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Yes the true extremeist totally brainwashed of all ability to think for ones self supposedly by religion....Not so as there were many American and others that went to be part of ISIS which were not muslim or islamic, so stop saying tht all are the same, bad because they are muslim.. as they are saying the same about you as being catholic or christian....
So how do thy brain wash so many over there is by How All-Female ISIS Morality Police ‘Khansaa Brigade’ Terrorized Mosul
So why is it do hard for these people to modernize is that they hae been living in isolation and observing a hardline culture due to keeping what they thought was they way of life that they should be living.
Here’s Why Pakistan Finally Arrested Hafiz Saeed yes they are slow to learn but it sems that they are catching on....
I am sure you are keeping track bt if you are not here is a list of things we do not know of how Trump will hande.
10 questions we don't have answers to:
Will he keep the sanctions against Russia or scrap them?
How will he pay for his border wall, both in the short term and long term?
When will there be an Obamacare replacement plan? And what will it look like?
Will Trump follow through on his call to investigate voter fraud in the 2016 election?
Will Trump's administration halt Barack Obama's DACA program, which gives qualified "Dream Act" kids the ability to stay and work in the country.
Will he support large-scale efforts to reform entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security?
Is he going to follow through on the promise to guarantee six weeks of paid leave and incentives to reduce child-care costs?
Will he pursue his idea to impose term limits on Congress?
Will he push to "open" up libel laws?
And will he move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem?
I forget with all the protests and judges that are squashing his orders that there are other things happening with Scientists Are Now Mad About Trump’s Policies and Taking Action
The Trump administration's strict restrictions on immigration, declarations about climate change, reported overtures to an anti-vaccine activist and a pledge to repeal of the Affordable Care Act have turned some in the medical and science community into militants. They're joining a march on Washington and perhaps other cities April 22 — Earth Day — and banding together to help researchers stranded by Trump's executive order on immigration, offering office space and sometimes even opening their homes.
What eslse would you expect them to do once they are told to be silent about climate ect...
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Although it's great fun to watch adults act like toddlers throwing temper tantrums, this really does need to stop for me to ever take liberals seriously again. I watched multiple videos of grown women rocking back-and-forth on the ground, screaming and crying, when declarations were made that Secretary Clinton lost the general election and also when President Trump was sworn in as our President.
Virtually every critique of President Obama's performance in office was labelled racism or bigotry by the ministry of liberal propaganda. The commentary I've read on various liberal propaganda sites masquerading as journalism clearly illustrates that the label applies equally to an unhealthy number of equally bigoted liberals who are, by their own words, every bit as hateful and spiteful as they claim conservatives are.
As far as immigration is concerned, the US has no legal obligation whatsoever to admit people to this country who have no legal right to be here to begin with. For better or worse, our elected government officials get to decide who comes here and who stays here. Every other sovereign nation on this planet has the same legal standing to enforce their borders and immigration laws. The US has been extraordinarily charitable to immigrants throughout our nation's history and I believe we should continue our long standing tradition of permitting immigrants to come here to seek a better way of life. However, there are some people who should not be permitted to immigrate to the US because they do not come here seeking a better way of life.
It is the duty and responsibility of every government to protect their own citizenry from foreigners who may harm them. President Trump placed a temporary immigration restriction on foreign nationals from certain countries who are coming into the US so that our Immigration and Customs Enforcement can formulate more effective methods for screening immigrants for the express purpose of protecting American citizens from terrorists.
Is it the slightest bit curious to anyone else here that so-called journalists are calling this so-called "ban on muslims" a "death sentence" for LGBTQ community members from those countries? Is it possible that some of the people coming here from those countries don't share our values and would murder their fellow citizens if not restrained by government? Can we stop pretending that all religions are equivalently violent towards non-believers, or even each other, at certain points in time in human history?
All the rest of this hubbub about President Trump is "Rules for Radicals" in action. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. That's the extent of the psychological sophistication of the liberal assault on President Trump.
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I think it's hilarious that the conservatives on this site are bitching and moaning loudly about liberals protesting and misbehaving now that the conservatives have control of the white house and both houses of congress. Apparently, liberals are just supposed to get used to it, and not raise a fuss.
When Obama was president, conservatives spread the most egregious bullshit about Obama during all 8 years he was in the white house, only during 2 of which his party had control of both houses of congress. Trump's birther bullshit, and a whole lot of other crap filled my email. And absolutely nothing got done in the house of representatives during those 6 years, in defiance of their constitutional duties, because they prioritized obstructionism over the good of the people. All that is a matter of public record.
I personally think turnabout is fair play. What I see now is conservatives crying "foul" when what they did is being done to them. HA HA HA. Suck it up, guys! How do you like the shoe being on the other foot?
I am neither a "conservative" nor a "liberal". I am an American.
I think prioritizing party advantage over the good of the people borders on treason. I don't care which party does it. I hate both agendas.
I think giving ISIS new recruiting propaganda really is treason. When the data say the refugees are no threat, our actual threats came from other visas not refugees, then the policy is insane.
I think dismantling instead of reforming the EPA will kill Americans, because the data say dirty air and water really do kill. What good is a job in a coal mine or coal power plant, if the polluted air and water kill you and your family? Whose interest is really being served by that? Killing Americans with pollution is still killing Americans, and that is tantamount to waging war on Americans, and that in turn really is treason, per the definitions in the constitution.
I think there are party agendas that really need to be rethought here. The mid term election is in 2018. The presidential is in 2020. Given the unprecedented chaos and the overt bias toward giant corporations, not the real workers of this country, I think "buyer's remorse" will be a big threat to Trump-the-chaos-bringer, and to the tea party-hijacked GOP.
Cassandra has spoken, and as usual, her message is hated.
Last edited by GW Johnson (2017-02-06 15:24:34)
GW Johnson
McGregor, Texas
"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew, especially one dead from a bad management decision"
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Trump is already committing the same group of sins....he just has not had time to do them all....
SEAL, American Girl Die in First Trump-Era U.S. Military Raid all for Yemen Raid Had Secret Target: Al Qaeda Leader Qassim Al-Rimi
So is his love of Putin Not a Friend, Poisoned Russian Activist's Wife Tells Trump and I do not think our country’s so innocent either....
