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Where the bunker of Martians?
This is similar to the underground fortresses!
The Martian poster (here they did not pay for the electricity and the gas, and they did not make rockets and badly they ended!...)
By radar sounding revealed the strange craters under the surface of Mars, which appear round from any directions!!! I.e., these are spherical formations in reality, moreover tint, as if vacuum... And they, until now, do break the heads above the fact however, that in reality they did reveal!!!? Probably they fear to itself to be recognized that these are artificial formations! Well and to me to fear something, and the different versions absolutely cannot be, except as konstantirovat', that are discovered the precisely artificial formations! A question consists only in the fact that precisely they revealed in the depth of Mars, first whether certain water tanks, first whether podmarsianskiye greenhouses, then whether present underground cities or the fortress of!?... Is certainly possible this simply water tanks, which made the Martians very long ago, when on Mars there was another atmosphere and life, but even if these were simply reservoirs, there is no doubt that then, when the atmosphere was evaporated, them it had to populate and build there entire underground cities! With exception of the case, if all Martians could perish or throw everything and flee from the planet, then the buried tanks could remain empty and uninhabited... But, if this so, then reservoirs had to long ago rust and be brought down, furthermore there is no reason whatever to construct reservoirs too deeply under the surface, which is improbably difficult, when it is possible to construct on the surface, or it is shallow from the surface... this more similarly to the cities - fortress!!! But then does arise question - and why precisely spherical? Possibly because to maintain super-power nuclear explosions are capable only highly durable spheres!... Or not nuclear explosions, but shifts in the soils are also capable of maintaining only spheres... Thus to face we have sooner anything podmarsianskiye cities - fortress... Possibly Martians davnym have long ago warred with the earthlings, in face of satan and Christ, either even it can be, that the earthlings conquered Martians, or they banished them from Mars, on which remained only the cemetery of Martians... It is possible that the so-called reign Christ's celestial is based now and either on Mars and or on the Moon... Thus we have in the presence deep podmarsianskiye cities - fortress!!! A question - who in them lives, and they do live, or city can!? In that case it is not time whether to begin negotiations with the Martians, or to occupy the cities be casten by them... Let the Martians allot one city to us although, and they at the same time lease for us the pair of rockets or of flying saucers so that we could move to Mars... But if they are keep silent, then we will arrive flying to Mars and will reveal the underground bunkers of Martians... It found reference, here there there is communication … 70&.page=5
according to their hypothesis, allegedly there were there is no time the volcanic eruptions, with the centers of the magmas, which then thickened, and were formed such spheres, but in Mars cold depths, and volcanism there ceased billions years ago... Moreover centers with the magma it is not compulsory round, but what it is convenient form... In the region of the poles of such spheres it is not discovered moreover which testifies faster about the fact that the Martians did not construct there underground it was municipal, in view of the especially complex conditions!... It is very probable that they namerenno just as deeply were buried in Mars in order to avoid any possible contacts with the earthlings, and it is actual, hardly earthlings can just as deeply be taken away into the depths of Mars... As far as outcrops from it is municipal are concerned, sooner anything they extremely fastened and disguised and hardly their possible to force open, although to try with the aid of the robots is possible, this can be extremely dangerously... It is possible that outputs in no way there exists, and that Martians use teleportatsiyu... They therefore still could just as deeply construct cities, that the water-bearing layers are located at those depths, and without the water cannot be manage in practice, although simpler it would be simple to make a bore hole, from other side, there the lowest possible humidity, and bore hole can prove to be useless... Furthermore, at the small depths temperature is sooner anything low and unstable, therefore in the deep layers must be comfortable conditions for the life... Also, it is possible that verkhnii the layers of the Martian soil strongly of zagryazeny or are infected, it can even radiation, and Martians escape themselves from this deeply under the surface... Then high-energy galactic rays or muons can penetrate to large depths, and from them also Martians can search for rescuing... Furthermore Martians can fear the rock forms of life on the surfaces of Mars, which can be dangerous, also, for them, moreover it is very dangerous, once on the surface of Mars it is possible to find dragged along cherepy, what on the Earth not where almost it is... This skull nevertheless that table on the supports of power transmissions - not vlaz', but that will kill!!!... By the way on the Earth, as they write, also are encountered disastrous places with the bones of animals and even can and people, where perish any essences, which randomly there visited...
