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Vincent, if it all went into the "air" and settled back out again, why is it not on the lander deck?
That’s a damn good question.
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-Dana Johnson
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Were the decks covered by the stored solar panels? Is that why there's no dust. It's either that or this is all taking place in a Hollywood studio.
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By the way reaction in UK seems to be pretty enthusiastic regarding this mission - despite the rather uninspiring scenery. I'm pleasantly surprised.
Maybe people are looking for some escape from the problems on Earth?
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3D near lander from Hort. Strange coloration on rock.
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I don't require agreement when presenting new ideas.
-Dana Johnson
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Were the decks covered by the stored solar panels? Is that why there's no dust. It's either that or this is all taking place in a Hollywood studio.
I (vaguely) recall the first media conference where the Lockheed Martin PM said that they were very happy (and surprised) that there was no dust on the solar panels nor the platform
Spaceflight resources to share: [url=]Phoenix Real-Time Simulation[/url]. [i]More soon ...[/i]
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In regards to the dust issue. I suppose that during the summer thaw the water is refroze at night and has cemented the dust to the surface. Not much dust was kicked up I guess.
That’s my best WAG.
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I don't require agreement when presenting new ideas.
-Dana Johnson
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I have been researching some of the images sent back by Phoenix and have to ask the following question.
Is there a species living in the Northern Plains area the size of ants?
Take a look at the very fine detail in the high resolution image, lg_437.
Bearing in mind the above question, have a look and see if you can spot anything on the surface that is vaguely familiar. What would appear to us as being small rocks and boulders may not be rocks and boulders at all.
I watched the broadcast of the landing and waited for the first images. As I predicted in an earlier post, everything would go perfectly, and it did.
Well done to everyone involved in the Phoenix mission.
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Crotty seems to be getting a little better. Still a little too red. You can make out a little detail. Looks like he is not trying to stuff 20 lbs of data in a 10 lb bag anymore.
It's the same algorithm I use for the raw images from MER (the calibrated galleries are a different story). Since I'm not using any calibration yet, the output color is entirely dependent on how far the raw images have been stretched when they are packaged up for the web.
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It's the same algorithm I use for the raw images from MER (the calibrated galleries are a different story). Since I'm not using any calibration yet, the output color is entirely dependent on how far the raw images have been stretched when they are packaged up for the web.
Well I guess its all down hill from here. Give us that Crotty haze.
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I don't require agreement when presenting new ideas.
-Dana Johnson
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Well I guess its all down hill from here. Give us that Crotty haze.
Don't shoot the messenger. I'm not doing any hand-editting, just showing what the pictures tell us.
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Don't shoot the messenger. I'm not doing any hand-editting, just showing what the pictures tell us.
You are telling what the image tells you. That’s cool. We have people that see ants, that’s cool to. If it is any conciliation NASA is just as bad. Enjoy your artwork.
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I don't require agreement when presenting new ideas.
-Dana Johnson
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If it is any conciliation NASA is just as bad. Enjoy your artwork.
This is what I don't get about the 'fringe'. Back when MER landed, I started from scratch to build a pipeline to make color from calibrated images. Guess what...they came out looking like the official releases. Wouldn't that stand as some degree of confirmation that they had it right? I guess there's just no way to convince people if they're not willing to give up their preconceived notions of what it "should" look like.
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NASA is indeed artwork. I don’t want to see what Mars, “should,” look like. Set the camera to take a picture on Earth and take it to Mars and take a picture.
You guys spend too much time on the calculator.
This image is from the NASA site. They have no idea either. You are in good company.
It is what it is. … -mars.html
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I don't require agreement when presenting new ideas.
-Dana Johnson
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(reminder - this topic is about the status of Phoenix - thanks)
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i imagine that someone has seen this picture. but just what is this in the background ? im kind of a newbie at pictures, so be patient.
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Heatshield/parachute? Or just a funny rock.
Rune. It would be simple to check out if this was a manned mission... sigh!
In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a "bad move"
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i imagine that someone has seen this picture. but just what is this in the background ? im kind of a newbie at pictures, so be patient.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were the heatshield or the aeroshell. If anything upcoming orbital imagery from MRO will confirm all the local rocks and terrain.
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Lander imaged from MRO about 300kms overhead
Landing site weather report from today's press briefing:
Temp: High of -30°C to a low -80°C
Pressure: 8.5 millibars
Wind: 20 kms/hr from NE
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Does anyone know the measurement per pixel of these images?
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Parachute and cover found in crater that looks like hills on the horizon. That means we should only see one white thingy/
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I don't require agreement when presenting new ideas.
-Dana Johnson
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i imagine that someone has seen this picture. but just what is this in the background ? im kind of a newbie at pictures, so be patient.
I noticed that.
Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars
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At the press briefing they said it was probably a GCR hit on the cam.
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PHX on its parachute floating high above Heimdall crater - imaged by MRO/HiRISE 25 May 2008
PHX landed about 20kms west from this crater, which is about 10kms across.
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PHX on its parachute floating high above Heimdall crater - imaged by MRO/HiRISE 25 May 2008
PHX landed about 20kms west from this crater, which is about 10kms across.
HOLY CRAP! :shock: Did Phoenix actually fly over Heimdall?! Man I never thought the engineers would allow it to get even that close to a hole in a ground like THAT.
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