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#1 2007-08-14 11:04:46

From: UK
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 74

Re: Important Discovery!

Hi Everyone,

If your quest is for the truth about Mars, this post may help.

Exploring the surface of Mars I use the MGS - MOC photographic data. I believe that what I have discovered is the elusive needle in the haystack. Is there water on Mars and can life be supported?

Please use the link below to download an image strip from the address given below. Make sure you select the .GIF image, and NOT the .jpg, for a reasonable degree of clarity. You may be able to view the image and the objects without too much processing depending on quality of your display device.

Zoom in and process by either increasing or decreasing the brightness or adjust using a gamma correction facility, softness and sharpness to make the image more viewable. Analyze the image in fine detail. You will then realize in seeing for yourself, that we are definitely not the only life forms in this galaxy! Could it be that Mars is where the human race originated from in the first place? … 02159.html

All the scientific details in relation to the image strip are shown on the same page.

The visual information you see will either surprise, shock or seriously annoy you. Yes, you may be annoyed after seeing the evidence for yourself and realizing that what you have read in books and been told by the so-called experts is incorrect and totally misleading.

Examine the detail very closely about four-tenths of the way down the image and you will see a large long and high building on a raised rocky ridge. The building has a central tower in the middle of the building with what looks like another structure on top of the tower. The structure at the top of the tower has a curved or dome type roof. Further evidence that the structure is a building can be gleaned from the shadow that is cast down over the nearside of the ridge. The sun is shining from top right to bottom left and the viewing angle to the ground is just over 60 degrees.

In fact, there are very many large and small architectural buildings in this image. There is also what appears to be a train of about three or four carriages, which is either entering or leaving a station. (This particular object can be seen on the far right hand side of the image just about two-thirds of the way down) The train appears as having a dark grey body and light colored roof. You can also see the path the railway track takes down the image a little and then see it sweep round a curve to the left and continue in a straight line right across the image. The track itself cannot be seen as it is screened by dense vegetation including mature trees and bushes. In order to see the train and station better it may help to soften the image slightly.

This discovery is a very important piece of exploration evidence. It proves there is intelligent life currently surviving on the planet. The crunch question is, what type of life form is it? Could it possibly be a humanoid type of existence? It has to be remembered there are many images of human-looking faces on the planet's surface. So, where there is life there has to be water.

In examining other photographic evidence, I have observed huge cities and villages in the countryside and the roads are too numerous to count. There are plenty of huge dome-like structures all over the planet that from the distance of space appear as craters. These domes have very bright skirts and are brightly illuminated from within the structure. In some of the MOC images, the domes are emitting heat and can be observed as heat haze drifting away from the structure and cooling over a distance on the surface. It would appear from all the observations I have made that the planet is overflowing with life. There are lights on all over the planet which means electricity can be generated in a plentiful supply unless the lights run on gas, which I very much doubt.

Many people have commented on various sites that the recent video of two unidentified flying machines seen with five accompanying orbs over Haiti is  a hoax. Is it possible that it was not a hoax at all and the craft were the real thing. I have to say that viewing them in flight they looked real enough to me and very quiet for their size.

In the future, I feel we will have to look seriously at the sightings of these unidentified craft, especially any that look like the craft seen over Haiti. Various probes and orbitors have been sent to Mars, so would it not be reasonable to assume that we may possibly experience visits from them from time to time in response to our own galactic missions.

I trust the visual information in the image will enlighten you as to what is actually on the surface of the planet and that you will not be disappointed.



#2 2007-08-15 00:54:32

From: Biosphere 1
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 824

Re: Important Discovery!

Ah, the ever-fresh "artificial structures on Mars" meme.  I particularly enjoy the post-modern twist of using a reference image as close as possible to random dots.

Fan of [url=]Red Oasis[/url]


#3 2007-08-16 15:29:18

From: UK
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 74

Re: Important Discovery!

That is the type of uninformed response I thought might receive. How can you pass judgement on an image that you obvously have not viewed properly. The link is working properly from the forum. I tried it today. Give it a try. Click on the link, download the not mapped gif image strip and you will be surprised at what you there is to see but a program with a zoom in and out facility will be required at least, otherwise it will be a complete waste of time trying to analyze the finer detail.

Has anyone else had a look at the image and made an analysis?

The more informed we are the better we can prepare for the future.



#4 2007-08-16 19:04:35

From: Biosphere 1
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 824

Re: Important Discovery!

an image that you obvously have not viewed properly

This is the crux of the con: "stare at the randomness until you see the images I have suggested that you see."

Is that the thrill you get?  Making other people see something? 

But why this particular con?  There are so many.  Do you just need the practice?  Are you finding people for your sucker list?

Fan of [url=]Red Oasis[/url]


#5 2007-08-24 16:29:06

From: UK
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 74

Re: Important Discovery!

Please can you tell me how images can be posted on the forum?


#6 2007-09-06 13:07:20

From: UK
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 74

Re: Important Discovery!

