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#1 2023-09-10 07:27:05

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,485

Ground Effect Transport on Mars - Hovercraft - Let there be Dust

This topic is inspired by the failure of the Hot Air Balloon topic in another part of the forum.

It appears that the extremely low lift provided by the Martian atmosphere will be difficult to overcome with Hydrogen or even Helium, and that a "hot air" balloon cannot be made to work at all, if materials that melt are used for the envelope.

However, given sufficient power for fans, I am hoping this topic will show that a Ground Effect machine is a practical transportation solution for the unimproved surface of Mars.  More specifically, I'm thinking about the class of Ground Effect machines called "Hovercraft"

The machine will certainly stir up dust, and if it were located on Earth it might be considered annoying.  On Mars, where dust is a normal occurrence, stirring up dust to lift a vehicle, or a train of them, would (presumably) not be a problem.

The engineers in the forum will have an opportunity to see if the numbers can be made to work. 

The atmosphere is only .006 Bar, so it will have to be compressed far more than is needed on Earth, but gravity is less, so perhaps the concept can be made to work.

Issues to be solved include dealing with dust already in the air, and designing the vehicle skirts to keep as much of the compressed air inside the lift volume as possible.



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#2 2023-09-10 07:42:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,485

Re: Ground Effect Transport on Mars - Hovercraft - Let there be Dust

This post is intended to hold links to articles about Ground Effect machines on Earth.

Google came up with this starter list:

Generative AI is experimental. Info quality may vary.
Hovercraft come in many shapes and sizes, including:
One-person fun machines
Small beach rescue craft
Medium-sized ferries that work coastal and riverine routes
Powerful amphibious assault craft employed by major military powers
Giant passenger ferries capable of carrying over 400 passengers and 50 cars
Hovercraft are vehicles that travel quickly just above the surface of water or land by producing a current of air under it to support it. They have three main components: a platform, a motorized fan, and a skirt.
The United States Navy and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) use a class of air-cushioned landing craft (hovercraft) called Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC). These hovercraft transport weapons systems, equipment, cargo and personnel from ship to shore and across the beach.
The world's first car-carrying hovercraft was made in 1968.

Interesting Engineering
Landing Craft Air Cushion - Wikipedia

Hovercraft | Air Cushion Vehicle, Design & Uses - Britannica
How do hovercraft work? - Explain that Stuff
Feb 2, 2023

Explain that Stuff
HOVERCRAFT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary


Hovercraft - Wikipedia
What are modern uses of hovercraft?
What are the 3 main components of a hovercraft?
How to make a hovercraft for a school project?
Images for hovercraft examples

far cry

hampton beach


personal hovercraft

landing craft

air cushion

cushion vehicleengineair intake

hovercraft project

military hovercraft

diy hovercrafthomemade hovercraft

hovercraft boat

hovercraft meaningmini hovercraft

Hovercraft - Wikipedia
HOVERCRAFT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

Cambridge Dictionary - Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Hovercraft - Wikipedia

Hunting Arctic Asteroid Impact With Hovercraft | WIRED

Hovercraft - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
How do hovercraft work? - Explain that Stuff

Explain that Stuff
VonMercier Unveils Arosa, the World's First Luxury ...

Robb Report
Marlin: The world's most popular recreational hovercraft!

Visual Dictionary Online
Air-cushion machine | Hovercrafts, Hoverbarges & More ...

People also ask
What are the different types of hovercraft?
Are there any hovercrafts still in use?
What are modern uses of hovercraft?
What is considered a hovercraft?

Wikipedia › wiki › Hovercraft
hovercraft examples from
A hovercraft ( PL : hovercraft), also known as an air-cushion vehicle or ACV, is an amphibious craft capable of travelling over land, water, mud, ice, ...

Inventor: Christopher Cockerell
Hovercraft (band) · Hovercraft tank · Pegasus (hovercraft) · SR.N4

Student Project: Make a Hovercraft | NASA/JPL Edu

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (.gov) › edu › learn › make-a-hove...
hovercraft examples from

A hovercraft is a device that moves by floating on a cushion of air. NASA uses hovercraft to test spacecraft and the ways they need to move.
Make A Hovercraft · Materials · 4. Glue The Bottom Of The...

Hovering on a Cushion of Air › pdfs › hovercraft
hovercraft examples from
Discussion Questions: What causes the hovercraft to become frictionless? Explain. Air from the balloon escapes beneath the hovercraft. It forms a thin cushion ...

