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#1 2006-04-13 00:14:09

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

We have an anniversary of Sputnik coming up soon in 2007 ( Russia will mark this with a  Ceremony or Soyuz in Guiana, Tourism trip, or annouce a Phobos/Venera sample return plan ), and Gagarin's flight has been marked but let's look ahead again some 50 plus years while keeping in mind the 5th o' May 1961 in the Freedom-7, where will the USA/NASA or perhaps more importantly where will the world ( India, ESA, Japanese, Russia, Chinese ) have gone ?

some webchat … 5&posts=17

So what do our newmars members think ?


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#2 2006-04-14 08:21:02

From: 18 tiwi gdns rd, TIWI NT 0810
Registered: 2005-03-18
Posts: 976

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

After the ugly fight over the last drop of oil using the last two bricks of the Uranium, I think that we can look forward to harvesting our own firewood at seventeen acres a year from our 1,700 acre woodlot and giving half of the 340,000lb of firewood we produce to the company that owns us in this new era of serfdom while living off less than the 10,000lb firewood per family member per year that living at the medieval level requires...


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#3 2006-04-14 21:39:05

Austin Stanley
From: Texarkana, TX
Registered: 2002-03-18
Posts: 519

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

After the ugly fight over the last drop of oil using the last two bricks of the Uranium, I think that we can look forward to harvesting our own firewood at seventeen acres a year from our 1,700 acre woodlot and giving half of the 340,000lb of firewood we produce to the company that owns us in this new era of serfdom while living off less than the 10,000lb firewood per family member per year that living at the medieval level requires...

Also, we will be eating our own shoes.

Seriously though, I have no doubt that we will be able to sustain (and even accelerate) or current standard of livings.  Certianly we're not going to run out of Uranium (and other fission fuels) in the next couple thousand years, much less the next 60.  Here is a good sight about the sustainability of human progress.  I don't think we are going to have to fall back on firewood just yet.

He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense.


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#4 2006-04-15 01:26:34

Registered: 2005-06-16
Posts: 3,230

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

The old saying says it all, "never make predictions, especially about the future" but it is a lot of fun to try. Yes looking back 50 years and taking a straight line through the trend should give a minimum extrapolation. So 1957 produced Sputnik, a 50 kg LEO satellite. Today 100,000 kg to LEO has been achieved, a factor of 2,000. Just as in 1957 almost no one would have imagined that 100 mt would be doable,  do we dare think that another factor of 2,000 is possible .. 200,000 mt to orbit by 2057 - equivalent to putting an oil tanker in LEO!

It's not clear where the upper limit is to chemical rocket lifting capacity, or even if there is one, however just as ships have maxed out around 200,000 mt tons there will be an *economical* maximum size for rocket payloads. Given the VSE and the move outwards together with commercial exploitation of space, 200,000 mt may well happen. With that lift capacity in 2057 the whole solar system will be within human reach.

That was fun smile

[color=darkred]Let's go to Mars and far beyond -  triple NASA's budget ![/color] [url=irc://freenode#space]  #space channel !! [/url] [url=]   - videos !!![/url]


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#5 2006-04-15 08:13:31

From: Scotland, Europe
Registered: 2004-06-07
Posts: 1,879

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

One of the problems in determing the future is that we can only use trends as a basis and to make reasonable quesses as to what advances in research will have for us. Certainly we can see that as oil becomes harder to find and to get out of the ground it will increase in price especially as the globalisation effect has more and more countries needing greater supplies. Another problem we have is that of water. Clean water needed for drinking and industrial uses is actually decreasing. Countries in Asia and Africa are by there heavy industries polluting there own water supplies and drawing on rivers to provide hydro power.

The middle east is an example of where many countries rely on the same river and arquements over the fair utilisation of it is increasing.

Chan eil mi aig a bheil ùidh ann an gleidheadh an status quo; Tha mi airson cur às e.


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#6 2006-04-26 19:06:05

From: 18 tiwi gdns rd, TIWI NT 0810
Registered: 2005-03-18
Posts: 976

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

You just dont want your new career to involve chopping wood.

