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#1 2022-07-27 19:14:42

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,590

Copper - valuable material and economic benchmark

Google came up with a list of variations on the theme of an estimate of $15,000 (USD) for a ton

In another topic recently, Scott Beach reminded us of the days in the distant past, when gold and silver were considered valuable.

Copper is valuable in so many practical ways, it deserves it's own topic ...

In 2021, Goldman Sachs called copper “the new oil” because of its requirements for EVs, wind turbines, and other green energy initiatives. Goldman's analysts forecast the price will rise to $15,000 per ton by 2025.Jun 17, 2022

Copper Bull Trends To Continue But Don't Expect A Straight ... › analysis › copper-bull-trends...
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Copper Is 'the New Oil' and Prices Will Soar, Goldman Sachs ... › News › stocks
Apr 14, 2021 — Copper is 'the new oil' and could reach $15,000 by 2025 as the world transitions to clean energy, Goldman Sachs says.

Goldman Goes Cold on Copper as Power Crisis Sparks ... › news › articles › goldma...
Jul 12, 2022 — Still, the bank said copper was on track to reach $15,000 in 2025, citing a “clear structural bull story” as mine supply peaks. It sees copper ...

Goldman goes cold on copper price - MINING.COM › goldman-goes-cold-on-copp...
Jul 12, 2022 — Still, the bank said copper was on track to reach $15,000 in 2025, citing a “clear structural bull story” as mine supply peaks. It sees copper ...

Copper on path to $15K/ton in 2025 thanks to green transition › news › 3681842-copper-on-pa...
Apr 14, 2021 — ... with London copper (HG1:COM) closing +1.9% to $9075/ton after Goldman Sachs predicted prices will hit $15000/ton by 2025 as the global.
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#2 2022-07-28 04:02:33

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Copper - valuable material and economic benchmark

War has made the price of commodity and minerals rise

Mars will contain ores that would be very useful to future explorers and potential colonists, maybe even AI robots will trade these resources in their own Galactic Exchange Stock Market?
On Mars it seems Copper is more rare to find, copper concentration in Mars’ mantle is suggested to be 15 times lower than the Earth terrestrial mantle.

Minerals? … 092548.htm
Ore potential … _analogues

In an outer space colony Clearly air, water and food are more vital and valuable, I'm not sure vital products should be traded. For example was it a mistake to put wheat or orange juice or corn on the stock market, so many poor countries suffering to afford as soon as some local conflict impacts or a far away war with global influence. Gold is not just shiny or rare it has uses of Gold in Industry, Medicine, Computers, also there is this 'confidence' thing happening with its value, its art looks great and lasts for thousands of years. Perhaps there is also the concept of value or Aesthetics, the Stradivarius Violin they say the technique to build it was lost over time but if someone did somehow manufacture one very similar, would the wood and sound still glitter with that golden violin value. Would a world famous Musician playing their Gold plated Musical Instruments, sound the same as another metal would the note or sound wave ring out with the same value and character? they say the Harmonics of a Silver plated instrument also sounds 'Rich' whatever that means. However silver art work and jewelry have been around thousands of years, it is also used Electronics and Water filtration systems, Photographic silver use used to be very important now a new industry solar energy has silver demand, Nanotech now uses silver as an antimicrobial, that musical instrument if it were not Gold or Silver would it sound the same if playing something of Brass or Tin?

What minerals or animal resources will have what types cultural values? If India were to establish a Hindu animal deity culture on Mars it is unlikely they would see  certain animals as a resources.
Yet the more ancient types of cultures would trade furs? … ne.0270040
Palaeoproteomics identifies beaver fur in Danish high-status Viking Age burials - direct evidence of fur trade

Cooper is of value, perhaps helping the advancement of human civilization, we don't really know when actual the humans first used copper, from digs and ancient finds perhaps dating back at least 10,000 years. Discovered maybe 9000 BC or  ‘BCE’  Before Common / Current Era for the non religion type, Symbol Cu,  used in building construction, power generation and transmission, containers for holding corrosive mediums, pipe systems, filters, pumps and valves, all sorts of evaporators and condensers, while heat exchangers are made from copper and copper alloy in the petrochemical industry, copper alloy in warships and commercial ships are used commonly to make aluminum bronze propellers, bolts, rivets, condenser pipes, copper coated paint, etc  transmission, such as wire and cable, transformers, switches, plug components and connectors, etc. it is an electronic product in manufacturing, and the production of industrial machinery and transportation vehicles, more modern use in coating of superconducting alloys, containers and pipelines of cryogenic medium.

