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how adults like kids who think of the darndest things the way they also laugh at babies shitting in their pants, but like kids going in their pants around five years old or older, when kids start thinking to much around age ten, all of a sudden, not only adults, but the kids fellow social age group also has a problem with the kid thinking!
It's trully amazing how the non-thinking notice those who think!
"Yes, I was going to give this astronaut selection my best shot, I was determined when the NASA proctologist looked up my ass, he would see pipes so dazzling he would ask the nurse to get his sunglasses."
---Shuttle Astronaut Mike Mullane
and isn't it curious how human kids are born explorers, but then grow up not associating exploring with adventure?
Something telling me society is in a very sick state! And look above, somebody finds these points unfathonable! That certainly says society is in a 'very' sick mental state!
Somehwere along the way, the line was crossed between "looking after" and "mollycoddling".
My parents gave me a lot of freedom when I was a kid, and nothing bad ever happened (unless you can't hospitalization with second-degree burns, or falling face-first over a 20 ft cliff, to be bad things
It is called losing the dream. As people get older the tend to think of the dreams of there youth as fantasy. The thought goes something like, an adult must think of real things, and so the cynic is born from the kind.
Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]
what, you mean like, they'd rather have sex and make money hand over fist even thought they only need so much?
Ahh, somehow, I think when you ask people why they don't like science, it has more to do with social status and coolness, and finding the easy way through life.
Some people just don't spend the time to think about things.
the dark ages are coming
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