Remember: Heavy Machette works better on thicketing plant species.

Ps: What Shoes?


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#7 2006-05-05 11:05:35

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

After the ugly fight over the last drop of oil using the last two bricks of the Uranium, I think that we can look forward to harvesting our own firewood at seventeen acres a year from our 1,700 acre woodlot and giving half of the 340,000lb of firewood we produce to the company that owns us in this new era of serfdom while living off less than the 10,000lb firewood per family member per year that living at the medieval level requires...

Also, we will be eating our own shoes.

Seriously though, I have no doubt that we will be able to sustain (and even accelerate) or current standard of livings.  Certianly we're not going to run out of Uranium (and other fission fuels) in the next couple thousand years, much less the next 60.  Here is a good sight about the sustainability of human progress.  I don't think we are going to have to fall back on firewood just yet.

Over the last brick of uranium? You’re joking right? We have at least a 60 year supply of oil left and a 100 year supply of uranium and a 100 year supply of coal. We have barely begun looking for uranium. I am sure there is much more then that.

Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]


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#8 2006-05-12 12:32:00

From: Illinois
Registered: 2006-05-12
Posts: 541

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

Normally I'm something of a pessimest when it comes to the future but here I'll post some general thoughts and what might go right in the next 60 years...

Energy: In North America and Europe at least oil will slowly be turned away from as a major energy source; likely spearheaded by Americans finally fed-up when gas prices tips $10 a gallon.  China will likely replace America as the biggest oil consumer only because it lacks access to solar power that is gradually spreading from roof-top to roof-top.  Fusion power might move from theoretical to prototype as there's bound to be a breakthrough in lasers or magnetic-field containment, but open use will still be a few more decades off and fission will remain about as steadfast in use for perhaps a century more.

Politics: Terrorism will likely rise and fall in waves, but as OPEC loses power and the Middleeast moves away from the civilized world's eye it will be less of a concern that it was in the hyped-up 00s that began the 21st Century.  Lacking the oil funds of earlier years, Republicans will lose some power unless they finally move off their pro-oil seat - and in the power vaccum a new political party may form (but highly unlikely the Green Party  roll  ).  China will finally become a world power slightly more stable than the Soviet Union, Russia will reestablish itself as a world power as well (albeit in 3rd place), and in Europe there may be talks to establish a nationalized European Union (save the UK and Ireland) that may become a 4th world power in future years.  Africa, long ignored, may be turned to as a continent waiting for development and a site of competition between world powers, corporations, and enviromentalists.

Space Exploration: The ISS will be long forgotten as a poorly managed fiasco - ESA and China will manage their own research stations for their budding orbital human programs although attempts to the Moon, including NASA's, will likely prove to be short-term poltical stumbles that result in maybe another dozen humans on Luna briefly - Mars too far to keep the attentions of politicans.  Commercial space flight, however, after an initial 20 years of maturing, will prove more successful and lunar tourism flights will be in the planning stage - a colony on Luna in its construction phase preparing for opening on the 75th anniversery of human spaceflight.  smile


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#9 2006-05-15 20:45:47

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

lift capacity in 2057 the whole solar system will be within human reach.

I hope so


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#10 2006-05-16 12:15:51

From: USA
Registered: 2002-05-30
Posts: 9,734

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

*Probably still stuck on Earth watching rich people going to the boundary of outer space or to their exclusive LEO or Moon resorts while NASA still fumbles about trying to figure out just what to really do with itself...

We all know [i]those[/i] Venusians: Doing their hair in shock waves, smoking electrical coronas, wearing Van Allen belts and resting their tiny elbows on a Geiger counter...

--John Sladek (The New Apocrypha)


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#11 2006-05-25 22:04:10

Registered: 2006-05-25
Posts: 6

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

*Probably still stuck on Earth watching rich people going to the boundary of outer space or to their exclusive LEO or Moon resorts while NASA still fumbles about trying to figure out just what to really do with itself...

I second that.  In the world of today, what could be more important than appeasing rich people???


