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#1 2018-06-04 21:29:47

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

Trump’s Lawyers Argue That He Cannot Be Impeached Because He Was Never Actually Elected
By Andy Borowitz
June 4, 2018

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In what they believe is a legal masterstroke, lawyers for Donald J. Trump are now claiming that he cannot be impeached because he was never actually elected.

In a lengthy memo sent to the special counsel, Robert Mueller, the lawyers pushed back vehemently against any allegation that Trump was legally elected President.

“Because Russian interference made the election of Donald J. Trump wholly illegitimate, any attempt to remove him from an office that he does not legally hold is clearly impossible,” the memo asserted.

The memo claimed that the Constitution contains “no provision for removing a person from office when that person was installed there by a foreign power.”

The memo went on to argue that, if a subpoena is sent to the White House, it will be returned to Mueller and stamped “addressee unknown.”

“A person referred to in a subpoena as ‘President’ Donald J. Trump simply does not exist,” the memo claimed.

Minutes after the memo was leaked, the former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani appeared on “Fox & Friends” and proudly announced that he was its author.

“Sometimes I have to just step back and say, ‘Damn it, Rudy, you’re good,’ ” he said, beaming. … MxNTgwMwS2


#2 2018-06-05 01:32:17

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

Political satire is not what it was...HL Mencken wouldn't be laughing.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#3 2018-06-05 12:36:53

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

One of the best jokes made by the left since at least 2016. Which is to say, I almost smiled. Almost.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#4 2018-06-05 13:06:30

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

Does Trump and his Trumpete cultists joke about anything?

Trump does flash silly looking grins and poses when he is on camera.

Now that's funny!







#5 2018-06-05 13:12:39

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

It's a joke, son, it's a joke.

Enjoy being miserable while the rest of us enjoy liberals being insufferable.  That's why they lost, even if they can never admit it.

Happy Trump hating! smile


#6 2018-06-05 15:38:47

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

kbd512 wrote:

It's a joke, son, it's a joke.

Enjoy being miserable while the rest of us enjoy liberals being insufferable.  That's why they lost, even if they can never admit it.

Happy Trump hating! smile

Trump is without any question or doubt a white hardcore racist and bigot who is only admired by other ignorant bigots and by members of the KKK and other terrorist organizations.   He's a wannabe dictator who is placing himself above the law.   He is biggest danger to the American people and our way of life since other traitors like Jefferson Davis tried to destroy this nation.

Trump does not love this country and is a counterfeit patriot.   Lock him up!

And Trump is your role model?

For what?

Last edited by EdwardHeisler (2018-06-05 15:41:48)


#7 2018-06-05 17:51:54

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected


Thank you for demonstrating how severe your case of Trump Derangement Syndrome is for the benefit of everyone else here.  The fact that you're utterly incapable of determining how anyone else could possibly have an opinion different from your own illustrates for the rest of the world how President Trump became President better than I ever could.  People who can't accept that other people have opinions different from their own, and immediately resort to labeling those other people as things they're clearly not, are a greater danger to America than President Trump could ever hope to become.  A single political party and their adherents are not the sole arbiters of how we should be governed because they do not represent everyone, thus we have more than one political party to vote for.  That may be well-nigh impossible for leftists to appreciate, but there it is.

I noticed that whenever Republicans lose elections, their constituents won't be found rioting in the streets, overturning cars, looting and burning stores that never gave either candidate a dime, and assaulting random people going about their daily lives.  Most hard working Americans tend to frown on things like that.  We're not obligated to kowtow to the left's every whim and fancy.

You're presumably of age to vote, yet I can't discern the difference between your response to being told "no", via the elections process, and the response of a spoiled child who's had his favorite toy taken away after misbehaving.  From the things you routinely post here, you need a role model about as badly as any other political partisan I've ever had the displeasure of exchanging thoughts with.  You keep flinging your brain droppings at other people as if that would change their responses to you, but that doesn't make any of your false claims factual or otherwise relevant to objective reality.

