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#1 2024-04-14 08:05:03

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Semi-Autonomous Robot Farming on idle Micronations

This is a discussion of cost-reduction possibilities, using the Earth, its abandoned 'micro-nation' sites and not the Moon for robot training and seeing how Robots perform in unmanned farm scenarios. We have an idea of using the Lunar surface to Farm with both humans and a Humanoid Robot and then to foolishly use robot Moon Farming or the Moon as a multi-billion, perhaps Trillion Dollar stepping stone to Mars. To use the Moon as a simulation of Mars seems to be a huge waste of time, energy, money, the Moon is probably far less easy to colonize than Mars it also risks human life and building something on the Moon does not colonize Mars.

The idea is to establish a Cyborg-city a Rover-Robot town in a remote location and see if it can be a successful farm, the town would only be allowed use limited resources like you have on Mars. Your Greenhouse does not have to support humans, for example the Precambrian atmosphere of Earth believed to have been composed primarily of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and other relatively inert gases, and was lacking in oxygen, the early atmospheres of Venus, Earth, Mars may have shared more in common with each other in the past, Robots on Mars would remake Air like the time of the Stenian, Tonian, Neoproterozoic, Cambrian, Mesozoic Era, Paleozoic, the Dinosaurs time but at accelerated rates until chemistry naturally produces habitable air.

This thread we could also discuss other ideas, Simulation of moving Robots inside already established towns with the possibility of farming on a forgotten station, desert stations, high altitude sites, cold locations. The Rovers and Humanoid might build and explore the uninhabited structures by Teleoperation the system of giving an AI system commands from a far or moving machine at a distance.

or perhaps this thread might be a discussion of AI Mechanical Rovers farming and driving on abandoned platforms.

'Atmospheric composition and climate on the early Earth' … .2006.1902

An abandoned Platform might be an Oil Rig, an abandoned road and highway in Alaska Unused highway, the Site could be a closed subway tube station in Europe or Japan, unopened London Underground stations. Ships are often left abandoned, they are not without problems for example cruise ship built by the Soviet Union in Yugoslavia in 1976 for expeditions to Antarctica and the Arctic Circle then left to drift, news reports on it said the ship hosts 'cannibal rats'. In Arabia rich islamic Oil-States have built themselves artificial islands of sand, in Alaska there is Northstar Island, an artificial island for oil drilling. Sometimes people claim land from the sea or reclaim lost land to the Oceans, barrels and parts of boats and trees and plastic are collected together, tree and grass might collect with mangrove swamps of brackish water, these may collect with deposits of gravel, sand, stony items, decaying trash or mud, a Reef Island can form off coasts of islands, larger scale government projects exist such as the Japanese Kansai International Airport, the Hong Kong International Airport, North of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, there is an artificial island of Fundao. Bullwinkle a 1,736 feet or 529 m tall, pile-supported fixed steel oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico. The British media have a number of news reports on 'Principality of Sealand' is a mini nation which tried to declare independence located on a seafort off the coast of England. The Sea Fort was originally built by the British in international waters expecting the German invasion from the South coming up through France during World War II. Some times a high mountain town or subterranean site is forgotten  Hashima Island, Japan a former undersea coal-mining region nine miles off the coast of Nagasaki, in the USA and Latin America “ghost town” popped up after less minerals are found in a miner town or the end fo a 'Gold Rush'. The aircraft boneyard is becoming common, it is a storage area for aircraft that are retired from service, while the ship graveyard or ship cemetery is a location where ships are left to decay and disintegrate, or left in reserve. Many ships can be found left discarded when humans ruin a local system, Seas which once had ships fishing dried up in the former USSR, Several locations near the Aral Sea.

