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#76 2016-03-15 15:16:59

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

Your claims that Avro Arrow was American are offensive. All systems were developed in Canada. No, the Orenda engine was not available at the beginning of the test program. The whole point of supercruise is that no aircraft can fly far with afterburners. The afterburner is extremely fuel inefficient, it provides a short burst of thrust for combat only. Your aircraft must cruise to interception point. Arrow was designed to supercruise at mach 1.5, launch it's Sparrow II missiles to shoot down the Bear bomber target, then return to base. Canadair took over development of Sparrow II when Douglas gave up.

As for American building several new weapon systems, two points. First, Canada was extremely angry at those who cancelled Arrow. Second, you talk as if weapon systems are a good thing. War is not good. War does not define a country. Peace defines a country. Canada did go to war when we had to, but it's not desirable.

And this entire discussion distracts from the point. An American would have sufficient defense with a military budget equal to China, Russia, and North Korea combined. The budget I asked for is America's military and national security budget from year 2000, plus inflation. That's the last year the American federal government had a balanced budget. The result is 60% more than China, Russia, and North Korea combined. Any sane person would argue that's still too much. But let's start by cutting America's budget to that.

And the US has dominated the world economy. Going bankrupt and going into default means all foreigners who invested in US treasury bonds will be screwed. That affects all those countries who invested in treasury bonds. America has been running on deficit, much of that has been paid by selling treasury bonds to foreigners. That means you are beholden to investors. Furthermore, American financial collapse will throw the entire world into depression. Not just deep recession, but full depression. That will screw all of us. So please stop acting as if this is entirely domestic. It isn't.


#77 2016-03-15 19:57:00

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

Those investors should have "run for the hills" the moment Barack Obama first stepped into that Oval Office! Why do you suppose they kept buying those "Obama Bonds" after he kept spending and spending driving the debt to record levels? I didn't invest in "Obama Bonds" those that did were being foolish and deserve the risks they took! If you bet on a terrible President, you are going to lose. After a certain point, one that I hope we don't come to, we're are going to have to decide whether it would damage the economy more to pay off those bonds, or let our creditors hang. I don't think it makes much sense becoming weak and defenseless by paying off our bonds and making our enemies rich! If our credit rating is ruined, we will still have our tax revenue from taxpayers, so we just need to balance the budget.

And this entire discussion distracts from the point. An American would have sufficient defense with a military budget equal to China, Russia, and North Korea combined. The budget I asked for is America's military and national security budget from year 2000, plus inflation. That's the last year the American federal government had a balanced budget. The result is 60% more than China, Russia, and North Korea combined. Any sane person would argue that's still too much. But let's start by cutting America's budget to that.

Pray tell, how do we know how much China and Russia are spending on Defense? Do you think they are being honest when they report those budgets. How can we tell how much North Korea is spending? Also much of or spending goes into protecting our soldiers, I think the Russians, the Chinese, and the North Koreans don't value their soldiers' lives as much, they are more than willing to send them into the "meat grinder" and rely on their numbers to win a battle! Democracies are much more sensitive to battle causalities that autocracies are, US budget priorities are correspondingly reflective of the need to avoid such causalities. The Liberal's argument simply is
"Don't go to war!" Unfortunately, that is no answer when the enemy attacks you and keeps on attacking you! The war is not always "over there" and we do not always choose to "go there" or not! If someone murders a bunch of American citizens, there is no "over there" to go to, its either we do something to stop them, or we let them keep killing American citizens and do nothing about it!

I like a strong military, I like a military so strong that the Enemy won't even think about attacking us, unfortunately, they 9/11 attack proved that we weren't spending enough on Defense to deter them, they weren't sufficiently afraid  of us to avoid that attack, so the year 2000 level military budget is not acceptable and not enough, because it didn't stop the 9/11 attack and was insufficient to kill all of the terrorists! Thus we need to spend more, more until the enemy is completely destroyed! We've been fighting them for 15 years, and no other war that America has fought has ever been that long! We must destroy this enemy completely and utterly, and that doesn't call for Defense budget cuts!


#78 2016-03-15 20:24:59

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

Oh, Tom. You're a troll.


#79 2016-03-15 20:29:18

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

YouTube: Oops... Fascism!


#80 2016-03-15 22:19:20

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

RobertDyck wrote:

Godwin's law is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"— that is, if an online discussion goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler or Nazism. Promulgated by American attorney and author Mike Godwin in 1990,

So why are you invoking Godwin's Law? Donald Trump hasn't killed anybody! Hitler killed six million Jews, and started World War II where 50 million people died, and you are trying to confuse raising one's right hand with Hitler's straight-arm salute, that is disingenuous to the extreme. If you do that, you might as well call all vegetarian Artists Nazis! Do you know any artists who are vegetarians? I'll tell you one thing I have in common with Hitler, I don't like modern art, he didn't like it either, that doesn't mean I'm a Nazi. I just think modern art is ugly and I don't like it. Sometimes I have a salad for dinner, I'm trying to lose weight, does that make me a Nazi? You should stop this guilt by association business, it really is not nice. The only things I condemn Hitler for are his crimes against humanity and his starting World War II. Donald Trump hasn't committed any of those crimes, so this calling people a Nazi thing is the same thing as calling someone a dirt bag or some other explicative that I wouldn't mention here. Since you are a Canadian, it really is none of your business who we pick for our next President just as it is none of my business who you pick for your next Prime Minister. I'm not calling any Canadian politicians a Nazi, so I wish you would stop this name calling business, because it really is offensive.


#81 2016-03-15 22:21:22

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

RobertDyck wrote:

Oh, Tom. You're a troll.

ahem, calling people a Nazi who don't deserve it is really Trollish behavior in my opinion.


#82 2016-03-16 10:05:18

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

Trump ordered his people to throw out anyone who disagreed with him. Further, he encouraged them to "beat the crap out of" anyone who disagrees. Encouraging violence at a rally is "inciting a riot" as defined by US federal law. There has been violence. One case was caught on video, the individual who did it was charged by police with assault. Other candidates for Republican and Democrat nominations have already pointed out his actions constitute incitement to violence. Since this is at a large rally, it's more, it's incitement to riot. That's a criminal offence in the US. I sent an email to the campaign of Marco Rubio asking him to request the Attorney General to investigate Trump, and once criminal charges are filed, to request the Republican party disallow his nomination on that basis. Hitler did this he started. Hitler didn't start by gassing the Jews, he started with large rallies where he had thugs throw out anyone who disagreed. So did Mussalini. Trump is doing that now. I posted this before, but apparently you didn't view the video.
MSNBC: Escalating aggression marks Trump's rally rhetoric
And view the video in post #79.