Would the Martian's version of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency be backed up by Copper in its vault? The history of cents and the penny’s story from U.S. Mint which produced the dime, quarter, nickel, penny and half penny. The original Pennies were originally made of 100% copper, however, as prices of copper rose they soon started to make pennies out of 95% zinc and 3% copper, the Mars copper standard could be a monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is based on a fixed quantity of copper, a long expensive war in Vietnam then came 1971 when the United States unilaterally terminated convertibility of the US dollar to gold foreign central banks, effectively ending the Bretton Woods system.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-28 04:15:08)


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#3 2022-07-28 21:00:22

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: Copper - valuable material and economic benchmark

Metals used as the backing of currency with a dropping value for mars will be power, water and oxygen, food and shelter.


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#4 2022-08-27 09:30:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Copper - valuable material and economic benchmark

Bitcoin, Ethereum or a MarsCoin could it all go back to a printed note and be backed up by Copper?

'Dogecoin' seemed to be something of a joke meme but people still buy it

10 Times Elon Musk Has Proven His Critics Wrong … de44f08196

EU importers face mounting ESG risks in efforts to ditch Russian minerals … -minerals/

What is Canada’s place in the new Great Game, over the control of critical minerals and rare earths? … ontrol-of/

Rio Tinto’s Offer to Take Over Giant Copper Mine Is Rebuffed … 44148.html


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#5 2022-08-28 09:12:38

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Copper - valuable material and economic benchmark

On August 9, 1934, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the seizure of all silver situated in the continental United States with Executive Order 6814 - Requiring the Delivery of All Silver to the United States for Coinage. Executive Order 6814 closely mirrors Executive Order 6102, which FDR signed on April 5, 1933, "forbidding the Hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates within the continental United States" with some differences. A key difference was that EO 6814 excluded the seizure of all silver coins, whether foreign or domestic, while EO 6102 only exempted from seizure certain types of collectible or numismatic coins.


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#6 2022-08-28 10:08:15

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,590

Re: Copper - valuable material and economic benchmark

For Mars_B4_Moon.... this topic is about Copper!

It is not about Silver or Gold, interesting as these elements are.

If you (or anyone) wants a topic to focus on Gold or Silver, or any other element significant to the Mars undertaking, you are welcome to create a dedicated topic.

What I'm hoping you will do, as you scan the Internet for valuable nuggets (of Copper) that you will keep this topic in mind.

Silver, Copper and Gold .... the trio I learned long ago as having descending order of conductance.

Of the three, I'd expect Copper to have the greatest productive value on Mars.

However, the abundance of Aluminum may favor it's use as an electrical conductor, as well as an all around useful metal.

That implies Aluminum might deserve it's own topic, at some point.



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#7 2022-08-28 10:28:14

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,590

Re: Copper - valuable material and economic benchmark

In reviewing this topic, I realized I'd overlooked the scarcity of Copper on Mars, while responding to an upbeat report on it's value on Earth.

Wikipedia's article on the Composition_of_Mars does not even ** list ** Copper, Silver ** or ** Gold. reports a "suggestion" there might be Copper in the mantle at 2 ppm.

As I scan the Internet for information about Copper on Mars, I get the increasing impression it is rare and at the same time, it appears to be necessary. reports on the need for Copper in soil, as a necessary component of food for humans.

A typical human body contains .000072 kg

Good Grief!



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#8 2022-08-28 13:54:56

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,125

Re: Copper - valuable material and economic benchmark

You prompted my curiosity, so:

Copper enrichments in the Kimberley formation in Gale crater, Mars: Evidence for a Cu deposit at the source … 0of%20Mars.

Therefore, the copper concentration in Mars’ mantle is suggested to be 15 times lower than the terrestrial mantle with an estimated value of 2 ppm (Wang and Becker, 2017). However, the elevated copper contents analyzed by APXS in Gale crater suggest that Cu-bearing minerals should be present at the surface of Mars.

I am expecting the Martian crust to be more enriched in metals, especially heavy metals, if it is true that Mars has not had much for plate tectonics.  The proximity to metal asteroid materials and supposed lack of plates going under each other and melting, suggests that to me.

Query: "Mining in space with microbes" … cc=0&ghpl= … r%20System.

Biomining bacteria can catalyse the extraction of valuable elements like copper and gold from rocks. Here on Earth, they are routinely used to mine rare earth elements (REEs) such as lanthanides, scandium and yttrium.

I have also seen tell of getting Uranium using microbes.

Hydrothermal locations of ancient times may be proximate to impact events, and this can deposit mineral concentrations as well.


Last edited by Void (2022-08-28 14:02:34)

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