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Well not that old...but they are an old design.
In a completely different event Kosmos 1408 satellite was destroyed in a Russian anti-satellite weapon test in 2021, the ASAT weapon test resulting in space debris in orbits and caused the crew of the International Space Station (ISS) to take shelter. COSMOS 2499 or Kosmos 2499 is a different satellite, impact of space debris or some internal problem causing their satellites to 'explode'? Perhaps standards of manufacturing are dropping and batteries explode after exposure to extreme space conditions
A mysterious Russian satellite that launched to space in 2014 has experienced its second breakup event. … 00398.html
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, … e-explodes
This is the second breakup of Kosmos-2499, after the first one on 2021
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"This suggests to me that perhaps these events are the result of a design error."
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'CelesTrak has TLEs for 18 objects that appear to be associated with a debris event involving the dead COSMOS 2499 satellite launched 2014-05-23. The 3 operational satellites (green) are in a much-different orbit and the rocket body (red) is in a slightly different orbit.'
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