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#12 2006-05-31 10:38:05

From: Illinois
Registered: 2006-05-12
Posts: 541

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

*Probably still stuck on Earth watching rich people going to the boundary of outer space or to their exclusive LEO or Moon resorts while NASA still fumbles about trying to figure out just what to really do with itself...

I second that.  In the world of today, what could be more important than appeasing rich people???

I about discovering their bank account numbers?  big_smile

Welcome to the wonderful world of the professional hacker...  8)


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#13 2006-06-29 17:25:44

From: canada
Registered: 2006-06-24
Posts: 138

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

In 2061 the solar system will be fare game, small independent nomadic astoroid miners, un willing to land on any sizable mass because of the daunting gravity well. Cheap expendables plus nuculer power will allow any small group to enter space. The large agressive countries willing to ignore the space treaty, and with energy to spare after the last fight over oil will try to conquer the tribes, but will be throrted by failing to be self suficent and political pressure to use planets for bases, while the small nations run away to furthur flung astoroids with their magnetic plasma sail drives. Slowly they will band together in a trade union creating an econmic powerhouse with cheap energy and virtually unlimited resourses the likes of which has never been seen...

Hey, I know it's unlikely, but possible perhaps. smile

Ad astra per aspera!


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#14 2007-04-12 14:05:06

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

A response to Mike Griffin’s future forecasts


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#15 2007-04-13 10:54:16

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

The World will continue to be plagued by "isms". People will push old "isms" and try to invent new "isms", most of these will be merely vehicles for certain groups to achieve power with window dressing to attract adherents toward a stated other purpose. Most "isms" don't work and fail to achieve their stated effect.

Most likely NASA's long term plans will be interupted by the development of some new technology. People who are pushing the first Mars landing and making plans for more that 20 years in the future, would likely find that the plans they've made no longer make any sense in the context of newly developing technology. There is this talk about landing Men on Mars by 2050, as if we are going to build this great pyramid whose tip extends into space on the backs of millions of laborers over a generation. My rule of thumb is, if it takes longer than 20 years, don't make plans, develop technology instead.


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#16 2007-04-13 23:04:47

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

Normally I'm something of a pessimest when it comes to the future but here I'll post some general thoughts and what might go right in the next 60 years...

Energy: In North America and Europe at least oil will slowly be turned away from as a major energy source; likely spearheaded by Americans finally fed-up when gas prices tips $10 a gallon.  China will likely replace America as the biggest oil consumer only because it lacks access to solar power that is gradually spreading from roof-top to roof-top.  Fusion power might move from theoretical to prototype as there's bound to be a breakthrough in lasers or magnetic-field containment, but open use will still be a few more decades off and fission will remain about as steadfast in use for perhaps a century more.

Politics: Terrorism will likely rise and fall in waves, but as OPEC loses power and the Middleeast moves away from the civilized world's eye it will be less of a concern that it was in the hyped-up 00s that began the 21st Century.  Lacking the oil funds of earlier years, Republicans will lose some power unless they finally move off their pro-oil seat - and in the power vaccum a new political party may form (but highly unlikely the Green Party  roll  ).

My prediction is that the Democratic Party will likely be replaced with the liberal wing of the Republican Party, you know the Michael Bloomberk, Rudy Guliani, John McCain wing of the Republican Party.

The Newt Gingrich, Fred Thompson, Mark Levin, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity wing of the Republican Party will likely become a new party called the American Conservative Party or perhaps just the Conservative Party.

The Democratic Party has become more interested in its constituencies rather than in the welfare of this country, and that's going to hurt them in the long run.

China will finally become a world power slightly more stable than the Soviet Union,

If the Chinese leadership is wise, they will transition to a true Representative form of government giving up the Communist Party's monopoly on power.

Russia will reestablish itself as a world power as well (albeit in 3rd place), and in Europe there may be talks to establish a nationalized European Union (save the UK and Ireland) that may become a 4th world power in future years.

