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#1 2006-12-22 07:37:18

Dayton Kitchens
From: Norphlet, Arkansas
Registered: 2005-12-13
Posts: 183

Re: Would You Vote for a candidate you didn't like

Just wondering.

Because I know that generally, it seems the Republicans are more enthusiasstic for space exploration.  Mainly for nationalistic reasons.

Yet many of the space programs biggest advocates don't agree with their positions on things like the environment, the war on terror, etc.


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#2 2006-12-22 15:58:46

C M Edwards
From: Lake Charles LA USA
Registered: 2002-04-29
Posts: 1,012

Re: Would You Vote for a candidate you didn't like

Half of the Republican Party membership doesn't agree with them, either. 

Vote your conscience, then lobby for what you want.

"We go big, or we don't go."  - GCNRevenger


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#3 2006-12-31 16:38:32

Dayton Kitchens
From: Norphlet, Arkansas
Registered: 2005-12-13
Posts: 183

Re: Would You Vote for a candidate you didn't like

Half of the Republican Party membership doesn't agree with them, either. 

Vote your conscience, then lobby for what you want.

A manned Mars program isn't part of your "conscience"?


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#4 2006-12-31 20:22:13

C M Edwards
From: Lake Charles LA USA
Registered: 2002-04-29
Posts: 1,012

Re: Would You Vote for a candidate you didn't like

Half of the Republican Party membership doesn't agree with them, either. 

Vote your conscience, then lobby for what you want.

A manned Mars program isn't part of your "conscience"?

Sure it is - it's just not the only part. 

I'm not voting to turn Guantanamo Bay into a new Mittelwerks just to churn out better rockets for someone's von Braunian vision.  I wouldn't have voted for David Duke's gubernatorial campaign no matter how many stars he wanted to reach for.  And I won't vote for anyone who draws a false dichotomy between conscientious voting and favoring space exploration.  However, given two politicians whose platforms are otherwise equally desirable, I'll vote for the one in favor of space exploration, even if it means signing off on potential sacrifices.

PS - And I don't draw a distinction between the US Democratic party and US Republican party.  There is no difference between the two on the local level - none - and the national level of either party is most efficiently influenced directly rather than waiting to use our votes for change.

"We go big, or we don't go."  - GCNRevenger


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#5 2007-02-04 09:50:21

From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2002-11-01
Posts: 1,764

Re: Would You Vote for a candidate you didn't like

Anyone who's a big supporter of the space programme can't be all that bad, so given the opportunity: yes, I'd vote for him or her.


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#6 2007-12-09 21:04:37

Ron Carlson
From: Near JSC
Registered: 2007-12-08
Posts: 39

Re: Would You Vote for a candidate you didn't like

Just several days ago I heard on radio that Republican Presidential candidates Ron Paul and Tom Tancredo would like to basically shut NASA down

I also heard that Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee would like to double NASA's budget.

Ron Carlson


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#7 2007-12-16 10:17:27

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,960

Re: Would You Vote for a candidate you didn't like

I'm to young to vote but I know who my dad said he's going to vote for which I agree with. Huckabee.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#8 2007-12-16 16:28:11

From: Upstate NY, USA
Registered: 2004-07-25
Posts: 1,021

Re: Would You Vote for a candidate you didn't like

Yeah, there are bigger issues on which the health of the space program lay.

"Yes, I was going to give this astronaut selection my best shot, I was determined when the NASA proctologist looked up my ass, he would see pipes so dazzling he would ask the nurse to get his sunglasses."
---Shuttle Astronaut Mike Mullane


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