azerbaijan?  Is there any evidence or just a lot of accusations from anonymous sources and innuendo from political partisans?

I don't have a crystal ball, but I have a small prediction to make.  We'll all be dead before there's any evidence to support the accusations.

There also seems to be some attempt by the Democrats to relive the stupidity of McCarthyism.  What better paper dragon for Dem Quixote to chase around on his donkey than those evil Russians?  We can still elect Hillary in four years to sell them some more Uranium.

It's obvious to me that since the people thumbed their noses at the Democrat Party, the Democrat media has doubled down on the same tactics that led to the defeat of the Democrat candidate for President.  I'm hoping that they keep after it.  The more stuff the media lies about or mis-represents and the more obvious they make their political partisanship, the better.  If they can't stand four years of President Trump, then let's give 'em eight years of President Trump.

You know, why doesn't Trump talk to the President of Fox News? Maybe he could arrange for them to receive a broadcast license, so Fox News can go over the airwaves instead of one needing a cable or a direct satellite subscription to receive Fox News. You see left wing propaganda is free, but you have to pay for Fox News! Fox News has plenty of commercials, why can't they be funded entirely by the commercial slots they sell? It always disturbed me that whenever I go to an airport there is CNN but no Fox News. A foreigner would land at a US airport and immediately be confronted with a television screen displaying CNN and its rants against the President of the United States, do we really need to be showing foreigners this? I bet if I landed in Moscow, there wouldn't be RNN bashing Putin! The Conservative Media needs greater penetration to balance out the lefty libs on the airwaves, maybe with the Republicans in charge of all three branches of government, we can arrange to make this happen.


#531 2017-03-08 08:37:35

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,886

Re: Politics

Tom, I don't think NASA actually wanted to keep flying Shuttle, so much as they were required by Congress to keep flying it...

Use what is abundant and build to last


#532 2017-03-08 22:56:04

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

Terraformer wrote:

Tom, I don't think NASA actually wanted to keep flying Shuttle, so much as they were required by Congress to keep flying it...

the Shuttle made the waste less obvious to taxpayers, instead of seeing a giant rocket getting discarded with each mission, like we had with the Saturn V, the same four shuttles got reused, they had names. Congress was happy to spend the money creating jobs for their districts without calling too much attention to the waste caused by all those expended rocket boosters they were building. the Shuttle looked a little like an airliner, and offered the promise of cheap everyday access to space, but it was an illusion. Congress operates on illusions, there was for instance the War on Poverty, that Johnson declared, then thing was that no matter how much we spent, the poverty rate did not go down, but instead of people calling attention to the fact that it was not working, they just used the lack of progress to be a excuse to spend more money. The Shuttle was mush like this, it was a sop to space enthusiasts, the cost was initially kept under raps, NASA launched some commercial satellites at artificially low rates, out of the cargo bay of the shuttle. This went until the Challenger disaster.


#533 2017-03-08 22:57:45

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

SpaceNut wrote:


bill will increase insurance costs by an average of $1,542  per year. In 2020, when the Republican tax credits go into effect, Vox estimates that the costs will increase by $2,409 per year. premium increases are particularly bad for older individuals between the ages 55 and 64. Their costs would be $5,269 if the bill was in effect today. The costs are worse in 2020, when the tax credits go into effect to supposedly help with insurance costs. By then, older Americans will end up paying $6,971 more per year for health insurance. People with incomes below the poverty line would see their costs rise by $2,945 today, and $4,061 in 2020.

Trump Russia Censor Media

The claim comes from former National Security Agency (NSA) analyst John Schindler. Schindler sent out a tweet on Tuesday that claimed the Trump administration is working to target the US press.

According to Schindler, Russian intelligence has teamed up with the White House help target US journalists. He bases his claim off of anonymous but reliable sources from the US intelligence community.

The Trump team has made no secret of the fact that they hate the media. White House Chief strategist Steve Bannon and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson have both expressed their disdain for the mainstream press.

Russia’s alleged involvement in Trump’s efforts to fight the press takes this to a whole new level. If it really is true that Russian intelligence is working with Trump to target reporters, then it’s certainly treason.

Talk about stupid Trump admin weighing cuts to Coast Guard, TSA to fund border wall,Transportation Security Administration, Secret Service and FEMA -- including cuts to several notable national security and emergency response initiatives -- to help fund the president’s border wall and deportation efforts.

The cuts to the Coast Guard would “stand in dramatic contrast to the President’s stated goals of securing our border and reducing the flow of illegal drugs. These cuts would “reduce our readiness and effectiveness in preventing potential attacks and responding to disasters.”