This is one of the less severe points:
Sexist Trump Quotes Read By Women


#83 2016-03-17 09:22:51

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

RobertDyck wrote:

Trump ordered his people to throw out anyone who disagreed with him. Further, he encouraged them to "beat the crap out of" anyone who disagrees. Encouraging violence at a rally is "inciting a riot" as defined by US federal law. There has been violence. One case was caught on video, the individual who did it was charged by police with assault. Other candidates for Republican and Democrat nominations have already pointed out his actions constitute incitement to violence.

That's because they want to be President!

Since this is at a large rally, it's more, it's incitement to riot.

The rioters didn't have to come to the Trump rally and start attacking people. Remember what happened at Ferguson, and Baltimore? Democrats have a history of violence and hooliganism, why do you think that their are so many Defense Layers who are Democrats? They are always trying to get hooligans and thugs back on the streets and quickly as possible, and trying to put cops in jail for doing their job.

That's a criminal offence in the US. I sent an email to the campaign of Marco Rubio asking him to request the Attorney General to investigate Trump, and once criminal charges are filed, to request the Republican party disallow his nomination on that basis.

You know if you don't want Trump to be President, then stop trying to persecute him or send in the mobs to his rallies and make a martyr of him. If you just let Ted Cruz do his thing, then he stands the best chance of beating Trump, but not if you send in the mob, or call him a racist or a Nazi! Lots of people have seen Trump on television on the Apprentice and other venues, you don't get to define him by calling him a racist or a Nazi, when people who know him know better! You might as well call Mr. Rogers a Nazi for all the good it would do you.

Hitler did this he started. Hitler didn't start by gassing the Jews, he started with large rallies where he had thugs throw out anyone who disagreed.

Lots of people started the way Hitler did, that doesn't make them Hitler, not every starving artist is a Nazi, not every vegetarian is a Nazi, not everyone with Parkinson's Disease is a Nazi. Not everyone with a toothbrush mustache is a Nazi, not every one named "Adolf" is a Nazi! To be a Nazi, you need to have killed someone, that is the minimal requirement.

So did Mussalini. Trump is doing that now. I posted this before, but apparently you didn't view the video.
MSNBC: Escalating aggression marks Trump's rally rhetoric

No I saw it, it was a biased video, they tried to confuse raising one's right hand and swearing to a Nazi straight-arm salute. You know the President during Inauguration puts his left hand on the Bible and raises his right hand to Solemnly swear to to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, is that the same as going "Heil Hitler?" Every President has raised his right arm in such a ceremony, including Barack Obama twice!

And view the video in post #79.

This is one of the less severe points:
Sexist Trump Quotes Read By Women

Trump says they broke in and started rioting. If Trump was lying then what were they doing there? You don't see Trumpsters breaking into Bernie Sanders rallies and starting riots there? The fact is violence begets violence, and if you break into a Trump rally and start punching Trump supporters in the nose, chances are some of them are going to hit back. Anyway, that's not the same thing as killing six million people or starting World War II. If you call Trump a Nazi, then chances are, some people are going to conclude that being a Nazi isn't so bad.  You overuse the word "Fascist" and "Nazi", you are watering down its meaning by doing so, and more to the point, you are doing a real disservice to the real victims of the Nazis! How do you think a Holocaust survivor would think of you calling Trump a Nazi? His idea of what a Nazi is, is very different from Donald Trump! Calling people Nazis who don't deserve it is Godwin's law, people who don't got nothing, start hurling names at people, thinking people will start believing it if they say it often enough. Worst of all its a bald-faced lie!


#84 2016-03-17 09:31:28

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

RobertDyck wrote:

We seem to always end up debating politics. I guess that will happen as long as Congress has control over space. We can redirect all politics here. Consider this the toilet to flush politics.

Because you keep turning it into politics. I can't state an objective fact about Donald Trump without you disputing it. I think chances are, he's going to be the next US President. Ted Cruz stands a diminishing chance of defeating him as each race goes Trumps way, and liberals and Canadians calling him Nazi are actually putting Trump over the top and drowning our Cruz's message. I am a Cruz supporter, and you can't imagine how dismayed I was when the Republican Establishment started ganging up on Trump, and then the liberals and left-wingers start taking a shot calling him a racist and a Nazi, trying to defame him and so forth, this is drowing out Ted's message that Trump is a protectionist, that his policies will start a trade war etc, people tend not to hear that when all they here is "Nazi Nazi Nazi!" It appears you are attacking all Republicans by doing that, and thus cause those Republicans to rally around Trump, and then after he wins, it will be Trump versus Hillary, and the outcome is fairly predictable. Democrats have been leaving the Democratic Party to go vote for Trump.


#85 2016-03-17 12:28:13

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

You are DEFENDING Donald Trump? Seriously?

He ordered his people to attack anyone who disagrees with him. People who stand in the audience with a sign disagreeing with Trump. Freedom of speech is the first Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Everyone has a right to disagree. But Trump doesn't understand that. He orders his people to commit violence against anyone who disagrees. Trump ordered the crowd to attack the protester with a sign. That's incitement to riot. Let's be clear, Trump supporters are the ones rioting. Trump supporters are the ones committing assault and battery.

And demanding everyone in the crowd raise their right hand and swear allegiance to Donald Trump? Not to the United States, not to the Constitution, but to Donald Trump personally. That is fascism.

Look at the MSNBC video again. Instead of obsessing about Donald Trump forcing everyone present to swear allegiance to him, over and above the United States or the Constitution, instead listen to what is said. How Trump is manipulated his supporters to commit violence.


#86 2016-03-17 12:37:34

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,727

Re: Politics

Both Cruz and Trump are lying demagogues without any real plan,  except to abuse power if sent to the White House.  The people drawing parallels to 1920's Italy and 1930-ish Germany are quite right about that. 

The only things Cruz has done while my senator are:  (1) run for the presidency instead of doing a senator's job most of the time,  and (2) engineer in the senate a government shutdown for party advantage,  one that hurt a lot of ordinary folks,  including me.

I knew what Cruz was before he became senator,  and,  no I did not vote for him.  I will never vote for him or Trump.  Unless they choose to run for Beelzebub's job in hell.  I'd certainly vote to send them there.

Trump leads because he stole from Cruz a part of his far-right-wing base,  he simply got there first.  This is the angry blue-collar variant of the far-right-wingers,  who in white-collar form are the "tea party",  infamous for their "my way or the highway" approach that paralyzes and prevents effective governance. 

Those blue-collar right-wingers are angry,  because the mainstream GOP has done nothing for them,  in several decades now that I have witnessed.  They supported GOP tax cuts for the rich,  even when those drove up deficits,  on the promise that trickle-down economics would improve their lot.  But trickle-down never worked,  it was just a lie,  to justify giving all the money away to the super-rich (which is in part why Trump does not want to release his tax returns,  by the way;  he benefited from that). 

I am and always have been a fiercely-independent voter.  Over the last 3 decades I have grown extremely disenchanted with both parties,  precisely because they prioritize party advantage over doing good for the people they swear to serve (and don't).  I have come to regard that as treason,  and with very good reason. 