My prediction as far as GDP goes:
The USA or China is #1

China of the USA is #2

India or Europe is #3

Europe or India is #4 (That is if Europe counts a a country)

Japan or Russia is #5

Russia or Japan is #6

Per capita income wise

The USA/Canada or Japan #1

Europe #2

Russia #3

China #4

India or Latin America #5

Africa or South East Asia #6

China may come close to or over take the United States because of its greater population, but their per capita income is likely to be less than the United States. I think Japan is a bit of a wild card, it is way ahead in Robotics, if AI robotics becomes a really hot field, then the weight of those robotics may push Japan to the head of the pack.

Africa, long ignored, may be turned to as a continent waiting for development and a site of competition between world powers, corporations, and enviromentalists.

Africa it seems will be the very last of the developing countries. Investors looking to invest in the developing world will invest in Africa (governments permitting) as there will be not other place left, Asia will likley be throughly industrialized and their labot will likely be getting expensive, the only place to find cheap labor would likely be Africa.

Space Exploration: The ISS will be long forgotten as a poorly managed fiasco - ESA and China will manage their own research stations for their budding orbital human programs although attempts to the Moon, including NASA's, will likely prove to be short-term poltical stumbles that result in maybe another dozen humans on Luna briefly -

That's rather pesimistic for 2061, you really think technology will stay the same for the next 5 decades?
I rather predict that there won't be any government sponsored orbital human programs, it would be a waste of money to pay government workers to sit in orbit and basically be experimented on, when their will likely be a budding full fledged tourist industry in low Earth orbit with full fledged orbital hotels. Some of these hotels would look very much like that space station seen in the movie 2001 - A Space Odyssey I think there will be a rather large Moon base at this time, much of it will be underground. There will be telescopes on the near and far sides of the Moon. There will likely be a smaller Mars base by 2061, it will consist of domed settlements or perhaps concrete structures. Asteroid prespecting would likely begin, perhaps by automated mining ships, some asteroids would likely have been visited by people. Fully autonomous, independently mobile robots would be walking on Earth, the Moon, and Mars at this time, these robots may or may not be as bright as humans, but they'll be able to navigate all sorts of terrain without any more difficulty than humans can manage.

For entertainment and communications we would have the Internet, just the Internet, no seperate telephones, or televisions, or radios. All communications would be via some sort of computer or another. There would cease to be any general broadcasts, there would likley be news services and reporters reporting live on the internet, shows would be ordered individually as soon as they are place on the Internet, people would order them up on their computers and watch them whenever they want.

There will be several different kinds of computers throughout the house.

First there is the Family Entertainment Center Computer, this computer will come with a large flat screen with a wide aspect. The dimensions would be similar to that of a movie screen in proportion, and to an observer from this day an age it might be mistaken for an HDTV, but it is not, it is a giant computer screen instead, people would sit down on their couch and watch movies, news, and play video games on it, but there would be no TV schedule, just about the only things seen live would be news broadcasts and sporting events, shows would be ordered on screen over the Internet via a website. Oh and by the way, the image projected on the screen will appear three dimensional without the viewer wearing any sort of glasses. The screen will appear to be a window in the middle of the living room, it will look like what's shown is on the other side of the glass rather than a 2-d image projected on the screed. Rarely will images seem to leap out of the screen and into the living room. Once the novelty of 3-d shows wear off people will prefer that the images stay on the far side of the glass.

Other sorts of computers will be communications consoles, these will likely be small flat screens mounted on the walls or on table tops, people will use these as telephones, video phones, or to browse the web when they don't want to use the living room computer for these things.

Finally there will be the mobile computers, these will range from lap tops, to PDAs, to computers implanted within the human body, as well as the ever helpful robotic assistant.

Robots will come in all shapes and sizes, some will be humanoid in form while others will assume purely finctional shapes. The Moons and MArs will be heavily roboticised as well.


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#17 2007-04-26 14:34:57

From: Eta Cassiopeiae (no, Sweden re
Registered: 2003-03-25
Posts: 591

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

It will be exactly like today, only computer entertainment will be cooler.

Nothing will happen. No return to Luna, no trip to Mars. No mission to Europa, drilling through the ice. The same street lights will illuminate the same freeways. There's a new teenage popstar and her model friend making headlines. There will be conspiracy theories like today, and no fusion power. The same democratic countries will have the same political parties electing governments based on roughly identical agendas. 

