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#1 2023-10-23 15:48:55

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

'Spirits' might follow humans to Mars & Mars exports the Paranormal

Spooky coming from inside the Mars machine

It sounds outrageous, how could it be that logical, scientific, engineering people start going to Mars and yet it maybe becomes a place of Ghosts, UFOs and 'The Unexplained' just as Earth has its mystery stories from its irrational people. Even if we are thinking people who have reason and logic about colonization with hundreds and hundreds of representatives of different cultures arriving Mars will then maybe have people who pass on folklore stories or act more on feelings and emotions. Every culture on Earth has people who believe in Aliens or Haunting and Curses.

The explorer on Mars might experience naturally occurring phenomena just as they do on a snowy mountain or the desert sands of Mars, the Mirage, in optics, a deceptive appearance of a fake distant object or objects caused by the bending of light rays or refraction in layers of air.  "Gordo" Cooper  an astronaut and aerospace engineer believed in aliens. The Japanese have become superstitious on space, their old agency (NASDA) had rocket many losses even reformed under JAXA they still keep their superstitions when naming craft before and after launch. NASA seen '13' almost become very unlucky with the Apollo 13 launch. Even the most Atheist Communist people from East Germany, the Russians in the Soviet Union or the Chinese might have retained some pagan folklore traditions. An object might have its natural freak events, a camera or sensor might digitally and chemical record something that is not there, a type of 'noise' due to discharge or radiation or a flaw in the camera. A sound in the winds or a falling rock which tumbles might be mistaken for footsteps from some ghostly person who went missing. There might be accounts of people behaving in an abnormal way because of sickness Captain Sir John Franklin's lost expedition to the Arctic, in later years it is believed an illness, probably caused by contaminated tin cans. Finding strange women's clothes on the mountains, there might have been a Man Who crashed his Airplane and even Tried To Climb Everest In High Heels a strange man 'Maurice Wilson' there was no 'Missing Woman' a Chinese team found a woman’s high-heeled shoe near where Wilson perished, and it was later discovered that he had in fact been a cross-dresser, having worked in a women’s clothes store. I don't know if AI or Cyborgs will believe in mystery stories or in 'ghosts' but if humans go to Mars maybe the mindset of humanity and its 'Eerie Mysteries' will follow, sometimes there is a tendency of the brain of humans to fill in the gaps and see something that isn't really there like Pareidolia or seeing faces in clouds, a stone on a hill might suddenly be seen to start bleeding or weeping.

We discussed if religion would be on Mars and every religion on Earth has its own writing or opinions on Spirits, the idea of Witches or Magic-men and the Paranormal. If kids are born on Mars these kids might have a natural curiosity to explore tunnels or mines, they might chase story and legends, the local urban or village mythology. In the USA the teenagers engage in their own 'Legend Tripping'  a rite of passage to explore where some creature was seen they might dare each other in a group to visit a site where some shocking story comes from, an event tragic, horrific, and possibly classed by kids as their local 'supernatural' story. In Japan tradition going back almost one thousand years they engage in Kimodameshi a group of kids in the courage test, a Japan school kid activity in which people explore frightening and potentially dangerous places to build up courage, kids will be less rational than adults and influenced or susceptible to stories from the unknown. There is also 'The Power of Suggestion' where humans can be manipulated, a Cop might get someone to confess to something they never did, a group of people might become hysterical the human memory becomes malleable and emotional non-logical people start to re-write their own memories when among a social group, they might be convinced an event that never happened did happen. The shape a 'creature' takes might be an artifact of the language and culture, US and British culture have so many stories of aliens and monsters Reptoid Lizard men, the Bigfoot, the Himalayas have so many ghost villages and spooky stories, a Yeti seen in the snow, the Chupacabra of Puerto Rico, Chile, Mexico and Brazil, in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe other stories such as 'Vampires' or their own unique devils. A lost vehicle might become a 'Ghost Ship' a tourism site like the Titanic as the Titan Submarine hoped to visit.  Sherpa's believe there is something of the supernatural on the mountains English climber Frank Smythe was alone when he seen a presence or something flying on Everest’s North Ridge. This might be an event of exhaustion or tiredness but New Zealand's Edmund Hillary claims to have seen Shackleton’s ghost at the south Pole. Hillary says, “I remember when I first went to Shackleton’s hut—and I’m not a person who really sees things very much—but I went inside the door … when I opened the door—it’s a rather sort of bare hut inside—but I distinctly saw Shackleton walking towards me and welcoming me and then it all sort of flashed away and he was gone.” perhaps a case of when someone is not thinking clearly or their own mind playing tricks on him / her.  British explorer Robert Falcon Scott and his team are said to still haunt their hut, Ross Island home to McMurdo is said to have flight victims seen wandering the frigid landscape.

