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#26 2002-05-13 11:12:33

Peter Pevensie
From: Terceira Island, Azores, Portu
Registered: 2002-05-03
Posts: 39

Re: Space Command - Space Command

...I don't recall ever saying that it was "alien construction" on Mars.  It does not seem like a phrase I would use.  You see, I do not believe in aliens.  According to surveys of the American public, I am in the minority.  I believe accepting "aliens" is part of the long-term conditioning we have been put through for roughly the past 50 years.

I'd be very interested to hear more on this idea, GOM, as well as your theories about the origin of the Face and other "anomolies" on Mars.

I hope my earlier posts didn't put you off at all...I don't tend toward sarcasm and I like to think I have a fairly sympathetic ear for most "conspiracy theorists."  (If there's another term you'd find less offensive, by the way, please let me know.)  After all, I've built my life around the idea that over 2000 years ago, a man rose from the dead, and the "Powers That Be" have been trying to hide the Truth from the masses ever since. big_smile

Incidentally, I'm also completely willing to accept that the Face is of intelligent origin...

"When I think about everything we've been through together, maybe it's not the destination that matters. Maybe it's the journey..."


#27 2002-05-18 12:04:03

Registered: 2001-09-08
Posts: 127

Re: Space Command - Space Command

Hi GOM!  Responding:-

1. "That's smart" ..... Come now, GOM, sarcasm is the lowest
     form of wit, they tell me!  big_smile  You can do better than that.


No sarcasm there.  You would do well to learn to not take offense so easily, especially when someone compliments you.  When I say you are smart, I mean you are smart.  At least as far as I can tell from such limited information.

If I happen to see something, or someone, that's stupid I will say it's stupid.  For example:  OJ searching for the "real" killers.  That's stupid. 



#28 2002-05-18 12:05:41

Registered: 2001-09-08
Posts: 127

Re: Space Command - Space Command

I hope my earlier posts didn't put you off at all...

Nope.  I find your posts quite interesting.


#29 2002-05-18 14:10:42

Omer Joel
From: Quiriat Tivon, Israel
Registered: 2002-05-03
Posts: 23

Re: Space Command - Space Command

I suppose that the question of what the face really is would remain open until Cydonia itself will be explored throroughly. Ofcourse, if you belive that someone is already hiding something concerning it, you can't be sure that they'll give you the truth when they'll explore it...

And, from the ground level, the face will probably look like any other hill - it's quite big. You'll have to see it from abouve in order to see it's features. Assuming that it's actually artificial.

Or it could be just an optical illusion, just as the "canals" were. The Human mind seeks familiar patterens in everything. That's why we have arranged the randomly-placed stars into "constellations".

No one could know what the face really is until someone actually lands there and starts exploring.


#30 2002-05-21 19:34:49

Shaun Barrett
From: Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Registered: 2001-12-28
Posts: 2,843

Re: Space Command - Space Command

You're right, GOM. I apologise for jumping to the wrong conclusion about the "sarcasm" thing. I thought you were having a little dig at me .... a tinge of paranoia on my part I suppose.
   Anyhow, I'm glad the air has been cleared and look forward to the first expedition to Cydonia! As I've mentioned, the sooner they find indisputable evidence of artificiality anywhere off-Earth, the better I'll like it.

The word 'aerobics' came about when the gym instructors got together and said: If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it Jumping Up and Down.   - Rita Rudner


#31 2002-05-23 14:26:01

Registered: 2001-09-08
Posts: 127

Re: Space Command - Space Command

Pyramid-shaped mountains are not hard to create naturally.


Got any links to any five-sided "pyramid/mountains" on Earth that were created by the method you describe?


It's been a week and a half....


#32 2002-05-26 20:55:02

From: New England USA
Registered: 2002-01-20
Posts: 173

Re: Space Command - Space Command

We should thank Dick Hoagland and the entire 'Face On Mars' crowd for stimulating more popular interest in Mars than anything since, well, Edgar Rice Burroughs created 'Barsoom'. Mars (for many of us) symbolizes a blank slate, upon which we wish to deeply engrave our glorious visions of human progress. To the 'Mars Face' believers, however, it is a which their own paranoid, pseudo-scientific belief systems are reflected.

That being said, I believe the future inhabitants of Mars will owe such people a great debt. The unbroken line of men who rejected Mars and dreamed of Barsoom should be honored by a monument, if not a tourist trap, in the Cydonian mesa.

I've always liked the name 'Crankopolis' myself.   tongue

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