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Fusion or Fision which is the type of explosion we are seeing from this star and its companion. Or is this something new?
Scientists Glimpse Exotic Matter In A Neutron Star … y-04k.html
Scientists have obtained their best measurement yet of the size and contents of a neutron star, an ultra-dense object containing the strangest and rarest matter in the universe. The measurement may lead to a better understanding of nature's building blocks - protons, neutrons and their constituent quarks - as they are compressed inside the neutron star to a density trillions of times greater than on Earth.
Gas from its companion star crashes onto the surface of the neutron star close to the speed of light, creating thermonuclear bursts of X-rays that last from one to two minutes and can occur several times an hour.
Hot gas is seen hurtling around the supermassive black hole at centre of the Milky Way's at almost a third of the speed of light … -hole.html
Blob of gas spotted swirling around our Milky Way's black hole at 30% the speed of light. … -hole-blob