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#1 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Face on Mars 2 - The sequel » 2002-10-23 19:43:39

This was not done deliberately. It was done through ignorance shown by Laney's habitual employ of 'blur and sharpen' processing and then later claim that these do not effect the IR data at all because HE cannot recognize the changes that occured through only his superficial low scale examination of detail.  Laney just thought the darker and more contrasted image was "better looking".

The repeated apply of "Blur & sharpent' to naturally diffuse margines (seen even in the ASU Equalized image) result in areas of uniform tone.  In part the reason these areas in the IR image were quasi-rectilnear was that features that are perpendicular to solar direction and those that are paralel tend to absorb solar energies more readily than those that are more oblique to the solar direction.  When these areas are blured and sharpened they become even larger and more rectilinear and yet can remain inconspicuous in an unequalized image because the variations are so subtle. These variations become pronounced through processing the IR image.

#2 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Face on Mars 2 - The sequel » 2002-10-21 12:55:19 and Jim Burk do not evidence any knowledge nor understanding of Infrared imaging nor of the basics of graphics filters and processes required to address  the relevant issues here. Additionally there is a gross lack of objectivity on Burk's part which I have addresssed (with him) in numerous TEM and Anomalies forum posts.

Given that the ongoing discussion here here involves a conversation I had recently with Bamf (Noel Gorelick), I will share this log with you with only some additions put in for clarification purposes of this audience.

***NOTE: there are two image URLs within the log, evidencing currupted data in the Laney image.***

Session Start: Sun Oct 20 16:52:12 2002
Bamf (
[16:52] <Tripp> Hey Noel.. got a minute to answer a Q about specific image detail?
[16:52] <Bamf> Sure, if I can.
[16:52] <Tripp> ok thank you
[16:53] <Tripp> Here is an image comparing the ASU release and the last Laney release in the
10.11 filter range. Area examined is east of the D&M pyramid - … omp-dm.jpg … omp-dm.jpg

•¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Whois Bamf
[u@h: *! (IP)
[realname: foo
[channels:  #Enterprisemission
[server: Colorado Springs, Colorado
[idle: 2mins 10secs Sun Oct 20 14:21:04 2002
•____ whois (from
[16:55] <Tripp> got it yet? notice the S/E corner and the 3 feint impact craters evident in the ASU image.
[16:55] <Bamf> yes
[16:56] <Tripp> see how those are blured and blackish  and appear as monotone square-ish areas in the Laney image.
[16:56] <Bamf> Yes
[16:56] <Tripp> to me this indicates that a contrast (Levels Adst) was first applied..darkening the craters (on the ASU image). .and then blur and sharpen were applied repeatedly to give the squarish monotone result.
[16:57] <Tripp> Obviously also the image edges are no longer aliased (not jaggy and stepped) in the laney image..but the aliasing there in the Laney "Raw" shows a similar applicaiton of blur and sharpen, indicating it is no longer RAWQ
[16:57] <Bamf> I don't know that that's an accurate statement.  It's just a point of argument, but who couldn't it have happened in the reverse order?
[16:57] <Bamf> s/who/why
[16:58] <Tripp> reverse how?
[16:58] <Bamf> sharpen/blur then contrast.
[16:59] <Tripp> well because then the dark rims of the impact craters (in the ASU image) that were blurred to make the dark gray areas would be insufficiently dark to result in the Laney blotches.. If these were blurred and then sharpened first a shade would result that would not be quite so different from surrounding area.
[16:59] <Bamf> ...ok.
[17:00] <Tripp> in undertaking stark contrast or as laney erronously called it "equalizaiton" FIRST then applying the blur, then the contrasted areas more effect the surrounding areas.
[17:00] <Tripp> make sense?
[17:00] <Tripp> anyway.. this is sort of a lead-in to my question
[17:00] <Bamf> Ok.
[17:00] <Tripp> i took the image you are looking at now and equalized it in Photoshop.
[17:01] <Tripp> Here is the result of equalization of the first image.. Note the rectilinear features now standing out in the Laney image - … -dm-eq.jpg
[17:02] <Bamf> Yes.
[17:02] <Tripp> Whereas the ASU image has smooth natural gradients
[17:03] <Tripp> a part of my Q is, you do not believe these recilinear monotonal areas in the Laney image represent that CDD temp problem you've mentioned before, do you?
[17:03] <Bamf> No.
[17:03] <Tripp> ok that was my thought on this as well.
[17:03] <Bamf> Instrument effects span the entire width of the image.
[17:03] <Tripp> Do you think the CDD temp problems can be brought out using equalization?
[17:04] <Tripp> oh they DO? i didnt catch that in previous discussions.
[17:04] <Bamf> Uh... probably.  they're pretty obvious.
[17:04] <Tripp> are instrument effects not monotone but rather a banding SHIFT of the entire tonal representation?
[17:04] <Bamf> That sounds accurate.
[17:05] <Tripp> Obvious.. ok cuz in the log Laney posts of you and he, you state these instrument shifts are not so obvious..or so i recall.
[17:05] <Tripp> BTW have you seen Laney's own presentation on his site wherein he presents the log i mention?
[17:05] <Bamf> I state there's lots of different things that are going on, and I wanted to be specific about which ones we were talking about, to avoid this exact kind of crap.
[17:05] <Bamf> Yes, I have.
[17:05] <Tripp> RIght i recall you stating that too.
[17:06] <Bamf> This effect, which we call temperature wobble...
[17:06] <Bamf> effects the entire CCD at the same time.  But since the CCD is imaging different parts of the surface at different times, it ends up being spatially shifted when you compare multiple bands.
[17:07] <Bamf> If you just took a single band and equalized it, you may or may not see it.  (haven't tried it).
[17:07] <Tripp> Ok
[17:07] <Bamf> As soon as you do anything involving differences between bands they pop right out.
[17:07] <Tripp> so this temp wobble is not causative to the blockies of the "city"
[17:07] <Bamf> You can clearly see them on the TEM's version of the ASU data in ghost6.jpg, I think.
[17:07] <Bamf> Not possible.
[17:08] <Tripp> that's what i thought myself, evne though i didnt have a full grasp of how the temp wobble represents itself.
[17:08] <Bamf> … ghost6.jpg … ghost6.jpg
[17:09] <Tripp> What do you think of the blockies that become apparent with equalization? I believe these in part ARE the "City" and the recilinear grid seen throught the Cydonia IR in Laney's image and are a result of the gaussian blur and sharpent techniques.
[17:10] <Bamf> I think there's a little more to it than that, but probably not much more.  There's just SO many different things that he could have done to the image, that it's nearly impossible to figure out exactly what it was.  And with the .1% rotation looking like a print/scan step, then you REALLY have no idea what's been introduced.
[17:11] <Tripp> i think SIMILAR to the Temp wobble, the equalization and sharpen produce different representations in each band even though these effects *MAY* and likely were applied uniformly across ALL the bands (as is indicated by the blur and anti-aliasing even to the image margins of each band in the Laney image) and these varied effects contribute to the "city" so called 3-D look.
[17:11] <Bamf> Yes, that's entirely possible.
[17:11] <Tripp> ALSO i believe it is important which band range he uses as the denominator in ratioing the bands used in the multispectral image.
[17:12] <Tripp> using A bands or specific bands creates "interference patterning" in the ratio process .. Does this sound reasonable?
[17:12] <Bamf> I don't have a feel for what happens when you do a DCS on band ratios.  It's just not done.
[17:13] <Bamf> You do one or the other.  Doing both is...  silly.
[17:13] <Bamf> DCS is decorrelation stretch
[17:13] <Tripp> right
[17:13] <Tripp> ok that's what i thought and is my own experience.
[17:14] <Tripp> Ok in your view what conceivably could be the result of applying both DCS and ratioing?
[17:14] <Bamf> Certainly if he's done even a single blur/sharpen and then divides by that band, it'll do wacky things.
[17:14] <Tripp> well we see those wacky things, for sure.
[17:15] <Bamf> The fact that you can see the square outlines in just an equalization means that those are going to stand out big time once you do DCS/ratios
[17:15] <Tripp> EXACTLY!
[17:15] <Tripp> so then you support my belief here?
[17:15] <Bamf> That...  it's all fake?
[17:15] <Tripp> yes ..
[17:15] <Tripp> induced bullshit
[17:15] <Bamf> Well duh.
[17:15] <Tripp> err i mean "induced by BULLITT"
[17:16] <Bamf> He's still able to claim "those were in it when I got it"
[17:16] <Tripp> Noel. ive always known that these did not resemble real IR signatures..but deminstrating how he SNAFU' the image to the satisfaction of the "believers" is what i am trying to get at.
[17:17] <Bamf> I think you're wasting your time.  At the end of the day, Laney can always claim "But it was in the data when I got it."
[17:17] <Tripp> Problem is.. he cannot claim these were in it when he got it, due to the fact that craters are turned into blured squarish splotches.. as well as other details i can demoonstrate showing high application of contrast.
[17:17] <Tripp> Well.. there's one problme
[17:17] <Bamf> Sure he can claim that.
[17:17] <Tripp> and I think i may have him by the short hairs
[17:18] <Bamf> The equalized image is something laney claims is pristine, except for a single blur, yes?
[17:18] <Tripp> Beyond it bieng impossible for ASU's image to be a derivative of Laney's image due to greater REAL detail.. Laney's image is SHY one whole row of pixels.
[17:18] <Bamf> ... is from something...
[17:19] <Tripp> Laney, on the original braadcast said he removed an entire row of pixels.. for some reason.. to help the images overlay (which he obviously did in a visuual art program and not ENVI first off)
[17:20] <Tripp> That "signature" missing row of pixels may tie laney to hving already altered what TEM is offering up as "RAW" and pristine.(even as indicated by Laney's own admission here (] and also in the more recent admission to what I've stated all along: that he overwrote the original file name, saving his work and blurs,etc. in progress)
[17:20] <Bamf> Regardless of how fake the image looks, I don't believe there's anything left that will convince anyone else except a step-by-step recipe of getting from one to the other, and I don't think that's directly possible.
[17:21] <Tripp> i dont think laney could reproduce his results EXACTLY ..for that matter.
[17:21] <Bamf> Someone might just happen to stumble on it, but if there was a print/scan step involved, it'll never happen.
[17:21] <Bamf> Agreed.
[17:21] <Tripp> why bo you believe there is a print/scan step involved?
[17:21] <Bamf> Since he's overwritten his original at least one.
[17:21] <Bamf> once.
[17:22] <Bamf> The 0.1 degree rotation shows random effects in the upper left/lower right areas.
[17:22] <Tripp> oh it does? i have not examined those areas specifically
[17:22] <Bamf> That might be the result of filtering after rotation, or, as Holger pointed out, it could be caused by stray-light on a scanner.
[17:22] <Bamf> Holgers steps were real easy: load it up and set gamma to 4.
[17:22] <Tripp> Do you recollect his "Rationale" for the 0.1 rotation?
[17:23] <Bamf> I haven't heard anyone come up with any explanation of it.
[17:23] <Bamf> I *suspect* it's a byproduct of laney rotating the image forwards and backawards a couple of times.
[17:24] <Tripp> What i found notable in the that Laney presentaiton that neither Holger nor Rich could reproduce ANYTHING like Laney's results.. which laney proudly stated from his own ego, but really it demonstrates a serious FLAW in his processing.
[17:24] <Bamf> That makes more sense to me than print/scan, but if you were trying to destroy any traceable digital signature for some reason, print/scan would be the best way to do it.
[17:25] <Tripp> ok rotating it repeatedly to get the exact angle rather than rotating it from the original each time.. God he is really a dumbass when it comes to imagery.
[17:25] <Bamf> You already knew that.
[17:25] <Tripp> lol yeah
[17:25] <Tripp> Mayb i said that *ONCE*.. (or twice) somewhere.
[17:25] <Bamf> You know about his July 30th image?
[17:25] <Tripp> What's that?
[17:26] <Tripp> Not sure what you're referring to.
[17:26] <Bamf> The one where he claimed to have "done the analysis", but turns out he just did a saturation stretch.
[17:26] <Bamf> I'll find you a link in a second.  It's relevent because it doesn't appear to have been made from his "real" image, it appears to have been made from the ASU version.
[17:27] <Tripp> Ahh. .that IS RELEVANT. .as it establishes that what he was working with later on was only an image he scrawed up with blur, etc and saved to file.
[17:28] <Bamf>
[17:29] <Bamf> It's possible this has already been munged a bit, but it was back before he asked how real image procesing is done.
[17:29] <Tripp> this linke is his original presentation?
[17:29] <Bamf> This is his original image.  The "presentation" is on the old TEM board.
[17:30] <Bamf> Which is down right now.  He didn't say much other than "TELL 'EM OLD BULLITT KNOWS HOW ITS DONE"
[17:30] <Tripp> so this was posted in an realy TEM thread, likely in responses to ongoings with you and Dan?
[17:30] <Bamf> Prior to dan.
[17:30] <Bamf> Well, actually, right when dan showed up.  same day.
[17:30] <Tripp> this image sure as hell was NOT done in EVNI .. .what is it jut an RGB composible of 3 bands?
[17:31] <Bamf> He said something like: Red=band1, yellow=band3, green=band5, blue=band7 and purple=band9.
[17:32] <Bamf> Which is silly, but possible.
[17:32] <Bamf> It's thread 3872 of the previous board.
[17:32] <Tripp> what color system is that? CMYK?
[17:32] <Bamf> I've got a copy of the page.
[17:33] <Bamf> Well, if he's got some silly program that will let you merge bands in such a manner, it's conceiveable.
[17:33] <Bamf> A stupid thing to do, but possible.
[17:33] <Bamf> Hang on a sec.
[17:33] <Tripp> He only uses whatchamakalit. that free App on the web
[17:33] <Tripp> Paintshop pro?
[17:33] <Tripp> no
[17:35] <Tripp> the company is Jasc i think.. manufacturer
[17:39] <Bamf> The bands in this image are represented as6.
[17:39] <Bamf> 62 Violet 7.88 Blue9.30 Green11.03 Yellow12.58 Red
[17:40] <Tripp> Ok .. thanks
[17:40] <Tripp> to do that you would have to have a colors system that involves those colors to produce "real" color imagery
[17:46] <Tripp> at any rate. .i think those blockes that appear in the EQUALIZED image are a sesult of the blur & sharpent to .. not obviously features like the impact craters, but rather to less than obvious image tonal changes.
[17:46] [Bamf is not on irc (from]
[17:46] <Bamf> He claims PSP7 on his moc processing page.
[17:46] [Bamf is not on irc (from]
Session Close: Sun Oct 20 17:48:14 2002