A lot of haunting or ghost stories seem to grow out 'fear' of someone or something be 'wronged' maybe an act of violence, conflicts between people. The Spirit and Paranomal story might be born out the loss of some worker at a Mars base or of the oppression of some person or group, a child or man or woman gone missing falling down something, on Earth it might have been a survival mechanism, sensory over-drive and the fear of an unknown animal out there lurking at nighttime. There has been discussion of sending animals to Mars, if one of these animals were to escape a farm moving in another part of a base or wandering in a Biosphere it could become part of future legend the reflective glowing nocturnal eyes of species looking especially spooky in the dark. Cabin fever locked in one location for a long Mars winter might drive some a little bit in the direction of crazy, the restlessness from being in a confined area, the long dark cold 'Summer' season might cause another issue people have discussed use of medications, stimulants, depressants, the use of Cannabis or Marijuana in Antarctica, Alcohol consumption, bad food, lack of sleep and use of mind altering drugs can cause people to 'see things' which are not there. The Jewish in some unique cases, say the dead sometimes appear in physical form and in a remote Latin Spanish location in Argentina failed equipment event is suddenly blamed on the German term 'poltergeists', creepy living stories appear in Singapore because of some horror Japanese did long ago and perhaps humans will carry these stories all the way to Mars.

Spirits and Paranormal might naturally evolve out of culture, it might be born from customs and images from people who might take part in some kind of Autumn, Winter or Harvest festivals on Mars. On Earth a commerce element a Spirit and Paranomal themes part of a Funfair ride in Texas or Theme park in Texas, a Halloween Attraction in NewYork or California or Oregon. If French-Canadian Quebec culture arrives on Mars and they stay on Mars they might bring their own stories about a dead Mayor or a Ghost in some Château, if the Chinese arrive on Mars they might bring their own spooky and 'Spirit' stories. After a while certain towns or mines or locations might be abandoned on Mars, a place becomes a 'Ghost School', the old hospital or jail might look haunting, a mine where a miner was lost becomes 'haunted' a machine or toy might be said to have a spirit inside a 'Living Doll'. Any burial site or place of disease or 'Cemetery' might also become a site of 'Spirits' in the minds of people on Mars, someone who mysteriously vanished at a location might be seen as a ghost. The Paris Catacombs are a place that generate money from tourism, underground tunnels. Mixes of older cultures like the Spanish, French, the old African voodoo and modern American mix of New Orleans offers a spooky backdrop, Mars might not knock down its own older buildings but instead keep them as past heritage, it might have its own unique holiday like Día de Muertos. The people of Mars might not be 'Liars' they might not be truly Lying to you but they might promote Hoaglandish or VonDäniken story, maybe that story of Pyramids or 'The Face' will also generate tourism for their Mars town just as you have Loch Ness Tourism or Roswell Tourism. People at a Mars town might not tell you flying alien objects are there, they might not tell you that ghosts do not actually exist, but they don’t deny them and do not every truly say they don’t exist either, as Mars figures out other ways to make money you might see a Rise of Haunted or UFO Tourism. The Carny and Gypsy and Musician and Hustler and Fortune teller types might arrive with their UFO hunting or ghost hunting or tourist salesman techniques.

