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#1 2002-05-21 20:04:13

Bill White
Registered: 2001-09-09
Posts: 2,114

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

I know Blade Runner has been chosen by a number of critics as the best sci-fi movie - I just happen to agree. . .


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#2 2002-05-22 08:16:17

Peter Pevensie
From: Terceira Island, Azores, Portu
Registered: 2002-05-03
Posts: 39

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

^^^  What excellent taste you obviously have, Bill... big_smile

This is a very tough choice.  Probably The Matrix.  I know, that doesn't make me very noteworthy.  Oh well.  It's the truth.

On top of that, I'm a huge fan of anything Star Trek...but I suppose that doesn't make me exactly unique around here either, does it?

"When I think about everything we've been through together, maybe it's not the destination that matters. Maybe it's the journey..."


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#3 2002-05-22 08:53:31

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,375

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

Bladerunner- Sci-fi noir. Definitive work for the genera.

How about Kubricks 2001: Space Odessey?

I might suggest Contact, if it wasn't for the fact that the book is sooo much better.
There's also Time Machine (the old version, haven't seen the new one)- but again, the book is so much better.

Anyone remember thaaold "V" series on TV? It was on during the 80's, and I remember just being in absolute love with the show.


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#4 2002-05-22 09:54:19

Bill White
Registered: 2001-09-09
Posts: 2,114

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

On top of that, I'm a huge fan of anything Star Trek...but I suppose that doesn't make me exactly unique around here either, does it?

I am too, of course, however,

Every time I watch William Riker leading an away team into a fight I can't help but think that a 2002 US Navy SEAL - armed with nothing but a tablespoon - could easily rout them all, notwithstanding all of that StarFleet tech and much vaunted StarFleet training.

I also concur with the critics assessment that the odd numbered Star Trek films were generally poor and the even numbered films outstanding.


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#5 2002-05-22 15:05:07

Registered: 2002-01-02
Posts: 1,103

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

Oh yeah, "V" was definately the best sci-fi movie ever produced for TV.  Heck I've put the "V" DVD on my wish list at Amazon, now I just need to get a DVD player. smile  I'm not sure what my favorite production for the big screen is though, but my favorite sci-fi series was Star Trek the Next Generation and Babylon Five.

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#6 2002-05-22 16:23:45

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,375

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

I finished the second season of Star Trek NG last week (DVD). No commericals rock! Talk about instant gratification.

I liked Babylon's concept, but the acting was sooooo bad that it really detracted from the the story for me. But the story arcs in Babylon were first rate- too bad the spin off didn't get picked up.

Anyone remember the War of the World series? I remember it started out well then got hokey as time went on and the ideas started to peter out.

Oh yes, and WORST SF movie would be?

Battle Field Earth. Ugggh! They ruined the story.

I KNOW there is a long laundry list- but what is the worst?


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#7 2002-05-23 19:23:44

Registered: 2002-01-02
Posts: 1,103

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

I think the worse sci-fi I ever saw was Plan Nine from Outer Space.  It was just bad all the way around. What I think made it real bad was that you could tell it was trying to make some profound point about humans and their tendency to use technology for evil, but the acting and writing was so fifth rate that it just became embarassing to watch.   
    What's your favorite episode of Star Trek NG? It's gonna take me awhile to ponder that one.

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#8 2002-05-24 11:39:26

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,375

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

I'm watching the seasons as they are released on DVD- I haven't seen them since their original air date, and I didn't see a lot of the later seasons.

So far, I've liked Measure of a Man (Data is considered property, but Picard defends him in court) on season 2.

Hotel Royale was a good one two (season 2) Wharf, Data, and Riker trapped in an alien created hotel basedon a bad pulp story from the 20th century- it was on a planet of methnae gas.

There were a couple others from season 2 that I liked, but the names escape me.

Any of the episodes with Q are good as well.

Any with Diana Troy as the major actor tend to suck- just my 3 cents.