I've never observed President Trump do anything that would indicate that he doesn't love our country.  In contrast, former President Obama wasted few opportunities to display his disdain for our own country and its laws, despite the fact that he would never have become President anywhere else in the world.  President Trump is crass and says things that people who are perpetually offended will find upsetting, and he does it without much thought, kind of like you, but that's his personality.  I didn't vote for him based upon his award winning personality.  Half of the country is not racist or bigoted, but if you really believe that then you need professional psychiatric care that you can't receive here.  The vast overwhelming majority of those of us who voted for President Trump are just smart enough to know that when someone like Hillary Clinton says she'll start WWIII with the Russians, we should probably take her at her word.

Lastly, anyone who idolizes or admires politicians, no matter who they are as a person or what they say to get elected, is either so naive or so infatuated with their own ideas about how the world should work that they shouldn't be entrusted with a responsibility as profound as voting.


I kinda feel like half my role here is to give people with mindless hatred of one man a sounding board, someone to bounce their temporary (I hope) insanity off of, so that they can gradually rejoin reality with the rest of us.  The world isn't ending and the sky isn't falling.  It'll all be okay, and that's a promise.  Anyway, I still love you guys.  The world's a less interesting place without people marching and carrying signs, mostly saying "hooray for our side".

Hang in there, Tiger.  There's another Presidential election in two short years.  It's a blink of an eye, almost as if time fast forwards, or maybe I'm just getting old.  Everyone can go berserk then, irrespective of the results.  For now, I think it's time to let it go.  At the very least, you need to learn to have a sense of humor about these things.  If it's any consolation, I didn't vote for former Presidents Bush or Obama.


#8 2018-06-05 18:52:07

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

10 Times Trump Spread Fake News - The New York Times … -news.html

        The Affordable Care Act and ‘Death Panels’ ObamaCare does indeed ration care. …
        President Obama’s Holiday Message. What a convenient mistake: @BarackObama …
        Birtherism. An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that …
        Secret Oil Deal to Control Gas Prices. Mr. Trump has also made claims without …

He normally retorts you should be fired....for the fake news...


#9 2018-06-05 21:11:41

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

kbd512 wrote:


Hang in there, Tiger.  There's another Presidential election in two short years.  It's a blink of an eye, almost as if time fast forwards, or maybe I'm just getting old.  Everyone can go berserk then, irrespective of the results.  For now, I think it's time to let it go.  At the very least, you need to learn to have a sense of humor about these things.  If it's any consolation, I didn't vote for former Presidents Bush or Obama.

So you waited for a racist anti-working class billionaire bigot to run for President, Trump, before you decided to vote for a President.  That figures.

Will the 2020 election also be rigged just like the 2016 presidential election? 

This is the only nation I'm aware of where the person who gets the most votes for President loses!

It's a rigged system with a so-called "electoral college" that makes it possible for a low-life scumbag like Trump to become President.
The Presidential Electors at a special meeting ultimately vote on and decide who becomes President, not the voting public.

Trump lost the popular vote by a large margin even with the backing of his corrupt billionaire sponsors in Russia and sleazyl Wall Street and corporate gangsters in the United States, the folks you apparently identify with and admire.


Philly mayor calls Trump a "tyrant" after White House snubs Eagles
Alex Sundby
CBS News

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney called President Trump a "tyrant" who "is trying to turn this country into a dictatorship." The mayor made the comments on CBSN on Tuesday morning after the White House disinvited the Philadelphia Eagles from a celebration for the team's Super Bowl victory.

"Cities need to stand up in this country, and many mayors have stood up in this country against this tyrant," Kenney said. "He is trying to turn this country into a dictatorship by ignoring the courts and by saying and doing what he wants, by ignoring the Department of Justice ... and in the end this will all come to a conclusion, and it won't be a good ending for him."

Kenney told CBSN's Vladimir Duthiers that the president "allies himself with strongmen around the world" and seemed to be "more comfortable" with Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

On Monday night, the White House abruptly canceled a celebration for the Eagles' victory over the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII. But Kenney said that won't stop Philadelphia from celebrating its team.

"Donald Trump ruins a lot of things, he can't ruin this," the mayor said.

A source close to the players said that less than 10 Eagles committed to attending the White House event, CBS News' Arden Farhi reports. … &ocid=iehp


#10 2018-06-05 22:52:34

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected


Calling President Trump a racist doesn't make it so, but I see that hasn't stopped you from doing it.  As upsetting as this clearly is to you, telling lies often enough still won't make it the truth.  Apart from calling me names and calling President Trump names, you've yet to post a single factual thing here about him or myself.  All I see is someone behaving like a child pitching a fit over a long lost point.