Meaning of hovercraft in English - Cambridge Dictionary
Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › hoverc...
hovercraft examples from
A hovercraft travels on a cushion of air. The express ferry service to Ireland is the hovercraft, but that is sometimes canceled if the weather is bad.

Explain that Stuff › hovercraft
hovercraft examples from
Feb 2, 2023 — An easy-to-understand explanation of how hovercraft travel over water more quickly than conventional boats by reducing drag.

Air Power: Making a Hovercraft | PBS LearningMedia

PBS LearningMedia › resource › air-powe...

In this video segment adapted from ZOOM, two cast members build a simple hovercraft. A balloon filled with air provides the airflow that lifts a plastic ...
PBS Learning Media · Mar 7, 2019

How Does a Hovercraft Hover? | STEM Activity

Science Buddies › stem-activities › hov...
11 steps · Materials: Pop-top lid from a plastic drinking bottle. Reusable plastic ...
Remove a pop-top lid from a plastic drinking bottle.
Glue the base of the pop-top lid to the CD (or DVD) so that the lid covers the hole in the center of the CD. If you use super glue, have an adult help, use caution, and follow all of the instructions and safety warnings on the packaging. Allow the glue to dry completely.
Make sure the pop-top lid is closed.

Hovercraft | Air Cushion Vehicle, Design & Uses

Britannica › technology › Hovercraft
Hovercraft, any of a series of British-built and British-operated air-cushion vehicles (ACVs) that for 40 years (1959–2000) ferried passengers and ...

Hovercraft Definition & Meaning
Merriam-Webster › dictionary › hove...
The meaning of HOVERCRAFT is a vehicle that is supported above the surface of land or water by a cushion of air produced by downwardly directed fans.
Noun · Example Sentences · Dictionary Entries Near...



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#3 2023-09-10 09:43:41

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Ground Effect Transport on Mars - Hovercraft - Let there be Dust

Tahanson, I do not know what size / weight a hover craft on Mars would be, 'Titan' the Moon of Satrun has many interesting design ideas from planes to ships to submarine to Hovercraft to Helicopters to Aerial Daughtercraft. I am not sure what thinner atmosphere and Lower gravity would do with the dynamics of travel but here are some numbers found on the web but I never seen any news report before on a Mars Hovercraft.

75 kPa is the Minimum airplane cabin pressure and lowest pressure for normal breathing (at 2440 m)

Hellas Planitia being so deep does have higher pressure than the rest of Mars, it is about 7,000 meters or 22,965 feet deep

atmosphere would need to be much deeper again 55 km below the normal surface of Mars to have a pressure of 97 + kPa

'34 kPa Atmospheric pressure at the summit of Mount Everest' … (pressure)

From Guinness book of records site … hovercraft
The highest altitude reached by a hovercraft was 4,983 m (16,050 ft) reached by Neste Enterprise and her crew of ten at the navigable source of China's Yangtze River on 11 June 1990. Operating hovercraft at such altitudes is problematic both because of the challenging terrain and the thin air, which makes hovering more difficult.

and an old thread

Hovercraft on Mars


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#4 2023-09-10 10:40:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,485

Re: Ground Effect Transport on Mars - Hovercraft - Let there be Dust

For Mars_B4_Moon re #3

Thanks very much for finding and posting the link to Calliban's topic about Hovercraft, which included detailed and thorough examination of the idea.

This is another good example of the challenge of trying to find pre-existing discussion of topics.

I became interested in the lighter-than-air idea when Mars_B4_Moon began creating fanciful word pictures of balloons floating all over Mars.

Calliban and GW Johnson followed up with numbers from the Real Universe, showing that the visions of Mars_B4_Moon are destined to remain science fiction.

However, I wondered (briefly) if hot "air" might lift a balloon on Mars, and that led to the hovercraft question.

However, at the time I created the new topic, I did not think to use "hovercraft" in the search.

Had I done so, Calliban's topic would have jumped right out.

I do have a small quibble with Calliban's conclusion ... It seems to me that his vision was of a vehicle attempting to ram the thin air of Mars into a scoop.

I'll have to return to his topic to try to stir up discussion of a more "traditional" hovercraft concept, which uses large fans to shove air above the vehicle into the skirted volume below.  That concept would certainly work on Mars, if the vehicle is light enough and the power supplied to the fans is great enough.

In any case, thanks for finding and posting the link to that prior work!



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