People will know about WWII, but no one remembers the War on Terror.


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#18 2007-04-27 07:25:47

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

It will be exactly like today, only computer entertainment will be cooler.

Nothing will happen. No return to Luna, no trip to Mars. No mission to Europa, drilling through the ice. The same street lights will illuminate the same freeways. There's a new teenage popstar and her model friend making headlines. There will be conspiracy theories like today, and no fusion power. The same democratic countries will have the same political parties electing governments based on roughly identical agendas. 

People will know about WWII, but no one remembers the War on Terror.

Even in that narrow mindset, that teenage popstar will not be human. A real cool computer would be one that makes all actors and popstars obsolete, we can almost do that now, by 2061 we'll do that completely. People won't be able to tell the difference between something that was "filmed" or recorded with a camera and something completely computer generated, and computer generated movies and interactive entertainment will be cheap. Cars will probably drive themselves as human reactions rates, unpredictability and then tendency to drive will impaired will cause accidents.


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#19 2007-04-27 12:09:27

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,375

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

computer programmed personality chat-bots will over take the internet message boards, conversing and reacting to real people, as well as other chat bots. Wikipedia, the source of all human knowledge will be infiltrated by malicious chat bots which subvert the sum of all human information.

Dark age, of course, ensues.


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#20 2007-04-27 15:17:23

From: Calgary Alberta Canada
Registered: 2002-09-24
Posts: 162

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

There is also the very real possibility of corporations taking on their own armed forces and overthrowing governments. Africa is a perfect example of this.
The world will be driven by profit even more then today. Science will be narrowed into a "money making" device and all creativity will abolished.

Or, we could all pull out heads out of our collective arses and try and make something of the human race so we don’t get laughed at when we do find other life forms in space.


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#21 2007-04-28 02:53:41

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

There is also the very real possibility of corporations taking on their own armed forces and overthrowing governments. Africa is a perfect example of this.
The world will be driven by profit even more then today. Science will be narrowed into a "money making" device and all creativity will abolished.

Or, we could all pull out heads out of our collective arses and try and make something of the human race so we don’t get laughed at when we do find other life forms in space.

An example of which would be Putin's dictatorship, but in that case it is government taking over corporations rather than corporations taking over government. But you see, once a corporation has the ability to tax the people, it ceases to worry about profits. Profits are obtained by selling stuff to people who have a choice of whether to buy or not. Governments obtain their revenue through taxation, not sales. A corporation that takes over a government would be no different from Vladimir Putin's Russia. Putin could care less about how much money he makes it political power that matters in this case.

A corporation plays by the rules of the market place by definition, if it does not, it is a crime syndicate, if it takers over the government, it is a government.

I think a corporation in the market place inspires creativity rather than stifles it. Corporations compete, governments don't. Anyone who works for the government has a steady paycheck and lots of benefits, safe and secure in his job, a government employee is not going to rock the boat and try to be creative.


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#22 2022-07-04 07:36:00

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

The good news is while a lot of topics of the past in newmars discussion forums were considered scifi or fringe, they have now become real or far closer to reality

What has changed
Japan has stagnated while other Asian nations have grown, Japanese now have some of the worst Birth Rate Demographics on Earth.
Europe has stepped forward slightly or slowly, it has interesting robotic missions, French now have the Ariane-6 rocket, CERN is doing interesting science. Europe has taken many refugees during wars, some of the islamic ones caused problems and started shooting and blowing things up that offended their Moongod al-Lah.
Russia expanded into the Middle East but also has fallen back and will feel damage from the cost of its dying and broken men in the Ukraine War and its economy faces sanctions.
Other players have arrived in the launch business, India, S.Korea etc
NASA has a number of options, COTS, Falcon, HLV/SLS, JPL trying something new innovative Rovers helicopters flying on Mars, other rocket options RocketLab, ULA - Delta, Atlas, Vulcan, Cygnus, new space suits coming and maybe one day Bezos and Branson will truck stuff to the ISS or other stations.