I just hope to God that there are enough non-extreme Americans left in this country to ensure that demagogues like these do not enter the White House. 


Last edited by GW Johnson (2016-03-17 12:41:33)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


#87 2016-03-17 20:45:33

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Politics

GW Johnson wrote:

Both Cruz and Trump are lying demagogues without any real plan,  except to abuse power if sent to the White House.  The people drawing parallels to 1920's Italy and 1930-ish Germany are quite right about that. 

The only things Cruz has done while my senator are:  (1) run for the presidency instead of doing a senator's job most of the time,  and (2) engineer in the senate a government shutdown for party advantage,  one that hurt a lot of ordinary folks,  including me.

I knew what Cruz was before he became senator,  and,  no I did not vote for him.  I will never vote for him or Trump.  Unless they choose to run for Beelzebub's job in hell.  I'd certainly vote to send them there.

Trump leads because he stole from Cruz a part of his far-right-wing base,  he simply got there first.  This is the angry blue-collar variant of the far-right-wingers,  who in white-collar form are the "tea party",  infamous for their "my way or the highway" approach that paralyzes and prevents effective governance. 

Those blue-collar right-wingers are angry,  because the mainstream GOP has done nothing for them,  in several decades now that I have witnessed.  They supported GOP tax cuts for the rich,  even when those drove up deficits,  on the promise that trickle-down economics would improve their lot.  But trickle-down never worked,  it was just a lie,  to justify giving all the money away to the super-rich (which is in part why Trump does not want to release his tax returns,  by the way;  he benefited from that). 

I am and always have been a fiercely-independent voter.  Over the last 3 decades I have grown extremely disenchanted with both parties,  precisely because they prioritize party advantage over doing good for the people they swear to serve (and don't).  I have come to regard that as treason,  and with very good reason. 

I just hope to God that there are enough non-extreme Americans left in this country to ensure that demagogues like these do not enter the White House. 


Speaking of voting for the devil, go cast your vote for Hillary.  I seriously doubt there'll be anything left to salvage of our economy if we run things during the next four years the way they've been run during the past eight years.  Eventually you run out of other people's money.  Who knew?

Hillary has a perfect record when it comes to being truthful, just as long as it's her version of the truth and she can remember which version of the truth she's on.  I guess it partially explains why she's still married to her pedophile husband.  For her, having power for power's sake is what counts most.  You can do any deed and tell any lie, as long as it furthers the interest of the Socialist (used to be Democrat) Party.

With respect to Trump being a National Socialist, I guess expecting people to immigrate to our country legally is asking too much.  I can't walk across the border into Canada without papers.  Does that make the Canadians racist?  I guarantee you that if you cross that river to the south of us, murder a few of their citizens, and get caught...  Well, let's just say that they won't be wringing their hands over your "rights" or give you free education and health care while you're sitting in their dungeon.

Trump is a lot of different things, many of them not good for our country, but he's pretty good at cutting deals and he knows or has people who know how to handle money.  I think he's exactly who my father said he was.  Trump is Biff.  Nazi?  If so, then Hillary and Bernie are Communists.

All I want to know is who is going to destroy our country as slowly as possible.    Maybe we have a better chance at starting over afterwards.  Or maybe not.  I don't see any other outcome, no matter who is elected President.


#88 2016-03-17 21:48:04

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Politics

RobertDyck wrote:

Your claims that Avro Arrow was American are offensive. All systems were developed in Canada. No, the Orenda engine was not available at the beginning of the test program. The whole point of supercruise is that no aircraft can fly far with afterburners. The afterburner is extremely fuel inefficient, it provides a short burst of thrust for combat only. Your aircraft must cruise to interception point. Arrow was designed to supercruise at mach 1.5, launch it's Sparrow II missiles to shoot down the Bear bomber target, then return to base. Canadair took over development of Sparrow II when Douglas gave up.


I think you fail to understand the point of my responses.  You want to re-imagine history as it never happened.  On paper the SR-71 should have been capable of something near Mach 3.5...  If only the J-58 didn't overspeed at that airspeed.

I'm not trying to be offensive or claim that the Avro Arrow was an American made aircraft.  It was not.  However, the military utility of the Arrow without avionics, a radar, or radar guided missiles is highly questionable.  Canada didn't have to develop those things from scratch.  You probably still want to go back and forth on how this Canadian made airframe / engine combination was an example of building a weapon system from scratch.  It wasn't.  Period.

The Sparrow II missile that Douglas gave up on became the missile that Canadair also gave up on.  Maybe the technology to develop it just didn't exist at that time.

RobertDyck wrote:

As for American building several new weapon systems, two points. First, Canada was extremely angry at those who cancelled Arrow. Second, you talk as if weapon systems are a good thing. War is not good. War does not define a country. Peace defines a country. Canada did go to war when we had to, but it's not desirable.

War is most definitely not good.  I unreservedly agree on that point.

RobertDyck wrote:

And this entire discussion distracts from the point. An American would have sufficient defense with a military budget equal to China, Russia, and North Korea combined. The budget I asked for is America's military and national security budget from year 2000, plus inflation. That's the last year the American federal government had a balanced budget. The result is 60% more than China, Russia, and North Korea combined. Any sane person would argue that's still too much. But let's start by cutting America's budget to that.

China and Russia both spend more on defense than what they report and there is not a singular cost for purchase of weapon systems.  They also steal quite a bit of our military technology, which is our own damn fault, but it drives that nail biters to nibble a bit more.

RobertDyck wrote:

And the US has dominated the world economy. Going bankrupt and going into default means all foreigners who invested in US treasury bonds will be screwed. That affects all those countries who invested in treasury bonds. America has been running on deficit, much of that has been paid by selling treasury bonds to foreigners. That means you are beholden to investors. Furthermore, American financial collapse will throw the entire world into depression. Not just deep recession, but full depression. That will screw all of us. So please stop acting as if this is entirely domestic. It isn't.

Well, that won't be the case much longer.  Also, we can't force people to buy our debt.  If you don't want to buy it, then don't.  In a world of ones and zeros for money, the only thing that matters is collective belief in fiat currency.  Think about what happened in 2008.  Did demand for goods and services actually fall off a cliff with an ever greater world population or did people simply choose to "believe" that their investments were worth less one week than they "thought" the investments were worth the previous week?

Besides, hoss, you Canucks could be the new World Super Power after America's (and China's) economies crater.


#89 2016-03-18 02:03:00

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

kbd512 wrote:

I think you fail to understand the point of my responses.  You want to re-imagine history as it never happened.  On paper the SR-71 should have been capable of something near Mach 3.5...  If only the J-58 didn't overspeed at that airspeed.