I pretty sure I voted for someone who actually cares about ordinary Americans, instead of someone who pays lip service to the idea.  Those ordinary Americans would be all those people between sea and shining sea that both former President Obama and former Secretary of State Clinton displayed so much disdain for.  It really is too bad that they're so enamored with their own ideology that they find no flaws in their thinking, but I guess that's what happens when you only listen to the people who tell you what you want to hear.

The 2016 election wasn't rigged, it's just that people like you were so lost in their own little worlds that they never bothered to ask anyone else's opinion on the matter.  Apart from the time you spend on the internet, you probably live in an echo chamber that always repeats back what you want to hear.  All I can say is, "Welcome to the real world.  People have different opinions here."

The US of A is a constitutional republic with representative democratic elections.  Our form of democracy is not mob rule, thus the electoral college.  The people who live in California, New York, and Texas are not the only people who get to affect the outcome of an election here for that reason.  Socialist countries and people espousing socialist or communist ideology decry any such system that mandates they garner support from anyone outside of their power centers for that very reason.  The Presidential electors nearly universally cast their ballots with the people from their state, the people they are supposed to represent, as they should.  The system is not meant to serve any particular party or group of political partisans and that's a good thing.

President Trump didn't garner any support from sleazy Wall Street people, but his opponent sure did.  Mrs. Clinton couldn't be bothered to talk to ordinary Americans because she was too busy telling people from Wall Street how she was going to make them rich.  People like you are either too ignorant or too arrogant to understand that when someone gets up and says one thing to the "haves" and then says something entirely different to the "have nots", they're obviously not taking policy cues from the people who didn't pay to elect them.

I presume you voted for Hillary Clinton, and she received far more campaign contributions from the wealthy elite than President Trump did, so one could conclude that you support the excess of the wealthy elite to an even greater degree than I do.  So Pot, Kettle here.  What color are we?


#11 2018-06-06 17:26:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani is setting “red lines” for Robert Mueller in talks over a possible interview between the president and special counsel, telling Fox News on Thursday they want access to “everything” on the FBI’s informant during the 2016 campaign as well as the “scope” memo setting the terms of the Russia probe.  Donald Trump’s lawyer again questioned the legitimacy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, even as a possible interview between Mueller and the president looms. Of late, a particularly misleading canard has emerged among those seeking to discredit the special counsel investigation being led by Robert Mueller: That the former FBI boss has moved well beyond his original mandate to probe Russian interference in the 2016 election and the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Giuliani, who is a lawyer for the president, said on Wednesday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s office is 'trying very, very hard to frame' Trump.
Paul Ryan, who is not seeking re-election, has avoided taking a confrontational approach with the president. The U.S. Speaker of the House Republican Paul Ryan says Trump shouldn't pardon himself. Paul Ryan on today warned the president against pardoning himself in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe, saying, 'no one is above the law.' Ryan said earlier that he agreed with GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy’s assessment that there was no evidence to support the commander-in-chief’s “SPYGATE” claims.


#12 2018-06-07 00:32:12

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

President Trump is a sad reflection of who we are as Americans. I, unfortunately, am not surprised that some here support his behavior.

kbd512, go read the federalist papers. your understanding of our republic is shallow.


#13 2018-06-07 03:05:50

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected


People who hold their fellow countrymen in such low regard are the ones who are a sad reflection of who we have become as Americans.  The people who vote for politicians advancing morally bankrupt and logically inept socialist agendas that constantly seek to usurp the laws of our republic to turn it into a dictatorship they agree with are the ones who need to go back and read The Federalist Papers.  If you have any specific criticisms you wish to make of my understanding of what Mr. Hamilton wrote to the people of New York State, then do so.  No doubt we'll quibble over details.

What was it that he said about the true test of a good government?  I thought it was "its aptitude and tendency to produce a good administration".