Will the kids of America have a 4th to celebrate in 2031 ???

'newspapers' had power but
I never thought the tv and the political media could be so hypnotically powerful
thought the left vs right politics would never get so strong at destroying its own people, I thought the LA Riots a thing of the distant past.


Rampant mass shootings I once thought this was just a gang thing or psycho thing of the 90s that would eventually go away

A 45th President banned from the internet while the Taliban terrorists, Putin and Ayatollah keep their social media accounts?

New President and Simple power problems grow, fuel issues become mountainous political problems, supply chain problems growing into an enormous crisis
Gasonline Prices near you?

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris promised they would do things different to Donald Trump, they allowed the Delta variant of the Corona virus into America, doubled the deaths and failed to stop Omicron variant of Covid-19  in the United States.

A political system that produces sick, neurotic people, some get brainwashed by the images and film played on repeat of the Cop kneeling on Floyd's head, the images and film repeating again and replayed again like a hypnotic occult sacrifice ritual sending the masses into a frenzy.  George Floyd was an African American ex-con and drug addict but the tv hypnotized the mob, a mob who will go out and riot and destroy business in their own neighborhoods and try burn down their own cities. The George Floyd riots happened in the middle of a respiratory Virus Lockdown, they have since tried to paint him as a 'Saint' or ascetic spiritual teacher  or Prophet like Buddha or Moses, they put him inside a Gold Coffin that toured around America. BLM and Antifa encouraged by crazies in US media even tried to form a break away country or kingdom called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), also known as CHOP in the city of Seattle, Washington, USA.

End of natural farming, natural traditional trade
Unnatural chemicals in foods, no exercise, Rampant obesity

A collapsed family court system? Neo-Feminism illiberalism vs MensRights MGTOW
and the teen kids are dragged into the men vs women thing with Gamergate movements

Trumpism and the weird hopium populist movement with fringe Q-Anon, ProudBoys, Tea Party types who might have helped raid the U.S. Capitol

An old Controversial President Replaced by an older President and female 'diverse hire' VP who might be senile and an idiot.

War and Imperialism returning to the Heart of Europe
Other hostile nations trying to surround just as a Wolf Pack might think they see weakness in a Bear or Hyenas attack a Lion, maybe other Putin and other hostile States see 'weakness' in Biden?
Russia testing ASAT weapons, new hypersonic missiles.

Cultural Death
Record companies ending spread of Classical Music, Negro Gospel Songs, Funk, Bluegrass, Hippie era protest lyrics, The Blues vs ToneDeaf Celebration of trashiness

More Death of Culture
Banning of books, Gone With the Wind banned for offensive words, Tchaikovsky born 1840 long before Putin or the USSR let's ban him,  "Huck" Finn Adventures of Tom Sawyer Banned.

Mass incarceration, a prison system that became a gang education system, a revolving door for criminality.

Outright Theft and Looting Allowed, in some States people allowed to steal more than 990 $ worth of goods
overall tolerance and glorification of criminality

Insane levels of illegal immigration and drug smuggling, hundreds of thousands of young Americans dying from illegal drugs

and even more Culture dying
Movies once known for risk taking & art, now its about 'brand' and reboot and prequel, sequel and remakes of old film property

Tv News Media Nihilism anything goes, nothing matters, they will even make excuses for jihadi islamist muslims who bomb pop concerts & shoot cartoonists
lack of guidance, morality, religious commandments or lack of social higher values

Pathological gun culture & rambo john wayne fetishization of guns, many heroes in hollyweird movies are mass shooter psychopaths vs People try to push control freak politics, change the Constitution, batred of speech and push absolute gun control.

Debts, deficit,  an uncertain stock market roulette wheel, an attempt to pass Law to Report All Transactions Over $600 to IRS Under a New Fed Plan?

Extreme puritanism  preppers going off grid vs Extreme sexualization or pornification at the same time putting transexuals in schools, pushing weird Gender confusion as 'education'.

Absurd "woke" antifa bolsevik or identity politics where it is difficult to know if you're reading real news or a parody of the news itself.