The graveyards for old Aircraft are typically located in an arid climate, Robots might be semit-controlled by humans, Telerobotics the semi-autonomous robots walking and going on drives using television, radio and wireless networks, the Robot can build and improve the unoccupied town. The fuselage structure shape of an aircraft generally is similar to the shape of a rocket which might be reused, abandoned aircraft are often located in deserts, such as those in the Southwestern United States, there are also boneyards in Spain, Canada, Australia. Robots might use artificial vertical farms to begin chemical and biological processing, components for engines and computers might be physically produced, air samples and dirty contaminated waters could be sampled and processed to make pure clean water, the recycling and composting of waste is of importance, scientifically on Earth a lot of telerobotic research is being done in the field of medical devices. A Robot or rover might explore a region like Pyramiden, an abandoned coal-mining settlement in Russia, is one of the world's northernmost towns and a frozen-in-time example of Soviet-era culture, a ghostly Soviet past rented from Norway, a coal mining settlement on the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard. Robots might also try to keep Biosphere living and active, they might carry out simulated events for example 'Emergency Response' without humans ever being at risk.  Some towns have always been fake and never truly occupied, Copehill Down was built from the ground up for British soldiers to practice warfare in urban environments. In the Middle of New York there is a 20-acre island in between Rikers Island and the Bronx, Kolmanskop, Namibia, in Nevada some towns get reclaimed by desert sands, abandoned mining site outside of Las Vegas and in Echo Bay Marina dropping water levels and National Park Service closed it down, in Africa Namibia Kolmanskop a draw for German diamond hunters during the early 1900s, there are also many former company mining town in the outback Australia.

In simulation of toxic, higher radiation environment there are many highest ski resort now ghost towns with abandoned buildings, trash and toxic spills, nuclear disaster, war or erosion,  economic collapse an industry’s change and family corporate decay can see towns vanish, an empire’s downfall can see historic abandonment, several cities around the globe—from the Far East to North America—have become abandoned, these forgotten ghostly 'Micro-Nation' have resulted in a blank canvas a place to experiment with farming and robots with little to no population. The local industry making money on Holiday season comes to an end, climate change can see the end of snow or glacier, the profits from Ski vacations had melted, leaving behind a ghost town. Robots at a remote location might run communication experiments or simulation similar to other highest astronomical observatories. An off-world colony might face economic hardships and changes, on Earth sometimes Appalachia industry closes it can not compete with cheaper timber or farm product made over seas, Colorado might also see ghost towns. In giving new life to forgotten places by robot and farm experimentation, there are clear spin-offs for Food Supply on Earth but also comparable and Analogue experimentation done in regard to colonization of Mars, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Titan, the Moon of Earth and other Asteroid bodies.
Robots might also be trained or programed to work in Lower Gravity environments, the Robot might be trained to Jump or Hop on Mars or do the Lunar Bounce will working on the Farm, simulated reduced gravity experiments are, called hypogravity, on Earth, these movements are often done by lifting the Robot or Character AI Rover, maybe by way of a bungee rope suspension system, it would allow science team to study the effects of hypogravity on Robot balance, the changes in its gravitational center when moving forward, machines abnd Robots may not be perfectly balanced even in Space a spherical body would not have centre of mass is exactly at its geometric centre its mass would not distribute perfect and even round worlds are not perfect uniform spheres, gravity simulations in an abandoned Micornation would train Humanoid Robots getting them ready for Mars, Farm Animal might also be tested before sending them to Mars internal musculoskeletal loads changed by bungee rope suspension systems and changes monitored associated with animals response to change in gravity, climate and movement. Knowing how a Humanoid Robot can move, lift items, jump in these simulated gravity will also tell us how the human body to prepare for colonization and teaches us what astronauts will face for future planetary exploration and colonization missions.
A Platform or 'Micro-nation' in a far off abandoned location would not need a lot of security, no humans would be at risk, it would be free of Accidental Sabotage and Contamination, the humans in control of the Rovers or Robots might operate a time delay transmission, a device that is controlled remotely by a human operator.  Some nations seeing such Farming, Robotics and Experimentation might take politically offense to the term 'Micro-Nation' so other Terms like 'Biome' or Micro-Ecosystem might be used.

Robot Farm videos

' Tech Talk - Robotic Vertical Farming '

' This Hydroponic Farm Is Run Entirely By Robots '

other topics however sometimes with humans before robots discussion

Vertical Farming
Mushrooms, Green Slime, and GM.
Animals supported on mars. - Could it work?