You fail to understand my point. You want to re-imagine history as it never happened. And you're slamming into an issue that is both Canadian pride, and wound that can never heal. Avro Arrow as the one military thing that Canada did best in the world. Canada did develop the avionics. Canada did develop the radar. Sorry, but it's true. Canada did the initial work on the Sparrow missile, starting from scratch. Then Douglas took it over for the American military. The "fire and forget" guidance system was necessary for Arrow, so when Douglas said they can't do it, a Canadian company took it over. We have a long history of completing things that American contractors claim can't be done.

You may want to rewrite history, to claim that Arrow never existed. Sorry, but it did. It was the best fighter jet for it's day. The only American fighter jet that can do everything Arrow could, is the F-22 Raptor. And that's a 21st century plane.

You can't have the last word on this, you can't win. History is history. Nothing you say can change history. So just give it up.

By the way, SR-71 did fly once at mach 3.6, just to prove it was still the fastest aircraft in the world. It flew over a UK test range. One of the lessons from that is don't fly an aircraft you want to remain secret over a range you don't control. It's speed was published by British tabloids. At the time the story was carried by newspapers throughout the British Commonwealth, including the major local newspaper in my city.

And don't fall into the trap of believing the US invented everything. This is the Mars Society, very focused on space. The Russians conducted a series of tests using suborbital rockets starting in 1951. News of their achievements was suppressed in western countries, Canada and the US. They launched a series of rockets, including dogs in pressurized capsules, the first was also in 1951. Their launch into orbit was Sputnik in October 1957. They put a radio beacon onboard that broadcast on a frequency that ham radio operators could receive. That way their achievement couldn't be suppressed. The US public was aghast that the Soviets had done that. How did this happen out of nowhere? Well, it wasn't out of nowhere. It was after 7 years of work. Meanwhile the US had only developed intermediate range ballistic missiles, and nothing in space. Non-space: a North Korean defector brought a Russian Mig-15 in 1953. American engineers examined it and found in some aspects it was more advanced than American fighters of the day. They quickly incorporated those ideas in American aircraft. Russians always developed fighter aircraft comparable to American aircraft; slightly ahead in some ways, slightly behind in others, overall equivalent. America specialized in cryogenic and solid rockets, developing them far ahead of anything Russia could do. Russia focused on liquid rockets with storable propellants, and developed those farther than anything America could do. One example is the RD-180 engine. NASA developed ion engines, Russia developed TAL Hall thrusters. But while NASA left their technology mostly on a shelf, only used once on DS-1, Russia used theirs for station keeping thrusters of military satellites starting in the late 1960s.

America was aware of turboprop engines with counter rotating propellers, but never got the transmission to work. Russia used it on their Bear bombers. This made the Bear more advanced and more capable than the B-36 bomber. America followed that by developing the B-52 with turbofan engines. Yes, more advanced yet. But the Bear was developed in competition to the B-36, and was more advanced than B-36.

You're right about fiat currency. It used to have a standard it was based upon. Currency was based on silver before the 1800s, then changed to gold. Canada abandoned the gold standard in 1931, the US did in 1933.

All this started when I said the US should set its military budget to what it had in year 2000, the last year the American federal government had a balanced budget, plus inflation. Current overspending is the trap that Ronald Regan set for the Soviet Union; their economy collapsed. If the US economy "craters", then it'll bring the whole world down. Canada sends 73% of its exports to the US. That used to include 25% of all manufactured goods made in Canada. A large portion of manufactured goods were used domestically. But Canada's manufacturing sector has been gutted, just like the US. There have been efforts to diversify Canada's trade, but America is the only country directly connected by land. Rail does go to Mexico, Central and South America, but the US is the only other connected country that speaks English. Yes, the Canadian province of Quebec speaks French, but that doesn't help when other connected countries speak Spanish. Brazil speaks Portuguese. So if the US economy "craters", we will too.


#90 2016-03-18 09:35:33

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

RobertDyck wrote:

You are DEFENDING Donald Trump? Seriously?

If you attacking with lies, such as saying that he is a Nazi, then yes! if this line of attack works on Trump, then it can be used against any other candidate that you don't like, including Cruz. I think the only way to defeat Trump is to hold him accountable for his actual record, not be smearing and besmirching him with lies and calling him things like "Nazi" and "racist" for which their is no evidence! Donald Trump actually has a lot of Jewish friends, so calling him a "Nazi" in particular does not fit, and I wish you would not do that. Ted Cruz has some serious criticisms of Trump, but the left wing crowd calling him Nazi tends to drown than out and make Ted legitimate criticisms not heard!

He ordered his people to attack anyone who disagrees with him. People who stand in the audience with a sign disagreeing with Trump.

Actually he said, "Don't hurt him" The video doesn't show a lot of violence just protestors being pushed out of the room.

Freedom of speech is the first Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

Does it mean that people can break into your living room to give you a piece of their mind and exercise their free speech. The rally was a private event, much like people going to see a movie. Now imagine you bought a ticket to see a movie, and then one of the audience members suddenly stood up in front of you, blocking your view of the movie, and she gives you a political screed so you can't see or hear the movie, and a movie usher shows up to eject her from the theater, and she starts screaming that her "Free Speech" rights were being violated! She puts up a scuffle, punches and kicks the ushers that try to remove her and finally the cops show up to arrest her for trespassing, and the people who came to see the movie applaud when the protestor finally is removed and they can enjoy the movie.

Does "freedom of speech" give a person the right to interrupt your right to see that movie you bought the ticket for, or does that particular protestor and a right to block your view of the movie and rant and scream her political opinions, when you don't want to hear them? I think the Trump supporters who showed up at the rally had a similar opinion of the protestors who were forcibly escorted out of the hall, they came to see Trump after all, and the protestors were interfering with Trump's freedom of speech in the event that he paid for.

Everyone has a right to disagree. But Trump doesn't understand that. He orders his people to commit violence against anyone who disagrees.

Its not the disagreement , but their trespassing and disrupting the event that he was trying to stop. The people who showed up had a right to hear Trump, and not to hear the screaming protestor that was interfering with that!

Trump ordered the crowd to attack the protester with a sign. That's incitement to riot. Let's be clear, Trump supporters are the ones rioting. Trump supporters are the ones committing assault and battery.

Didn't look like a riot to me, some protestors were disturbing the event, and without them there would be no violence at all!

And demanding everyone in the crowd raise their right hand and swear allegiance to Donald Trump? Not to the United States, not to the Constitution, but to Donald Trump personally. That is fascism.

is it?

Here is a video of President Elect Ronald Reagan raising his right hand to be sworn in as President, Every President does this are they all Nazis? … 2#27119502

Now this is the Seig Heil you are talking about: … &FORM=VIRE

Look at the MSNBC video again. Instead of obsessing about Donald Trump forcing everyone present to swear allegiance to him, over and above the United States or the Constitution, instead listen to what is said. How Trump is manipulated his supporters to commit violence.