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#9 2002-05-24 22:20:42

Registered: 2002-01-02
Posts: 1,103

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

I don't remember the names of the episodes, but I think my two favorites were the ones where that philosopher from the Q continuum wanted to die because it was the only thing he had never experienced and that one episode where Data starts dreaming.  Do you like any of the other Star Trek series like Voyager?  I think they seemed pale in comparison to Star Trek NG.  I think the absolute worse single episode of Star Trek NG was that one where the Enterprise kept blowing up and going back in time.  The writers must've been smoking something potent when they wrote it and thought it would be worth showing.

To achieve the impossible you must attempt the absurd


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#10 2002-05-25 03:17:18

Josh Cryer
Registered: 2001-09-29
Posts: 3,831

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

Well, not to be a broken record here, but I absolutely love Blade Runner too. Another favorite is The Fifth Element. There aren't that many ?realistic? scifi movies out there, although 2001: A Space Odyssey was very close, and I enjoyed it very much. I wish they'd make a movie of of his book 3001: A Final Odyssey.

I have lots of favorite scifi television shows. Farscape (all time favorite), SG1, and Enterprise (which is my favorite ST series as of yet).

Gosh, I haven't seen that many episodes of TNG, though I try to catch up when I have time. And for some reason, I don't like Diana Troy that much either.

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The amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth totals some 3.9 million exajoules a year.


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#11 2002-05-27 00:01:50

Shaun Barrett
From: Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Registered: 2001-12-28
Posts: 2,843

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

My choice (a difficult one) has to be "Terminator". Am I allowed to include "Terminator 2" as part of the package?!
   The whole concept fascinated me and I seem to be able to go back and watch it (them) repeatedly with little diminishment of enjoyment.
   Maybe Arnie's machine-like acting helped in the realism department!

The word 'aerobics' came about when the gym instructors got together and said: If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it Jumping Up and Down.   - Rita Rudner


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#12 2002-05-28 06:17:44

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,375

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

Voyager?  Lol, what a piece of crap that was. I never could get over the idea that it was merely "Gilligans Island" in space. Look at our intrepid explorers, marroned in a distant part of the galaxy- will they ever get home? Voayger failed for me becuase it had bad acting, and the stories were underdeveloped and underwhelming. The whole idea of Star Trek is to go FORWARD , not back. Voyger just had the wrong perspective.

And Diana Troy on STNG is a worthless character. Half the time she "senses" nothing when she is supposed ot, the other half of the time she senses everything that is already painfully apparent to everyone else.

Farscape is a great show... unfortunetly i fell out of dedicated viewing in the middle of second season- looking at it now, I'm just lost. It's like trying to pick up X-files in the 8th season- too much has happened between the characters- I miss half the show in the subtext of character interaction and response to situations.

Men in Black was a fun SF movie- as well as Independance Day.

I saw star wars over the weekend- let me say, piece o krap. Great visuals. Great ideas. Great scenes with Jedi's fighting to the death in a gaint war scene- story- unimagintive and trite. Characters, uninspired and wandering- romatic subplot- painful to watch and all over the map. The movie is good eye candy, and the battles scenes are what made the the movie worthwhile- however, the rest of the movie (the other 2 hours) is filler.


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#13 2002-05-28 14:54:58

Registered: 2002-01-02
Posts: 1,103

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

Yeah, I'm not so sure I'm gonna go see the current Star Wars considering how bad the last one was.  That Jar Jar Binks character just killed it and the movie in general didn't have the character development that the first three did.  Please tell me Jar Jar isn't in the second movie.  Putting that character in Star Wars is about the same as having Mickey Mouse as a side kick for Indiana Jones, just doesn't fit.

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#14 2002-05-28 15:11:02

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,375

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

Jar Jar is in it, and is responsible for handing over the Republic to the Emperor. If Lucas continues this uninspired crap fest in the same vein, you will see Jar Jar in the next movie as well- however, he will redeem himself in some measurable way- my bet is that Jar jar will be responsible for saving Luke/Leigh in some way.

Lucas likes the "arc"- look up the hero's journey for a better appreciation. If you view the character of Luke in the first movies, you will see the arc over all three films (as well as within each film). This is true for almost all of the characters within the original movies, and it seems to be developing that way for the new ones. Jar Jar started off badly, but by the end of Phantom he had bumbled his way to success- read a complete arc. In the second one he has only a minor part that is responsible for the entire story- so in a sense he has a fall from grace which places the character of Jar Jar in a state of imbalance- which will be restored only by ensuring that he does somethign that will restore the balance- saving the kids who overthrow the Empire goes alonmg way towards this goal.

No relief in sight I'm afraid.


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#15 2002-05-30 15:25:21

From: USA
Registered: 2002-05-30
Posts: 9,734

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

"Star Trek:  The Motion Picture."

What especially attracts me to this film is VGER's unrelenting persistence -- even demand -- to learn more, evolve further, etc.  Coupled with the charm and smartness of "Star Trek," it's an unbeatable combination.

Of course, William Shatner was never hard on the eyes, either  tongue


We all know [i]those[/i] Venusians: Doing their hair in shock waves, smoking electrical coronas, wearing Van Allen belts and resting their tiny elbows on a Geiger counter...

--John Sladek (The New Apocrypha)


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#16 2002-05-30 17:51:38

Registered: 2002-01-02
Posts: 1,103

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

Dam, its been awhile since I've seen the motion picture.  I thought it was annoying how that film tried to obviously bedazzle people with special effects, but I think your right about Vger.  Star Trek in general seems to hit on a lot of literary themes you won't find in typical, run of the mill sitcoms.  For some reason my favorite star trek quote just popped into my head "One world's war hero is another world's butcher."

To achieve the impossible you must attempt the absurd


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#17 2002-10-16 10:59:07

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

The best move ever was Mars Attacks of cross, some other that I like are Star Gate, Total recall, and Austin Powers "Yeah Baby yeah".
But Sci-Series would have to be Lex, Star Gate Sg1, Farsacpe, Enterprise, and Dude wheres my car, Unforgiven!.
Does F Trop count as scfi it sure was out there?
Old ones like Battle Star Glatica if eneny one rembers it, Married with childern, NOMAM member, and Unhapply ever after.
What are your favorite old shows?

I love plants!


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#18 2003-01-26 17:02:39

From: USA
Registered: 2002-05-30
Posts: 9,734

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

*I know it's in the genre of fantasy and not sci-fi, but I have to mention that I saw "The Fellowship of the Rings" last weekend on VHS, and my husband and I just returned from the theater after seeing "The Two Towers."  I'd never read Tolkein, and am interested in seeing the recent movie series.

Excellent, wonderful; I'm looking forward to seeing "The Return of the King" when it is released this coming December.

And Legolas?  Oh, don't get me started...tall, slim, long blond hair and gently pointed ears...more camera time for him, please!  wink


We all know [i]those[/i] Venusians: Doing their hair in shock waves, smoking electrical coronas, wearing Van Allen belts and resting their tiny elbows on a Geiger counter...

--John Sladek (The New Apocrypha)


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#19 2003-01-26 17:24:06

Registered: 2002-11-24
Posts: 1,492

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

LOTR 2 is quite possibly the best movie ive ever seen.

i liked the wrath of khan for sci-fi.  william shattner is one of the biggest over-actors ever-but he is amazing at it...i love it.

i agree that voyager was crap.  deep space nine had some good moments, but overall it was lukewarm.  Overall TNG was the best.  LaForge is probably my favorite character.


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#20 2003-01-26 18:00:03

From: London, United Kingdom
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 642

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

I met up with a bunch of archers yesterday, and mentioned Legolas to them. It turns out that Legolas is now a hero for archers all over the world; not only does he (apparently) look good and stay clean, unlike Aragorn, but his technical proficiency at archery is excellent - no silly mistakes and every shot on target. Of course, he's had several hundred years to practice...

I quite enjoyed LOTR 2, although I was a bit distracted by how Peter Jackson kept on changing parts of the story, in both good and bad ways.