President Trump's election was a referendum on the socialist agenda advanced by the Obama administration and supported by the Democrat Party.  Former President Obama had his chance to produce a better result than his predecessor and failed miserably.  SpaceNut stated in the political thread that he didn't think former President Obama was a very good President.  If that's the way people who support the Democrat Party feel, then try to imagine what people who were never enamored with his policies thought.  It might be the same way Democrats feel about President Trump, except that nobody in the Democrat Party has bothered to formulate an actual argument about why we should become more socialist.  They're superb at personal attacks and vitriol, as EdwardHeisler demonstrates, but lack substance.  Calling someone a name isn't a form of argumentation.

If the Democrat Party can refrain from running candidates who are self-styled communists, socialists, or otherwise espouse theft of private property, then I can deal with the rest of the contrivances of the left's ideology.  All hysterics and theatrics aside, President Trump is just the Republican Party's Bill Clinton.  He knows how to talk to his supporters and he actually tries to do what he's promised to do.


#14 2018-06-07 05:44:52

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,923

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

kbd512 wrote:

If the Democrat Party can refrain from running candidates who are self-styled communists, socialists, or otherwise espouse theft of private property, then I can deal with the rest of the contrivances of the left's ideology.

You realize by standards of the rest of the world, the Democrat Party is quite right-wing.


#15 2018-06-07 11:35:48

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

RobertDyck wrote:
kbd512 wrote:

If the Democrat Party can refrain from running candidates who are self-styled communists, socialists, or otherwise espouse theft of private property, then I can deal with the rest of the contrivances of the left's ideology.

You realize by standards of the rest of the world, the Democrat Party is quite right-wing.

His knowledge of American history,  capitalism and socialist history and ideology is even more shallow.   He only reads extreme right-wing nonsense that is short on facts and long on fantasy.   It's the same crapola that Trump and his bigoted followers read.   Hey kbd512 …. did ya know that Canada burned down the Presidential mansion (White House) in 1812?     Until Trump educated us we all thought it was the British in the War of 1812 who did that!   

kbd512 probably thinks communism exists in Canada and insists China does not have a growing capitalist economy.   Chinese and Canadian billionaires will disagree with such silly and unformed ideas among Trump's contemporary "know nothing" cultists.

They will never understand the truth and accept facts that don't fit into their fantasy version of history which is based on "alternative facts" and works of  fiction.

Last edited by EdwardHeisler (2018-06-07 14:47:00)


#17 2018-06-08 05:50:47

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,793

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected


Thus far, what I've read in your posts directed at me has been a mixture of slurs, insults, and lies.  You've either outright claimed or insinuated that people who support President Trump are racists, bigots, kkk members, terrorists, and know-nothing cultists.  If that's the only way in which you're capable of responding to people who you have political disagreements with, then you already know why it is that other people voted for President Trump.  We just wanted to elect someone who you can relate to.

President Trump probably knows about as much US history as that constitutional law professor you guys elected knew about our Constitution, seeing as how he was repudiated by SCOTUS for attempting to violate it no less than three times.  At least President Trump knows how many genders there are.  Since people who say they believe in science can't seem to figure that one out, please excuse my skepticism over issues as esoteric as climate change.  In simple terms, the end results of the nihilist ideology you espouse is the punchline to a sick joke that some of the rest of us don't find the least bit funny.

communist party of Canada

According to Wikipedia, the communist party does indeed exist in Canada and it looks like they even have candidates running in their elections.  Apparently, even silly uniformed Trump supporters can read, but you already knew that since you know what we read.

China has a growing economy precisely because the communist party lemmingship ended some of their regressive governance policies regarding commerce and private property.  Prior to that, their economy more closely resembled that of the US before industrialization than it did the economy of the most populous nation on the planet.  In light of that, explain to the rest of us why it is that you think we should take any pages from their playbook when the only way in which their people came to live in the modern world that capitalism created for them was by adopting some fundamental capitalist governance principles.

Only capitalism can make the claim of lifting more people out of poverty than any other system of governance ever tried by man in all of human history.  There are no countries that have ever lifted their people out of poverty by adopting communist governance principles since the first morons who were dumb enough to try it.  Capitalist countries that adopt communist governance principles and ideology never seem to lift anyone out of poverty, either.  They just make everyone equally poor after they run out of other peoples' money.  Forcing everyone in an entire country to live like medieval serfs isn't what I'd call "progress" and I guess that's why I'm not a "progressive".

