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#1 2021-06-01 14:11:45

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Politics & Religions on Mars, the 2024 US election

2022 comes before 2024

I do not know if there is a space flight candidate

The US election I guess is far away but not too far away, at these US elections decisions could be made in future that influence Space Exploration and Manned Colonization of Outer Worlds. The Senate and US Congress may change, Mid-Term Elections 2022 more votes, House Elections come in 2022. Do Russia and China matter, maybe they do but maybe not so much, they are not really politically democratic, Chinese have a strong space program but are communist but push for open economic trade. China will already have the experience of a Rover on Mars and a working space station. The ESA have done great missions with NASA, they helped with the Hubble, the Cassini–Huygens of Saturn's Moon Titan. Europe has great space science but is getting smaller with Brexit and might break into arguing bickering bureaucratic states, they have no manned launcher. The Japanese have ideas for Space Robots, the agency JAXA has Proposals for Space Telescopes, Japan might do more Solar science missions and Spacecraft to Asteroids. By this year 2024 hopefully the JWST done great and it has made great discoveries. India plans to already have manned missions but it currently suffering economic effects of the virus, it has Political obstacles a territory dispute with Pakistan and Economic obstacles, also Social issues.
The Middle East, crazy Americans and kamikaze Japanese got jihad islamic sharia law mohammedans to Orbit Mars but the Middle East will probably NEVER evolve and continue to have war forever, until our Sun finally explodes in 5 Billion years time, maybe a Comet will hit Arabia sooner and continents and sub-continents literally each other, maybe Israel and Iran can do it sooner and Saudi and Turk will wipe each other out in clouds of atomic fire, maybe then the Middle East will finally have peace.
The Moon Treaty is possibly dead, the Outer Space Treaty almost gone, I expect many nations to sign international agreements between governments participating in the US Lunar Program, I believe New Zealand and South Korea have already signed up and more will follow. Korea is interesting because they are investing in their own Rockets and Robots.

You have a lot of Toxic Left vs Right happening these past years, Antifa BLM groups, the Q-Anon cult and that dude with the horns and spear and Don't Tread on Me protests, they have a vote Law you don't like then call them ‘Jim Crow’. I'm not sure what's going to happen the thousands of the genuine refugees and the terroristic criminal refujihadists that Europe took in, will they all have jobs in a new Europe or will nationalism rise before they get shipped back home?
Trump has Lost Power, he avoided the old Tv and ran an election a new way to win, ran on social media but he's Muted today by BigTech with Censorship, Bans across Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, name it the internet has banned Trump. I feel he is unlikely to win with BigTech muting him.  Rep. Liz Cheney was stripped of leadership position and Andrew Giuliani might run so you might hear more about Hunter Biden's drug smoking photos and his foreign Laptops? Currently what is happening politically, maybe Kamala Harris's appointment to head up the National Space Council?

There will be the usual talking points, the old talking points and maybe new talking points endless war
The War on Drugs, some Bailout or Relief Bill for the Virus, Laws to Wear Masks or Not Masks? and the Wars on Poverty
Kick the Education Can Down The Road At NASA? … e-edu.html
NASA requests $24.8 billion in 2022 … fia-again/

Unless some big unforeseen event happens like a Super Volcano goes off or an Asteroid hits our Planet the United States presidential election will be the 60th quadrennial presidential election, scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Donald Trump Jr. from New York could run, his father the 45th President, old Trump is banned from the Social media of the internet but Trump Jnr is not banned.
Chris Christie will be what age... maybe 60 yrs and will probably still be "extremely obese"?
Rand Paul from Kentucky could run but he's hated by the Media Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex, like his father before there will be groups who do not like him and there will be too much money against him.
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson might run, I'm not sure as what, maybe even Indie or Libertarian? While the Rock might be serious about running maybe California might have the most joke candidates.
I don't think many will be giving their votes to the Greens, Constitution Party or the 'Kanye West Birthday Party' but it is possible a Centrist Party could collect some Third votes like the 'Ralph Nader 2000' campaign.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could run from New York as a Neo-Liberal Democrat Regressive Left Candidate, maybe the conspiracy people have gone totally crazy by this time and will rant about the US Dollar getting replaced by Bitcoins and the Amero?

