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#1 2003-07-06 17:42:48

Registered: 2003-07-06
Posts: 1

Re: new organization needs help

  We don't wish to sound like the stereotypical 'new organization' thread that is so prevalent on space enthusiasm boards but here goes anyway. There are a couple of us that have gotten together and decided on a couple points of fact. Number one being that no one is going to go to Mars without working for it and number two being there is no organization that exists today that has a detailed feasible plan for any acceptable timeline of getting to Mars. When we say timeline we mean less than five years. Not ten years, twenty years, nor more but as soon as physically possible. If a group had access to all the technology, hardware, people, money, etc. to go to Mars this very day would they? We find the answer to be no by the sole reason because all of the people who truly want to go don't want to leave the comfort of their life as it is now. This is where our organization steps in. Our organization is dedicated in the true sense of the word. School, work, and other daily facets of life come only second to the goal of obtaining a human presence on Mars. Everyone involved in the organization right now does not spend their time chatting in rooms or posting to boards about ideas. We execute them. Much of the group is currently living in communal housing to insure we accomplish our goals quickly and receive donations for food, rent, equipment. We also do not allow governmental or commercial organizations to block our progress. The resources and the people exist on Earth right now to get to Mars. We aim to collect them together and do just that. We wish not to go over the exact specifics of the plan as there is no point in allowing people who are not dedicated towards the project sit idle and rebuke it. We have several positions open and if you are interested please email, our current public relations official, for more information. We will happily furnish a conceptual plan to anyone who requests it but for security reasons do not allow a detailed plan until one has decided to commit to this enterprise.

The current needs as of right now include:
  graphics designers (unpaid)
  web admins (unpaid)
  housing (can be compensated for electricity, water, etc.)
  --enough to hold five beds, architectural design
  equipment and computers
  land (looking to buy for a fair price)
  --we are looking for a couple hundred acres of flat desolate 
  land in the west (Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, etc.); or if 
  you have land abroad we are also considering that as long
  as it meets certain regulations and specifications

However, let us give some background on the organization. All technology being utilized in our plan is proven technology that has been in use for many years now and none of it relies on 'exotic' or pseudo-science, although once we are established we would love to sponsor a team of scientists that are dedicated to exploring those possibilities. We have definite goals with definite timelines. While we are not in this to make money some financial return towards the organization is expected and no member is paid a salary. We do not advertise very often our plans/goals and when we do we keep them about as informative as this post as it will only hinder our progress. Very few positions able to be conducted remotely (eg: web designer) so be expected to give up your normal life and join us if that is your desire. While we appreciate the excitement of younger generations we can not allow minors to be involved in our operations until they are of age. Our organization is para-military because we can not allow loafers in our organization and we deal with important and expensive operations that must be closely followed. Let this not frighten you, however. Think Star Trek instead of a militia. Our organization has a prime goal of establishing a human presence at Mars but also deals with other space exploration and development and the advancement of space related science. If you are serious about space exploration we are too and would appreciate your help but you must be willing to make sacrifices for such dedication. Email for more information.


#2 2003-07-06 17:54:32

Registered: 2002-05-14
Posts: 157

Re: new organization needs help

LMAO! What a crazy bunch of fanatics!


#3 2003-07-06 18:22:40

From: My secret bunker in Wyoming (o
Registered: 2002-09-12
Posts: 55

Re: new organization needs help

Is this some kind of University of Missouri research project, or just some unrelated drivel from a UMR student?

Just another American pissed off with the morons in charge...

Motto:  Ex logicus, intellegentia... Ex intellegentia, veritas.


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