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I'm starting to delete sp@mmers on the wiki, and give a less descriptive 'reason' why, because it looks like the bots are getting smarter, and I don't want to give them ideas...
I have an inkling that whenever you write "delete: spammer", bots can read that too, and get 'lured' by it, so I'd rather write sp@mmer or defacement.
(I need to get out more)
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Likewise, I think it might be a good idea to start banning for a year, instead of infinite: these bots aren't likely to keep their handle for that long, and banning for infinite time will in effect fill up the logs w/ hundreds of botnames for eternity...
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I think someone with proper privileges should start updating the wiki software and adding some extensions against spam. Read this for more info:
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I think someone with proper privileges should start updating the wiki software and adding some extensions against spam. Read this for more info:
hey, that is a cool 8) idea
Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]
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Help! I just deleted a bunch of spam yesterday and all the same spam is back there today :shock:
Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]
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Aside from the above suggestion which would be really cool B) some added security features we should have:
Image Verification (Make sure it is not a bot)
Email Verification
Some kind of member ranking system, where new members can only edit one topic per day and after so many edits they can gain rank and get more privileges.
Or even better some kind of point system where each edit uses so many points, different points could be assigned to different topics. New members would only be able to do so many points a day. As there privileges increase the number of points they can edit per day increases.
Some kind of flood system would be cool to where we could restrict the number of new registries per day based on the ip subnet.
Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]
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It's indeed getting out of hand.
I'm an admin on another wiki, my sole job there being killing spambots, heh... and we have *just* implemented the regex thingy.
Too early to say, but looks like it does its job... the regex is just the flagging of the 'trick' they use to make spam inviible
discussion with the sysop:
...simply added... $wgSpamRegex = "overflow:\s*auto;\s*height:\s*[0-4]px;/i";
to LocalSettings.php.Then I went to test it, and discovered that one of our spams used a
different technique. So now the line reads:
$wgSpamRegex = "<div
There are two spaces between div and style; perhaps they tweak that to
mess up braindead string-compares?
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It's indeed getting out of hand.
I'm an admin on another wiki, my sole job there being killing spambots, heh... and we have *just* implemented the regex thingy.
Too early to say, but looks like it does its job... the regex is just the flagging of the 'trick' they use to make spam inviible
discussion with the sysop:
...simply added... $wgSpamRegex = "overflow:\s*auto;\s*height:\s*[0-4]px;/i";
to LocalSettings.php.Then I went to test it, and discovered that one of our spams used a
different technique. So now the line reads:
$wgSpamRegex = "<div
There are two spaces between div and style; perhaps they tweak that to
mess up braindead string-compares?
If you copy the current version onto a text editor you can delete the article and repost it. This makes it so spam can't be retrieved from the wiki history. I am not sure if any search engine bots index the wiki history but incase they do I thought it would be good to totally cleanse it.
Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]
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simpler to go back with the history button, untill you find the 'clean' version, then hit reply and simply repost it, w/o doing any typing, the later (spammed) pages are then automatically deleted.
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:evil: the regex approach spawns an arms race...
@ the Wise-Nano Wiki, we now get spammers using
<div style="display:none">
[We are delicate. We do not delete your content.]
So simply using three spaces, gets through the filter, argh!
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BTW: I'm delicate too: when I meet a spammer, I will only break his legs, not his neck
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space-insensitive Regex installed @ wise-nano, let's see how them spambots will react...
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Wise-Nano has had no spam attacks since the space-insenitive Regex was implemented; in that same timeframe, New Mars had three waves of spam, so it looks like the Regex implementation is working.
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space-insenitive Regex:
on second thought... Deleted, would be too easy for spammers to know what we're up to, grin
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OK, but who does have enough privileges to modify the source code of NewMars Wiki ?
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But from the looks of it, he's not around ATM (?)
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PM/email it to me Rxke. Sorry for the absence guys.
Some useful links while MER are active. [url=]Offical site[/url] [url=]NASA TV[/url] [url=]JPL MER2004[/url] [url=]Text feed[/url]
The amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth totals some 3.9 million exajoules a year.
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Don't worry too much about being not around. New Mars is self-cleaning
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Josh PMmed to say the Regex rule is in place, so if all goes as expected, the spamming should diminish significantly.
... Untill them lowlifes come up with other dirty tricks.
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Seems like it's working :shock:
Good job Rxke !
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You have to either thank Chris Phoenix for coming up with the particular regex or Josh for implementing it, I did nothing.
But yes, seems like it works, gringrin-gringrin (feels so good to pester them spammers :twisted: )
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OK, thank you Josh for implementing it, thank you Chris Phoenix for writing it.
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Yesterday I banned user Bucalo and deleted his spam-post.
Today it was back up, my deletion and banning vanished :? :? :?
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Help! I just deleted a bunch of spam yesterday and all the same spam is back there today :shock:
Is this the same thing that happened to me? Initially I read this as: I deleted entries, but a day later someone (else) put these entries back up...
If so, there's a bug somewhere...
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