#91 2016-03-18 10:18:07

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,727

Re: Politics

Re post 88 above:  I talked to an SR-71 pilot.  He said they never deliberately exceeded Mach 3.3.  If they did,  they immediately executed an energy management pull-up to slow back down.  The danger was inlet air too hot:  both the turbine and the compressor blading is at risk.  So is the combustor assembly.

At Mach 3.3 / 85,000 feet on a 1962 standard day,  total air temperature at the compressor inlet face is 1272.5 R = 812.8 F = 706.9 K = 433.8 C.  That's before any heating due to compression gets added.  And you still have to burn in the combustor;  not much room left for 2000 F max turbine inlet temperature.  Plus compressor blades are not the superalloys that turbine blades are. 

Besides,  if any air you scoop up is already 800+ F before any compression,  how do you do cooling with that?  Your combustor liner is going to be running pretty near 2000 F near the outlet to the turbine nozzle.  It has to be superalloy as well.  Everything is right on the hairy edge of the best material technologies that we have. 


PS:  as for voting "for" anybody,  I'm absolutely not doing that.  I'm voting against Trump or Cruz.  To do that in November I have to vote for whoever the Dems run,  simply as the lesser of two evils.  And I do mean evils.  I thought I had made that clear,  but if not,  then I do here.

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


#92 2016-03-18 18:13:12

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

Many have pointed out America has become an Oligarchy. Former president Jimmy Carter is one of them, he said he couldn't be elected today. He said he couldn't raise the vast sums of money required to run, and wouldn't be inclined to even try to raise that much money. But I've pointed out America has been on a slow slide to Fascism since the end of World War 2. During the administration of George W. Bush, that became rapid. Here is one article published in the Washington Post, September 2014:
Stop and seize

Aggressive police take hundreds of millions of dollars from motorists not charged with crimes

  • There have been 61,998 cash seizures made on highways and elsewhere since 9/11 without search warrants or indictments through the Equitable Sharing Program, totaling more than $2.5 billion. State and local authorities kept more than $1.7 billion of that while Justice, Homeland Security and other federal agencies received $800 million. Half of the seizures were below $8,800.

  • Only a sixth of the seizures were legally challenged, in part because of the costs of legal action against the government. But in 41 percent of cases — 4,455 — where there was a challenge, the government agreed to return money. The appeals process took more than a year in 40 percent of those cases and often required owners of the cash to sign agreements not to sue police over the seizures.

I witnessed one of the seizures. When I boarded a plane returning home from a NASA convention in Washington DC, police hung around the gate waiting area. When I went to the ATM in the middle of the isle, I heard one of the say "he's running". I turned around and scowled at her, continued to slowly walk to the ATM. She said "Oh, he's just going to the ATM". I returned to the waiting area at the gate rather than going to the bar beside the gate, because of that. When boarding, those police grabbed an individual at the boarding gate. He was a half dozen people behind me at the "tunnel" to the aircraft. I heard them say something about him carrying a large sum of money. Not contraband, not drugs, just money.

Travelling in the US isn't safe. It isn't criminals you have to worry about, it's police. And I do mean police harassing, attacking, or robbing honest people. After 9/11, I was worried boarder guards would be aggressive. I never bothered to get a passport before that, it wasn't necessary for a Canadian to travel to the US. But I made a point to get a passport after 9/11. But after the incident I witnessed, I have to think twice.

I see Donald Trump as the symptom of a disease that has infected the United States for years. Donald Trump is taking this to the next level, he is very dangerous. But America has to realize this is an institutional problem.

I tried to see Donald Trump as just another candidate. But after he had people forcefully throw protesters out of his rallies, after he encouraged people to commit violence and promised to pay their legal fees if they did, after he had everyone swear allegiance to him personally? He isn't just another candidate. This is very dangerous.


#93 2016-03-18 18:54:55

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

The Washington Post article talks about the story of one man, but let me tell you about my experience. It was here in Canada, no US police robbed me, but it demonstrates why sometimes you have to use cash.

After I was nominated by one of the major political parties for my electoral district for the federal election, my problems really began. The credit card division of my bank not only shut down my credit card, but all my bank accounts. I couldn't even make payments to my home equity line of credit. I had made a payment to the credit card account, in full and 6 days before the due date. The bank applied my payment 3 days after I made the payment. The card holder agreement said they were permitted to do that. I was told of another bank that applied payments 5 days after the payment was made, so I made the payment 6 days before the due date. However, the card holder agreement my bank sent said they were only allowed to apply it 3 days after I paid. They did, which means it was applied before the due date. However, the people at the bank I spoke with said that payment still doesn't count, so they proceeded with collections anyway. They tried to claim I had to mortgage my house, but considering they did this when my payment was made in full and on time, I did not consider that safe. I spoke to the branch manager; she confirmed my payment was made in full and on time. She said my accounts were cancelled, she couldn't do anything about it. So I asked her to create new accounts with the branch: chequing and line of credit. The bank had merged my vehicle loan and line of credit, but this time I wanted to split them. I had finally received a large refund for income tax, so offered to apply that whole thing to my credit card. That would pay most of the credit card balance. I also offered to reduce the credit limit for my credit to the minimum for that type of card, and the remaining balance would be below that. The manager agreed, and tried to create new accounts: chequing, line of credit, and vehicle loan. The credit card was not her department. The credit card division interfered, would not permit me to have anything. The lawyer for the credit card company tried to foreclose on my house. I didn't have a mortgage at all, but he played legal tricks to do it anyway. He got damn close to doing so. My mother asked the branch manager for her branch to intervene. This resulting in her entire retirement investment fund disappearing. The branch manager worked hard to stop that, after all that's criminal embezzlement. My mother did get all her money back, only losing 2 weeks of interest. The branch manager for my branch agreed to be my agent to negotiate with the lawyer. The lawyer lied to his client, claiming my offer of payment was "full and final payment", not just dramatically reducing the balance. The branch manager was incensed! She never said that! The lawyer lied to his own client. That's a serious offence, yet he did it.

I could go on. In the end the bank didn't take my house. However, my mother loaned me money to pay my loans. That came out of her retirement savings. While all this was going on I couldn't open a simple bank account. Lawyers I talked to were too intimidated to take the case. I did get one hour free consultation by one lawyer who was a member of the same political party as me, but he wouldn't take the case either. I found out a local university law school has a legal aid office, it's treated as practicum for law students. There is a lawyer "called to the bar" to supervise students, and I got to talk to her directly. Turns out Canadian law requires banks to provide at least a basic bank account, they are prohibited from denying that. And banks are required to cash federal government cheques, such as income tax refund or employment insurance benefits. You are required to show ID, but banks are required to cash the cheque even if you don't have an account. So when they did deny me a bank account, they broke the law. When a credit union refused to cash those cheques, they broke the law.

When I discovered this, I was able to open a basic account at another bank. But not before. I was denied even basic bank services. I had to live entirely by cash. Statements made by the lawyer for the credit card division of my former bank so badly damaged my credit report, that I couldn't open even a basic bank account. For many months I had to live on cash.