Germans have worked to make robot controllable through telepresence. On Earth we have a number of humanoid Robots, the Japanese ASIMO by Honda which now seems out-dated, China has plans with a robotic firm Kepler and Shanghai Fourier Intelligence with GR-1, Sophia a social humanoid robot developed by the Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics, Justin or Rollin' Justin is an autonomous and programmable humanoid robot with wheels and two arms developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). There is Valkyrie from NASA, Ameca a British design developed at Engineered Arts headquarters in Falmouth Cornwall, Tesla unveiled version 1 of their humanoid robot Optimus, Boston Dynamics has been leading the way in developing advanced robots. In Space Rover design space exploration designs we have many feats by NASA, designs by the ESA which have never flown or have never seen success,the Soviet Lunokhod, India's Chandrayaan-3 rover, China's Moon and Mars Rovers, NASA and JPL's Spirit, Opportunity,  Curiosity, Perseverance, a small aircraft or drone Helicopter, these Rovers might one day inspire other Rover-Farming designs. No digger, artificial farmer or builder machine have yet been launched to space, Car companies and Heavy equipment construction vehicles and other tech machine companies might provide future designs.

A smarter Mars farm would perhaps not rush to be a human farm but make a strange Antarctica high altitude dry and misty series of eco-systems, a food chain which would sustain life by supporting other primitive prehistoric life?

'KS3 / KS4 Biology : Bacteria and the development of an oxygen rich atmosphere' … re/znhtscw

Around 2.4 billion years ago, these bacteria evolved an incredible ability to produce their own food using photosynthetic pigments.

A by-product of this process was oxygen, and the success of these pioneering organisms filled the atmosphere with oxygen.

This transformed our planet and allowed the development of more complex life, like plants and animals.

This clip is from the series Wonders of Life.

The findings on mycorrhiza a symbiotic association between a fungus and a plant, it refers to the role of the fungus in the plant's rhizosphere, its root system and playing important roles in plant nutrition, soil biology, and soil chemistry.

'An early Cambrian greenhouse climate'

How Cyanobacteria Took Over The World

Precambrian Eon- Geologic & Biological Evolution 4 Billion Years Ago

Plant Life on Earth | How ancient algae inhabited land

How a single-celled organism almost wiped out life on Earth - Anusuya Willis

'How Plants Caused the First Mass Extinction'

the Mars Farm may first be a Robotic non-human one

Mars unfortunately could have accidents, a Robot could be trained and run a simulation in a town which has already experienced Toxic Chemical Spills, towns where people move away because of smoke or smog, high amount of dioxin in their bodies or pollutant, the Robots might run Clean Up exercises. The Robots might improve soil and farming and build greenhouses in an area with heavy metals and toxic chemicals, areas classed as a 'problem' by EU standards or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) or some other pollution group. The humanoid Robot could do simulated outdoor walks trying to avoid obstacles in a changing dusty, high altitude cold landscape while avoiding rocks, boulders, and other trips and hazards. Robots on an abandoned site would have to learn to deal with challenges leaked fuel, paint and other toxic substances while trying to build a farming ecosystem to support plant and animal life. Instead of doing a full Recycle of a Science Submarine vessel or Decommissioning of old out dated submarine vessels, the space could provide an environment for robotic experiment and simulation in a 'Galactica' or Colony ship style vessel. The British plan was to use the English  Royal Albert Bridge area as a mooring site for mothballed vessels,  the US Navy has "phantom fleet" at Suisun Bay, to the north of San Francisco Bay, Sweden has a Ship Cemetery at Ekenabben in Blekinge and South Australia have a number of abandoned ships in graveyard. The robots or Artificial Intelligence could also be trained to deal with obstacles, how to navigate a pathway, door ways around already made, in a high altitude ghost town dozens of homes are going to be still standing in forgotten towns, including residential cabins, there will be stairways and almost forgotten caves, a forgotten outpost becomes a functional farm and a simulation of robotic colonization.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-04-14 13:04:53)


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