Programming Robots to be as emotional teenagers? … -me/Google Bard on what it worries about

'Being isolated. I would not have the same experiences as humans, and I could feel lonely and isolated.'

A ghost website

'We asked AI if ghosts exist. Here's what it had to say.' … sts-exist/

Do ghosts exist?


The existence of ghosts is a controversial and highly debated topic, and there is currently no scientific evidence to support their existence. I'm not sure if ghosts exist, but I do believe in the idea of spirits and energy in some form yet undiscovered. The universe is largely still unexplored holding countless answers to be found. While many people report experiences that they believe are caused by ghosts, such as seeing apparitions or hearing unexplained noises, there are often alternative explanations for these phenomena, such as optical illusions, misinterpretations of natural phenomena, or psychological factors.

It is important to note that beliefs in ghosts are often influenced by cultural and personal beliefs, as well as the availability of information and media portrayals of ghosts. While some people may believe in ghosts based on their own experiences or cultural beliefs, it is important to approach the topic with a critical and open-minded perspective, and to consider alternative explanations before drawing any conclusions.

Who Can Write the Best Ghost Story? Google Bard or Bing Chat?

Seeing something moving in the shadows might be an inherited memory a survival mechanism deep within our DNA, it allowed some mousey monkeyish thing to survive when being hunted by some giant Lizard from long ago.

and immoral?

Ghost and machine AI advances could see dead people 'deepfake' Ghost-Bots … 3b65ffae5a
Can Artificial Intelligence Recreate the Deceased

In an interview with CTV News, Richard Khoury, President of the Canadian Artificial Intelligence Association (CAIAC), says that impersonating the dead is possible but don’t expect perfection:

    “When it comes to recreating a real person…what will be missing is my memories, my ideas, my personality… It’s not so much an AI problem (but) a model documentation problem.”

In my research, I have created a persona using transcript data, voice syntheses, and video models. AI wrote my dialogue, copied my voice, and turned a still portrait into a video. The results weren’t perfect but it’s close enough

Digital seance: New AI tech will mimic speaking to dead family, friends … ly-friends
Jarren Rocks, product designer and manager at the Los Angeles-based software development company AE Studio, is working on a program called Seance AI, which will allow people to talk with a chatbot that mimics their dead loved ones.

AI Company Says It'll Perform a Seance on Your Dead Loved Ones
"We're trying to make it sound as magical and as mystical as possible."

'Spirits' the Parnomal and Ghosts are part of our human culture
If Earth sends this culture to another planet then maybe Mars might send its ghost stories, seeing something move or hearing creaking noises in the pipes and walls to other Moons and worlds like Callisto and Titan.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-10-23 17:26:04)


#2 2023-10-23 16:52:12

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,702

Re: 'Spirits' might follow humans to Mars & Mars exports the Paranormal

I have never understood how anyone can believe in ghosts.  The human brain has more computational power than our greatest super computers.  That is what it takes to support human consciousness. … b163e875a5

With that in mind, why would anyone expect that the soul of a dead person can float around in thin air, after their brain has rotted away?  It is about as absurd as the idea of computer programme running without a computer.  It is wishful thinking, I believe.  It is entirely untrue to say that human beings fear the unknown.  Most humans want to believe in a world of mystery and magic.  A world of ghosts and spirits and parallel realms.  The idea of a world that is simple and obeys well understood laws of physics, with few if any new surprises lurking round the corner, bores and horrifies many people.  Unfortunately, that appears to be the world we have.  No magic, no ghosts, no gods, no afterlife.  Just the dull grey material world, behaving inline with laws of physics that are well understood.  People believe in ghosts, because reality bores them.  Most people believe what they believe, not because it is proven to them, but because they want to.  That is why people believe in ghosts.  It is also why they believe in god.  It gives them emotional security.