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ROCK LIFE ON MARS - remainder of the previous present life of Mars... In the photographs of Mars are everywhere visible the torchashchiye from the sand stones, even it is possible to say those standing!... If we compare analogous situation for the terrestrial deserts, then it is there practically possible to find almost not one pebble, they sink in the sand almost as in the water, more precise sand seemingly flows and fills up any stones! But on Mars entirely not thus!!! It is there full stones on the surface of sand, moreover in the strange poses! Moreover, it is discovered in the photographs of Mars rovers, that the stones as by themselves are capable of being moved! And are moved not only stones, but also entire sandy dunes, almost as the feeler of osminogov... This first revealed apparently Bykovskiy, who published photo and materials in the Internet, and sent they in NASA - NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION... I want to give its own hypothesis about the rock life on Mars... In my opinion earlier on Mars there was the atmosphere and water, and also there was apparently the usual organic life, similar to the terrestrial... But in the course of time the atmosphere from Mars was evaporated, water of povymerzala at the poles... But organic life perished... But the perfumes of the living beings undoubtedly were preserved, since they are almost immortal... And here they similarly found for themselves new niche in the form of rock life... In the stones the perfumes are located, and they can move stones, if this by them is must... Then, stones are apparently capable of accumulating solar energy! But perfumes are capable of extracting this energy from the stone and of utilizing, and due to this they can support their existence... Also similar sometimes is on the Earth, but so it is not be, with the fact that on the Earth almost all perfumes are located in hell! Therefore on the Earth there are no miracles almost, and very strict order established by god, but on Mars if not disorder, then in any case it is simple freemen! To people on Mars to find is very dangerous, since the perfumes of Mars are capable of causing to them any harm, but protection from them practically does not exist, and it is not known that they are capable of making with the people... Furthermore, it is very probable that under the surface of Mars are hidden the enormous cavities or the accomodations, populated by nekiimi highest and powerful gumanoidami, which also not known as can relate to the people... So that it is necessary to fly somewhere to the asteroids, or to the satellites of Jupiter, although it is possible that as they also by someone are populated... God said on the taryard that on Mars they await us, and it is necessary to fly in Europe, but me this refrigerator not very that draws... But we will not wave to the alpha centaur either to Nemezidu, which the astronomers khrenovo search for, or barely they search for!?...
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strangely, why Martian cities are buried so deeply - on several km from poverkhnosti!!!?Kazalos', that the cities were hidden from some enemy space forces, or it is unknown what! Everything is simple in reality, Martians sooner anything fear small asteroids and comets, which complete fully it kishit in the asteroid belt, and it flies in from the periphery... Large asteroids all under the control, and their position are calculated for many years forward, and anything that not expected from them cannot be expected, and here are small asteroids, are known far from all, especially as comets from the periphery, furthermore, they completely can encounter and sharply change trajectory, and popat' to Mars!!! Here they present special danger, so that even the highly developed Martians are not capable of completely from them being protected, and they are forced very deeply to be buried under the surface! But this little will help from the large asteroids, but they everything under the control, and therefore special danger they do not represent! As far as the Earth is concerned, here any close asteroids could present special danger, but the Earth has the owner, who does not release asteroids closely to the Earth!!!... Therefore history remembers not one drop even in the small asteroid to the earth!