Mormon LDS prophecy might take off once again because
Romney will run 'AGAIN'?  their 'Prophet' Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum didnt see the mob coming to that illinois jailhouse that would kill them?...Mormons on Mars?
'Elon Musk is saddened about ex governor Romney'

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-03-13 06:29:39)


#2 2023-10-25 10:32:45

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,763

Re: Politics & Religions on Mars, the 2024 US election

For Mars_B4_Moon ....

This topic has been sitting for a while ...

Your post today (in another topic) included an interview with a Chinese official.  The interview included a claim that China is interested in the peaceful use of outer space.  I presume that may be the policy at one level of the government of China.

24/7 Space News

China able, ready to invite foreign astronauts to its space station

The welcome mat is very much out.

China able, ready to invite foreign astronauts to its space station
by Staff Writers
Jiuquan (XNA) Oct 25, 2023

China is able and ready to invite foreign astronauts to participate in China's space station flight missions, announced a senior official from the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) at a press conference on Wednesday.
"We extend an invitation to the world and welcome all countries and regions committed to the peaceful use of outer space to cooperate with us and participate in the Chinese space station missions," said Lin Xiqiang, deputy director of the CMSA.

Lin also vowed to include foreign astronauts in the country's moon-landing mission once the necessary conditions are met.

China plans to realize a manned lunar landing by 2030. "We are solidly advancing our research and development work to ensure the goal is achieved as scheduled," said Lin.

Lin reaffirmed that China's manned space engineering is used exclusively for peaceful purposes and the country has neither pursued nor will pursue hegemony in space.

"We are willing to continue carrying out international cooperation and exchanges on the basis of peaceful use, equality, mutual benefit and common development," said Lin.

The collaborations include astronaut joint flights, development and experiment for space application payloads, space environment governance and aerospace science education for young people, Lin added.



#3 2023-10-31 15:37:10

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Politics & Religions on Mars, the 2024 US election

NASA's Office of Inspector General says the Moon is getting expensive and estimated the true cost of the Artemis program at about $93 billion until 2025. China doesn't seem to be interested in racing to the Moon or Mars, it does have ambition but it does its own thing at its own long term planned exploration at its own glacial pace, the last time I watch one of their passionate videos they wanted to have something like the older Hubble launched on their own station, it is difficult to know if they will race to building a Space-Colony. With both Republican and Democrat unpopular in the USA is it so ridiculous to think a Libertarian party or Constitution party or some Centrist party might take some votes?

Space-X will survive beyond 2024 it is the best choice for space colonisation, there will still be an SLS although very expensive, the Chinese will still launch new stuff but I'm not sure about the rest. Maybe Europe gets a rocket and unmanned mission and Japan do some small unmanned science stuff, maybe the war with Ukrainians and Russians drags on. The Europeans are in a strange place, they need rockets and the sanctions on Russia and loss of Soyuz in French Guiana made some people in Europe think about having their own rockets and think about Russian aggression and invasions. Maybe India grows with 'BRICS' and it sends more robots to space and puts a man up there, maybe another company from the South Korean industry grows more. Japan and ESA might grow some backbone on manned flight but I'm not sure, Europe says it is committed to working with Member States to develop European non-dependent human access to space. The French work with the Chinese and Europe does not have the same serious political problems with China as the US / NASA ban. The ISS will come to its end and now NASA seeks Proposal from US Industry for Station Deorbit, next is a Moon Gateway Station.  Even if there is a will to keep space open and united, the ISS can not fly forever, we have political signs is ending and what happens if Russia side just starts to fail and Russian and Putin just gave up on keeping it in orbit. The USA is still the world leader, Putin has left a bad legacy and Russians seem to be in decline. Perhaps there will be high ground or there will be no high ground up there and some treaty signed so Mars and the Moon equals Antarctica type science or maybe there is a colonization race and Asteroids and Moons and Planets get exploited. You might count California, Texas, Florida as 'Space States' there are others Ohio, the flight facility at Huntsville, Alabama and Goddard Maryland, Mississippi Test Sites and overseas sites a diplomat may have seen in Madrid or Australia or a private launch site in New Zealand but Texas, California and Florida are the big places for 'Space Politic'.