All NASA can see is the surface terrain and nothing else!

Please can someone tell me how to post images on the forum.


#7 2007-09-07 00:51:15

From: Belgium
Registered: 2003-11-03
Posts: 3,669

Re: Important Discovery!

pictures, first you have to upload your picture to a service like imageshack or photobucket or flikr, then follow their instructions. It's a question of copy/pasting stuff.

if you want the pictures to be actually shown, you have to first click the (Img) button above your postentry, and then insert the adress you get then click (Img) again.


#8 2007-09-19 05:14:45

From: UK
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 74

Re: Important Discovery!

Hi Rxke,

Many thanks for your reply as to how images can be posted.



#9 2007-12-14 14:00:57

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2007-07-15
Posts: 2,564

Re: Important Discovery!

Assuming this is the picture that you ment, I have posted it below.

I really see nothing, nor do I believe that anything is there.




#10 2007-12-18 09:57:12

From: UK
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 74

Re: Important Discovery!

Hi jumpboy11j.

Yes, this is the image, only the one you are displaying is a .jpg and this needs to be mirrored to correct its orientation.

Firstly, may I suggest that you download the full .gif image (not mapped). The non-mapped version of the image is much easier to process. The orientation of this image is correct.  It is a large file worth fiding space for.

After downloading view in a program such as PaintShop Pro version 6 or 7 and follow this procedure.

'Soften' the image - do not select blur, then select 'sharpen more' followed by 'sharpen' only. Go to 'Colors' menu click 'Adjust' and select 'Gamma correction'. Adjust gamma to 0.60 then 'sharpen' again. All the white areas in the image are building structures. If you want these areas to show up more clearly select the 'Colors menu' and click 'Solarize' and adjust to 80, then view the image.

Please let me know what you see after you have processed the image as per the above and zoomed in.


#11 2007-12-18 14:53:40

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2007-07-15
Posts: 2,564

Re: Important Discovery!

I do not have that.  I would prefer if you put it up here.  As is, or as any other way, THERE IS NOTHING THERE.  It's very simple.  MARS IS DEAD.(or abiotic, whichever you prefer)

Actually, there might be a few hardy microbes, but nothing more.



#12 2007-12-19 07:49:32

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Important Discovery!

Hi Everyone,

If your quest is for the truth about Mars, this post may help.

Exploring the surface of Mars I use the MGS - MOC photographic data. I believe that what I have discovered is the elusive needle in the haystack. Is there water on Mars and can life be supported?

Please use the link below to download an image strip from the address given below. Make sure you select the .GIF image, and NOT the .jpg, for a reasonable degree of clarity. You may be able to view the image and the objects without too much processing depending on quality of your display device.

Zoom in and process by either increasing or decreasing the brightness or adjust using a gamma correction facility, softness and sharpness to make the image more viewable. Analyze the image in fine detail. You will then realize in seeing for yourself, that we are definitely not the only life forms in this galaxy! Could it be that Mars is where the human race originated from in the first place?

Only if the human race is billions of years old.


#13 2007-12-19 10:32:49

From: UK
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 74

Re: Important Discovery!

Well, well jumpboy11, it would appear that you are not prepared to do some research yourself by downloading the Psp program and analyzing the quality gif image. I believe that there is a free download available of PSP version 6 on the Internet.

Only after processing the image, following the instructions above, will you be able to see that there is more to this image strip than meets the eye.

Maybe there are other members who would like to have a look at this image.

The procedure outlined above in my last post can be used as a basis for analyzing other image strips to find out what is hidden on the surface. I can assure you that there is much to see.


#14 2007-12-19 14:45:57

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2007-07-15
Posts: 2,564

Re: Important Discovery!

does this image editing yeild similar results to this image?


if it is, it's your usual silliness.



#15 2007-12-19 16:37:12

From: UK
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 74

Re: Important Discovery!


Silliness indeed - how dare you say that.

I'll have you know that I have consulted with some great and knowledgeable minds on this subject and the majority of them are truly amazed at what my image processing technique reveals in the images.

Obviously, you are not a serious researcher on the subject of Mars.


#16 2007-12-20 15:18:37

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2007-07-15
Posts: 2,564

Re: Important Discovery!

as an honest question, has anyone at newmars ever given you a positive response to one of your "discoveries"?



#17 2007-12-20 16:34:14

From: UK
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 74

Re: Important Discovery!

To jumboy11j,

An honest answer to your question is that I don't think members of this forum are particularly interested in what I have discovered otherwise there would have been more discussion and interest shown in the post.

However, it can be guaranteed that if I was a high-flying Astrophysicist, Astronomer or well-known scientific author posting here and had made the same claim, there is no doubt that the discovery and subsequent claim would have received a great deal more attention. But this is not the point in question!