So who is going to suffer more under trump or clinton Trump Voters Stand to Suffer Most From Obamacare Repeal and a Trade War so yes there are Protests Against Trump’s Policies Erupt for Third Weekend in Cities Large and Small
Conservatives forget history in discrediting Trump protesters
Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.
Kaylon Johnson, an African American campaign worker for Obama, was physically assaulted for wearing an Obama T-shirt in Louisiana following the 2008 election. The three white male attackers shouted “Fuck Obama!” and “Nigger president!” as they broke Johnson’s nose and fractured his eye-socket, requiring surgery.
Here's how America 'peacefully' responded to Obama's first election, Anti-Trump protests gotta end, right?
Remember All the Violent, Anti-Obama Protests by Republicans in 2008 and 2012?
Selling weapons to ISIS and al-Qaeda? only half truth ploy to get Al-qaeda to fight ISIS as ARMS TO AL-QAEDA: U.S. Generals Admit Washington Has Backed Islamic Militants in Syria and both claimed that Arms dealer says Clinton and Obama accidentally gave guns to ISIS, Al Qaeda and Benghazi attackers - then tried to scapegoat him for their screw-up with failed $10m felony case
The obama executive orders to overturn our immigration laws Conservative obstructionism that republicans did why trying to pass actual law for taking care of it. So someone had to do something....
How it was reported Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal private sales of Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. Clinton's dumbness for doing what they thought was right actually was the wrong thing to do....
Edit to denote that this was not an attempt to discredit but to bring news articles to what I did not know anything about as all I ever heard was her emails........
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Don't waste your time. There's nothing coherent about SpaceNut's failure to discredit any of what I stated.
He attempted to equate one man burning an effigy of President Obama on his own property, one report of a black man who was attacked in Louisiana, and a few images of people holding signs expressing their displeasure with President Obama with the looting and rioting that occurred in multiple cities across the US following President Trump's inauguration. False equivalency at its finest.
People waving signs and chanting is a protest. That activity is expressly permitted by our Constitution. I have no problem with liberals or conservatives protesting anything they don't agree with. Conservatives weren't setting cars on fire and looting stores in multiple cities across the US after President Obama was elected to office. I'm quite certain that SpaceNut will now spend every waking hour attempting to locate an article wherein a street criminal claimed to be a conservative who set fire to a car or stole from a liquor store in protest of President Obama's election to office.
I think he also claimed that President Obama was forced to break our immigration laws because conservatives in Congress were trying to make immigration laws, which is supposedly what we pay them to do, but it wasn't very clear.
Apparently our constitutional law professor, President Obama, is confused about the dictionary definition of treason, namely selling weapons to people you're in a declared war with. Laws regarding handling of state secrets and conflicts of interest also seemed to confound Secretary Clinton, another brilliant liberal lawyer, since she thought selling Uranium to Russia while cash from corporations involved in that transaction flowed into her family's slush fund.
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Democrats see a scandal “bigger than Watergate.” Republicans see a Russia-size obstacle to conservative legislation.
What we know - and don't know - about the Trump team's contacts with Russia before the election information has come to light raising questions about the length and depth of the alleged connections.
The communications were reportedly first detected through routine surveillance before the FBI asked the National Security Agency to collect more information. The New York Times first reported this news stating that according to several current and former U.S. officials, several Trump associates inside and outside the campaign -- including former campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- had repeated contact with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before election.
A crush of crises all but buries the young Trump White House
Puzder withdraws nomination to be Trump's labor secretary
Despite Democrats’ Demands, Broad Inquiry on Russia Ties Isn’t Assured
While a handful of leading Republicans on Wednesday acknowledged growing concerns about the Trump team’s connections to Russia, most declined to embrace the kind of wide-scale investigation that their Democratic counterparts are demanding, leaving the minority party with few clear recourses as the controversy escalates.At the same time, Democrats seethed over what they saw as a double standard at the F.B.I. before the election, when the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia first received attention.
Last summer, James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, broke with protocol and tradition when he held a news conference to discuss the agency’s decision not to bring criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for keeping classified information on a private email server. Then, days before the election, he informed Congress — and by extension the public — that the F.B.I. was investigating newly discovered emails related to that case.
Donald Trump's ties to Russia go back 30 years
Carter Page, a former Merrill Lynch investment banker in Moscow, was a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser until August, when Yahoo News reported that U.S. intelligence officials were investigating whether he had been communicating with Russian officials about lifting U.S. sanctions if Trump became president.
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"I would say the mainstream media being in the pockets of the Democratic Party... "
That statement is not true, it's a lie, and a damned egregious one at that. "Everybody knows..." is not proof, it is an internet right-wing lie. I dare you to prove your quoted statement fragment true. Double-dog dare!
You remember what happened on election night, all the mainstream media was predicting a Hillary Clinton Victory, and I knew they were lying and not reporting the truth, they were lying hoping to demoralize the Trump supporters into not voting, and it didn't work! When Trump won, they got mad, and started attacking Donald Trump every way they could hoping that Donald Trump would eventually be impeached. The problem here is the New Media stopped being reporters and became propagandists instead, they hungered for political power, and they wanted to exercise it by telling lies to the people in order to influence their votes so the Media would get the government it wanted.
Here's exactly why whatever you dig up will be another lie:
NBC news has the most overt editorial bias for the Democrats, CBS and to some extent ABC are closer to neutral. YET THE SAME NEWS STORIES PRESENT THE SAME BASIC FACTS WHEN YOU COMPARE.
That is because they are all controlled by the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party tells them what to report and they obey! When was the last time you ever seen the Mainstream press report anything negative about the Democrats? They fawn over Obama and Clinton and attack Trump, that is obvious, they are no more a reliable source of news that the Communist Newspaper Pravda!
I find PBS very close to editorially neutral, with far better coverage in depth, just smaller scope (fewer stories covered). Because it raised questions about the Bush 43 administration that actually needed answering, the GOP has ever since wanted to defund it. Easily understood as political revenge.
How can they be neutral when they are funded by the government?