saw photograph with several wells or mines on Mars!!! They treat them, as allegedly Martian caves etcetera!!! This is deliberately erroneous treatment, caves on the Earth, as a rule, are connected with underground rivers, or failures, and moreover they usually are formed in the mountainous country, and in the steppe they - large rarity... On Mars the water was apparently not very for long, and in not large quantities and furthermore it is there small mountainous places, and therefore the formation of underground rivers - is very highly improbable... Especially as in the photograph with the caves is visible flat locality, and are visible three circular openings!!! Natural caves are never accurately round, they usually in the form of the form of slot!!! But there precisely circular openings on the surface, moreover very large diameter!!! The mines or wells by themselves are not formed on the Earth, but all artificial and they are dug up by man!!! This speaks, that and on Mars analogously the mines have artificial origin as on the Earth!!! This is very similar to the military range with the silo launch rocket installations, although for the conventional missiles the Martian mines are strongly large!!! It is possible that the Martian rockets not of dlolzhny to have interferences with the takeoff and the landing, therefore their mines are purposely made very large, which is especially necessary for the exact fit... Can in the Martians of very large rocket, or this is simple mine for the flying saucers... The different version - this mine for the communication of underground it is municipal with the surface as 4 and predicted, that they must be, and here them they finally and found!!! Still this could be mines for putting out what that of minerals, or very deep wells for putting out the water!!! Although the same must not leave to the surface, but they must be connected with the underground city, in that case, either next there is no city, and therefore output made to the surface or this some spare mines... By the way speaking between the underground Martian cities they must be underground tunnels of the type as the metros for the communication, and underground komunikatsii, including water pipes and gas pipes... But separately deep Martian mines can depart at depths of tens and even hundreds of km to the depth of Mars!!!
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Bat why they so deeply buried their cities under the surface Of marsa!!!?I of no construction on the surface they makes!!! Certainly they fear small asteroids and comets, but if we create sufficiently powerful protivoasteroidnuyu protection, then in that case asteroid danger can be reduced practically to zero!!! And to simpler make this antiasteroidnuyu protection than be buried to just as deeply!!! Consequently it must be still reason for the deep burying! One of the reasons - suitable temperatures are located on the decent depth, the second reason - at this depth do not penetrate the muons of superhigh energies, and radiation danger is not there great... But all this melochevka is reparable, and it does not give special stimulus to be dug in the depth of Mars!!! Main danger consists in the fact that it is possible to awake, and above you will hang hugest kherovina ten km by sizes, and they remotely by you as on the surgical table, and no one will ask you, but is it possible this to them to make, or not!!! They count people for the lowest essences, with which they can do almost everything which to them will deem necessary!!! Martians do not apparently strongly anticipate earthlings, and therefore and with them also highest essences greatly do not stand upon ceremony... But as they speak, to inoplanetyane there are what conveniently, and good both evil and they separately do not stand upon ceremony with the primitive essences, but can even and also not tyuey tseromonyatsya with the highest essences, and with the opportunity they can steal whom -convenient in each other On the Earth they are barely occupied by this robbery, since the angels can make very large harm it, and they not at all release almost no one of them. Furthermore, far from every large ship is capable to sit down on the Earth... So that to Martians there is whom to panically fear and that is why they all pozaryvalis' deeply into Mars, and on the surface remained, only the living stones, to which there is no matter to any passing by guests!!! From the landing ship you will not certainly dig out rapidly tunnel with depth into the kilometers, and therefore Martians at the depth almost out of danger, furthermore, for sure Martians surrounded their cities by the powerful field and material protection, which barely it is possible to overcome!!! Martians also fear earthlings, since they know that they as barbarians - are not predicted, and they can expect what conveniently from the earthlings, but earthlings are not capable of reaching by their weapon so deeply... And even the most penetrating cluster weapon, and even it is there not capable of finishing!!!... So that is better not to contact with the Martians, at the worst simply it is possible to negotiate...
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when was pulled down Phaeton, and its countless splinters and asteroids dispersed where it fell, many splinters and asteroids it had to fall both on Mars and to the earth, but neither there nor here we any was trace powerful space bombardment we do not observe! Even now continually, first is one, first another, then even some asteroid they threaten to fall to the earth and to make ready large misfortunes, but always at the last moment they fly only only wide of the mark!!! And in this there is nothing of surprising, since the Earth has the very strong masters, whom one can deflect from the Earth any asteroid! And similarly these masters were in the Earth very long ago, since very long ago everything is quiet on the Earth, and on it nothing almost he falls... Analogously and Mars undoubtedly has masters, since Mars is also protected from the asteroids of every kind, and moreover from the very old times... As far as phaeton is concerned, sooner anything he has too aggressive masters, and they waged starry wars, and they were conquered first by earthlings, whether by Martians, and phaeton itself apparently namerenno was destroyed or exploded
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