The Private Sector in Space is a real thing
other tech is coming along 3-D printing, A.I Robotics, maybe Fusion could be a thing
China is interesting competition... but the public seems uninterested in space.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-02-10 11:56:42)


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#23 2022-08-28 13:34:59

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

Aged over 65 will double by 2050 globally. Working lives will get longer? … arket.aspx

for the first time in human history, people aged 65 or over outnumbered children under five years of age worldwide.

Governor’s water strategy unveiled to address hotter, drier California … alifornia/

California says new cars must be zero emission by 2035 … 30985.html

Quitting single-use plastic in Japan … c-in-japan

Plastic to Outweigh Fish by 2050 … sh-by-2050

'A life of sustained heat stress': What could Australia's weather look like in 2100? … /cp06ed918

Irreversible declines in freshwater storage projected in parts of Asia by 2060 … -asia.html

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-28 13:36:22)


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#24 2022-09-03 08:42:19

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

The Dawn of a New Age

oday’s generation is at the forefront of a new space era — one that will be far-reaching, inclusive, and potentially more disruptive. We have finally come to a stage where the dreams around space from childhood are turning into reality. Space tourism could really become more accessible to the average person. Mining on the Moon or on an asteroid is seriously being considered. And powering the Earth with solar power collected from satellites is on the horizon.

So what suddenly changed to make space more accessible? Two things: the private sector entered the industry and launch costs declined. Until recently, the space industry had been dominated by government-sponsored programs, which focused more on military capability, and creating revenue and jobs. As more private companies enter the industry, they are prioritizing operational efficiency.

Today’s launch costs of $1,500 per kilogram ($1,500/kg) are about 30x less than the launch cost of NASA’s Space Shuttle in 1981. Reusable rockets and launch vehicles, new materials and fuels, more cost-efficient production methods, and advancements in robotics and electronics systems are combining to drive these costs even lower. The authors of this report believe launch costs could to fall to $100/kg by 2040, and in a bullish scenario, to as low as $33/kg.

With lower launch costs, the authors expect the space economy to generate over $1 trillion in annual sales by 2040, up from around $370 billion in 2020. The satellite market, which currently makes up over 70% of the current space industry, will continue to dominate but is expected to undergo a paradigm shift in demand. Traditional applications such as video broadcasting will cede to newer applications such as consumer broadband and space-as-a-service. Satellite imagery and better analysis tools for large amounts of data could be crucial in helping nations and companies address many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly monitoring greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation and biodiversity.

But the fastest growth is expected to come from new space applications and industries, such as space-based solar power, space logistics, and Moon/asteroid mining, among others. These areas could generate ~$100 billion in annual sales by 2040.

Looking Ahead 2
Another year passes by. This is what I saw.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-03 10:21:17)


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#25 2023-02-09 11:51:04

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: The year is 2061 - where will we be ?

Not a big fan of George Friedman but he did write a book that speculated

He said Turkey, Poland, and Japan would take over the world, Japan would have a huge comeback with the Corona Olympics and China vanishes off the Earth because they are inferior like Communist African wild people. He said Earth would be nuked and Third World War will take place, between the United States, the "Polish Bloc", the UK, India, and China on one side, and Turkey and seems like babbling nonsense, he predicts a Turkish-Japanese alliance's initial strike will cripple the military capabilities of the United States and its allies but on Eastern Europe he did get it a little better.

Said in the 2010s, the conflict between the US and Islamic camel jacker mahommedans will die down, and a second Cold War, less extensive  than the first, will take place between the United States and Russia.

He said federal government of Russia to completely collapse, much like the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Other former Soviet countries will fragment as well.

The book also seemed to talk of assimilation and drugs and a possible US–Mexican conflict … 171803.php

‘This is Insane’: Lyndon LaRouche and the Political Power of Cults … -of-cults/

5 Technologies That 5 Billion Will Use by 2050 … e-by-2050/

How robots, AR glasses and oven-free kitchens will change cooking by 2040 … 72.article

Global Malware Analysis Market to Reach $62.3 Billion by 2030 … 00400.html

and 2069....100 years since the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-05-25 08:26:07)


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