The application of "Equalize" in photoshop or other programs does not distort nor introduce new tonal patterns at all.  Equalize only extends the display of tonal range from absolute black to pure white, thereby "stretching" that tonal range of the image and allowing  already present details to be more readily apparent under visual examination. Photoshop itself writes of the "Equalize function:

Photoshop "Help" description of EQUALIZE:
The Equalize command redistributes the brightness values of the pixels in an image so that they more evenly represent the entire range of brightness levels. When you choose this command, Photoshop finds the brightest and darkest values in the image so that the darkest value represents black (or as close to it as possible) and the brightest value represents white. Photoshop then attempts to equalize the brightness—that is, to distribute the intermediate pixel values evenly throughout the grayscale.

I  believe the blockies seen in the Laney version  of the … -dm-eq.jpg
"Equalize" Comparsion image are the direct result of repeated appications of blur and sharpen procedurally applied processes done PRIOR to ENVI which thoroughly and irrevocably corrupt the IR "data'. … 8536]Laney applies blur, sharpen and gross adjustments to contrast (Levels, which he refers to erroneously as "equalize")
  to all his images, even those he does gratis for AMES, with these  gross adjustments to "contrast" (levels) making extremely dark areas of the image, which appear to the casual observer as more "crisp" and "clean" but in reality rob the imagery (and in this case "Data") of real detail.

These blockies, though not overtly apparent in the un-equalized image, do represent gross and extreme alterations to the data and are quite readily apparent to the ENVI program when compositing. The fact that these blocky features were induced in varied forms in each individual band is a result of each band having varied tonal variations and varied renditions of the terrian. The employ of each band in the "ratio" of these images, employing one band as a denominator, creates "interference patterns" that result in the so-called "3-D look" of the "City" but which in reality have no resemblance whatsoever to a real IR signatures.