I don't think NASA will be talked of and if it is talked about they might mention an idea to cut NASA's budget, they may admit a desire to keep the Space-Force with Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Joe Biden and Mike Pence have experience on Space Matters but I don't really see an older Biden winning and Mike Pence is officially bowing out of the presidential race. I believe something strange has happened to US Politics, odds will say either the Republican wins or the Democrat but there could almost be a four way split. Democrat Marianne Williamson I believe was living in two 'Space States' California and Texas, I don't see her as a serious candidate. Trump has opted to ignore the show and answer the legal questions of Judges and Lawyers. Yet it's all about the show and the second debate from what clips I have seen was almost a shouting match. Chris Christie must be eating, he does get some attention but looks even bigger. Trump is leading but he might be arrested, or charged with something again,  Donald Trump 45th president of the United States had 'ego' if not supported by Republicans he might even break away and from his own 'American Greatness' party or whatever he wishes to call it splitting the vote. Ron DeSantis looked a bit flustered, will he support Trump if he's charged with a crime, would he pardon trump, I believe they were asked to raise their hands to indicate if they would support former President Donald Trump as the Republican nominee if he was convicted and for DeSantis he waits for what way the wind might blow, a failed tv performance lack of stage performance looking left and right, if you split the first debate in the middle Four in the Right of stage the guru medical sales guy Vivek Ramaswamy, the UN Nimarata Nikki Haley, Timothy Eugene Scott and the other guy raised their hands almost straight away. It's not about the issues, its about the television and who can put on a show. Vivek Ramaswamy does have math and sales, I think his family as the religion persuasive type Guru-Brahmin, is is probably skilled at preaching and selling but I'm not sure if its an act or genuine, when he says he doesn't want transexuals preaching weirdo stuff to his kids I believe he is genuine here when he criticizes weird stuff in schools. Nikki Haley has a lot of political experience but something feels a bit of the Bush-NeoCon years, maybe DeSantis is good or maybe with DeSantis also he might be party of those Greek letter brotherhoods, I feel Haley and DeSantis and Chris Christie all being a little Neo-Con-ish but with Chris Christie being the bigger of the clowns. Christie he probably has one true job to jump in like an exploding Sumo wrestler and sabotage the possibility of a Trump win. On the Democrat side the Joe Biden Admin is unpopular but you have RFK running who says he will now go independent. This means you could have 4 main parties running, it could cause an even bigger shock to the established than Ralph Nader did during his Presidential campaigns. It could be a strange time compared to the rise of historical parties like Whig Party,  factions of Democrat Republican, the George Wallace American Independent Party, the Roosevelt Nationalism Progressive Party or "Bull Moose Party" , Greenback People's Party, States' rights Nullifier Party, Anti-Mason Party, the Know Nothings, it could be another time of political turmoil but due to the winner take all nature of politics you expect both Republican and Democrat to return to a strong position even after a stumble. Robert F. Kennedy Jr can be controversial, he talks about vaccine companies making lots of money and the death of his Father RFK and Uncle JFK but American internet and tv loves the drama and even conspiracy talk.