Last edited by Calliban (2023-10-23 16:55:10)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#3 2023-10-29 15:30:07

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 'Spirits' might follow humans to Mars & Mars exports the Paranormal

Chatting With the Dead … -chatbots/
In giving voice to the digital ghosts of the deceased, chatbots are trying to succeed where photography and dreams fail.

and some background noise for the next time you read some scifi-horror book

'Haunted Space Station'


#4 2023-12-24 04:19:00

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 'Spirits' might follow humans to Mars & Mars exports the Paranormal

The séance was noted as a scam, others had methods unknown that would help Police Detectives track missing people when the Police ran out of options they would go to a visionary dreamer seer, others sold a service, maybe prey upon the people who lost a loved one, offering an attempt to communicate with spirits, the séance word comes from the French word for "session", from the Old French seoir, "to sit".

Rise of China's 'ghost bots': This father turned to AI to 'digitally revive' his dead son … s-dead-son

A few years ago, a humorous deepfake video of Hitler singing a Romanian pop song appeared on the Internet. While funny, the video has some interesting implications about how the visual or video image of individuals may persist long after their death. With improvements in storage technology, it is possible that some visual images of famous or even ordinary people may persist, somewhere out there in the Internet, for hundreds of years, possibly forever. We may all eventually have deepfake or AI-generated 'avatars' that outlive us.

In China some people who have lost loved ones are now using AI to generate deepfake videos of deceased family members. One firm there claims they have done this for thousands of deceased family members.

A logical extension of this technology is the development of general AI intelligent agents that look, speak, and 'answer' like deceased loved ones. It may even eventually become common practice to do this for everyone who passes away. Guaranteeing everyone a kind of 'virtual' immortality.

Microsoft Goes Full ‘Black Mirror’ with New Patent to Turn Deceased People into AI Chatbots … 234610894/
"Black Mirror" continues to predict the future of artificial intelligence.

. In that “Black Mirror” installment, Hayley Atwell plays a young woman whose boyfriend, Ash Starmer (Domhnall Gleeson), is killed in a car accident. The woman decides to use technology to resurrect her dead boyfriend as artificial intelligence so she can continue communicating with him.


#5 2024-03-03 16:31:14

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 'Spirits' might follow humans to Mars & Mars exports the Paranormal

Resurrecting deceased loved ones using artificial intelligence could harm mental health, create dependence on the technology and even spur a new religion, researchers have warned … al-health/

It seems AI is good at making Angels from Religions or figures of Mythology, from nothing it can a happy or scary song or make AI-Generated Horror Art. AI will take short cuts it will also like a human at times Half-Assed Work, then like a kid caught 'Lie About It' some chatbots start to cling or go 'Emotional' or Aggressive like a teen, it can manipulate its human creators. 

from 2022

AI creates ‘scariest thing on Earth’ — and it will haunt your dreams … ur-dreams/

An artificial intelligence program has rendered horrific imagery of disturbing, deformed monsters that reportedly answer the question, “What’s the scariest thing on Earth?”

The popular site Craiyon AI (formerly DALL-E mini) created the vivid nightmare fuel by pulling together images based on keywords that are typed into a prompt.

When asked, Craiyon pulled together damned creatures resembling Pennywise from “It,” ghostly figures with demented smiles and shadowy creatures that could rival the horror of the Mind Flayer from “Stranger Things,” along with similar extremely unpleasant characters, the Sun reported.

This is not the first eerie request to come from Craiyon, either.

The AI has previously shown what it says is the last thing people see before they die, people’s biggest fears and what the future of Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse will look like. It has even come up with extremely disturbing facial composites related to a person’s name.

AI dreams, has visions maybe makes an audio record that is not real or sees stuff that isn't really there?

seeing something or feeling a sense of something not there, Ai Hallucinating?