Shaun, Incidentally the reason Noel (Bamf) and ASU have not "Blown TEM (Laney) out of the water" in addressing this directly is due to a number of factors.  First as Bamf said in the above log, Laney can simply assert that the grossly improper corruption ot the "not-so-RAW" image he is allledging to have received was how he got it initially (which I viiew as highly unlikely given his own stated apply of these processes indicated by the image itself).  Additionally Laney has failed to specifiy his specifically applied processes overall. Laney has not even stated at all which filter range he used to apply as the denominator in "ratioing" of the bands.Also Laney himself has admitted this blocky "City-scape" has not appeared in all the results he himself does. Beyond that even Laney admits that his partners in this processing, Hoagland and Holger, have not achieved anything like his results doing the same steps:

SOURCE:] - "The Politics"
I had been sharing my imaging results with Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara, who after review of them were astounded also. The strange thing about it was that no one else was getting near the same results as I. Holger Isenberg wasn't, Steve Wingate wasn't, (In fact he only seems interesting in debunking this image, which sadly he has looked very foolish doing)  Richard wasn't.. No one that tried did. The best attempts I saw from others were rather streaked and the color values were smudged, weak, with high noise levels. Not very good examples of true false color multispectrals worthy of the capabilities of the wonderful Themis, which for the most part are supposed to be clean and colorful where there are thermal and compositional differences being imaged.

Herein, Laney obviously thinks he is endowed with some innate skill to create proper and "clean" IR composite results, as they should appear (in his view). However Cydonia is not like the IR imagery he is comparing. Cydonia is an area subjected to wide-ranging aeolian erosion and grain transport with large expanses of this area being covered with varied types of grains from differing lithologic origins. Translation: the IR data SHOULD NOT be coming back with a uniform, pristine color banding across the region. Laney has no surprisinjg "skill" here. He has ony INDUCED the results that were his apriori expectation to see and did so through improper processing and gross apply procudural processing methods that "smoothed" the results, removing noise and creating an overall more homogenous image. Even his own partners could not reproduce his results and should not have been able to do so, assuming they themselves were applying more appropriate pre-processing steps.

It must be recognized here that if these Laney results cannot be at all reproduced then they are not reasonably indicative of "scientifically reproducible results." Additionally,  and beyond doubt, Laney's own admitted application of pre-processing steps (blur, Sharpen & "Equalize") are not supportable as acceptable processing to IR Data.  As I've shown these steps corrupt the DATA.  Beyond this Laney's own image clearly is not pristine and has had these processes applied to it.  Additionally there is no reason to accept Laney's image as valid data given its more-than-questionable pedigree alone.

In short, this entire issue should be long since dead and buried; there is no "buried City" in Cydonia nor anything remotely evidencing artificiality.

#3 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Face on Mars 2 - The sequel » 2002-10-16 04:12:14

Thanks for coming back to me on this, Josh!

    Interesting that you've mentioned Gaussian blur on both the official image and the so-called 'real' image.
    I was labouring under the impression that Laney had Gaussian blurred the image he downloaded on July 25th, but that a completely untouched 'real' image was recovered from somewhere - and that this is the one TEM is presenting now on its site as the 'real' image.

I dont believe Josh was referring to gaussian blur on the ASU image. I believe he was referring to there being Gaussian blur on "both" of the TEM "Real" images, the one that was initially released as well as the one released most recently.

There is no evidence of gaussian blur on the official ASU release.

Additionally, inherent in Josh's statement, "One should, of course, note that there is a Gaussian blur on the images, so it will prove to be physically impossible to create the ASU image from the TEM image." there is the implicit understanding that the Gaussian blur in teh Laney "Real" image makes it impossible to create the ASU image (having more real detail) from the Laney image.

With  regard to the recently released supposedly "raw" "REAL" data, in addition to gaussian blur there is also evidence of employ of "sharpen' in concert with that blur.  Furthermore there is also  evidence of gross augmentation of contrast or "equalization" in the image, as shown by areas of shadow that maintain detail of a shadowed surface in the ASU image now being only inky black featureless areas in the Laney "real" image bands.

Curiously, these three components, gaussian blur, sharpen and equalization have all been admitted to have been used in pre-processing by Laney.

#4 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Face on Mars - Hard evidence wanted, please » 2002-10-12 17:43:45

Mark S wrote:

What I mean to say is that there is no evidence that Hoaglund or anybody at Enterprise Mission in faking results or doing anything that is scientifically unethical.  Such a charge is the strongest and most damaging accusation that can be made against a scientist.

Mark, you've not been paying attention.  This is not so much about "faking" results, it is about INDUCING the results from both incompetence in incorrectly applied methodologies in procesing and a overwhelming predispostion that this IR imagery "_MUST_ contain evidence indciative of artificiality", thus becoming a rationalization amounting to "the ends justify the means"...even tot eh point of the ENDS (beleived artificial evidence) justify numerous and conflicting story of the MEANS by which this image was acquired... none of which is feasible.

Is gross ignorance "unethical"? Are gross and abundant methodologies and thoroughly unsupported assertions therefrom "unethical"?  Perhaps they are not. However they are by no means "Science" nor does this anywhere exhibit the applicaiton of the scientific process.

Is there unethical science? Not sure.but the extremely PERSONAL attack agaisnt Carolotto with only a vague attempt at any address of specifics is certainly unethical conduct.