If life in America under President Trump is so unbearable and the Chinese economy is doing so well, then could you convince those who share your ideology of the wisdom of moving to China so they can become as wealthy as the Chinese are and the rest of us can live in peace and without their incessant attempts at more state-sponsored wealth redistribution / theft in the name of some imaginary equality or inequality that doesn't exist?



#18 2018-06-08 20:21:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

Actions speak louder than words, depending on which side of the fence you are at?
What walks like a, smells like, sounds like, observed shape is, and color; why is it not a duck?
Guilt is by association, do not lay with ducks?
The pen of the executive order is mightier but that just shows how disfunctional law creation really is and just how easily it is erased by the next president....


#19 2019-06-22 00:23:34

Registered: 2019-06-22
Posts: 1

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

Hello there,

In what they believe is a legal masterstroke, lawyers for Donald J. Trump are now claiming that he cannot be impeached because he was never actually elected. In a lengthy memo sent to the special counsel, Robert Mueller, the lawyers pushed back vehemently against any allegation that Trump was legally elected President. “Because Russian interference made the election of Donald J. Trump wholly illegitimate, any attempt to remove him from an office that he does not legally hold is clearly impossible,” the memo asserted. The memo claimed that the Constitution contains “no provision for removing a person from office when that person was installed there by a foreign power.

Last edited by denial28 (2019-06-22 00:24:33)


#20 2019-06-22 07:13:18

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

Hello denial28 and welcome to NewMars..

That would also be the same as calling him King....

Our election was violated which is also why it needs protecting such that it can not happen again.

When you lose faith that your vote was even counted or cast as you did via electronics, that you get to the polling location as to be denied your right to vote when a database has been altered are just some of the things that did alter its out come.


#21 2019-06-22 08:56:04

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected


He's a spammer, SpaceNut.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#22 2019-06-22 10:03:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

Thanks, benefit of doubt given until lines are crossed...


#23 2019-07-31 19:47:58

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

Hello michael29 and welcome to NewMars..

The spin doctors are in.....creating fake news as if its real


#24 2019-09-29 16:41:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

The pointing of fingers continues in light of the recent whisle blowing on conversation that are about the same thing as before with creating dirt to undermine the electability of a person for office but this time its not years later for the investigation as the players have all been outed...Republican leadership memo suggests Senate can't block trial if House votes to impeach

“The rules of impeachment are clear on this point.”

Articles of impeachment are drafted and voted on in the House, leading to a trial in the Senate. With a Republican majority in the Senate, at least 20 votes from Donald Trump’s own party would be required to reach the 67 necessary to remove him as president, assuming all Democrats and the two independents vote to convict.


#25 2019-09-29 18:56:25

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,764

Re: Trump’s Lawyers Argue He Can't Be Impeached Because He Was Not Elected

I quite like president Trump and fully understand why he was elected as president in 2016.  However random and poorly qualified he may appear to be; he looked like a saint in comparison to his cheating, crimelord opponent.  He was prepared to act in the interests of the nation and followed a president that sat on his hands as the Chinese asset stripped his country and allowed millions of third world invaders to swamp his land.  He even welcomed it, being a bit of a third-world Muslim sympathizer himself.

Against that backdrop, a well-meaning layman who said roughly the right things and wasn't downright treasonous; had a good chance of being elected.  He didn't have to be perfect.  He just wasn't quite so bad.  And by that modest measure, he has been a successful president.  By that measure, a turd in a suit would have been a better president than Hillary Clinton.  A turd would not make good decisions either, but it would refrain from making disastrous ones, like open border policy or declaring war on Russia to please the Jewish lobby.  I suspect, judging by the absolute heathen that are lining up to face him on the Dem side, that he will win the next election as well.  And in the absence of an opponent with a shred of moral fibre, he will fully deserve to win.

The conservatives tend to win in Britain for the same reasons.  The people that vote for them know that they aren't getting a good government.  But they cling to the hope that they are at least keeping the civilisation wreckers out if power for at least a few more years.  In reality, the Tories are every bit as treacherous and vile as their opponents.  But for some reason, people continue to vainly hope that they will be better.

So long as people use elections to keep evil out of power, you shouldn't be surprised to have men like Trump running the show.  And with Hillary Clinton as the only other choice, you shouldn't feel too sorry about it either.

Last edited by Calliban (2019-09-29 19:07:24)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


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