So when police seize cash just because someone is carrying cash? That's robbery. Police in Canada don't do this, but you'll notice I haven't appeared at a Mars Society convention in many years. That incident at the airport occurred before my bank accounts were shut down, but I haven't entered the States since my bank problems happened. I keep remembering that incident at the airport.

So do you understand why America has become fascist?

Last edited by RobertDyck (2016-03-18 23:57:20)


#94 2016-03-18 20:01:36

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Politics

RobertDyck wrote:

The Washington Post article talks about the story of one man, but let me tell you about my experience. It was here in Canada, no US police robbed me, but it demonstrates why sometimes you have to use cash.

After I was nominated by one of the major political parties for my electoral district for the federal election, my problems really began. The credit card division of my bank not only shut down my credit card, but all my bank accounts. I couldn't even make payments to my home equity line of credit. I had made a payment to the credit card account, in full and 6 days before the due date. The bank applied my payment 3 days after I made the payment. The card holder agreement said they were permitted to do that. I was told of another bank that applied payments 5 days after the payment was made, so I made the payment 6 days before the due date. However, the card holder agreement my bank sent said they were only allowed to apply it 3 days after I paid. They did, which means it was applied before the due date. However, the people at the bank I spoke with said that payment still doesn't count, so they proceeded with collections anyway. They tried to claim I had to mortgage my house, but considering they did this when my payment was made in full and on time, I did not consider that safe. I spoke to the branch manager; she confirmed my payment was made in full and on time. She said my accounts were cancelled, she couldn't do anything about it. So I asked her to create new accounts with the branch: chequing and line of credit. The bank had merged my vehicle loan and line of credit, but this time I wanted to split them. I had finally received a large refund for income tax, so offered to apply that whole thing to my credit card. That would pay most of the credit card balance. I also offered to reduce the credit limit for my credit to the minimum for that type of card, and the remaining balance would be below that. The manager agreed, and tried to create new accounts: chequing, line of credit, and vehicle loan. The credit card was not her department. The credit card division interfered, would not permit me to have anything. The lawyer for the credit card company tried to foreclose on my house. I didn't have a mortgage at all, but he played legal tricks to do it anyway. He got damn close to doing so. My mother asked the branch manager for her branch to intervene. This resulting in her entire retirement investment fund disappearing. The branch manager worked hard to stop that, after all that's criminal embezzlement. My mother did get all her money back, only losing 2 weeks of interest. The branch manager for my branch agreed to be my agent to negotiate with the lawyer. The lawyer lied to his client, claiming my offer of payment was "full and final payment", not just dramatically reducing the balance. The branch manager was incensed! She never said that! The lawyer lied to his own client. That's a serious offence, yet he did it.

I could go on. In the end the bank didn't take my house. However, my mother loaned me money to pay my loans. That came out of her retirement savings. While all this was going on I couldn't open a simple bank account. Lawyers I talked to were to intimidated to take the case. I did one hour free consultation by one lawyer who was a member of the same political party as me, but he wouldn't take the case either. I found out a local university law school has a legal aid office, it's treated as practicum for law students. There is a lawyer "called to the bar" to supervise students, and I got to talk to her directly. Turns out Canadian law requires banks to provide at least a basic bank account, they are prohibited from denying that. And banks are required to cash federal government cheques, such as income tax refund or employment insurance benefits. You are required to show ID, but banks are required to cash the cheque even if you don't have an account. So when they did deny me a bank account, they broke the law. When a credit union refused to cash those cheques, they broke the law.

When I discovered this, I was able to open a basic account at another bank. But not before. I was denied even basic bank services. I had to live entirely by cash. Statements made by the lawyer for the credit card division of my former bank so badly damaged my credit report, that I couldn't open even a basic bank account. For many months I had to live on cash.

So when police seize cash just become someone is carrying cash? That's robbery. Police in Canada don't do this, but you'll notice I haven't appeared at a Mars Society convention in many years. That incident at the airport occurred before my bank accounts were shut down, but I haven't entered the States since my bank problems happened. I keep remembering that incident at the airport.

So do you understand why America has become fascist?

You're whining about the police here in America, which you are not even subjected to unless you decide to come here, because your banks in your own country confiscated your assets without the legal authority to do so?  Or so you claim... and here on the internet where nobody but other people have ever done anything improper we'll simply take you at your word.  Pardon me if I find your argument about why America has become fascist to be somewhat less than totally convincing.

And the notion that Trump will turn America into a fascist state is just laughable.

Mrs. Clinton used the IRS to audit every single woman who accused her husband of sexually harassing them in court.  7 women from different places with different jobs and different personal lives apparently all attracted the attention of the IRS at the exact same time.  Imagine that.

President Obama had IRS members target political groups opposed to him.

President Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, covered up the BATFE's sale of firearms to known drug cartel members.

President Obama authorized the CIA to sell weapons to known terrorist groups in an attempt to overthrow dictators friendly and unfriendly to the US.  To what end, nobody really knows.

President Obama's Secretary of State, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, circumvented government computer data storage systems in favor of using her own data storage system.  The server contained many classified documents, but she was not prosecuted.

President Obama attempted to circumvent the Congress and Senate entirely on his illegal immigration plan.

The list goes on, but I think we're well on our way to fascism or communism (or fascunism - the very worst of both) and Biff, err Donald Trump, had very little to do with any of that.

One things pretty certain, another Clinton won't be any better for America than Trump.  We, the taxpayers, don't need to fork over any more tens of millions of dollars to keep her or her pedophile husband out of prison, which is where they both belong.  Biff needs to return to his work on the Back To The Future movie set.


#95 2016-03-18 20:37:04

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

I gave you an example of someone who did nothing wrong, but got screwed. Had to operate in cash. So confiscating cash, just because it's cash? What I described did happen.

As for Hillary, yes. Whitewater was a real concern. I have posted issues about Bill Clinton's actions. And Obama authorized more drone strikes than any other president. He made an election promise to end the war in Iraq in the first 100 days of his presidency, and the war in Afghanistan before the mid-term Congressional election of 2010. He failed both. But authorizing the CIA to sell arms to terrorists? That I haven't heard. Still, actions of George W. Bush are worse. None of this refutes my claim that the US is sliding into fascism; has been for many years.

So how are you going to get out of it? What are *YOU* going to do about it? I not only became active in one of the major political parties of my country, I was elected president of the electoral district association, was a member of the executive for the provincial association of the federal party, and gained the nomination for my electoral district. The party replaced me as the candidate part way through the writ period, so my name was not on the ballot, but I did win the nomination. A few members of the provincial party tried to recruit me into the provincial party as well. For a while I was president of the provincial constituency association, at the same time as I was president of the federal riding association. The federal elections authority recently changed the name from "riding" to "electoral district". And the provincial party leader tried to recruit me as a candidate for the provincial election. However, I wanted to be the federal candidate. And my party may be one of the only two parties to form the federal government of Canada, but hasn't even been second provincially since the 1950s. Did you do that much? What are *YOU* going to do about it?