Fox News has been a propaganda organ for the Republican party since the run-up to the 1991 Gulf War. Both it and CNN still show a strong editorial bias toward the GOP, with Fox the worst of the two. The format lets more editorial bias displace the presented facts, for less total factual content, yet those facts are usually the same as those presented by NBC, CBS, ABC, and PBS.
Not on the planet I live on!
SAME FACTS, from NBC on the left to Fox News on the right! Somehow I don't think anybody anywhere in the world believes Fox News is in the hip pockets of the Democratic Party.
You can present the same facts in different ways, you can ignore some facts and focus on others to achieve a different effect, that is how propaganda is usually done. Most propagandists look for facts that support their positions and ignore other facts which contradict them. For example, CNN is not interested in any scientific data that does not support Global Warming or Climate Change.
A quote some years ago from Fox's founder Rupert Murdoch verified what some thought (and what I still maintain): the editorial bias is for sensationalized crap to entertain and stir-up right-wingers, not for the reporting of objective truth. Which is why those of us who actually care to determine these things usually refer to Fox News as Faux News. Not as bad as Breitbart, but almost.
No news source is ever 100% unbiased, the best we ca do is balance out the left wing news outlets with right wing ones and give the consumers of news a choice, they can look at both sides of the issue and decide on their own, rather than let CNN do their thinking for them!
You object to the media because of their coverage of the Trump administration. You should not object, they are doing exactly the job they are supposed to be doing! Which is pointing out falsehoods, questioning decisions that seem bad to reasonable people, and questioning improper-looking connections and dealings. That has been the intended job of the media since the founding of the Republic.
How do you know they are reporting falsehoods when they have a habit of lying?
They didn't have habit of reporting falsehoods of the Obama Administration, they weren't interested in Jerimiah Wright and Benghazi, they just repeated whatever Obama had to say as if it were gospel. And now they suddenly become critical of Trump in ways they never were about Obama!
They appear to me to be doing an at-least creditable job of doing exactly that. I have never before seen such quantities of lies coming out of an administration, including Nixon/Watergate and LBJ/Vietnam.
It's just too bad for you that them doing their job pisses you off.
Before this is done, the ongoing security leaks of the Trump administration will far surpass those of the Clinton State Department, some would say it already has. And with the too-close connections between the campaign and the Russians, illegalities have already occurred.
Things bordering on treason are yet to be uncovered, but I predict they will be. I just hope and pray the media keeps looking under all the rocks for all the cockroaches and other vermin.
Well Trump did not fire everybody in all Departments when he became President, so there are a lot of leakers from the Obama Administration that are still there!
Last edited by Tom Kalbfus (2017-02-17 01:55:52)
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"I would say the mainstream media being in the pockets of the Democratic Party... "
That statement is not true, it's a lie, and a damned egregious one at that. "Everybody knows..." is not proof, it is an internet right-wing lie. I dare you to prove your quoted statement fragment true. Double-dog dare!
Is your proof of the "internet right-wing lie" regarding claims of media political partisanship an internet post wherein you also claim that certain media groups are biased towards certain political parties in the very next sentence?
Here's exactly why whatever you dig up will be another lie:
NBC news has the most overt editorial bias for the Democrats, CBS and to some extent ABC are closer to neutral. YET THE SAME NEWS STORIES PRESENT THE SAME BASIC FACTS WHEN YOU COMPARE.
By your own admission, some very well-known media corporations have institutionalized bias for specific political parties.
I find PBS very close to editorially neutral, with far better coverage in depth, just smaller scope (fewer stories covered). Because it raised questions about the Bush 43 administration that actually needed answering, the GOP has ever since wanted to defund it. Easily understood as political revenge.
I'm in favor of de-funding lots of things, but not because it favors or does not favor any particular political party. In any event, PBS is made possible by the contributions of charitable organizations and viewers like you.
Fox News has been a propaganda organ for the Republican party since the run-up to the 1991 Gulf War. Both it and CNN still show a strong editorial bias toward the GOP, with Fox the worst of the two. The format lets more editorial bias displace the presented facts, for less total factual content, yet those facts are usually the same as those presented by NBC, CBS, ABC, and PBS.
CNN is biased towards the GOP? That's a good one.
SAME FACTS, from NBC on the left to Fox News on the right! Somehow I don't think anybody anywhere in the world believes Fox News is in the hip pockets of the Democratic Party.
Certainly not I, but you just claimed that Fox News is biased towards the Republican Party. I don't watch any of them. The cheerleading is nauseating.
A quote some years ago from Fox's founder Rupert Murdoch verified what some thought (and what I still maintain): the editorial bias is for sensationalized crap to entertain and stir-up right-wingers, not for the reporting of objective truth. Which is why those of us who actually care to determine these things usually refer to Fox News as Faux News. Not as bad as Breitbart, but almost.
Would that be anything like the sensationalized crap from the rest of the media about how the world was ending because President Trump won the election?
Here's an idea to try. Turn the TV off. With all the free time saved by not watching talking heads of any political persuasion spout off their rhetoric, try to at least conceptualize in your mind where people who don't agree with your politics are coming from.
You object to the media because of their coverage of the Trump administration. You should not object, they are doing exactly the job they are supposed to be doing! Which is pointing out falsehoods, questioning decisions that seem bad to reasonable people, and questioning improper-looking connections and dealings. That has been the intended job of the media since the founding of the Republic.
Using TV stations to sensationalize the President's personal opinion on X, Y, or Z, one way or the other, is what I object to. As a result, I turn the TV off. After watching the media spectacle that was the election, I don't know how anyone could ever make that claim that the media is "questioning decisions that seem bad to reasonable people" with a straight face.
The intended function of a free press was free exchange of ideas. No claim was ever made by our founders that such ideas would, in any way, be congruent with reality or be of any particular utility to anyone. That's it. That was, and thankfully still is, part of their great experiment.
They appear to me to be doing an at-least creditable job of doing exactly that. I have never before seen such quantities of lies coming out of an administration, including Nixon/Watergate and LBJ/Vietnam.
Did you doze off during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations?
It's just too bad for you that them doing their job pisses you off.
The personal opinions of political partisans just makes me smile. It's the differences that make this country great.
