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Announced by the company that's been setting up private stays on the ISS. They also want to do a private spacewalk for pay by 2009 if I rememebr correctly. It's in the article anyways.
That's a good bit more expensive than I would've been expecting especially when they say they're using existing Soyuz modules to do it. At that cost one wonders if they might be better off bumping the price up a few million and including a trip to the moon's surface too.
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Probably because it'd cost more than a few extra million. The Soyuz was built for circumlunar missions.
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Aother thread containing more onSoyuz: Fly Me to the Moon
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sounds like of ambitious, wonder if the ruskies are involved ?
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Yes, they're using Russian equipment to accomplish the trip. Soyuz is the Russian's manned spacecraft.
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