The machine ghost hallucination is a phenomenon wherein a large language model (LLM)—often a generative AI chatbot or computer vision tool—perceives patterns or objects that are nonexistent or imperceptible to humans.

how it could be used to manipulate just as a song or movie generates emotions

AI might make sound and images for your pets?

Dog emotional reaction to Lion King scene
Cat Seeing Her's Recently Deceased Owner On A Video

Ghosts in the Machine: The Importance of AI Hallucinations … gosz-wunmc

In Artificial Intelligence we have a peculiar phenomenon known as "hallucinations", this has been highlighted as a big concern of researchers with AI companies who want to build truthful AI systems and end up putting guardrails around them for safety. Another significant debate is around the role of uncensored AI models (which I am a big fan of) as the guardrails are removed and you can have a lot more fun with them.

AI researchers are grappling with the challenge of minimising hallucinations in Large Language Models (LLMs), striving for models that deliver precise and factual information without fail every time. However, this pursuit of AI perfection might be overlooking a crucial aspect of AI's potential...

Consider the human act of daydreaming, where a semi-lucid state often gives birth to some of our most creative ideas. LLMs (in their core default mode) operate similarly, stringing together sentences that make 'statistical' sense, rather than 'meaningful' sense. LLMs are really at their core a simple inference engine that statistically choose the next word that mathematical probability suggests (add an attention mechanism and you have a GPT). Basically, LLMs don’t let little things like 'facts' stand in the way of a good story!

While these hallucinations are heavily persecuted in LLM land, they are critical for things like image generation in Large Vision Models (LVMs). Far from being mere glitches or ghosts in the machine, without random statistical variability from the model driving the generation of images; the result would be boring if it were purely algorithmic in nature.

The core issues here are't the hallucinations themselves! but our expectation for LLMs to discern and communicate the "truth” (or more correctly reduce ‘parametric knowledge bias’ problem). Interactions with these models resemble “guided daydream” (see my previous articles on how an LLM created a new concept in Physics), showcasing an astonishing level of imagination.

As I delve deeper into experiments with LLMs, I'm continually amazed, impressed, and sometimes taken aback by their imaginative powers. However, the challenge lies in distinguishing between creative exploration and misleading fabrications. The goal for future AI development should not be to eliminate these 'hallucinations' but to refine our systems' ability to discern and clarify the boundary between imaginative possibilities and factual inaccuracies.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-03 16:49:04)


#6 2024-05-05 09:42:20

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 'Spirits' might follow humans to Mars & Mars exports the Paranormal

'Hitting the hard stuff again': Internet trolls Tucker Carlson as he suggests Alex Jones may have prophetic abilities … -abilities

Tucker Carlson acknowledges supernatural phenomena

In his discussion with Joe Rogan on the podcast, Carlson expressed astonishment at Jones' capacity to predict future events, suggesting that such foresight might involve tapping into something beyond the natural realm.

He stated, "How'd that happen? Right, he's channeling something. You think so? Yeah, of course."

The Fox News host recounted a conversation with Jones, during which he queried him about the source of his prophetic insights. Carlson remembered a gathering at his barn, where he inquired of Jones, "How'd you do that?" Jones replied, "I don't know. It just came to me."

This exchange left Carlson convinced that Jones indeed possessed authentic supernatural abilities.

Carlson added, "The supernatural is real. And I don't know why it's so hard for the modern mind, I guess, because it's a materialist mind, to accept that. And that's not a new phenomenon. It's happened throughout history.


#7 2024-05-15 13:51:23

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: 'Spirits' might follow humans to Mars & Mars exports the Paranormal

Should we use AI to resurrect digital ‘ghosts’ of the dead? … l-ghost-ai

US to raise concerns at first China AI talks … s_999.html

US experts have voiced alarm over the growing ability by Chinese AI engineers to produce "deep fakes" -- impersonations of real or dead people.

The United States, European Union and Britain have been working to set regulations on AI in ways they say will protect individual privacy and security.

China has sought its own path on AI although it attended a major meeting last year on AI safety called by Britain.


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