A new Liberal or new Conservative group? Even if one or two split away and only take 2% or even 1% or 3% of the vote it can be enough to sabotage the other side. If there is a 'they' in charge and pulling strings behind the curtain and I think if 'they' wanted a surprise it might be too late to run a guy like 'Gavin Newsom' to replace Biden, Newsom said he would not run and was "looking forward to getting Joe Biden re-elected." There is almost always an 'October Surprise', a leaked scandal or a bomb going off somewhere, or some kind of event to try influence the election. I don't think the USA and China is really comparable in Space, the USA has so much more experience than China, the Skylab, flying Shuttle to MIR, the ISS, all of those scientific planetary missions, the USA has far longer experience in long duration space flight so in some ways you need to compare the feats of Russian Cosmonauts to NASA's Astronauts with Chinese have far less experience. Anyone putting islam on the Moon or Mars be it the USA or China or anyone else American Private funded Axiom Space launching, Pakistanis, Saudi, Iranians, trying to turn it into a Hotel for Qatar Iranian Saudi Bahrain people it just seems like a money laundering act of political stupidity, maybe 'money talks' but I never understood these partnerships to xeno cultures that knife you in the back.  Northrop Grumman Space Systems can launch cargo, Europe and Japan can launch un-manned cargo, there was supposed to be a Space Plane some said it might become an X-Plane other say Turkish-American billionaires will have a Dream Chaser Sierra Nevada and it will launch in 2024,  Boeing's Starliner is supposed to have participation in NASA's Commercial Crew Program (CCP)  Jeff Bezos Blue Origin (ULA) is behind Musk and Richard Branson's and the Mubadala Abu Dhabi owned Virgin Orbit seems to be behind Blue. Boeing Lunar Lander has not been selected, there was an Integrated Lander Vehicle chosen as the second HLS vendor (Blue Origin, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Draper Laboratory) the Altair spacecraft is over, previously known as the Lunar Surface Access Module or LSAM, was the planned lander spacecraft, Blue Moon is a family of lunar landers that might be incorporated into NASA's manned exploration of the Moon and Starship HLS is the lunar variant of SpaceX Starship. China does however want to be recognized and it now has feats nobody else has such as farming on the Moon inside a Robotic Rover, although the plant growing mission was short lived it has now done something nobody else has done. You can start to compare rocketry with Chinese soon having 70,000 kg to LEO and after this they plan a 150,000 Kg to LEO comparable to Starship. if China were to get a Mars Sample or MSR some might suddenly think China ahead, Artemis wants to be on the Moon by 2025, it could be 2027 or 2028? Maybe Artemis funding needs Sharia Law Kingdoms or hidden bags of Digi-Money from the Isle of Man, Ukraine, Colombia, Nigeria, maybe Depending on islamic or African nations, Rwanda, what will they offer? cassava or wood or maybe tons of beans, maybe diamonds or maybe tin ores some 'coffee' I thought they were starting more revolutions in Africa and kicking out Western nations like France? If China gets its Super-Heavy going before NASA lands then it might suddenly seem to be ahead, slips might happen on both sides, there could be any delay for now NASA is ahead but the 'Race' if there is one could get much closer.

The relationship between the President Biden Kamala Harris Admin and Elon Musk has not been very good, the relationship between government and Musk might improve after 2024.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-11-01 03:28:50)


#4 2024-03-29 16:35:03

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,416

Re: Politics & Religions on Mars, the 2024 US election

The fight has already started with registry to vote cast counts in some states, while others are purging the data base of the registered to vote. Now it's into the voting method as Appeals court makes major ruling on mail-in ballots ahead of 2024 election in Pennsylvania.


#5 2024-04-24 20:22:37

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,416

Re: Politics & Religions on Mars, the 2024 US election

Arizona indicts 18 in case over 2020 election in Arizona, including Giuliani and Meadows and 16 others for their efforts to use so-called fake electors to try to overturn Trump’s loss to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

The indictment released Wednesday names 11 Republicans who submitted a document to Congress falsely declaring that Trump won Arizona in 2020, and it also says there are seven other defendants whose names were not immediately released because they had not yet been served with the charges. Trump is described as an unindicted co-conspirator.

Trump is claiming immunity.


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