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#1 2004-07-18 16:38:59

Registered: 2004-07-18
Posts: 62

Re: mars aliens, dense or hyperdimensional?

If you buy the book Uncovering the Secrets of the Red Planet with colaboration of Pathfinder organization and National Geographic you'll find in spite of their magnificent color 3D photos to see with the 3D lens, they CUT OFF the photos of the "face" to hide the tetrahedron and pyramids,they chose the worst of 11 photos available to set the blurred one of the "face". In the other one we can see the other COMPLETE sphinx also shown (with zoom) by Hoagland. No hoaxs but Nasa hiding things. The fact Hoagland foretold with 10 years anticipation the face would show a lion face is important to remember. Considering this pay attention to what Robert Morningstar and other people have also discovered and see interesting other photos: … _pics.html … ge43C.html … /mars.html … phinx2.htm … phinx.html … ive32.html]www. … thirds.htm … ASA2f.html … catbox.htm
I don't think constelations do have animal shape -except maybe Milky Way = Ouroborous snake cycle:]
The name of goddess Hathor in Egypt meant "dwelling of the gods" and depending on the culture, the animal hybrid shape was different. In other words, Hoagland and Michael H. are probably paying too much attention to hyperdimensional math rather than hyperdimensional entities.
Graham Hancock said something important: in the megalithic temples set in electromagnetic grid of the world, people who are not necessarily lunatics neither schizophrenic have witnessed the presence of hybrid creatures. This is not the "archetype" logic invented by Freud and completely misunderstood by his atheism. Shamans and anthropologist will know better.
I have personaly interviewed people who have seen the same experiences mentioned here: … huasi.html … /kerub.htm
This very place, Marcahausi plateau, 14.000 feet upon sea level in Peru, helps us to understand the riddle of Mars because the eroded face is the eroded artificial mountain with zoo-anthropomorphous cryptographic code using a procedure very well known in Peru and Egypt, Mexico: … tTrad.html … rcahua.htm … achu4.html … achu5.html … inca4.html … nca3c.html … inca5.html … inca6.html] … a/puma.htm … lllama.htm
A study of what these ancient people will lead us to believe the "gods" in fact have been trapped in dimensional dungeons, like the spirits mentioned by Judas & Peter quoting from Enoch (who wrote they are in the deserts), like real Cenobites in Hellraiser Pandora's box-tesseract or hypercubes, the invisible Pandemonium from the cherub of Mars (Ezekiel 28:11 to verse 20 giving us the REASON why Freemasons baptized that Martian place with the name Cydonia (Sidon).
In ancient Arab, Cairo means Mars. Tyrus was Mars and Phoenicians called themselves Cydonians. The cherub of Eden is compared with Tyrus king (that is Mars too). The verse 20 says to turn the FACE against Sidon/Cydonia and the sphinx in Egypt was Horemhaket meaning Falcon Horus in the horizon. Not only the falcon is one of the faces appearing in Mars' face but falcon in Egyptian language comes from the word "heru" meaning "face". Now, take a load of this regarding the math linked to pyramids and the Martian face: … donia2.htm
You gotta be too cynical beyond healthy skepticism if you think all these is just a happy coincidence.
Hebrew mysticism will tell you the name of that cherub was Satan or Samael or Shamael also mentioned in Sumerian accounts under the name of Semael. The one married with sucubus Lillith also living in the deserts , Isaiah 34:14; Zecharia 5:9.
Nowadays I wonder how come the experts in genetic have the idea to use transgenic animal DNA to insert into human...perhaps to make us like "them" in their invisible Sumerian descriptions of the past (complete the cycle again????).
Even in our physical realms there are things not too many people are aware, for example the winged-cats (affected with feline cutaneous asthenia) , 138 reported sightings and 28 documented: … d-cats.htm
cats with 2 heads: … k-face.htm … joined.htm
Would it be impossible in the invisible hyperdimensional realms or do I have to repeat to you the same thing I said to physicist Michio Kaku (Hyperspace) that he confused the reflection in the mirror with reality using his examples of Dali's or Picasso's art to show how creatures in 4th dimension could see us.
I told him he was turning the blind eye on regarding the art of the ancient ones like Egyptians. All of them, Hindus, Incas, Mayas, Moches, Chinese, etc, have depicted the HYBRID CREATURES, not just animals, but totems united.
If you're a flatlander like Popey living in a paper, that creature only needs to project an image using the paper as a screen. You can't see that reality with your eyes perceiving 0.5% maybe of the frequences available. Your dog sees more in a ghost house, it can even smells your "fear", a fly sees the universe with its 8000 hexagonal omatidies and the snake with termographic Predator vision.
Temples of the past were polished to optical degree because of that. They had to be DARK and the representation painted was flat and bidimensional. They used cocaine, nicotine,blue lilly, opium, etc, to enhance what is forbidden by your eyes. To see that in a dark temple allowed the use of melatonine (check what's the meaning of the Greek name used by "science" to know more what I mean). The FX is like the nightmare scene of Moses in the animated film "Prince of Egypt". Drawings becoming alive in your mind cos the chemical structure of those substances acts like a key unlocking the same pattern of serotonine, endorphines, etc.
Then you can see what sort of entities we're talking about.
Whatever you see in our Earth is just the dense part of reality...the shadow part. Cherubs are trapped within the stone. Incas know that.
:bars2:  :bars2:  :bars2:


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#2 2004-07-19 06:03:31

Registered: 2004-07-18
Posts: 62

Re: mars aliens, dense or hyperdimensional?

