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#1 2022-03-27 15:04:45

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Constructs for Hazards on Mars, MartianDust, ToxicGas, Lightning

I guess this is a health, space hazards and maybe rescue or hygiene topic and what type of building or people will be crucial to save a colony that risks collapse. Would you have a hospital grounded in one area or should you fly your doctors around,  just as a rescue helicopter/ship or firetruck or an ambulance is a medically equipped vehicle which saves people and at the same time transports patients away from danger. Mars as a colony will be a totally new design it has no roads so by design in a new colony, you can make its Landing Pads or Roads as big as you like to Transport a Vehicle of any size. Would it be silly for a Mars colonist to only have 'one profession'? Some emergency might happen on the ground but what if the worst case scenario you have many failures. If your rescue team is sent by Mars-Cars or Train who will fix that car when it suddenly breaks down?

A future on Mars may need fire fighters, your fireman or air rescue pilot might need to also be a vet or biologist. Later as your colony grows in size you could have better mechanics or better doctors, people who are expert specialists in their field. A new farm inside a biodome of a colony could suddenly be an emergency, might have very important plants and insect and animals, you might suddenly need to know how to deal with an animal sick from dust, seconds are critical and the communication from Earth takes too long. So How do you build a multi functional place to deal with emergency? How do you power a building for veterinary medicine, how do you power a truck or ambulance. Solar power is a good back up but it also seems unwise for a place that gets so many Duststorms. If you have a building and only doctors then how do you deal when a fire breaks out due to an unforeseen electrical discharge in that very same building. Maybe all buildings will have multi-functions could you construct a multi functional hospital firefighter cleaning building on Mars? In future of space colonies it seems Mars would need a team of humans and/or robots to Clean Up Chemical Spills, Deal with Dust Storms, perhaps Heal people who are sick. Mars could have guys trained in medical emergency but also deal with general rescue or maintenance cleaning across the planet, they will be trained mechanical engineers, they could be fit people that perform rescue after landslides, they would have biological knowledge and deal with injuries, have multi purpose skills for colonies of Mars and the Moon or Titan, firefighters dealing with a chemical spill could be the very same people who rescue people up some mountain or deal with the sick. Looking at the working in robotics from Boston Dynamics and Japan and other places perhaps robots themselves might be programmed to deal with multiple problems and also part of this team. The first Colonists and Robots or Astronauts. Perhaps must be multi skilled, perform simple surgery, deal with Animal issues, fix Engines, know how to reprogram a Robot or have good General knowledge of Bodily Function in Space, it is possible the first people they might need to have multiple skills, need to be guys who can repair a communications mast after it gets fried by lightning, they will need to be firefighters and doctors and scientific programmers and mechanics all at the same time.

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'Feed It To Bacteria
This one isn't really an option right now, but it might be in the future. While the Mir station was still in orbit, Russian scientists were already working on a new solution to the problem of dirty underwear being stored on the Station for months at a time. The scientists began designing a system that would use bacteria to digest the astronaut's cotton and paper underpants. The researchers said that it was even possible that the methane gas given off when the bacteria ate the underwear could be used to help power the spacecraft. The system would even be able to be used to dispose of some other waste on the Station, as well. While the system was never completed for use on Mir (researchers said it could take up to a decade to find the right combination of bacteria), it may be an option for people living in space in the future.'

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Human health and performance for long-duration spaceflight

There is a need to develop more stringent preflight medical screening for crewmembers to minimize risk factors for diseases which cannot be effectively treated in flight. Since funding for space life sciences research and development has been eliminated to fund program development, these missions will be enabled by countermeasures much like those currently in use aboard the International Space Station. Artificial gravity using centrifugation in a rotating spacecraft has been suggested repeatedly as a "universal countermeasure" against deconditioning in microgravity and could be an option if other countermeasures are found to be ineffective. However, the greatest medical unknown in interplanetary flight may be the effects of radiation exposure. In addition, a Mars expedition would lead to a far greater level of isolation and psychological stress than any space mission attempted previously; because of this, psychiatric decompensation remains a risk. Historically, mortality and morbidity related to illness and injury have accounted for more failures and delays in new exploration than have defective transportation systems. The medical care system on a future Mars expedition will need to be autonomous and self-sufficient due to the extremely long separation from definitive medical care. This capability could be expanded by the presence of a physician in the crew and including simple, low-technology surgical capability.

Battery power construction equipment There was a good discussion here about the Private Sector Musk space plans and also the dangers of cosmic rays and having an operation on top of the mountains that would hurl stuff into space for the outer colonies.  Dust, The health effects - danger to humans from both Moon and Mars  Dust storms - don't panic! How Much Water Does Mars Have? Material Choices for Mars Martian Whirlwinds - A Threat..Possibly

Perhaps Mars could have a mobile multi functional rescue lab?


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