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Over and over again in the terraforming forum as well as elsewhere it comes up how in a lot of situations how genetic modifications to humans and other species would (hopefully in the near future) be a lot easier than terraforming. I want to put forth that the term "areoforming" be used for this from now on. Maybe it's not the best term, but proposed terraforming often still leaves places very different from earth. Plus it'd keep Mars in people's minds. But discuss and since it's creating a new scientific term I thought this might be the best place for it.
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But 'Areoforming' sounds to similar and could be mistaken for 'Aeroforming', altering just the atmosphere of the planet/moon/asteroid.
Use what is abundant and build to last
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There's some truth to that. Any dieas? I think there should be a term to set genetic engineering for the purpose of making it easier to live in an unfriendly environment aside from genetic engineering for more mundane uses such as improving general health or something like that.
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Use what is abundant and build to last
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The o following e is probably something we should avoid if we want it to be easy to pronounce now that I think about it.
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That sounds like, I don't know, trying to make free floating colonies.
Genoforming? That's a good one. And it's not because I came up with it.
Use what is abundant and build to last
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The poll has been added. Sorry about the delay, but my internet access is pretty sketchy at times.
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They use bioforming in Star Trek - but in the literature bioforming can mean terraforming through biological means.
I like genoforming, although phenoforming may be closer to what you want - the genotype is the gene pattern, the phenotype is genetic expression in a particular environment.
I'll add seraforming - the making of seraphim.
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Provolution (evolving for a specific purpose).
Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars
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We don't seem to be getting anywhere. everyone seems to be coming up with even more ones.
But we should probably drop the 'forming' altogether. If Terraforming means to make a planet Earth like, the Geno/whatever forming sounds like we're altering the genes of one species to make them more like that of another.
Use what is abundant and build to last
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I like Terraforming.
I know what everyone is talking about.
Come on to the Future
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