What I feel is important is the high degree of in-depth visual research achieved and the many hours  I have spent examining a vast array of photographic and documentary eveidence. The image processing technique I use has definitely identified that there is a a multitude of rectilinear structures on the surface. This is evidence in itself and validates that the structures could only have been erected by an intelligent species that currently exists on the planet. I suspect the species is human-like in appearance and this claim will probably be validated in the due course of time. When this happens you will know whether or not I was correct in my current assertion.

Remember, I have only made claim to finding evidence that suggests an intelligent species inhabits the planet. I have never seen a Martian and, I suspect, neither has anyone else up to the present time!

There are many people posting on forums and the Internet who have laid claim to discovering this, that and the other, but nothing that relates to what is currently happening on the planet. Millions of structures means miliions of inhabitants. This evidence alone shows that the inhabitants must have a reasonable level of oxygen in the atmosphere and the most valuable commodity of all - water!

What is your claim or discovery, if you have one?

And BTW, the image you posted here is not the same image as the one referred to at the top of this thread. You also failed to include the credit to the image you imported - namely NASA/JPL/MSSS.


#18 2007-12-22 13:13:56

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2007-07-15
Posts: 2,564

Re: Important Discovery!

An honest answer to your question is that I don't think members of this forum are particularly interested in what I have discovered otherwise there would have been more discussion and interest shown in the post.

If no one here is interested,  why bother posting it?

However, it can be guaranteed that if I was a high-flying Astrophysicist, Astronomer or well-known scientific author posting here and had made the same claim, there is no doubt that the discovery and subsequent claim would have received a great deal more attention. But this is not the point in question!

most people, even famous people, who " discover" life on mars are laughed out of the waters

What I feel is important is the high degree of in-depth visual research achieved and the many hours  I have spent examining a vast array of photographic and documentary eveidence. The image processing technique I use has definitely identified that there is a a multitude of rectilinear structures on the surface. This is evidence in itself and validates that the structures could only have been erected by an intelligent species that currently exists on the planet. I suspect the species is human-like in appearance and this claim will probably be validated in the due course of time. When this happens you will know whether or not I was correct in my current assertion.

if (NOT when) it is validated, I will believe you.  Not before.

There are many people posting on forums and the Internet who have laid claim to discovering this, that and the other, but nothing that relates to what is currently happening on the planet. Millions of structures means miliions of inhabitants. This evidence alone shows that the inhabitants must have a reasonable level of oxygen in the atmosphere and the most valuable commodity of all - water!

you've just said it yourself, many people have claims.  What makes yours different?

And BTW, the image you posted here is not the same image as the one referred to at the top of this thread. You also failed to include the credit to the image you imported - namely NASA/JPL/MSSS.

Sorry about that.  But I don't believe you.  But at least you're not like that Lschl13 person who trolls this website.[/i]



#19 2007-12-22 14:21:42

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,885

Re: Important Discovery!

We managed to drive off Lschl13.

Many people on forums and the internet make claims? Since when has anything the internet says been trustworthy.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#20 2007-12-23 10:20:05

From: UK
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 74

Re: Important Discovery!

I said I didn't think members of this forum were particularly interested in what I have discovered due to the lack of interest shown. This comment was posted recently, quite some time after the original item had been posted.

I posted the item in the believe that there would be like-minded individuals on this forum who would be interested in this particular topic.

You are quite right!  Famous individuals are laughed at when they have made discoveries about Life on Mars. I am quite prepared to be laughed at because I know that what I have discovered is authentic and genuine. The information has also been sent for review to universities and others individuals in the field who would be interested in this particular subject. 

I have never stated that I had found 'Life on Mars'. What I have found is definite evidence that shows 'life' has existed, or is existing, on the planet Mars. The buiding structures I have identified could only have been constructed by an intelligent species. I have never seen a Martian and I suspect no one else has either. Although, from the images posted in another thread there are two representations of what Martians look like.

I am sure the discoveries I have made will be validated at some point in the future. When that time comes, will you then agree I was correct in what I have found or will you still be skeptical and in disbelief?

The image you copied from another thread is S0801258. The mirrored jpeg image you posted on this thread is S0701259. You will find that the two images are totally different.

You state at the bottom of your postings that you have lots of ideas and that people would like them. Please, tell me about them.



#21 2007-12-23 15:34:34

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2007-07-15
Posts: 2,564

Re: Important Discovery!

See my userpage ( for the ones i've had, as well as my post history.  I'm currently working on a getting to mars mor efficiently by slingshoting around the moon.

If nasa, or anyone else conclusively proves that there is intelligent life on mars, I would like to think that I would believe them.  However, I think you may just be over-editing the images.



#22 2008-05-13 00:02:45

From: Titannn
Registered: 2008-05-12
Posts: 2

Re: Important Discovery!

Well, how about you do the instructions as listed on your post and post it here? It makes no sense as to why you would put up an unedited picture and tell us that the only way we could see the "building" is if we edited it in various ways even if there are some people who don't have the program. Please do that, and crop into the "building" I seriously want to see it but I see nothing!  :oops:


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