I say even more, the same chapter of Ezekiel mentions the cherub of Eden was expelled or cast out not only from orbiting "stones of fire" (linked in Hebrew with the Oposer) but specifically from "mountain of God". In Mesopotamia that was a mountain-house, in other words, a ziguratt or pyramid. So, the Hebrew prophet was saying is the hybrid cherub entity was cast out from pyramid in one planet.
The association with Samael and Edom or Esau is remembered by the Jewish legend. Edom and Esau were the red land and the red head Jacob's brother. In the same eroded face on  Mars we can decode ALSO the face of an Egyptian pharaoh. … /ASAR.html … ASA2e.html
That's awsome cos the same Ezekiel a few chapters after (32:29-32) mentions together EDOM + PHARAOH + CYDONIA (SIDON).
The Bible code gives us a hint that perhaps in the near future some kind of catastrophe could happen affecting Mars & Earth, the red planet (in fact Nasa uses red filter to make it appear more reddish than it actually is) could dissapear while our planet could diminush the length of its "day" to the 3rd part. 24-8=16 hours.] … /mars.html
That is guessed not only because Apocalipsis interpretation but because the word for MARS crosses the word for Earth (Hertz in Hebrew) cutting it at the third part of the word.
If you tell me we can find other codes written everywhere that could mean the whole universe is -like the thought of Jew-Poland Jacob Bekenstein whom I talked to- a hollographic matrix. In spite of easy criticism the Bible code can't be equaled with books like War & Peace or Moby Dick. Wanna read about it?: … page.php/9 … age.php/54 … age.php/57 … ge.php/186   (read to page 189) … ge.php/177


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#3 2004-07-19 06:47:03

Registered: 2004-07-18
Posts: 62

Re: mars aliens, dense or hyperdimensional?

Though in Sitchin's books we can find some interesting valuable information, there are some HUGE mistakes: … errors.htm

The one who wrote that is Michael Heiser and he has some errors himself and I'm still waiting his reply just as he waits for Sitchin's!!!!!
Some authors, like Sitchin, Däniken, J.J.Benítez and others will want to convince us everything have to be explained by VIMANAS or Hindu description of UFOs. There are some differences between what man was taught to build and what they are themselves. The description made by Nasa engineer, Joseph Blumrich of Ezekiel's vision was like a quadruple chopper with propelled system under the bell shape UFO: … ...lia.htm
So, I imagine a bacteriophagea virus will be seen as a lunar lander: … c.php?t=10 … c.php?t=34 … NAmyo.html
Now, an invisible creature to naked eye -virus, bacteria, prion- is not less real than hyperdimensional invisible creature dwelling in Planck dimension trillion times smaller than a proton or maybe somewhere else in other dimension. Unfortunately no infrared, ultraviolet, kirlian, termographic, gamma or X rays devices hace checked this yet. But a dog or a horse can see things our eyes can't. It's not imposible to believe. You believe in dreams and oniric experience not cos science has duplicated them in machines but cos of "subjective" personal experience very different in time/space than the "objective" measure of rapid movement of the eyes with eyelids closed or paradoxal brain activity in alpha, betha, tetha, delta frequences, right????? yikes


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#4 2004-07-19 06:59:11

Registered: 2004-07-18
Posts: 62

Re: mars aliens, dense or hyperdimensional?

Sorry, one site was eliminated apparently. The other two are from a forum that requires your password. The other one you need to glue and then "enter". Please do that and check this: … 5/ufo4.htm

The hyperdimensional entities can trick you with million disguises. We can play with a Flatlander hypotethical living in a paper. We can draw things that he will notice appearing or erase them making him believe it vanished, we can tear up their flat 2D universe, we can bend it or twist it to affect their space-time, we can make holes to imitate the Bermuda triangle effect, etc. These are the signs on wheat fields. In a paper I can set up set up a cube made of paper using a cross drawn in the paper. Every time I'm mounting a piece the Flatlander won't see it because he's unable to see the dimension HEIGHT , he can only see width and length. Check the film Hypercube, CUBE II to understand better and read Michio Kaku's Hyperspace. Yet, Kaku is writing as a human confusing the reflection in the mirror with reality, so I explained in personal letter and his forum. It seems the physicists didn't have anything to add to my answers either.


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#5 2004-07-19 07:06:15

Registered: 2004-07-18
Posts: 62

Re: mars aliens, dense or hyperdimensional?
Check in the previous site I mentioned before this, the figure number 10.2, it's Nasa engineer "view".


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