Hearing Into Trump’s Russian Ties SCHEDULED, Less Than TWO Weeks Away and just like in the election Trump was saying that he would not accept a Hillary win, Sean Spicer Says Donald Trump WILL NOT Accept Wiretap Investigation Results....

At least he's looking for cuts!


#534 2017-03-11 08:14:25

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

SpaceNut wrote:

Roger Stone, President Trump's former campaign advisor, on Friday admitted to having private conversations with a hacker who helped leak information from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) during last year's campaign.

Where has he been hiding for the past eight years? I guess the news media is once again reporting on homeless people after an eight year hiatus during the Obama Administration, when they were ignored. Well not quite Mayor Diblasio was fighting for their right to sleep on park benches an urinate on he streets!


#535 2017-03-11 13:41:11

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

I haven't followed recent discussions in this thread. However, I have a question.

The movie "Passengers" was a fictional account of a colony ship sent to establish a new colony on a planet orbiting another star. The ship travelled at 1/2 the speed of light so passengers were in hibernation during the trip. Without getting into too much detail about the movie, at one point the main characters talked about why. The speaker pointed out the corporation earned 8 Quadrillion dollars from the first extra-solar planet they colonized. That's 8 million billions! And asked why you would be willing to do it? You have to pay for your ticket, plus anything you purchase while on the ship such as restaurant meals, and once you arrive you have to pay the corporation 20% of your income for the rest of your life. My reaction was: "Wait a minute! We currently pay more than that in income tax. Between federal and state income tax, or in Canada federal and provincial, it adds up to a lot more than 20%."

So why do you put up with income tax? Before 1913, America did not have any income tax at all. Before 1917 Canada did not have any income tax at all. Canada has a premium for Employment Insurance, and another premium for Canada Pension Plan. America has those two mushed together in a mess called "Social Security", with one premium to pay for it. Both countries have school tax as part of your property tax. Most Canadian provinces have a health insurance premium. In 1966 the province of Manitoba replaced our health insurance premium with a provincial sales tax. We didn't have provincial sales tax at all before that. Politicians at the time made a promise that 100% of that would go to healthcare, but for the last hike to provincial sales tax they didn't even pretend that any of it went to healthcare. But these pay for specific things. Why income tax?

Canada has had federal sales tax since before Confederation. That means before Canada was a country, when it was still just a colony of Britain. Basically, Canada has had federal sales tax since the Boston Tea Party. That paid for Canada's federal government. But why income tax?

I read a letter from the Canadian finance minister who created income tax. In that letter he begged future finance ministers to get rid of it. The act that created federal income tax in Canada was called the "Temporary War Income Tax Act". I like to point out the acronym spells "TWIT Act"! It was supposed to be temporary for World War 1 only. Not World War 2, just World War 1! Canada had a massive debt after World War 1. Canada's forefathers completely paid off that debt, but unfortunately only did so as World War 2 was starting. That is Canada paid off its debt during the 1920s and 1930s, completely retiring the debt in 1939. Then we had another World War. But after World War 2, no politician even tried to pay down the debt until Paul Martin in 1994. He became Prime Minister from November 2003 through January 2006. Unfortunately the other major party got elected in 2006, and immediately increased spending, increased the debt to its previous all-time high, and the debt has increased every day since.

So why do you put up with it? Why do you let politicians get away with charging you income tax?

Last edited by RobertDyck (2017-03-11 22:26:51)


#536 2017-03-11 19:46:12

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

Income tax is actually fairer than sales tax. When you run a business, your sales amount isn't your income. you income is your profit margin. Now when your competitors lower their prices, you have to lower your to compete with them, your profit margin goes down so you can hold onto your profit share, but your sales tax stays the same! What happens if your sales tax exceeds your profit margin on the sales you make? Your business goes out of business, it is no longer around to tax next year because the government put it out of business this year, this is what happened to a business I used to own. If it was a tax on my company's profits, I would have stayed in business, but it was a tax on my sales instead, so I'm out of business! Consequently I have paid no business taxes ever since!


#537 2017-03-11 22:48:18

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

Tom Kalbfus wrote:

Income tax is actually fairer than sales tax. When you run a business, your sales amount isn't your income. you income is your profit margin. Now when your competitors lower their prices, you have to lower your to compete with them, your profit margin goes down so you can hold onto your profit share, but your sales tax stays the same! What happens if your sales tax exceeds your profit margin on the sales you make? Your business goes out of business, it is no longer around to tax next year because the government put it out of business this year, this is what happened to a business I used to own. If it was a tax on my company's profits, I would have stayed in business, but it was a tax on my sales instead, so I'm out of business! Consequently I have paid no business taxes ever since!

