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#1 2002-06-26 05:06:40

Night Owl
From: El Paso Texas
Registered: 2002-06-26
Posts: 1

Re: Why We Need To Go To Mars - We need hope for the future after 911

With the recent discovery of abundant water on Mars, in the form of dirty ice, that alone, would reduce the cost of a manned mission to the red planet by at least 50% percent! They would only need to have enough fuel, oxygen, and water for the trip out.

Once they get to Mars, they can extract the water from the ice, and then break it down into oxygen, and hydrogen fuel for the return trip.

All that being said, I believe we should urge our elected officials, especially the president, to put forward plans for a manned mission to Mars.

This would give us something to look forward to, but unfortunatly, America is preoccupied with the war in Afghanistan, and the possiblilty of more terrorist attacks.

Personally, I think Osama Bubba Bin Ladin is dead, buried in a cave somewhere, scattered about in fifty-eight pieces! He's been issued his, Leaving The Planet Papers, and is down in the Smokey Pokey doing the hot-foot dance, where he has been added to Satan's collection of chew toys!  smile

As for the terrorists making more threats against America. . .

Since we have increased security at our airports, the terrorists can't do jack! All they can do is pump their fists up and down in the air, and make verbal threats!

Yes, we were taken by surprise in the 911 attack on the World Trade Centers, and the Pentagon. But now, these terrorist scum-bags are announcing where and when they will strike next. I think its all bull! They are yanking our chains, getting us all scared and nervous, and it's working.

But that's what terrorism is all about! If not, actual physical attacks, verbal threats can be just as effective for inducing paranoia.

Of course, that doesn't rule out the possibility of some copy-cat, domestic scum, going into a resturant, wired with explosives attached to his body, and turning everyone into pizza toppings! :angry:

These terrorists look forward to death, as we Americans look forward to life, and it's time we started looking forward to the future, after we have made short work of these terrorist gutter thugs!

I say we take all those Taliban prisoners we're holding in Cuba, wrap them up in pig skins, and hang them all on a short rope, and broadcast it to all the world, to scare the living bee-jeebers out of any would-be terrorist to let them know that they will meet up with the same fate when they're caught.

Then after all the terrorists are tagged and bagged, we can move on to more important things, like getting on with our lives, doing what Americans do best.

I say, lets wrap this up, once and for all, and then we can go to Mars!

From The Night Owl in El Paso Texas

Abnocto exhibeo, quod ultra noctis occulto!

The night reveals, far more than it conceals!

Keep looking up!

From The Night Owl in El Paso Texas

Abnocto exhibeo, quod ultra noctis occulto!

The night reveals, far more than it conceals!

Keep looking up!


#2 2002-06-26 08:11:40

Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 26

Re: Why We Need To Go To Mars - We need hope for the future after 911

I say we take all those Taliban prisoners we're holding in Cuba, wrap them up in pig skins, and hang them all on a short rope, and broadcast it to all the world, to scare the living bee-jeebers out of any would-be terrorist to let them know that they will meet up with the same fate when they're caught.

America also stands for a little thing called justice which includes the important distinction "innocent until proven guilty." If we're going to be the leaders in the human drive towards space we can't be sacrificing our greatest human ideals in the process. Unfortunately, I worry that the current administration's only concern for space is in its eventual militarization. I think this is the exact opposite direction we need to go to in. I think our only hope of launching an effective, sustained Mars program on a government level is to be collaborative with foreign efforts rather than trying to enforce supremacy. Otherwise it will always be flags and footprints at best.

Antarctica works as a stable ongoing project because it's an international effort devoted to real science- not just political grandstanding.



#3 2002-06-26 09:51:55

Mark S
Registered: 2002-04-11
Posts: 343

Re: Why We Need To Go To Mars - We need hope for the future after 911

Night Owl, I first wanted to say that I too harbor the same desire to treat the Afghan prisoners as cruelly as possible, but that is another topic for another time.

I believe that bin Laden is dead, but it's too early to live according to that assumption.  And I still believe that we have not seen the end of terrorism in the United States.  Airport security is still a joke, it's just that it now forces innocent people to wait longer and put up with intrusive searches. 

And as long as the United States is occupied with "the big bad bin Laden" and trying to solve the unsolvable chaos in the holy land, we will not go to Mars.  The United States could easily pay for Mars Direct.  The $11 billion saved by cancelling the Crusader artillery system would go a long way towards developing the hardware to do so.  But until the U.S. has some national impetus to go to Mars, or until the international community invites us to join them on a joint venture, we will not see humans on the red planet.

"I'm not much of a 'hands-on' evil scientist."--Dr. Evil, "Goldmember"


#4 2002-06-27 22:43:26

Registered: 2002-01-02
Posts: 1,103

Re: Why We Need To Go To Mars - We need hope for the future after 911

Personally I have no problem with blowing up fanatical religious terrorists who want to take out their frustrations on innocent people.  I guess these murderous dogs will have to learn the hardway that the USA can blow them up a lot better than they can blow us up!  If people have a gripe with America maybe they should try more diplomatic routes first!

To achieve the impossible you must attempt the absurd


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