#96 2016-03-18 21:50:42

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,763

Re: Politics

RobertDyck wrote:

I gave you an example of someone who did nothing wrong, but got screwed. Had to operate in cash. So confiscating cash, just because it's cash? What I described did happen.

The Police in some parts of the country here commit highway robbery by stealing money from motorists that they've stopped.  The Police stealing money is nothing new, in this country or any other.  It's more publicized here because we have something called 1A.  The Democrats love it when the mouthpiece media use it to support their cause and turn around and do everything in their power to suppress 1A when it doesn't.

RobertDyck wrote:

As for Hillary, yes. Whitewater was a real concern. I have posted issues about Bill Clinton's actions. And Obama authorized more drone strikes than any other president. He made an election promise to end the war in Iraq in the first 100 days of his presidency, and the war in Afghanistan before the mid-term Congressional election of 2010. He failed both. But authorizing the CIA to sell arms to terrorists? That I haven't heard. Still, actions of George W. Bush are worse. None of this refutes my claim that the US is sliding into fascism; has been for many years.

The sale of arms to terrorists is hardly news.  I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if every President who took office since the CIA was formed has used them to peddle weapons.  If there's a dollar to be made, you can bet your last dollar that someone is waiting to make it.

RobertDyck wrote:

So how are you going to get out of it? What are *YOU* going to do about it? I not only became active in one of the major political parties of my country, I was elected president of the electoral district association, was a member of the executive for the provincial association of the federal party, and gained the nomination for my electoral district. The party replaced me as the candidate part way through the writ period, so my name was not on the ballot, but I did win the nomination. A few members of the provincial party tried to recruit me into the provincial party as well. For a while I was president of the provincial constituency association, at the same time as I was president of the federal riding association. The federal elections authority recently changed the name from "riding" to "electoral district". And the provincial party leader tried to recruit me as a candidate for the provincial election. However, I wanted to be the federal candidate. And my party may be one of the only two parties to form the federal government of Canada, but hasn't even been second provincially since the 1950s. Did you do that much? What are *YOU* going to do about it?

*I* am going to sit back and watch whomever is elected finish us off.  We keep electing these bozos, so we deserve what we get.  I want a vote of "no confidence" in our government.  We don't need to elect anyone else to office to steal from us, start wars, or run social engineering experiments on us.

I don't really care what our politicians say or do anymore.  It doesn't matter at this point.  The damage has been done.  I just note who did what and file it away for future reference.  Unfortunately for us, there will come a day of reckoning on account of what has been done to the American people and the other peoples of the world in the name of our country.  It won't be pretty.  As I look back, it's hard to understand how we arrived at where we are today.

The only thing I'm still trying to figure out is what we are leaving for our children.  What happens to us is of little consequence.  I guess we'll find out soon enough.


#97 2016-03-19 00:52:48

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,910

Re: Politics

kbd512 wrote:

*I* am going to sit back and watch whomever is elected finish us off.

I read a quote. Tried to find it's source. It's attributed to Edmund Burke but disputed.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.


#98 2016-03-19 07:21:25

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

GW Johnson wrote:

Re post 88 above:  I talked to an SR-71 pilot.  He said they never deliberately exceeded Mach 3.3.  If they did,  they immediately executed an energy management pull-up to slow back down.  The danger was inlet air too hot:  both the turbine and the compressor blading is at risk.  So is the combustor assembly.

At Mach 3.3 / 85,000 feet on a 1962 standard day,  total air temperature at the compressor inlet face is 1272.5 R = 812.8 F = 706.9 K = 433.8 C.  That's before any heating due to compression gets added.  And you still have to burn in the combustor;  not much room left for 2000 F max turbine inlet temperature.  Plus compressor blades are not the superalloys that turbine blades are. 

Besides,  if any air you scoop up is already 800+ F before any compression,  how do you do cooling with that?  Your combustor liner is going to be running pretty near 2000 F near the outlet to the turbine nozzle.  It has to be superalloy as well.  Everything is right on the hairy edge of the best material technologies that we have. 


PS:  as for voting "for" anybody,  I'm absolutely not doing that.  I'm voting against Trump or Cruz.  To do that in November I have to vote for whoever the Dems run,  simply as the lesser of two evils.  And I do mean evils.  I thought I had made that clear,  but if not,  then I do here.

Neither Trump nor Cruz made executive decisions that resulted in people's deaths, Hillary did! You know about Benghazi? People died because of what Hillary did, denying that a terrorist attack was occurring so Obama would not be embarrassed in his reelection bid! If you were one of the relatives of those dead soldiers or the dead Ambassador, would you consider the one responsible for their deaths to be the lesser of two evils over Trump or Cruz? Trump made business decisions, he never sent anyone to their deaths!, Cruz was a US Senator, he proposed and voted on legislation, none of it resulted in someone's death. So it has come down to this, you are willing to vote for a crook, just because she happens to be a Democrat! Whatever happened to putting the country first?

The Dems had their shot, and they blew it, they might have had a better candidate than Hillary Clinton, if they weren't so obsessed with having that first woman President and making it be her! Hillary had her path smoothed to the President for her with all obstacles in the Democratic Party removed. All the other Democrats were pressured to get out of her way, so she could become the first woman President, and it had to be her, cause her husband was Bill Clinton! Do you believe that who your married to is more important than your talents? You see if I was a Democrat and my wife was President, then the path would be smoothed out in front of me so I could be President too, does that seem fair to you?


#99 2016-03-19 08:01:36

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

Many have pointed out America has become an Oligarchy. Former president Jimmy Carter is one of them, he said he couldn't be elected today.

Because Jimmy Carter was a lousy President, people have had enough of his Malaise, and they are not going to reelect him. I wonder why you bring up Jimmy Carter as your ideal President, is he all you got? What about FDR? What about Truman? There were a lot of excellent Democratic Presidents in the past, and you bring up Jimmy Carter! John F. Kennedy was the Great Space President! If there is to be another Democrat in the White House, I would want him to be a John F. Kennedy, not a Jimmy Carter! I'd say the electoral system was working fine if it kept men like Jimmy Carter from being President, we don't need presidents like that!

As for Oligarchy, doesn't Hillary Clinton's candidacy indicate that the path was smoothed out for an obviously unqualified person? If Hillary's husband hadn't been President of the United States, would she even be running? I think not! If you don't like Oligarchy, then don't vote for another Bush or Clinton! We don't or shouldn't have an aristocracy in this country, and we shouldn't be voting for someone because of who they are related to or married to.

He said he couldn't raise the vast sums of money required to run, and wouldn't be inclined to even try to raise that much money. But I've pointed out America has been on a slow slide to Fascism since the end of World War 2.