Before this is done, the ongoing security leaks of the Trump administration will far surpass those of the Clinton State Department, some would say it already has. And with the too-close connections between the campaign and the Russians, illegalities have already occurred.
Illegalities have already occurred? Hmm... I believe you're right about that.
President Bush - Iraq War, kidnapping and torture, warrantless spying on all Americans, sold guns to drug cartels
President Obama - Syrian War, more warrantless spying on all Americans, sold guns to drug cartels and terrorists, used the IRS to suppress free speech, attempted to overturn immigration laws with executive orders
President Trump - Someone in his campaign talked to the Russians about the Democrats and apparently some minor but sincere attempt was made to avoid starting WWIII with the Russians
The Cold War is over. Apart from ideologies stuck in peoples' heads, the Soviet Union no longer exists. I even seem to recall watching President Putin state that communism was a bad idea on TV. Do we need to keep rubbing their noses in what we see as their poor choice in governance, or can we let it go and move forward? Can we stop trying to intimidate each other by lining up nuclear-tipped missiles on each others' borders or must we continue to engage in this decidedly counter-productive tit-for-tat behavior that ultimately benefits no one?
Things bordering on treason are yet to be uncovered, but I predict they will be. I just hope and pray the media keeps looking under all the rocks for all the cockroaches and other vermin.
The liberals really need to learn how to cope with the fact that other people will sometimes make decisions that they don't agree with. President Obama told the conservatives that they needed to go out there and win an election. To use President Obama's own words, the election is over. The conservatives won. The personally-held beliefs, suspicion, fear, and anger of political partisans do not constitute reality for everyone else. The sky isn't falling and the world isn't coming to an end because the liberals lost an election.
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Hi Spacenut:
I dunno about Tom, but I live in Texas, and know the truth.
Before the current one-party tea party regime in Texas, we did not have a photo ID requirement to vote. All that was needed was a non-photo voter registration card and being listed in the list of approved voters for your precinct. Add to that the last mass vote fraud was LBJ's graveyard landslide to get elected to the Senate, back in the late 1940's.
The tea party (as you know) has become a right-wing extremist bunch, closely allied to the white supremicists. They passed the photo ID bill to vote. I have no problem with photo ID, but they also made it very hard for poor people (mostly black and brown folk) to get such an ID. That's nothing but Jim Crow-type voter suppression, and it was struck down as such by the courts.
Which in turn means that your voter registration card and a signed affidavit was legal to vote in this last election, whether you had a photo ID or not. So those hundreds of voters who signed affidavits indeed voted legally, NOT improperly as the headline you provided suggests.
Once our local tea party regime gets its acts together legally, it will do photo ID to vote, but it has to do it without Jim Crow suppression. They do bitch and moan a lot about that.
Last edited by GW Johnson (2017-02-18 15:10:30)
GW Johnson
McGregor, Texas
"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew, especially one dead from a bad management decision"
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U.S. inquiries into Russian election hacking include three FBI probes
The FBI's Pittsburgh field office, which runs many cyber security investigations, is trying to identify the people behind breaches of the Democratic National Committee's computer systems, the officials said. Those breaches, in 2015 and the first half of 2016, exposed the internal communications of party officials as the Democratic nominating convention got underway and helped undermine support for Hillary Clinton.
Meanwhile the bureau’s San Francisco office is trying to identify the people who called themselves “Guccifer 2” and posted emails stolen from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s account, the sources said. Those emails contained details about fundraising by the Clinton Foundation and other topics.
Beyond the two FBI field offices, FBI counterintelligence agents based in Washington are pursuing leads from informants and foreign communications intercepts, two of the people said.
This counterintelligence inquiry includes but is not limited to examination of financial transactions by Russian individuals and companies who are believed to have links to Trump associates. The transactions under scrutiny involve investments by Russians in overseas entities that appear to have been undertaken through middlemen and front companies, two people briefed on the probe said.
Not to meantion Russia has also captured a few hackers but there is nothing coming out about these in the media lately....
I said it along time ago that words matter....Lawmakers say Trump’s words matter — and hurt the country’s standing abroad
A growing roster of Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill say they believe President Trump’s pugnacious rhetoric and unpredictable behavior threaten to diminish the United States’ standing around the world, do real damage to fragile diplomatic relationships and even weaken global stability.
Lawmakers are speaking in increasingly urgent tones about Trump’s unusual foreign policy statements and his tendency to pick fights with domestic and international figures. They say it has taken a toll on the way key allies, foes and other foreign observers view the United States. Even members of Trump’s own party are having difficulties vouching for him.
But others are losing patience with the Trump administration amid qualms about its approach to national security, the U.S.-Russian relationship and the risk to long-standing alliances the United States has cultivated with other nations.
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Is this the US that Tom and Kbd512 plus others want feared by those coming to it to start a new life.... Fleeing America: Why refugees are risking life and limb to escape to Canada
These are not the only stories of those fleeing the US out of fear....
Comey talks Russia with senators in closed-door briefing Committee Friday afternoon, as questions swirl about how expansive lawmakers will make their investigations into Russia's influence in last year's election.
Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, tweeted: "I am now very confident Senate Intel Comm I serve on will conduct thorough bipartisan investigation of #Putin interference and influence."
Pressure grew on Congress to expand their focus this week following reports that Russian officials were in frequent contact with President Donald Trump's campaign during the election. 1,000 Russian internet trolls, actual people, working trying to manipulate our news.
Trump is not getting all of the intelegence briefs with good cause....
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Hi Spacenut:
I dunno about Tom, but I live in Texas, and know the truth.
Before the current one-party tea party regime in Texas, we did not have a photo ID requirement to vote.
Can I vote for you GW? What if I practice my southern drawl, and say I'm a Texan, sign your name and tell them using my Jedi Mind trick that "they don't need to see my identification"? Would you like that? Then I can vote Republican in your name, and when you go to the polls, they will tell you, "sorry but you already voted. See, you signed your name right here!"
All that was needed was a non-photo voter registration card and being listed in the list of approved voters for your precinct. Add to that the last mass vote fraud was LBJ's graveyard landslide to get elected to the Senate, back in the late 1940's.
The tea party (as you know) has become a right-wing extremist bunch, closely allied to the white supremicists.
That is all paranoid fiction! You know as I do that the Republican Party is the Party that Freed the Slaves and the one that prevented by force, your state from seceding from the Union. The ones that were racist, that wanted to keep their slaves were all Democrats!
They passed the photo ID bill to vote. I have no problem with photo ID, but they also made it very hard for poor people (mostly black and brown folk) to get such an ID.
Really, how much does it cost? Does it cost $10,000 to get a photo ID? Do I need o take out a loan and finance it so I can get a Texan Driver's License? Gee, I didn't know they were so expensive!
That's nothing but Jim Crow-type voter suppression, and it was struck down as such by the courts.
Jim Crow was of the last century, slavery and the Civil War was of the century before that.
Tell me, do they still celebrate "Jefferson Davis Day" on June 3rd? Is that a state holiday in Texas?
Which in turn means that your voter registration card and a signed affidavit was legal to vote in this last election, whether you had a photo ID or not. So those hundreds of voters who signed affidavits indeed voted legally, NOT improperly as the headline you provided suggests.
Once our local tea party regime gets its acts together legally, it will do photo ID to vote, but it has to do it without Jim Crow suppression. They do bitch and moan a lot about that.
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Senate Intel Committee asks agencies to preserve documents related to Russia investigation
Do you really think that they will not destroy the evidence of wrong doing....Trump staff are being told to preserve all materials related to contacts with Russia is not going to happen since he is in denial of any contact....
More border crosings as Canadian police intercept 22 people on U.S.-Manitoba border overnight
asylum seekers come from African countries.
He thinks that he is still on his apprenticeship show as Senior Trump appointee fired after critical comments
Craig Deare, whom Trump appointed a month ago to head the National Security Council's Western Hemisphere division, was on Friday escorted out of the Executive Office Building, where he worked in Washington.
Trump just wants parrots to go along with what he is saying, yes men to not think....
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Is this the US that Tom and Kbd512 plus others want feared by those coming to it to start a new life.... Fleeing America: Why refugees are risking life and limb to escape to Canada
If you think that you can simply walk across the border with Mexico and be greeted with open arms by the Mexicans, before or after President Trump was elected, I promise that you are profoundly mistaken. You won't get free health care, free food, or free room and board, except at the local Mexican jail.
If you don't like our immigration laws, then ask Congress to change the law to permit anyone to walk across our border to force other Americans to pay for their new life here. It really is that simple. There is nothing racist, xenophobic, or bigoted about enforcement of our borders and immigration laws. No amount of bleeding heart liberal nonsense will change that. If you feel otherwise, then petition Congress to change our laws.
These are not the only stories of those fleeing the US out of fear....
Don't break our laws by coming here illegally and you have nothing to fear from our Immigration and Customs Enforcement. It is not my fault that we have illegal alien criminals who ignore our laws. I don't care how good their intentions were. The road to ruin is paved with good intentions.
My last employer was a Canadian man who came here legally. He employees Americans, pays his income taxes, pays his corporate taxes, is properly ensured, and hasn't cost America a dime. He had to wait more than a decade to get his green card, spending the interim time period in various VISA programs permitting him to live and work here in America. He's married to an American woman, he speaks English, and ten years of observation of his business and personal dealings has led me to believe he is of good moral character. He's accepted every nutty rule, regulation, and other miscellaneous bureaucratic nonsense thrown at him. The illegal immigrants who decided that they were so important that our laws didn't apply to them are an absolute insult to men like him who have the personal integrity and humility to abide by our laws, whether the laws make sense or not.
Comey talks Russia with senators in closed-door briefing Committee Friday afternoon, as questions swirl about how expansive lawmakers will make their investigations into Russia's influence in last year's election.
Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, tweeted: "I am now very confident Senate Intel Comm I serve on will conduct thorough bipartisan investigation of #Putin interference and influence."
Pressure grew on Congress to expand their focus this week following reports that Russian officials were in frequent contact with President Donald Trump's campaign during the election. 1,000 Russian internet trolls, actual people, working trying to manipulate our news.Trump is not getting all of the intelegence briefs with good cause....
Would you care to tell the rest of us how you know what intelligence briefs the President does or does not receive?
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About 30 plus years of inaction by the same personel which are doing the round ups of illegals does not make the action anymore right today just 30 years of being on American soil being americans all but for legal documentation of which the governments own process should have not even take a decade for your canadian employer which I congradulate for making it through that daunting process. Those that have been here that long should have already complete any process to becoming american a long time ago with supporting paperwork but we know thats not the governments way....
The amisties that were given should have been with a paper trail and making them documented as that makes a greater america great not deportations.... So the government failed again to do what they should have done.
Today is not my president protest day across america in many large cities...why is that... there has been lots of protests against Trump since the election victory and are still going as he goes against what we do believe to be wrong. That is the voice that our congressmen have ignored for that same 30 plus years that they have been there.
Scientists hold rally in Boston to protest threat to science
Americans on Presidents Day: Admiration, fear mark holiday
Immigration rallies held around US to support Muslims
Of course a fancy rewrite of his already judged executive order and thinking that the out come will be any different is fool hardy...This is america the image.
Trump's revised travel ban targets same countries
Trump administration drafts plan to raise asylum bar, speed deportations
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Our government is under no obligation to grant citizenship to illegal aliens, no matter how long it's been since they broke our laws or how many previous administrations failed to properly enforce our immigration laws. A person suspected of murder who hasn't been arrested is still a fugitive from justice, irrespective of how long it took our government to bring that person to trial and render a verdict on their guilt or innocence. Moreover, our constitutional protections do not apply to illegal aliens. By the way, our Congress does not have to grant criminals what they want, by virtue of the fact that they exist or that there are so many of them.
The process for coming here legally is, by any objective measure, absurd. That does not relieve those who wish to become American citizens from adhering to our legal process for that endeavor. I don't agree with our income tax laws, either, but every year I pay what I owe to the IRS. Liberals clearly believe that they're under no obligation to follow any law they disagree with and that inconvenient truth is demonstrated by their actions at these protests. If conservatives were burning cars and looting stores because their candidate lost an election, you can bet your last dollar that the liberal media would be all over it like flies on manure.
If the protesters who are American citizens are protesting what they believe is wrong, truly believed what they say they believe, then they could have inconvenienced themselves by turning out to vote for Secretary Clinton on election day. They didn't. Virtually every county outside of a major urban area turned out a majority vote for President Trump. If you disagree with our representative form of government as it pertains to the elections process, but if you want elections determined by mob rule, then petition Congress to change the election system.
Regarding President Trump's executive orders on immigration, a few liberal politicians posing as judges rendered their political position. The President has the power to prevent immigration through executive order from any region of the world and by any persons deemed a threat to US national security. If the people pouring across the borders of European countries from countries where Islam is the state religion were simply oppressed people trying to escape the horrors of their own state-run religion, then there wouldn't be a dramatic increase in assaults, rapes, robberies, or murders in the European countries they immigrated to.
If you think the European police forces are making up stories about the rapes and murders, then take your wife or daughter to one of these muslim inhabited areas in Europe to determine for yourself just how peaceful and tolerant those immigrants are in their treatment of women. My personal advice is that you refrain from doing that if you care at all for the life of your wife or child, but if you actually believe the nonsense that the media an liberals spout off about "peaceful muslim people", then you should go see for yourself just how "peaceful" they really are.
In every country or locale where there is a muslim majority, the muslims waste no time trying to set up their own courts to enforce their religious edicts. I would like to ensure that that never happens here. If liberals actually were people who opposed intolerance, rather than people who enthusiastically support their own brand of intolerance, then they'd recognize this "special" little religion called Islam as the threat to civilized societies that it truly represents.
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They are doing it again, Who framed Roger Rabbit come to mind as yet another Here We Go Again: Russia Accused Of Cyberattacks In Another Election Emmanuel Macron, a French presidential candidate and strong supporter of the European Union, has been targeted by hackers.
French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault accused Russia of hacking activity in the country, calling it “unacceptable.”
“This form of interference in French democratic life is unacceptable and I denounce it,”
Aggressive election interference appears to be Russian President Vladimir Putin’s latest strategy to impose his will across borders.Dutch elections are coming up in March, and officials say hackers linked to the Kremlin have tried repeatedly to break into government websites. Votes are going to be tallied by hand to avoid possible voting-machine tampering, according to the Times. Now the Germans are also worried about what Russia might try in their upcoming elections.
Russia Compiles Psychological Dossier on Trump for Putin
U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Russia conducted a covert hacking operation to undermine the U.S. election process, which evolved into an attempt to help Trump win the White House. They also believe with "a high level of confidence" that Putin became personally involved in the campaign to interfere in the election.
Corey Lewandowski is not reading from the same script. Which means he will surely be fired. Trump’s Former Aide Concedes There Was No Voter Fraud In New Hampshire
Lewandowski is known for his fierce, unyielding defense of Trump, even after he was booted from the campaign and ended up on the airwaves at CNN. So it’s noteworthy that he acknowledges Trump’s claims of voter fraud in New Hampshire are false, even if that merely reflects the acceptance of reality. People registering to vote to claim residency even if they don’t have proof (the would-be voters do have to sign an affidavit).
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Speaking of China’s Global Times: Hawkish by Decree or Reflecting Readers?
The state-run tabloid has called President Donald Trump "reckless," "unfit to lead a superpower," and "as ignorant as a child" regarding foreign policy.
One recent editorial warned the U.S. to back off "unless Washington plans to wage a large-scale war in the South China Sea."
Lawmakers Pressed on Trump’s Policies at Town Halls
Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley was greeted at a town hall Tuesday in Iowa with a shouted question about "impeachment" as voters there and at other events across the country pressed lawmakers about the moves and goals of President Donald Trump's administration.
"I am so unsettled. It feels like we have a juvenile running our country," Doug Thompson, a Democrat and farmer from Kanawha, told Grassley at an event in Garner. Grassley outlined the process but didn't give his opinion.
"You have to do better than this. We are not stupid!" a woman in the crowd said.
As Grassley spoke about the national debt, a woman standing along the wall on the left side of the room interjected: "Our roads are falling apart — everything is going to the pits."
The frustrated man who asked the initial question pointed to the woman several rows back — as Grassley stood quiet — and exclaimed, "Shut your hole!"
Manafort is the subject of an FBI inquiry over his Ukraine dealings, and the FBI is also investigating whether any Trump associates colluded with the Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election.
The FBI and the U.S. intelligence community have been seeking to corroborate or disprove allegations in an unverified dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent that makes a series of claims about Trump and his associates. Among them is that Cohen met with a Russian representative in Prague during the presidential campaign to discuss Russia's hacking of the Democrats.
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The town hall meeting were filled with professional and democrats not republicans as was hope is the alternative fact being given by Trump for the out comes from them. All I have is that these are the tough questions that both side of the aisle want answers too... Metairie, Louisiana, At A Town Hall, Constituents Literally Turn Their Backs On GOP Senator, “Do your job!” they chanted. and from Springdale, Arkansas, Angry Constituents Hammer Tom Cotton At Town Hall: ‘Do Your Job’ The packed meeting was raucous from start to finish.
More hacks and blackmail towards Manafort faced blackmail attempt, hacks suggest. Stolen texts include a text that appears to come from a Ukrainian parliamentarian named Serhiy Leshchenko, appear to show threats to expose relations among Russia-friendly forces, Trump and his former campaign chairman.
You have heard the story of the "Boy cried Wolf", I hope. The Democrats began "crying Wolf" the very day Donald Trump was sworn in, I remember in particular because those protestors torched a limousine that day, the limousine driver didn't do anything wrong, those protestor just decided to make a statement about wealth by torching a poor innocent person's limousine and his means of earning a living! The protestors weren't giving Donald Trump a chance to do right, and since they won't be fair to him, why should I then give credence to any of their arguments, as it appears the only thing they want is a Democrat in the White House, and they will protest, burn things down and cause all sorts or property damage until that happens. Basically they are showing that they won't accept the results of a Democratic election until it goes their way, they are rejecting democracy and representative government itself. So my suggestion is they find a country with a dictator that agrees with them, and they can then move there, instead of agitating for the overthrow of democracy here! Cuba is not far away after all, all they have to do is learn Spanish, they can then go away and leave us in peace!
