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I am not thinking about a terreformed mars. I am thinking of perhaps two big wheels bellow a board and a massive sale. Perhaps a person could where a suite with magnetic boots to help hold a sail against a larger wind load.
Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]
It should be possible to "surf" on mars. NASA already works on something like that, it's called Tumbleweed-Rover : … eature=486
They have an lot of PDF's online. Search for "Tumbleweed" And "Rover"
Zubrin proposed a version of this with a balloon, which would serve as a sail and would be able to heat up and lift a small unmanned probe. Furthermore, the probe would roll across the surface of Mars on one or two wheels--one is better in boulders because it frees itself better--and the turning of the wheel would generate electrical power for the probe! Zubrin had a five minute video of a two-wheeled probe and a balloon with a mix of helium and nitrogen to simulate lift on the Martian atmosphere rolling across the slopes of Mount Evans, outside Denver, above the treeline. Really cool.
-- RobS
Slightly offtopic: I read the atmosphere is so dense on Saturn's moon Titan, and gravity is so low, that a human would be able to strap on wings and easily fly through the atmosphere. Now that would be fun!
could be a good idea, but i could see where the ball would get stuck somewhere easily or fall into some of the massive canyons that are there on the planet... our best bet would be to send multiple of them and spread them out along the surface of the planet.