During the administration of George W. Bush, that became rapid. Here is one article published in the Washington Post, September 2014:
Stop and seize

Aggressive police take hundreds of millions of dollars from motorists not charged with crimes

  • There have been 61,998 cash seizures made on highways and elsewhere since 9/11 without search warrants or indictments through the Equitable Sharing Program, totaling more than $2.5 billion. State and local authorities kept more than $1.7 billion of that while Justice, Homeland Security and other federal agencies received $800 million. Half of the seizures were below $8,800.

  • Only a sixth of the seizures were legally challenged, in part because of the costs of legal action against the government. But in 41 percent of cases — 4,455 — where there was a challenge, the government agreed to return money. The appeals process took more than a year in 40 percent of those cases and often required owners of the cash to sign agreements not to sue police over the seizures.

I witnessed one of the seizures. When I boarded a plane returning home from a NASA convention in Washington DC, police hung around the gate waiting area. When I went to the ATM in the middle of the isle, I heard one of the say "he's running". I turned around and scowled at her, continued to slowly walk to the ATM. She said "Oh, he's just going to the ATM". I returned to the waiting area at the gate rather than going to the bar beside the gate, because of that. When boarding, those police grabbed an individual at the boarding gate. He was a half dozen people behind me at the "tunnel" to the aircraft. I heard them say something about him carrying a large sum of money. Not contraband, not drugs, just money.

I believe those are called Traffic tickets, and if you don't like those, the President of the United States is not responsible for them, you must look to your local officials if you don't like to get a traffic ticket for speeding!
Yes, I got a few traffic tickets myself. I'll bet that if you add up all those traffic tickets, it comes to hundreds of millions of dollars!

If your idea of an excellent President is Jimmy Carter, then no thank you! I think Jimmy Carter wouldn't be reelected because everyone know he would be a lousy President, because he was one during his first term! Aside from the fact that he now is very old, technically he would run for one term only, since he already served one term from 1977 to 1981. But I don't want him as President, and for me, its not a great tragedy that he wouldn't be elected President if he ran now. If the system was working perfectly, he still wouldn't be elected President, because people don't like lousy Presidents!

Why would anyone carry a suitcase full of money? Can you think of a legitimate reason to do that, if someone wasn't trying to hide a large illegal transaction? Most people write checks when they make large purchases. It is usually assumed that if someone is carrying $1 million in a suitcase, he is up to no good.

Travelling in the US isn't safe. It isn't criminals you have to worry about, it's police. And I do mean police harassing, attacking, or robbing honest people. After 9/11, I was worried boarder guards would be aggressive. I never bothered to get a passport before that, it wasn't necessary for a Canadian to travel to the US. But I made a point to get a passport after 9/11. But after the incident I witnessed, I have to think twice.

Yes, I got a few of the parking tickets I got in New York City to be highway robbery! Half of what all police do is what I call "Revenue collecting". In New York City cops ride around in little "ticket mobiles" issuing tickets left and right, and then their are the bridge tolls, manned by police! Yep, cops collect a lot of revenue for the state, is that what you are objecting too?

I see Donald Trump as the symptom of a disease that has infected the United States for years. Donald Trump is taking this to the next level, he is very dangerous. But America has to realize this is an institutional problem.

Donald Trump is a reaction to out of control government, as typified by the Obama Administration and the Republican PArty's passivity to them.

I tried to see Donald Trump as just another candidate. But after he had people forcefully throw protesters out of his rallies, after he encouraged people to commit violence and promised to pay their legal fees if they did, after he had everyone swear allegiance to him personally? He isn't just another candidate. This is very dangerous.

Are you saying he's another Hitler? Are you saying he's evil? We all know of course that Adolf Hitler was a billionaire before he became "der Fuhrer" of Germany!


#100 2016-03-19 08:07:57

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Politics

kbd512 wrote:
RobertDyck wrote:

I gave you an example of someone who did nothing wrong, but got screwed. Had to operate in cash. So confiscating cash, just because it's cash? What I described did happen.

The Police in some parts of the country here commit highway robbery by stealing money from motorists that they've stopped.  The Police stealing money is nothing new, in this country or any other.  It's more publicized here because we have something called 1A.  The Democrats love it when the mouthpiece media use it to support their cause and turn around and do everything in their power to suppress 1A when it doesn't.

RobertDyck wrote:

As for Hillary, yes. Whitewater was a real concern. I have posted issues about Bill Clinton's actions. And Obama authorized more drone strikes than any other president. He made an election promise to end the war in Iraq in the first 100 days of his presidency, and the war in Afghanistan before the mid-term Congressional election of 2010. He failed both. But authorizing the CIA to sell arms to terrorists? That I haven't heard. Still, actions of George W. Bush are worse. None of this refutes my claim that the US is sliding into fascism; has been for many years.

The sale of arms to terrorists is hardly news.  I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if every President who took office since the CIA was formed has used them to peddle weapons.  If there's a dollar to be made, you can bet your last dollar that someone is waiting to make it.

RobertDyck wrote:

So how are you going to get out of it? What are *YOU* going to do about it? I not only became active in one of the major political parties of my country, I was elected president of the electoral district association, was a member of the executive for the provincial association of the federal party, and gained the nomination for my electoral district. The party replaced me as the candidate part way through the writ period, so my name was not on the ballot, but I did win the nomination. A few members of the provincial party tried to recruit me into the provincial party as well. For a while I was president of the provincial constituency association, at the same time as I was president of the federal riding association. The federal elections authority recently changed the name from "riding" to "electoral district". And the provincial party leader tried to recruit me as a candidate for the provincial election. However, I wanted to be the federal candidate. And my party may be one of the only two parties to form the federal government of Canada, but hasn't even been second provincially since the 1950s. Did you do that much? What are *YOU* going to do about it?

*I* am going to sit back and watch whomever is elected finish us off.  We keep electing these bozos, so we deserve what we get.  I want a vote of "no confidence" in our government.  We don't need to elect anyone else to office to steal from us, start wars, or run social engineering experiments on us.

I don't really care what our politicians say or do anymore.  It doesn't matter at this point.  The damage has been done.  I just note who did what and file it away for future reference.  Unfortunately for us, there will come a day of reckoning on account of what has been done to the American people and the other peoples of the world in the name of our country.  It won't be pretty.  As I look back, it's hard to understand how we arrived at where we are today.

The only thing I'm still trying to figure out is what we are leaving for our children.  What happens to us is of little consequence.  I guess we'll find out soon enough.

So you are going to wait for us to hit that ice berg? That is pretty pathetic, my feeling is, if you feel someone in power is doing something wrong, stop reelecting him, elect someone different, and don't trust the media, just elect someone different, never mind what the Media says about him, they are probably lying anyway. Just elect someone new who isn't in power, someone who stands a decent chance of getting elected. Right now that someone is Trump or Cruz. If you just complain and do nothing about it, you are like a sheep being led to the slaughter!


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