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Fusion 360 is one of a family of digital design products offered by Autocad.
Fusion 360 is available for use for free for educational purposes, and for student projects.
Examples of projects developed with Fusion 360 are recorded in the NewMars forum.
It does require a robust computing platform, specifically including a video card capable of rendering images.
From the Big Wheel topic:
The 45 Docking Port version of the Big Wheel Habitat was accepted by Shapeways. Once again, this happy result seems to be related to the output from Fusion 360. … 549150.jpg
If each Starship carries 100 passengers, then the number of passengers who might be carried (and then transferred to Mars) would be 4,500.
However, as RobertDyck has shown with his design for a Large Ship, passengers who are onboard for the round trip, and the crew, would live in facilities inside the habitat, among and between the Starship Docking Ports.
As a reminder, ** this ** vehicle will not interact with the atmosphere of any planet, but instead will carry fuel and oxidizer sufficient to achieve desired navigation objectives through thrust maneuvers, combined with the Phobos Momentum Maneuver at Mars.
A 3D view is available here: