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#1 2024-10-01 13:05:42

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

American Fascism and the School System

I suppose I have no business involving J.P. into my post.  But he is very interesting to me.

I know what was done to me in the American school system, and I vastly resent it although very much wanting to thank the kind tolerance of some teachers.  But what most offends me is to have grown up and become a free agent anyway, only to as an elder see that someone is trying to subjugate us under a similar system as free citizens.  I don't like it at all.

Here is a view from a different perspective more left and I think perhaps from a minority experience:

We all see the world more easily from our own perspective, so no shame in the previous, from my point of view. … ren%20went

From Farm Fields to Classrooms: Horace Mann’s War for Universal and Compulsory Education for Children
History » Podcast Episodes » From Farm Fields to Classrooms: Horace Mann’s War for Universal and Compulsory Education for Children

I think that the problem is that the Fascists, NAZI, and Marxists all support each other against us.  We are their food, as if they are flesh eating zombies.

Those who can produce wealth and can be controlled are the most valued, but in the end are replaced by zombie peoples.

Our peoples have been trying to get out from their grip for thousands of years and we drift physically away from them, but they follow us and always seek to put chains on us.

I of course don't like that.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-10-01 13:17:25)

End smile


#2 2024-10-01 18:58:05

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: American Fascism and the School System

We are actually looking in the rear-view mirror at past practices which might be considered reprehensible at this point.

What seems to have been the practice is to beat the students down, and to pick out the effeminate males to become white collar workers, and to break the will of the males with a masculine mind.  I say that because to be a male leader, typically you need to have a bit more of a feminine mind to know how to deal with people.  People of both genders do come with different flavors of mind.  For instance, Tomboys, have s somewhat masculinized mind for females.

But next it was needed to use females in the work force because it was decided that the population was too large.  So, turn them into non-breeding cat woman servants.  This could fill some of the white-collar jobs, but there would be a problem with a too feminine mind trying to run a batch of males to a purpose, or perhaps even worse a group of male and female employees.  I think it is likely to not work so well.  A male with a feminize mind can to some degree grasp human relations, and also perhaps Spatial relations as well.  It is less likely that a very feminine mind could do both very well.  And there are the mating instincts to also be a source of confusion.  The male population seems to be becoming very alienated by now.  I have been watching this apparent development.

But the strange thing is that AI is likely to take the White-Collar work before the Blue-Collar work, so a little bit of vengeance before the Robots are done with us.

But this has worked fairly well for me, at my age, I will be ready to die anyway by the time the Robots are finished.

Just now the idiots seem to be fostering a new kind of eugenics where the give temptation to foolishness to the general population to weed out the weak willed.  I cannot say I think that doing the work of Satan is to be approved of.

But they have always been trying to "Weed out the weaklings" in various ways.

Ending Pending smile

An aspect of the Fascist School System in America was that it pruned late bloomers.  Basically, desiring factory workers as fast as possible both blue collar and white collar, then the school process as a breeding plan would cause a reverse evolution of the human race.

Apes mature sooner than humans, but they are not capable of doing a similar level of work.  A longer pre adult period is expensive but may produce superior results (No guarantee that that would always happen).

But as I have said, this world is somewhat in the past.  The internet is helping to allow alternate development of late bloomers.  And when robot tutors may show up this will be even better.

So, no I do not see the world the way the last 4 turnings did, I estimate that to be 1925 + 85 = 2010 About the Great Recession.  That period started with the Great Depression.  Highly speculative.  If you are not going to live to see your predictions, come true, then that is my case.  But I think things have to unwind into a reversal of what was done before.

The masculine must emerge.  But believe what you want to believe if you want to.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-10-01 20:31:08)

End smile


#3 2024-10-02 13:21:51

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: American Fascism and the School System

Well, since I started this:

The US School System Was Designed to Create Factory Workers | Jeff Sandefer

Jordan B Peterson Clips

Of course, I am inclined to think that somehow, I had a great insight.  But I did not.   I have been provided this by minds that can thing thoughts that I cannot conceive.  I feel like maybe that cheese is not for me smile  Or I hope it is not.

When being manipulated to a purpose the manipulator may be conceiving good for you or not.  Maybe it is some of each.

It reminds me of the woman's movements.  Good chances that what has been happening to women during history has at least some of the time been bad.  But hypnosis is said to involve repetition.  And the more time has passed the more evil the Patriarchy has been said to be.  I suspect that for some women this has been a benefit as they lived a life without a male oppressor of some kind.  On the other hand, on the other side of the looking glass, they have been convinced that they should put themselves as servants to a large organization.  This could be wonderful for them or perhaps maybe empty.  I have never been a woman and do not expect to ever be one so I cannot know.

But I have been a student, and I experienced the public school system.  Even so, I have benefited from the results of it.  I suspect that it has been the reemergence of the slave system but rather milder than that.  But now why are high intellect people making us aware of this?
A new era is coming, I expect or is here, the old rules need not apply perhaps.  But some form of the old may reappear after a time of perhaps let's speculate 2095, but maybe starting up a bit before that.

I can see where some people who have what we call personality disorders might have done better in a previously rural farm setting.  Not being regimented so much.  Perhaps this new era is to have some of those qualities.

Anyway, I am just questioning, not giving good answers.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-10-02 13:39:06)

End smile


#4 2024-10-02 15:21:13

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: American Fascism and the School System


You first have to understand and accept that the ideology which produced the social poisons we call marxism and fascism are the same thing.  There's not a dime's worth of difference between either ideology in how it's actually implemented.  After that, you have to accept that the only way to limit the damage done by these ideological poisons is to play an active role in education, lest our children become indoctrinated to believe horrifically self-destructive things that are devoid of any redeeming values.  The root cause of the issue is that there is no bottom to the depravity to which a sincere ideologue will sink to.

That might be shocking to some, but thanks to the modern left, who control academia for purposes of indoctrination rather than education, are a cabal of habitual liars who will publicly make bold-faced lies in the face of plainly observable counter-factual reality, to anyone dumb enough to listen to them.  There are a lot of stupid people for them to prey upon, because they run the factories that make stupid people.  They're counting on their anti-social conditioning and the baseline stupidity of most people who have been indoctrinated to perpetuate the stupid, in order to perpetuate "their big lie" (not "the big lie", but "their big lie"), as well as to "maintain the grip of the lie".  They're a degenerate religious organization which pretends to be something above and beyond what it so plainly is, for sake of duping and enslaving stupid people.  It's far more shocking when someone from the left comes along who tells the truth about anything, than it is when one of their unintelligentsia lies.

Remember how their unintelligentsia repeatedly exclaim, "They're destroying our democracy!"?

They think anyone who doesn't share their beliefs is not worthy of any basic liberties, any personal dignity, nor merely life itself.

This perfectly describes those in power right now.  Their entire schtick is to get up in front of the American people and lie their sorry rear ends off any time there's a real problem which needs to be addressed.  They think gaslighting stupid people or calling people names for telling the truth, while enslaving them to their idiocy, is "doing something about it".  Well, maybe for them it is.  For everyone else, not so much.  They spend money they have no right to take because they will do nothing worthy of our good name with it, they arm our mortal enemies, poison the minds of our children, lie to our faces about what they're doing, and refuse all responsibility for their own actions.  Apart from furthering their ideology to ruin more lives or enriching themselves, they stand for nothing, they have no other principles they actually follow, and they absolutely will not stop, ever.  They're clearly more sophisticated than garden variety terrorists and arsonists, but that is all that they are at a fundamental level.  Seeking vengeance against these people will only further the destruction they leave in their wake.  I have no desire to ever become like them.  I merely want them ushered off the world stage and politely told not to come back, because they have nothing to offer the world.

The people of the left- our marxists and fascists, all seem to believe some version of, "If only I was made dictator, and could do whatever I wanted, without consequence, that I could solve all the world's problems, according to me."  Their ideology is more lethal to the long term survival of anything resembling civilized society with law and order enabling human flourishing than the combination of VX nerve gas, thermonuclear weapons, and airborne Ebola.  They kill or destroy everything they touch, because they poison it from within.  Even when it's long past apparent that they have no real answers and nothing to offer the world beyond death and destruction, they persist in the belief of their infallibility.  They're the only ones who don't recognize how destructive and evil they are.

They're trashy people with trashy ideology, which only creates more trash for better men and women to clean up.


#5 2024-10-02 19:35:00

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: American Fascism and the School System

I will not disagree kdb512.

Things may be about to change though.  The internet may be as important as the printing press invention was.  And I think that when a kid could have a robot that would tutor it, could speak the internet to the kid.  Check to see if the kid has understanding.

Also, I think that if the GDP rises say x10, the level of proficiency needed to have enough will be less, but it should be possible for a kid that likes to learn to do so.

If it is moral to have the kid teacher do work at other times when the student is not ready to learn something, then the robot will be a net gainer of wealth.

I think that I have the Democrat Elite figured out.  They cannot be rich, if common people are not poor.  I think when it was a DFL party it may have been OK, as it included Farmer concerns, and Labor concerns.  But now it is just a newer version of the slave party, and labor is leaving it, and Farmers are mostly of the rich classes.  (Although Farmers might still be worthy).

How it works it they monitor how much money the working class has, and then print as much money as they dare, to extract that wealth back down to where the working class is then on the edge of poor.  Then they buy military weapons and redirect some of the money to the anointed.

Then the Anointed, buy favor from the poor.

I would be a Democrat if that were not what they are doing.  I may be a Republican reluctantly or an independent, but not a Democrat that is associated with an elite class that runs as fake commies or pinkies, and skims the top off of society.

This might get me looked at, but I am old, maybe I don't need to care as much anymore.

Here is another article: Utube, Heresy Financial, The Truth About Why They Don't Teach Money in School … &FORM=VIRE

The Truth About Why They Don’t Teach Money in School
Heresy Financial
May 17, 2023

If robots do cause a mass rise in wealth, I don't know if the elites will be able to keep a lid on the population.

Maybe I will find out if I live.

Ending Pending smile

Last edited by Void (2024-10-02 19:49:52)

End smile


#6 2024-10-02 21:52:52

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: American Fascism and the School System

It is really nothing to be fussed up about.  I just happen to be here a bit longer than I expected.

I think I have found some patterns, but who can know for sure that they are not mad?

Generally, kindness is our destiny, otherwise we would not exist.  Obviously, mercy was given, or we would not be here.

But traps to put you into a cruel situation can exist.  Things are not perfect rather it seems that the universe that has been created, prefers to prosper us.  We can certainly make things worse though.  Let's not, OK.  smile

That is my opinion.

Ending Pending smile

End smile


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