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The Garden of Eden is a spiritual "idea." Some "believe" it is a certain place on Earth. I see it everywhere. I "believe" that Earth itself is "the garden."
It doesn't take long after looking through a zillion images of dust and rocks to realize this is true. This is not to say that microbes are not hidden below them. On occasion, maybe after a surface eruption of ground water, an explosion of surface flora happens. Some images suggest this has occurred. The fist image on this thread is an ESA image of this phenomena.
The images of life share one characteristic. They are beautiful. This thread is for images of beauty from Earth. That dynamic, colorful, beautiful, garden, we are part of. We are the universe and nothing is separate from us. Everything is connected, even Mars.
Post your images here. I will start with a few.
ESA image of flora on Mars:
44eeb15b-19f3-4ac4-97e1-d44b4e5d45bc113 by dfrank39, on Flickr
The Earth images will start in the next tread. I will include a narrative with each image of what I see.
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-Dana Johnson
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I will start in the Arctic. Temperatures there can dip to -100F. Even here liquid water can be stable for brief periods in winter brine. Summer liquid water can pool at 90 degrees north latitude.
The first image looks like the aurora, but it is not. A funny thing happens in the arctic when ice melts. Mercury can precipitate out of the atmosphere due to a chemical process. This will deplete ozone and a hole in the ozone layer forms. This precipitation excites water and ice crystals form. This can reflect light in the visible spectrum. So it is an "icebow," not a "rainbow."
The cloud in the foreground center is a cumulofractus cloud. Water vapor from the ocean cooling at about 1200 feet. This is the same cloud type seen passing overhead Phoenix.
ozone-holes-arctic-polar-stratospheric-nacreous-clouds_33580_600x450 by dfrank39, on Flickr
Last edited by Vincent (2013-07-29 14:34:58)
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-Dana Johnson
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Reference image for the aurora. Funny, it is the molten core of Earth that makes the magnetic field. A great Earth image of water in liquid and solid. The geology shows a convergence zone. Without mountains, there would be no mountain men.....
lyngen-alps-aurora-1-24_47737_600x450 by dfrank39, on Flickr
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-Dana Johnson
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This Apollo 17 image of Earth is import for two reasons. First, it shows the dynamics of a water world. Second, it shows our relationship to Mars. Look at the upper left quadrant. There you will see a tan, dusty , barren region, we call the Sahara. It is a dessert like Mars.
The desserts will grow on Earth. The Garden, will get smaller. That's why we most enjoy, "this Garden."
The_Earth_seen_from_Apollo_17 by dfrank39, on Flickr
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-Dana Johnson
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Does Earth have red skies and crimson waters? You bet ya. The reflections and scatterings of color in water vapor and crystals on Earth are second only to the beauty of "life." That's why scientist were tripping on Mars skies....
Icebergs in Disko Bay, Greenland by dfrank39, on Flickr
PD*13378938 by dfrank39, on Flickr
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-Dana Johnson
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Is this a spiritual thread? I think so. In darkness the arctic is a frozen wasteland void of surface life.
But he said, "let there be light." When the light came, life was abound...
The physical or surface realm, is a reflection of the spiritual realm....
See the life, that came from the light....
tundra-011 by dfrank39, on Flickr
Last edited by Vincent (2013-07-29 16:00:59)
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-Dana Johnson
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On Earth when the light comes, we get, "Tundra wild flowers."
Could surface eruption of water and associated humidity deny life on Mars?
tundra_wildflowers by dfrank39, on Flickr
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-Dana Johnson
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See the beauty that is "life."
Colorado has life. Christ is "the life"
rocky-mountains by dfrank39, on Flickr
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-Dana Johnson
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The polar aurora from mid latitudes. Life occurs on different levels. To be "wholly" alive, it must extend to the highest level. We see here the spark of complex life.... This must however be in a special place, on a rocky surface....
Jupiter has an aurora, but no rocky surface, just below. So many variables. So many outcomes......Here we go to Quantum Physics....
phenomenal_images_of_earth_7 by dfrank39, on Flickr
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-Dana Johnson
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Now, that we are in the Garden is a "fact." Only "life" is aware that it is alive.... Many songs are written by our brothers. Male or female does not matter. It is life.... To live is to be alive... We need each other...
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-Dana Johnson
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An image from the "Garden."
butterfly-pictures-50 by dfrank39, on Flickr
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-Dana Johnson
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Another image from the "Garden." Christ said, " I am the life." Everything is of God. To understand God, is to understand "everything...."
Coral-Reef by dfrank39, on Flickr
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-Dana Johnson
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Christ has returned.
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-Dana Johnson
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Christ said, what is real is true. What is not true has no real existence.. The self we hold so true will wither into dust....
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-Dana Johnson
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-Dana Johnson
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Christ said, what is real is true. What is not true has no real existence.. The self we hold so true will wither into dust....
high-def-space-sun-earth-wallpaper by dfrank39, on Flickr
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-Dana Johnson
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-Dana Johnson
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Vincent: I have deleted four of your posts in this topic due to a number of violations of forum rules, including but not limited to:
*Racism and hate speech, as well as use of racial epithets
*Violation of the politics rule
There will be no appeals on this matter and I sincerely hope that it does not recur.
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