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#1 2013-11-20 03:53:28

From: Bulgaria
Registered: 2004-06-03
Posts: 953

Utility_fogged/Weather_machined subplanetary bodies

This is continuation / specification of "Gasbags" topic.

In SolSys there are thousands and thousands of bodies with surface gravity of between under 1% and 3% gees.

Usually they are regarded as "open pit mines" for materials or best case scenario as locations for paraterraforming.

Indeed enveloping them in utility fog - weather machine combination is kinda paraterraforming of the self-healing / self-closing-puncture design, but the "wound closing" times are in the region of seconds to minutes.

Utility fog ( UF ) -
Weather machine ( WM ) - … r-machine/
both by
the combination lets dub UFWM.

The UFWM foglets are not only "skeletons" of protruding limbs, but WM bubblets with gripping hands.

Two examples ( one MB / Main belt / and one KB / Kuiper belt/ ):

( Data from: … ts_by_size )

1. the MB's 704 Interamnia ( )

Based on IRAS data there are about 140 main-belt asteroids with a diameter greater than 120 km. … y_diameter

Surface gravity 1.8% gees.
Surface area: ~ 350 000 km2 or ~ 140 000 mi2
Diameter ( mean ): 326 km

The area of Germany per instance.

704 Interamnia is 3 AU away on average.

That means that the aperture of the light collector must be about 3 times the body diameter in order to provide the Earth level of solar constant per unit of area.

Design: A micro-tesselated bubble 1000 km wide made of gas impermeably interlocked UFWM divides the 1 bar on the surface and scale-hight-ed respectivelly up to 500km high atmosphere. Indeed we can assess that with 2ish% surface gees and such small radius the air pressure on 500km height would be like on Earth on 10-ish km height. The atmospheric envelope around such mini-world would be like a troposphere only - sharply cut of by the UFWM.

I do not have idea about the body's "relief" / topology, but more or less the surface bodies of water would be arbitrary located. 50 times less gravity then Earth means 50 times higher, wider and slower waves... The watertables are artificially held in level, shape, horizontality etc. by another layer of UFWM -- like thin cover of smart "greese" on top of the water...

Thus both atmosphere and hydrosphere are "bottled" or "plumbed" BUT they do not look this way. For external ( unaided by special tools ) observers such body looks 10000...% like mini-Earth without canopies, domes, tents, shells, cages visible around; for a guy on the ground the environment looks 1000...% earth-like with normal looking sky, river and lakes and "seas" coastlines ... everything except the gravity which is in the low single digit number of %s of gee.

2. KB's  148780 Altjira (  ):

Deliberatelly chosen this one cause it ( each companion ) has more or less the same linear dimensions as Interamnia, and because it is more interesting - two chunks of ice each 160-200km wide orbiting about 10 000 km away from eachother around a common baricenter.

The density of the 2 Aljiras is estimated to be 0.5-2.0 g/cm3 or comparable with Interamnia's - hence surface gravity of between slightly under 1% to 2% gees.

The semi-major axis for Altjiras ( dub it Upper and Lower Altjira smile ) is 45 AU. Hence in order each of these objects to receive Earth level of insolation it needs 45 times its diameter in "lense". In our case UFWM bubble or micro-tesselated baloon of diameter of about 7000 km per each. Given the spacing between the binary's elements we could even regard common UFWM envelope / bubble of spherical, oblate, egg or cigar or fat disk or sand clock shape /  -- thus from mini-Earth to mini-Earth one could go with dirigible, helicopter, airplane or Santa's sled pulled by swans ... wink

The airpressure on 5000km height would be as on Earth on 100km height, which would impose lesser requirements for the UFWMs fogglets holding hands together - lesser internal pressure.

The icy nature of these bodies could be tamed easily by either keeping the surface more wintery, OR by extracting rocks from within and paving the surface in sculptured earth-like cover...

[image] [/image]



or  - like this: … orlds.html

but with "foggy" "shell" around it.

Last edited by karov (2013-11-22 00:16:36)


#2 2013-12-03 08:54:17

From: Bulgaria
Registered: 2004-06-03
Posts: 953

Re: Utility_fogged/Weather_machined subplanetary bodies

If Universal Mass Function holds all across the Universe, as it most probably is the case, then bodies of concern of this UFWM tech (para)terraforming -- of ~10exp19-20 kg should be X-squared times more numerous then the Earth size planets ( of ~10exp24-25kg ), where X is (10exp5)exp2 or tens of billions all around the Galaxy, or millions and millions withhin the spheres of influence of individual galactic fusors and free-floating planemos.