Is bullitt himself unethical and dishonest? I personally KNOW him to be, beyond doubt. Does HoaglAnd himself employ other less-than ethical procedures?  I have seen an email referencing my own responses to Cydonia wherein he said that I had "bitten the hand that feeds me" in my being critical of his Cydonia claims. This certainy does not exhbit and openness to "Peer Review" .. an inherent component of any claims to ascertain if they are objective and reasonably supported. Additionally Hoagland has lost his Enterprise Mission server and forum because of his repeated pressuring to silence numerous opponents.  HOagland's own recent claims of "SABOTAGE" on these forums and his own desire to go seek a new server are ..  extremely misrepresentative and highly DISHONEST.  He was KICKED OUT of the server very unceremoniously.

Beyond doubt there is dishonesty and misrepresentaiton, contradiciton, misdirection and malfeasance in abundance here. all done deliberately with calculation.

Mark S wrote:

Whether Hoaglund is a scientist is a point of debate.  I think that Hoaglund believes in the veracity of his work and the scientific soundness of his methods, and I don't believe that he would present false information to prove a notion that he had found to be false.

No, Mark, Hoagland being a "scientist" is not at all a point of debate.  Hoagland only presents spectacle, showmanship and pseudo-science.  NOWHERE does Hoagland ever entertain NATURAL causes for the features witnessed in Cydonia and he dismisses these outright.  Hoagland's own claims represent EXTREME EXTRAPOLATIOSN beyond what is reasonable from even the known evidences at hand. Some prime examples of these are: 1) Claims of a "Tidal Lock" by another planet simply based upon the bi-modal distribution of seeps evidenced in other's research... yet this Tidal Lock thesis ignores how or why such fluid releases occur mechanically and in time with the MGS imaging 2) Claims of certain features on Cydonia have artificial origine and htn gross extrapoloation to a "Hyperdimansional" mapping wherein MOST  of the points of this diagram are not at all a finite, localized positions (such as the wall).. much less suggestive of the diagram and "Pi" etc etc etc. 3) Claims of an deeply subsurface "City" in Cydonia beneath a mythcial 'poof dust" when there is no such evidence of a dust with those properties and these claims IGNORE COMPLETELY the limitations and capabilitys of both the MOLA LASER and the THEMIS Infrared imaging.

This was written by Mac Tonnies about Hoagland and the Enterprise Mission and is an accurate appraisal, albeit one that is not anywhere nearly enough indepth:

" TEM's fault is not its willingness to address possible conspiracies and hidden knowledge, but its certainty that such conspiracies exist based on conveniently "symbolic" evidence... TEM's appeal is comparable to that of "The X-Files"--which, interestingly, TEM occasionally uses as a source. As entertainment, TEM fills a void with its inimitable formula of paranoia and science; Hoagland and Bara have created a thoroughly postmodern venue in which fact and fiction are broken down into pixels and liberally blended. TEM's role is seated more in myth-making than "science" in any conventional usage of the word.
SOURCE:Secret Agendas, Life on Mars, and The Enterprise Mission: An Epistemological Meltdown

And THIS from a site that calls itself "Cydonia Imperative." Beyond doubt "Enterprise Mission"is undergoing a "Meltdown", with any superficial attempt at "SCIENCE" long since being replaced by a much more extensive and contrived "conspiracy" in a dishonest attempto to bolster the lacking and unfounded evidence. Hoagland is a SHOWMAN.. a modern day "P.T. Barnum". Science is really irrelevant to him unless he wants to give his presentations some veil of credibility.

Mark S wrote:

Nobody has ever dismissed the possibility that BAMF (Noel Gorelick ?) hooked Laney and TEM up with falsified information in order to discredit them.  If so, then Gorelick and whoever else within NASA / ASU responsible for the fraud should be "excommunicated" from the scientific community.  The same fate should befall them if, as Hoaglund claims, they've been tampering with the original data and perpetuating a fraud on the American taxpayers and the scientific community.

"NOBODY" has dismissed the possiblity that BAMF hooked up Laney with to descredit Laney?

Mark.. AGAIN you've not been paying attention.

Noel Gorelick and his superior Dr. Chistenson Have dismissed this possibility.

The grossly improper application of processing not only dismisses this possibility but STRONGLY indicates that there is only *ONE* image involved here with Laney only having corrupted that iamge himself by methodologies HE HIMSELF has repeatedly detailed and admitted to performing REPEATEDLY!. Additionally the ONGOING ABSENCE of the presentation of the so-called 'REAL" image in a RAW, unalttered form also corroborates this fact!  To be specific, the EMPLOY of numerous steps of "Gaussian Blur, sharpen, and equalization (repeat) do ROB and ROMOVE from imagery the very detail absent in Laney's imagery but present in ASU's image. 

Additionally the IR signature of the "City" has numerous details with demonstrate this feature is not "REAL" IR data but rather only nduced procussing artificats. WHY would ASU/NASA or anyone want to give Laney "an image" that in TRUTH. .shows nothing..  just as it was anticipated a Daytime Infrared image shoudl show nothing, by Enterprise Mission andHoagland himself.  WHY should this be a surprise?

WHY would you choose to believe in a clandestine and even then extremely difficult image "BAMFing" when all *FACTS* indicate this is nothing more than extremely incompetent processing and analysis by an individual who NOW ADMITTEDLY could not even maintain the sanctity of the original image download? 

"Eliminate all other factors,
and that which remains must be the truth.?

Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes"
...The Essence of Occam's Razor,Deductive Reasoning & the Founding Principle of Scientific Inqury

#5 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Face on Mars - Hard evidence wanted, please » 2002-10-12 15:43:25

NIRGAL wrote:
As well as I would like to hear how come you see a rain cloud in one of the images presented on the Link you provide ragarding Martian water bodies.
This is an MOC wide-angle image of Hebes Chasma north of Valles Marineris, I checked the image on the MSSS gallery with the help of the image number you provided...
I think perhaps you will think twice before critizing people for their ability to interpret these images, obviously anyone is capable of drastic error.


You seem to be "stuck" on this. I wouldn't be so hasty to award yourself so much wisdom in this matter. The "rain cloud" was only a small part of a much larger presentation - thabe being the presence of fluid "water" bodies on Mars surface; the presence of these fluid bodies are the subject of the presentation which you reference. The "cumulus cloud" was only a hook and a tenuous conclusion to the matter.

The date of that water presentation was August 9, 2000, this date pretty much putting me on the cutting edge of not only revelations of "fluid water" bodies in the MGS imagery, but also documenting detailed evidences and a rationale in support of these being aqueous forms and not alluviial or aeolian misperceptions.  Additionally, beyond doubt, there is tremendous support for a limited atmospheric water cycle, the dynamics of which have been outlined by others including Dr. Gilbert Levin and these are detailed on my own forum.

Nirgal, this is the second thread you have interjected this into, both times these assertions being of a singular mind being extremelly off topic to ongoing discussions. I myself find this extremely.. *CURIOUS* indeed. IT SEEMS you have your own agenda here, which might be characterized as being unbridled, blind support for Enterprisemission and  their grossly flawed Cydonia IR presentation, and exercising this support in a manner that I can only compare to Laney's own negativity and personal assualts on unrelated issues.. which is also typified by TEM and Hoagland as seen in the "Carlotto hit piece". There is one difference between Laney and myself beyond qualifications, intellect, ability and experience: my own presentations and theses are not static nor mired in the concrete of arrogance and ignorance and I am more than willing to admit when I have been mistaken.

Nirgal, any time you've got any contribution within topic of the discussion, perhaps even to defend this Enterprise Mission presentation, I would be glad to address this... and you may rely on me doing so... in spades.

Thomas James McCann, III
a.k.a. "Tripp"

Mark S wrote:

IF Enterprise Mission is faking this, it's paid off in spades (although Hoaglund and co. could be using it to make a lot more money than they currently do through the website and publications.)  Of course, it's not fair to accuse TEM of such a perverse hoax, especially in the absence of any evidence.

I'm assuming you are referring to the overwhelming LACK of "evidence" in Hoagland's Cydonia presentation. The only real question here is can such overwhelming ineptitude and tremendous abundance of irresponsible and even thorooughly impossible assertions be qenuince and sincere ignorance... or it it done as a result of the attraction of  personal gain and the allure of media attention.   Beyond doubt a long established, well publicized and pre-existing problematic condition of unfounded beliefs has facilitated not only the conclusions but the deliberate priori intention of "revealing evidences of artificialiity" leading to a singular and errant focus in data processing methodologies which induced the results anticipated....

....A sort of "Chicken-egg" scenario.


#6 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Face on Mars - Hard evidence wanted, please » 2002-10-12 01:46:50

Shaun Wrote:

With regard to your comment that "the official ASU image has far more detail than does the Laney 'fabrication' ", the TEM reply at this site seems plausible. In a nutshell, it states that an IR image, though rich in IR information, may be obviously inferior in terms of optical resolution because of the longer wavelength of infra-red light. It goes on to show an infra-red picture of a man, which shows no useful information about his facial features, but which clearly shows which parts of his body surface are warmer due to the underlying circulation.

The most recent Hoagland persentation which you reference is only a laudable example of poor (non-existent) science, false assertions, irrelevant assertions and overall is truly intended only as a personal assault and character assasination of Mark Carlotto with intention of slandering and poisoning Carlotto in the eye's of the TEM readers. This attack on Carlotto stems from an utter *FAILURE* to address and refute Carolotts claims.

There is nothing stated in that presentation that is remotely "plausible". The entire presentation is a disgrace on both technical and ethical levels.

Your synopsis of the Hoagland's assertions in this presentaion are that an (Hoagland's) "IR image, though rich in IR information, may be obviously inferior in terms of optical resolution because of the longer wavelength of infra-red light." Shaun, while your assertion is an accurate expression of TEM's case in this presentaiton, the words are inaccurate in describing the "data' and imagery being examined.

These Images avalable on ASU or Hoaglands site, no matter which is being examined, are not strictly "Infrared DATA". These images are TIF files and are representations of the IR data in grayscale tones, with this grayscale having 256 differnet shades to represent the data.  Nonetheless no FURTHER "secret" nor "invisible" data is recorded in these grayscale tones simply *BECAUSE* we are considering "IR DATA".  The relatively much GREATER DETAIL readily witnessed in teh ASU image in comparison with the Laney/TEM image represents the IR DATA and IR DETAIL. This is all there is. In the ASU image one can witness small crater rims and small scarps in the ASU image becuase these features are more directly facing solar raditive heat and do thereby absorb this more so than more oblique features. These same specific details are absent in in the Laney image

Given this greater detail in the ASU IR image, the claim that Laney's so called "REAL" image is the source and the ASU image a lesser derivative thereof is false and impossible. The reverse of this is far more likely and the only possibility here: that the Laney image is a derivate of the REAL ASU Image and this Laney image was derived form an grossly improper handling of the ASU image including failed data handling and source image controls to improper initial processing steps which do so adversely effect this IR DATA (representation) that any and all resulting processing stemming from these steps can only yeild invalid results.