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Republicans Reject Disclosing Findings On Trump’s Business Conflicts, Russia Ties
Which is alternative speak for we have something to hide.....
Here is the voter fraud which when we look at how long it takes to find we are probably wrong to announce a winner on the same day....
Ohio review finds evidence of non-citizen voting
identified 385 non-citizens on the vote 82 are alleged to have voted illegally, and will be referred to prosecutors for possible felony prosecution. The other 303 non-citizens, Secretary Husted said, will be given the opportunity to voluntarily remove themselves from the rolls.
“In the last four years in Ohio there have been 112 elections decided by one vote or were tied,” Husted said. “Every vote matters, and any illegal vote can have an effect.”
That said not finishing the counting, stopping recounts and verifications all need to be fixed.
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bill will increase insurance costs by an average of $1,542 per year. In 2020, when the Republican tax credits go into effect, Vox estimates that the costs will increase by $2,409 per year. premium increases are particularly bad for older individuals between the ages 55 and 64. Their costs would be $5,269 if the bill was in effect today. The costs are worse in 2020, when the tax credits go into effect to supposedly help with insurance costs. By then, older Americans will end up paying $6,971 more per year for health insurance. People with incomes below the poverty line would see their costs rise by $2,945 today, and $4,061 in 2020.
The claim comes from former National Security Agency (NSA) analyst John Schindler. Schindler sent out a tweet on Tuesday that claimed the Trump administration is working to target the US press.
According to Schindler, Russian intelligence has teamed up with the White House help target US journalists. He bases his claim off of anonymous but reliable sources from the US intelligence community.
The Trump team has made no secret of the fact that they hate the media. White House Chief strategist Steve Bannon and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson have both expressed their disdain for the mainstream press.
Russia’s alleged involvement in Trump’s efforts to fight the press takes this to a whole new level. If it really is true that Russian intelligence is working with Trump to target reporters, then it’s certainly treason.
Talk about stupid Trump admin weighing cuts to Coast Guard, TSA to fund border wall,Transportation Security Administration, Secret Service and FEMA -- including cuts to several notable national security and emergency response initiatives -- to help fund the president’s border wall and deportation efforts.
The cuts to the Coast Guard would “stand in dramatic contrast to the President’s stated goals of securing our border and reducing the flow of illegal drugs. These cuts would “reduce our readiness and effectiveness in preventing potential attacks and responding to disasters.”
Hearing Into Trump’s Russian Ties SCHEDULED, Less Than TWO Weeks Away and just like in the election Trump was saying that he would not accept a Hillary win, Sean Spicer Says Donald Trump WILL NOT Accept Wiretap Investigation Results....
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Deported US vets in Mexico hope for return under Trump govt
After manning a machine gun on a combat helicopter as a U.S. Marine during the liberation of Kuwait, he had migrated to Lynwood, California, illegally at age 12.
So how are you allowed to serve in the US military without being an american citizen?
Flynn lobbied Turkey
President Donald Trump says that he was not aware that his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, had worked to further the interests of the government of Turkey before appointing him to the White House.
The director of the Office of Government Ethics said he is "concerned" over the White House's decision not to discipline Kellyanne Conway for promoting Ivanka Trump's brand in a television appearance. Kellyanne Conway promoted the Ivanka Trump's brand which does violate a federal ethics rule prohibiting "using one's official position to endorse any product or service." The claim is that the Office of Government Ethics cannot impose disciplinary action on an executive branch employee. The White House's is declining to discipline Conway and saying she "acted inadvertently" and had no "nefarious motive or intent to benefit personally."
All I can say is wow
There are new reports this week that major Republican leaders in the U.S. House and Senate have had enough with Trump’s dishonesty. Graham is now asking Trump to provide information to back up his claims that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap on Trump. Republican, Senator Susan Collins, said she wants to start scheduling hearings to get to the bottom of the Trump-Russia connections and is open to further actions to get Trump’s unreleased tax records. The fact that Republicans are starting to talk tough about Trump’s scandals is a clear sign that Trump may be removed from office before his term is up. Trump’s Propaganda Director Worked With Pro-Russia Hacker In Anti-Hillary Plot with Stone in direct contact with the pro-Russia hacker known as “Guccifer 2.0” and helped coordinate the illegal leaks that tarnished Clinton’s campaign before last November’s election. Toward the end of the campaign, the Trump campaign cut its official connection to Stone and tried to keep it’s distance. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI): “I am not in favor of the wall, but if there is a wall, then I do not want the United States of America to pay for the wall,”. Illegal crossings are down at the U.S.-Mexico border, removing some of the justification for erecting the wall “billions of dollars on a wall is not the right way to proceed” to secure the border.
Despite their rhetoric, Republicans are trying to hide Trump’s Russia connections and bury conflict of interest investigations. Republicans want to keep any investigation from getting even a moment’s notice in public —because protecting Trump is now their number one priority. Republicans want Americans to believe they are honestly investigating Donald Trump’s treasonous activities. But make no mistake, they are determined to keep the public in the dark about the evidence the CIA is providing.
Calling for investigations has become a preferred tactic of the Trump administration as it seeks to change the subject, deflect attention from the president's unproven claims or muddy the waters when facing criticism. The House and Senate intelligence committees are both looking into Trump’s wiretap claims as part of their larger investigations into Russia’s meddling in the presidential election. The judiciary panels in both chambers are also seeking information from the FBI on the issue.
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FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization
Internet data shows that last summer, a computer server owned by Russia-based Alfa Bank repeatedly looked up the contact information for a computer server being used by the Trump Organization -- far more than other companies did, representing 80% of all lookups to the Trump server.
But for those who have studied the data, the activity could suggest an intent to communicate by email during a period of time when ties between the Trump Organization and Russia are being closely scrutinized because of Russia's alleged involvement in hacking the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chief John Podesta.
