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Great Probing, by Sprizter.
Their Theree Neptune Find however continues to errode away the
Idea that Our Solar System is the Norm.
It seems there is wide variability in solar system organization.
Since this find seems to comfirm that gas giants can form close to stars
it puts a damper on Terrestrial Type Planets in the Habitability zones.
It is speculated that alot of these upclose giants must have moons, just as they
do in the Solar system. But as far as I can see there seem to be only Two in
our solar system that are Rocky Worlds. Our moon and Io. All the others
seem to contain Water-Ice as their main components. Seems to me Gas
giants closer than 1AU that are near the Suns Size will have a difficult time
gaining moons unless they capture one. I suspect their gravitational force
along with the parent star will prevent too many Larger Planitesimals from forming
in their neighborhood