I do have the "Original" Laney image in hand from the Hoagland presentation. Incidentally both the TEM web site and the "anomalies" forum are down due to a memory leak from a program which currupted the linux kernel, as personally relayed to me by the sites owner, Olav, earlier today.  This lates so called "RAW" image that Bullitte began with is nothing of the sort.  This image has alread had gaussian blur and sharpen processes applied to it. Even superficial examination of each individual filter range image's margins shows that the jaggy steps that are present in untouched images released by ASU have been blurred and shaprened to make them somewhat more linear and no longer crisp and sharp. This is the tell-tale sign of what is not only Laney's habitual processing (be it IR or visual imagery) but also en extremely sloppy technique which would have limited these process to the image alone and not distorting the image's margins.

The inclusion of the human IR image and reference thereto is a "red herring".  This human IR image is entirely irrelevant to the TEM Cydonia IR presentation and does not serve any purpose in relaying an FACT about IR data nor imaging that is relevant to promoting TEM's case.

The Human IR image (obviously) represents an *ACTIVE* thermal source, given it is a live human being.  Beyond the temerature differentials of the nose and fingers you do not really see ANY detail as a result of the thermal temperatures on the range scale being differentiated by the image being limited.   There is no slope of the nose side in evidence; no cheekbones in evidence.  One predominant factor in the passive IR emitted by the topography in Cydonia is how the terrain's exposure to the raditive heat source (sun) permits a representation of the terrain.  This does not in any way relate to being "More" information in the human IR image; this is misrepresentative, misleading and, I believe, offered with the intention of being so.   

The only relevance of the human IR image offered in the presentaiton is to detract from the claims of the Cydonia "City". Note that the head hair on the human IR tremendously lowers the radiated thermal energies. This hair is hundreds of very thin strands with indivudual strands loosely touching other strands but not tightly so. This hair head is only perhaps a 1/2 inch thick on the human head, yet it suitably blocks IR radiative energies. Given this notable detail, it should be obvious that even a an active, heated City beneath 100's of meters of "poof dust" would in no way relay thermal energies to the surface.

Here is more addressing the Enterprise Mission's claims:

Incidentally the MOLA profile done by Hoagland is improper too. The RCH profile is half real, half false. Real profile. Bad scale. The profile only has a relief of about 200m over about 900km of ground. There's one high blip (the face? +200m) and one low trough (a crater -300m) . They were just unable to use the marsoweb tool properly. They used a "local" profile, but a "regional" scale.The claim of "cydonia is a canyon deeper than the grand canyon" is completely and utterly false.

MOLA Profile:

Additionally the mapping of the profile line across the visible image is incorrect. ... despite what Hoagland states in his last presentation. Mola and odyssey grid coordinates line up well. Mola/Odyssey and Viking are off. Marsoweb uses a viking background, so the profiles don't line up with the background. MOLA vs Viking is usually about 1/4 degree shift left-to-right and a little up or down, depending on location on the planet..

Regarding Cydonia Daytime IR Processing
Here Laney admits to doing much more than is needed and *BEFORE* Data processing in ENVI - "Like I said it's not a big deal, as blur, sharpen equalization and stretch, and more can all be used in multispectral processing of IR band images. " Source:

We know he did more than one step of blur and sharpen, again by his own admission. The net result of these is ACROSS different filter ranges with different details.. so the sharpen and bulur creates different MORE DEFINED lineations.  Furthermore Laney's above mentioned "equalization" of these (again prior to ENVI processing) will make any lineations stand out (and that is his reason to for doing  so again PRIOR to processing and AGAIN working toward a preconceived goal of finding "anomalous structure" that is hidden to him) . Depending on which equalization process he chose, this will create a linear shift of gray tones or. a non linear shift and also heighten already fabricated linear features. No matter what these processes are which Laney himself admits to applying, these are grossly improper to employ when dealing with DATA or data representations.

When you take *ONE* of these images or filter ranges and use it as a denominator to divide all the others by, (this *ONE* chosen by LANEY for no reason other than "MORE" was made apparent) this chosen filter divisor creates interference patterns

... hence all the lineations seen .. with these lineations derived from the  *ONE* filter range in the demonator. These linear patterns ONLY  appear  in wide open expansive areas where there would be NO visible image details because the persence of real coherent detail would overwhelm these induced fabrications.

The fact IS that all linear features parallel the matrix grid of the image margins and this  is no mere chance. This is improper pre-processing which induced image processing  artifacts. It should be obvious but I will point out anyway that filters and applied processes such as "Gaussian blur" and "sharpen" as well as equalization are applied in a  grid pattern within the image. Remember too that the IR data is overlain onto a visual range image, strecthing the IR detail, in a methodoogy Hoagland has presented as "Luminance Layering", thereby expanding these induced lineations to a larger scale.

You've questioned this image being "faked" by others.  What you avoid asking is whether or not this is gross imcompetence. We know there has been been gross incompetence with even the RAW "Real" image, but only now from recent admissions with previously provided "rationale" being that others should attempt the same results as Laney (without his processing steps being listed) and also as a "search for who might have the "REAL"  image beyond laney" which is yet another red herring. The TRUTH is Laney himself no longer had the RAW, untouched "real" image.  This remains true even with the latest image  provided by TEM. These results are due to wide ranging incompetent processing done by Laney using his long established methodolgies applied to visual range images.. with these image 'enhancements' done with the APRIORI prejudice that Cydonia is artificial and there *MUST* be something to be found in the IR image.