These leaked records show that Alfa Bank servers repeatedly looked up the unique internet address of a particular Trump Organization computer server in the United States. What puzzled them was why a Russian bank was repeatedly looking up the contact information for
Sounds more like its got a virus......The Russian Flu....
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Deported US vets in Mexico hope for return under Trump govt
After manning a machine gun on a combat helicopter as a U.S. Marine during the liberation of Kuwait, he had migrated to Lynwood, California, illegally at age 12.
So how are you allowed to serve in the US military without being an american citizen?
Flynn lobbied Turkey
President Donald Trump says that he was not aware that his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, had worked to further the interests of the government of Turkey before appointing him to the White House.The director of the Office of Government Ethics said he is "concerned" over the White House's decision not to discipline Kellyanne Conway for promoting Ivanka Trump's brand in a television appearance. Kellyanne Conway promoted the Ivanka Trump's brand which does violate a federal ethics rule prohibiting "using one's official position to endorse any product or service." The claim is that the Office of Government Ethics cannot impose disciplinary action on an executive branch employee. The White House's is declining to discipline Conway and saying she "acted inadvertently" and had no "nefarious motive or intent to benefit personally."
All I can say is wow
There are new reports this week that major Republican leaders in the U.S. House and Senate have had enough with Trump’s dishonesty. Graham is now asking Trump to provide information to back up his claims that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap on Trump.
Why should he? The Democrats aren't backing up their claims about Trump and the Russians, and those claims are based on spying on the Trump campaign by the US government under Barack Obama. All Trump is saying is that if that is so, then he wants an investigation into the abuse of executive power in spying on a political opposition leader, and guess what, now the Media is denying their claims and saying they don't have evidence, so now why did they report on a Trump connection to the Russians if now they claim to have no evidence, before they did, and if they did then someone broke the law and Trump wants an investigation into it. Very simple actually. The Democrats and the Media have declared war on the Trump Presidency, and Trump wants a truce, he is showing his hand and what he will do if the Democrats and the Media continue with their attacks! Trump has indicated that he's rather work with them than go to war, same as he'd rather work with the Russians than go to war with them as well. Many of the Democrats that are now attacking him have been recipients of Trumps political campaign contributions, this includes Senator Chuck Schumer, and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. These people are just show what sort of ingrates that are for conducting these attacks on him!
Republican, Senator Susan Collins, said she wants to start scheduling hearings to get to the bottom of the Trump-Russia connections and is open to further actions to get Trump’s unreleased tax records. The fact that Republicans are starting to talk tough about Trump’s scandals is a clear sign that Trump may be removed from office before his term is up.
Wishful thinking. If Senator John McCain and Susan Collins want to quit the Senate they can just retire, they don't have to lose an election! The Republicans that voted for McCain and Collins are not going to vote for them again if they turn on their own party and attack their own President. Will Democrats vote for them? I doubt it, who would vote for a Benedict Arnold, they can't be trusted, if they betray their own, they will betray others as well! Better to vote for a liberal Democrat than a turncoat Republican!
Trump’s Propaganda Director Worked With Pro-Russia Hacker In Anti-Hillary Plot with Stone in direct contact with the pro-Russia hacker known as “Guccifer 2.0” and helped coordinate the illegal leaks that tarnished Clinton’s campaign before last November’s election. Toward the end of the campaign, the Trump campaign cut its official connection to Stone and tried to keep it’s distance. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI): “I am not in favor of the wall, but if there is a wall, then I do not want the United States of America to pay for the wall,”. Illegal crossings are down at the U.S.-Mexico border, removing some of the justification for erecting the wall “billions of dollars on a wall is not the right way to proceed” to secure the border.
How do you know? has someone been spying on the Trump Campaign? I think maybe President Trump should get to the bottom of this and call on a Congressional investigation, what do you think?
Despite their rhetoric, Republicans are trying to hide Trump’s Russia connections and bury conflict of interest investigations. Republicans want to keep any investigation from getting even a moment’s notice in public —because protecting Trump is now their number one priority. Republicans want Americans to believe they are honestly investigating Donald Trump’s treasonous activities. But make no mistake, they are determined to keep the public in the dark about the evidence the CIA is providing.
You ever hear of Senator Joseph McCarthy, those are his tactics? Calling people treasonous without proof, I thought the Democrats were above that!
Calling for investigations has become a preferred tactic of the Trump administration as it seeks to change the subject, deflect attention from the president's unproven claims or muddy the waters when facing criticism. The House and Senate intelligence committees are both looking into Trump’s wiretap claims as part of their larger investigations into Russia’s meddling in the presidential election. The judiciary panels in both chambers are also seeking information from the FBI on the issue.
Well do you want to call a truce on both sides? Donald Trump didn't start this war after all, all he did was win a Presidential election!
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Try again as A lawyer for Michael Flynn told the Trump transition team long before President Trump’s inauguration that Flynn might have to register as a foreign agent because of his work on behalf of Turkey, the Associated Press and USA Today have reported. Trump KNEW Flynn Was a Foreign Agent; He DIDN’T CARE.
False claim of President Trump’s ludicrous accusation that his residence was wiretapped by the Obama administration during the 2016 elections with the House Intelligence: ‘NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER’ to wiretapping of Trump..
The president is willing to destroy the very agencies that actually keep our country safe by a 14% cut to the Coast Guard’s … budget and 11% cuts to both the T.S.A. and FEMA....way to go with letting down the water defenses on illegal drug smuggling, people trafficing or illegal imagrants and then do not wait for help to come after that big storm or tornado or from a huricane as Fema will not be coming....
Trump’s five impeachable offenses are:
1. Accusing his predecessor, President Barack Obama, of wiretapping his phones in Trump Tower in the run-up to the election.
2. Using the U.S.’s relationship with foreign governments to personally profit, through his Trump International Hotel chain.
3. Violating the First Amendment (and its protection of religious freedom) through his Muslim travel ban.
4. Violating the First Amendment by labeling the press “the enemy of the American people” and curbing freedom of press.
5. Violating Article III Section 3 of the Constitution (“treason”) — there is growing evidence that he may have colluded with Russia to win the election.
More to come I am DON’T ASK About Russia! Reporter MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell THROWN OUT of State Dept. is sensorship
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