All businesses pay sales tax. You're supposed to charge your customers sales tax, it isn't included in your sticker price. Would you be willing to charge your customers 7% federal sales tax, knowing your competitors are required to do the same? Plus whatever state sales tax your state required. But that means no personal income tax (federal or state) and no corporate income tax (federal or state).


#538 2017-03-12 08:11:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Then you again you also have the luxury tax, the property tax, gift tax, tax on early use of your 401k, room an meal tax in some states...... Seems like state including city /towns, non resident taxation and federal have their hands in you pocket for your wallet.


#539 2017-03-12 09:48:53

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

In Canada we have municipal property tax, paid to the city. We also have school tax, collected by the city with your property tax but goes to the school division. The school board sets school tax rate. We don't have luxury tax, don't know what that is or how it works. We don't have gift tax, and again don't know how that works. But there is estate tax when someone dies. And Canada has something called "Registered Retirement Savings Plan" (RRSP), which appears to be similar to 401k. When you invest in an RRSP, that money is deducted from your taxable income, so you don't pay income tax on it. If you withdraw any money before you're 65 years old, then that is added to your taxable income, so you pay income tax on it then. If you withdraw it after you're 65, then there is no income tax. There is a limit to how much you're allowed to invest in an RRSP. You can invest as much as you want, but the limit is how much is deducted from your taxable income. And I'm not sure but I suspect there's a limit to how quickly you can pull it out when your retired. So again, similar to 401k. There are other taxes, and I could go on and on about "license" fees.

Canada and the US used to be the libertarian paradise: no income tax, no luxury tax, no gift tax, most taxes just didn't exist. And very few regulations. Today it's gotten worse than Europe was at the time America declared independence in 1776. I disagree with much of what Donald Trump says, but he's president like it or not, so let's try to find the good things. One very good thing is he demanded reduction of regulation in the United States. He said for every new regulation created, 2 existing regulations must be removed. Great! Good job! Now let's see that happen.

Last edited by RobertDyck (2017-03-12 21:08:31)


#540 2017-03-12 17:08:16

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Again today 2 of my son's were only a 1/4 mile appart an bore witness to crimes that were racial in nature. White man assaulting with soda shout at white woman who was with husband a black man that she was a traitor ect.. inside a Mc Donalds where other children were seated. The manager did head off the events via seperating the getlemen as the black man was defender her from this creep. The cops did haul the white dude off.

The other was in a papa gino's when another racially charge event occured. Which occured as a black customer was getting his food at which time another white guy assaulted and cause food to be spilled. Black gentleman was also punch but white dude which was hauled off by the cops as well. Management did replace his food.

Until Trumps election campaign and win, none of this ever happened so there is a direct connection to the lawlessness that is gripping America.

Here is Trumps America In Georgia, reaction to KKK banner is a sign of the times


#541 2017-03-12 18:09:37

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

The Trumpcare just be not so good for Americans as six to 15 million people could lose coverage under the Republican proposal for repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare. "He wants everybody to get care. And that's what we're doing," "That's what we’re trying to fix -- not coverage for people, not coverage they can afford, but care they can afford," but being able to pay the bill for the care is what is a problem also and not just the level of the bill for the insurance. "We think it's going to be even better" than Obamacare because "the truly indigent are still getting care," and people with an income level just above the Medicaid limit will receive refundable tax credits. The bill would remove subsidies for some middle-income people and would administer tax credits at the same level across income brackets. So the credit benefits those that can pay the insurance premium but does nothing for those that can not pay for it. Scheduel A already gives a write off for paying the doctors bill but only above the % required to get a credit....

Since he was against both Trump and Hillary he has nothing to gain by not speaking the truth.
Bernie Sanders calls new health care bill “a tax break for the top 2 percent”

“It is a 275 billion dollar tax break for the top 2 percent,” Sanders told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “Millionaires will get about 50 thousand dollars a year in tax breaks while some 5 to 10 million are going to lose their health insurance. Premiums are going to soar.” The current plan, Sanders insisted, is far from the president’s campaign promise. “This is throwing 5 to 10 million people off of the health insurance they currently have,” he said.

So rather than a pay in system for health insurance and its useage we are going to get instead a higher premium with age versus when we are younger....


#542 2017-03-12 18:14:18

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

After Pledging to Donate Salary, Trump Declines to Release Proof

During the campaign, Trump promised he would take "no salary" if elected — a pledge he reiterated after he won. The Constitution, however, requires that the president receive a salary, and that it not be reduced during his term. Federal law mandates the president receive a $400,000 annual salary, paid out once a month.  Under the law, Trump would receive his first monthly paycheck for $33,333 in February, and another $33,333 on March 20. Salary donations are not the only area where Trump's pledges to donate revenue are lacking transparency. During the transition, Trump also unveiled a plan to "donate all profits from foreign governments' patronage of his hotels and similar businesses" to the Treasury Department.