Editor of [url=]New Mars[/url]


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#21 2003-01-26 18:04:36

Registered: 2002-11-24
Posts: 1,492

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

thats true, overall, i think he did an amazing job with translating it.  one gripe though, i hated how sauron looked like a robot, and i always envisioned him being defeated sort of away from the main battle, while it was still raging.  and LOTR 1 was a bit too much of a narration of the story, but thats understandable.  liv tyler wasnt the best choice either. 

legolas was really cool.  he had some ill moves, like that horse move or sliding down the fortress stairs while shooting arrows.


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#22 2003-01-26 23:37:47

From: USA
Registered: 2002-05-30
Posts: 9,734

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

soph:  liv tyler wasnt the best choice either. 

*Hmmmm, I'm surprised to read your comments about Liv.  She's very beautiful, and my husband was instantly enchanted by her.  wink  I think she carries the role very well; but, of course, I'm not familiar with the character she's portraying as represented in the novel trilogy.

soph:  legolas was really that horse move or sliding down the fortress stairs while shooting arrows.

*Yes.  smile 

My only criticisms of "The Two Towers" is that it tends to get spread a little too thinly, what with so many sub-plots, and too much time was spent on the Gollum and his Jekyll/Hyde-type self-rantings.


We all know [i]those[/i] Venusians: Doing their hair in shock waves, smoking electrical coronas, wearing Van Allen belts and resting their tiny elbows on a Geiger counter...

--John Sladek (The New Apocrypha)


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#23 2003-01-27 07:49:15

From: London, United Kingdom
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 642

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

I wasn't sure what to make of the whole Gollum thing; I thought it was faintly ridiculous and didn't even understand what was happening at first. In any case, all of my friends seemed to like the Gollum sequences, and I suppose that strange though it was, it wasn't strictly *bad* - and it certainly could have been a lot worse.

Editor of [url=]New Mars[/url]


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#24 2003-01-27 11:44:43

From: USA
Registered: 2002-05-30
Posts: 9,734

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

*There were 3 areas in "The Two Towers" which I found a bit confusing:

1.  Merry and Pippin were initially being carried by the animated tree, which at the time was squeezing them a bit too hard and sounding a bit hostile (mistaking them for Orcs)...I was wondering if this being were really a tree or perhaps some evil shapeshifter in yet another disguise.  Turns out it was indeed a tree; but unless I got the scenes confused somewhere (and I'm not easily confused), I could have sworn that at the end of the initial "Hobbits Meet the Tree" scene the tree suddenly becomes a big ball of white light and standing there is a wizard in a white robe; I thought it might a wizard having disguised himself as a tree.  The scene abruptly cuts to another, and in a later scene the Hobbits are being carried again by the tree.  ??

2.  When Gandalf removed the curse from the King, it seemed an image of (what looks like) Saruman got knocked out of the King and landed on the floor; the King then "came to" and was himself again.  Did I see the image of Saruman on the floor after the spell was broken, or was that something else?

3.  The Gollum persuaded Frodo not to enter by the gates and said that instead he'd lead Frodo and Sam by "another passage."  All, of course, is cloudy, stormy and gloomy in the area...and in the next scene we find these 3 characters in a very sunny and fair semi-forested area (later elephants enter and ultimately disrupt the scene).  I was surprised to see the characters now in such a sunny place with nary a trace of cloud to be found anywhere (and previously on their way to the Two Towers all looked like nuclear winter around them)...was the Gollum going to lead them to that "other passage" via Venezuela?! 

Please enlighten me, anyone with a better working knowledge of the story.


We all know [i]those[/i] Venusians: Doing their hair in shock waves, smoking electrical coronas, wearing Van Allen belts and resting their tiny elbows on a Geiger counter...

--John Sladek (The New Apocrypha)


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#25 2003-01-27 12:15:20

Registered: 2002-11-24
Posts: 1,492

Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Movie? - Blade Runner for me. . .

1.  The wizard was gandalf-he was a friend of the ents who came back.

2. Yes, that was the evil wizard, gandalf broke his spell, defeating him at that point.

3. They went another way, to the south, which is warmer.  mordor is evil-hence the storminess.  Its also got a volcano at the middle, mount doom, which is where frodo and sam are heading.


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