A 200-400km wide body ( of ~1% gees surface gravity ) in the Inner Oort Cloud ( of say, 1000-5000 AU ) would need external foamlet bubble of 1000-5000 times its diameter in order to collect as much natural sun ligh as Earth's solar constant.


#3 2013-12-03 12:01:15

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Utility_fogged/Weather_machined subplanetary bodies

Gerard O'Neill suggested we make spheres, cylinders, and rings out of them and spin them for gravity, that is the paraterraforming he would have liked done. A faomlet bubble does not produce simulated gravity, the environment inside would be a nearly weightless air envelope, not exactly Earthlike, but you could breathe in it.


#4 2013-12-05 07:56:17

From: Bulgaria
Registered: 2004-06-03
Posts: 953

Re: Utility_fogged/Weather_machined subplanetary bodies

Tom Kalbfus wrote:

A faomlet bubble does not produce simulated gravity, the environment inside would be a nearly weightless air envelope, not exactly Earthlike, but you could breathe in it.

Yes. Athough 1% gees is not so much weightless envorinment. It'll be bizzare, but imagine 1 000 000+ bodies in the SolSys alone infected with foamlet breeding machinery, and turned into hundreds of thousands to millions of square miles of habitable area each - millions of ultra-low-gee Greenlands, Great Britains, New Guineas, Borneos, Madagaskars, New Zealands, Javaz, Luzons ... ... . Indeed "area" is slighlty misleading because the habitability of such world-let will be strongly featured in 3D. Miles high forests, cave / karst systems going dozens of miles deep and high... Arbitrary curved relief ... The water-surface foamlet-ed layers could indeed scupture the water tables into various reliefs too. The size of these worlds won't be too little also - on a 300km wide terraformed body, the farthest point is 500km away, which depending on the transport mode used is still hours of travel. These habitats won't be just places or stations or colonies or destinations, but places huge and rich in content as much as whole middle to giant size states on Earth.

The foamlet celluar ( tesselated ) bubbles around will be also giant lasers hence providing deceleration of brachystochronic multi-reflection momentum-loop transport: a aero-dynamic vessel reaches escape velocity before like a dolphin to jump out of the atmosphere, then decelerated to halt let to fall down to surface on natural "terminal velocity" of several km/h or less. The WM-ed sky would be multi-Tb Li-Fi imbuilt natural communication system and local weather control with precision of metres or less is equal to Wizzard of Oz global transport system.

The biggest advantage will be free-entry, open-sky "design". These terraformed dwarf- and sub-planemos ( planetoids ) will look and feel like terraformed in non-para way.

Normal gees could be achieved with carousels spinning amid air like in Virga scenarios. If necessary... Most of animal and plant life will be airbourne or floating, in manner more resembling of swimming then flying. Penguins there will be as good fliers as albatroses here. So would the fish.


#5 2013-12-05 10:40:06

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,885

Re: Utility_fogged/Weather_machined subplanetary bodies

I wonder if such worlds could maintain a 1mb atmosphere of SF6, without any assistance? It's about 5x heavier than air, so the atmosphere would extend 20x as far as a 1mb atmosphere of air on Terra... it should drop to quite an insignificant level several dozen kilometres up.

I'm not prepared to trust my home to a machine.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#6 2013-12-06 02:53:33

From: Bulgaria
Registered: 2004-06-03
Posts: 953

Re: Utility_fogged/Weather_machined subplanetary bodies

Terraformer wrote:

I'm not prepared to trust my home to a machine.

But you DO. What makes your home a home is the vast machinery of the biosphere. A self-replicating technosphere is orders and orders and orders of magnitude smarter, more robust, stronger, safer. ( count also the fact that billions of tonnes of "UFWM" comprises also vaaaaaast computronium! )

Terraformer wrote:

I wonder if such worlds could maintain a 1mb atmosphere of SF6, without any assistance? It's about 5x heavier than air, so the atmosphere would extend 20x as far as a 1mb atmosphere of air on Terra... it should drop to quite an insignificant level several dozen kilometres up.

Each foamlet is like a molecule, which is millions, not just x5 times heavier then air, and is smart, connected, communicating, obeying higher order rules ...


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