Do not bet on him showing a tax return proof that he actually did....


#543 2017-03-12 23:23:56

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

SpaceNut wrote:

After Pledging to Donate Salary, Trump Declines to Release Proof

During the campaign, Trump promised he would take "no salary" if elected — a pledge he reiterated after he won. The Constitution, however, requires that the president receive a salary, and that it not be reduced during his term. Federal law mandates the president receive a $400,000 annual salary, paid out once a month.  Under the law, Trump would receive his first monthly paycheck for $33,333 in February, and another $33,333 on March 20. Salary donations are not the only area where Trump's pledges to donate revenue are lacking transparency. During the transition, Trump also unveiled a plan to "donate all profits from foreign governments' patronage of his hotels and similar businesses" to the Treasury Department.

Do not bet on him showing a tax return proof that he actually did....

I don't care what he does with his salary, what he does with the President's salary is no why I voted for him as President. Trump truly does not need it. I'll take his word for it, the issue isn't really important to me. Would you like him to give you a car? His monthly salary could buy you one new car a month!

Last edited by Tom Kalbfus (2017-03-12 23:28:49)


#544 2017-03-15 19:53:33

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Politics


If President Trump doesn't understand the US Constitution, then President Obama and his appointees were utterly clueless.  Apart from Secretary Clinton's inability to understand what the word "classified" means, President Obama's inability to discern where his power began and ended was the primary reason that President Trump was elected.

Is it legal for Congress or the President to force Americans to purchase a product from a corporation?

Prior to the Affordable Care Act, Americans were not obligated to purchase anything from anyone.  SCOTUS said it was legal because it's not a tax, although for some reason the IRS collects the non-tax and calls it a tax.  It's a non-tax tax, whatever the hell that is.  Maybe those liberal judges were just confused about what the definition of "is" is.  I want some anti-Trump liberals will file a lawsuit against the implementation of the American Care Act (Affordable Care Act II) on the grounds that it's unconstitutional.  If the judges rule in their favor, I might die laughing.  Let's hope they do so we can simply return to the way things were before the liberals wanted to spend more of other peoples' money.

Is it legal for the IRS to discriminate against organizations when their political viewpoints differ from those held by the President?

SCOTUS ruled on this long ago.  It's funny that liberals seem to think that our Constitution only applies to them or non-citizens, and even at that, only when they want it to.

Is it legal for a Secretary of State to ignore the laws pertaining to control of classified information?

We were told exactly what would happen to us if any classified information was improperly released, inadvertently or otherwise.  I seem to recall a fairly well known military officer who was prosecuted during President Obama's tenure in office for this very offense.

Is it legal for the President to attempt to implement executive orders pertaining to immigration that are directly counter to existing laws on immigration that were passed by a majority vote from Congress and signed into law by previous Presidents?

SCOTUS said "no" twice.


#545 2017-03-15 21:28:14

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics



#546 2017-03-16 00:26:03

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

SpaceNut wrote:


Do you really want to encourage this? A black man pretends to assassinate President Trump, and John Wilkes Booth actually assassinates President Lincoln for freeing blacks from slavery, both Presidents are Republicans! Such irony! Snoop Dogg wants to play the part of "John Wilkes Booth" to Trump's "Lincoln!"

Last edited by Tom Kalbfus (2017-03-16 00:31:08)


#547 2017-03-16 05:42:37

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,886

Re: Politics

I don't recall there being much laughter at people talking about assassinating Obama. It would be nice if the same courtesy was extended to the current President.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#548 2017-03-16 19:25:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

You are correct in those that comitted the crimes of burning cars and looting stores need to be caught and jailed after prosecution.

The same holds true for the Trump followers that have killed and burned churches as well....

Trump’s $1.1 Trillion Budget Makes Dramatic Cuts to Federal Government

The axe falls heavily on the Environmental Protection Agency, the Agriculture Department and the State Department. Other programs, from medical research to the arts to those benefiting the poor, would also lose a significant chunk — if not all — of their federal funding. The budget reserves $1.5 billion for building a wall on the southern border with Mexico, with $2.6 billion more allocated for the project in the following fiscal year.

Here are the highlights:

—Twelve of the government's 15 Cabinet agencies would be defunded to some extent, with the biggest losers the departments of Agriculture, Labor, State and the Cabinet-level EPA. The EPA's funding would be down 31 percent, or $2.6 billion; Agriculture would be down nearly 21 percent, or $4.7 billion; and the State Department would be down 28 percent, or $10 billion.

—The departments seeing the biggest funding gains would be the Pentagon, up 10 percent with $52 billion allocated for military spending and $2 billion for national defense programs outside the Defense Department; Homeland Security, up 6.8 percent or $2.8 billion, including for the building of the border wall with Mexico; and Veterans Affairs, up 5.9 percent, or $4.4 billion.

—The Health and Human Services Department faces the biggest cut in dollars — 16.2 percent, or $12.6 billion — with funding eliminated for the Fogarty International Center, whose mission is to support global health. But the budget does address the nation's growing opioid addiction epidemic with a proposed $500 million increase to the health department as well as more to the Justice Department.

—Aside from funding for the border wall, Homeland Security would get a $314 million hiring spree for "500 new Border Patrol Agents and 1,000 new Immigration and Customs Enforcement law enforcement personnel in 2018, plus associated support staff." Money would also go toward hiring 75 immigration judges and 20 attorneys who can help procure the land in the Southwest for the border wall, as well as for short-term detention space.

—Federal funding would be eliminated for several programs and services, with proposed savings of $2.7 billion. Those include the National Endowment for the Arts, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, legal aid for the poor and low-income heating assistance.


Republicans dismiss Trump's first budget blueprint

Key takeaways from President Trump's new budget blueprint are Families face reality of possible budget cuts killing programs they use

How would Trump's budget hit UN programs?

The U.S. contributes more to the U.N. budget than any other nation: 22 percent of the regular budget ($5.4 billion) and 28.5 percent of the peacekeeping budget ($8.27 billion).

Trump wants to slash State Department budget by 28 percent, shift money to defense

Under executive order reguation roll back
Other changes to Things to know about Trump's rollback of CAFE fuel-economy standards

The standard for passenger cars stayed at 27.5 mpg from 1990 until 2007. In 2009, the government set a fuel economy standard of 34.1 mpg for cars and light trucks by 2016. In 2012, it set a new target of 54.5 mpg by 2025. The number can change depending on the mix of vehicles customers buy. Right now, it stands at 51.4 mpg because people are buying more SUVs and trucks.

So by relaxing the goal the us will sell more oil which will raise the price at the gas pump.. And it will not sell anymore cars made in America than it currently does.

GOP health care bill advances despite opposition from conservatives from the budget panel, voting 19-17, passed the American Health Care Act, which now heads to the House Rules Committee.


#549 2017-03-16 20:27:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

Trump Budget Cuts to Scientific, Medical Research Would Have ‘Devastating’ Effect: Experts slash nearly $6 billion from the National Institutes of Health, which funds most basic medical research in the country, as well as eliminate entirely dozens of other agencies and programs. It would cut the overall Health and Human Services department budget by 18 percent, including the cuts to the NIH, and reassign money from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to states.

Trump Proposes Cutting Billions to Urban Areas He Vowed to Help $6.2 billion of cuts to the nation's Housing and Urban Development agency, putting the already strapped federal housing authority under even bigger strain.

Trump Promised Job Creation — but His Budget Axes Many Job Creation Programs

Trump budget blueprint raises questions about disaster aid

Remember these Super storms....

More than $3 billion for 9/11 recovery efforts. More than $15 billion to rebuild after Hurricane Sandy. Nearly $20 billion to help victims of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma.
They're huge sums of money -- all approved by Congress, then handed down to states and cities, which use the cash under strict federal rules.

So why this?

President Donald Trump's 2018 budget blueprint, the program that put those dollars into local hands would be zeroed-out, raising questions about how readily the cash would be available when the next disaster strikes

When disaster happens, all eyes turn to FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency to respond with HUD stepping in next with long-term community redevelopment. So no quick help will be coming as it will need to pass through congress...


#550 2017-03-16 21:54:22

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: Politics

For the wall Trump Seizing Land From Texans to Build His Wall, Letters Going Out that order them to either accept a lowball offer for their land, or have it seized by eminent domain.


The Donald Trump administration has been plagued with scandal after scandal in it’s first couple of months, and now it seems like another is brewing, this time with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Hit with Fraud Investigation. “What did the company know about fossil fuels and climate change and when?”  It is likely that Exxon-Mobile knew the environmental damage they were causing for decades and hid it from the public.

Trump Caught in the Middle of Another $400 Million Conflict of Interest Business Deal that Chinese company, Anbang Insurance Group, is investing into a building owned by Kushner’s real estate company, adding to the mountain of other conflicts of interest this Trump has.


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