There is no stunning secret image.  There is only a currupted ASU image which was currepted by Laney.

This is no vast conspiracy. This is no clandestine passing of a super-secret "REAL" image to one with a big mouth and  arrogance precluding his learning proper methodology. There is no chance of Laney him being goaded to download the image as originally relayed. That is proven false by chronology. There is no chance that he was goaded into processing of a "super secret" image as he claimse to have done and achieved stunning results in earliest exchanges. This too is proven false and impossible by chronology.

This is about ..   an appalling failure in scientific method with only preconceptions and prejudice and ignorance directing results that are induced both in physically in processing  through the analysis thereof.

At best the only "insider" ("Deep Space") you can hope to find is one with  blind beliefs in concert with Hoagland and TEM.  Last I looked, political insiders do not have distinquishing qualifications on their resumes in the areans of geology, remote sensing technologies and aerial image morphologic interpretation.

#7 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Face on Mars - Hard evidence wanted, please » 2002-10-02 23:30:57


Your evaluaiton or review of these two things is lacking somethiing crucial:

....... a focused and deliberate attention to and understanding of .. the evidence.  This is the only variant in each condition.

Its not "sad" that people have to take sides on things like this. It is crucial that those who know what is going do interject and DO take sides and do counter Hoagland,  for what Hoagland has been promoting for a long, long time about Cydonia is no science and is untenable.This and other conduct directly related to the IR imagery has led Hoagland to lose his Internet Service Provider, his chat Forum and a great many long term supporters.

The reason for this is these persons DID seek and did find answers.

Shaun began with his own declaration of the processed multispectral color image produced by Laney, saying:

Anyway, all I do know is that the magnified and enhanced IR images of Cydonia, as released by TEM, seem to show detailed, complex, right-angled structures under the dusty regolith. To me, these 'structures' don't look like they could be simple artifacts of the imaging technique. They must therefore be either intelligently constructed objects, or they are the result of an intricate and deliberate falsification of the data, an unscrupulous hoax.

Shaun, you make this declaration and resolve yet you write this judgement and flawed resolve with your own admission that, you  have no skills in "computer imaging techniques", do not know what a "jpg" is nor do you have any idea what "guassian blur" does. Yet some of these items mentioned are crucial to the understanding of the issues involved and the resolve of the validadity of the contrived work. (If it helps, even Laney himself does not truly understand the detrimental effect of gaussian blur on visual range images, much less the application of this process to DATA that is to be further processed into a color composite) Similarly, Shaun, you demonstrate an inability to discriminate between a valid IR signature from one that is in no way resembles a real IR signature, so obviously recognizing the limitations of IR imaging in the extreme claims of Hoagland that this technology could image 100's of feet below the ground is not even considered by you here either. 

One cannot make valid judgemenmt calls based on superficial impressions ... yet the entire case of the "artificiality of Cydonia" proponents is founded solely in such a superficial impression: the vague resemblance of a morphology to a "face" and nothing more.

Shaun, you say you hope we find out which is the Truth? The Truth is already resolved and definate and has been so since the first data results were seen as provided by ASU. Similarly the gross mistakes and thoroughly unfounded conclusions made in the Laney/Hoagland presentation were known and resolved within an hour of the release. You are only not experienced enough to recognize why this is in fact the case. I do not say this simply to prejudicially dismiss you. It is merely the Truth and I provide the rationale for this in numerous posts on the as do others.

I do not even believe this is about deliberate "Hoaxing" of an image. I believe this is about extreme incompetence promited by overwhelming arrogance and incomparable ignorance.. a dangerous combination.

Shaun Wrote
"It strikes me as odd, then, that Tripp has declared his absolute and unshakable conviction that intelligent beings are currently engaged in industrial activity in the Mariner Valley on Mars, on the basis of clearly ambiguous photographic evidence."

No Shaun, the evidence is not at all ambiquous. The evidence is only ambiguous ...  to YOU.  Actually the evidence is compelling and and extremely startling; compelling to one who is skilled with analyzing all sorts of imagery of terrain and  morphologies, including aerial and satellite imagery across decades.' Again I do not state this to diminish you nor offer only this statement in lieu of promoting a positive argument, evidence and rationale for artificiality: these I have done at length elsewhere.

The fact of the matter is that image interpretive  ability or translation of a 2D image into a 3D mental appreciation is both an art and a skill. As reported by psychologists (even once on the TEM site) fully 1/3 of the populace has no real ability to interpret 2D imagery, another 1/3 has marginal ability and the top 1/3 has strong ability. These divisions also demonstrate a gender preference with males more likely to have these skills then females. Beyond that interpretation of geomorphology is obviously something that can be trained. This is the specific recognition of finite details and interpretaton of these with regard to the natural morphogenesis of these features. This skill is taught initially and truly becomes inherent in one with application in varied settings. I apply this skill on a weekly and at times daily basis. I test this skill in regularly in my extrapolation and interpretation of surface and subsurface lithologies being tested with further exploratory procedures. The "devil is truly in the detail" and recognitin of htis takes discipline and focus, not flippant response and arrogance self-direction as Laney demonstrates vociferously.

Shaun, you are making the mistake of presuming in both cases that your own superficial examinations are able to discern the relevant details requisite to resolve both the details .. and the issues. You also presume that your own abilities are equal to my own. which arguably is possible but may well not be so and there is sufficient reason for this not to be so, again without any detraction to you personally.

Shaun you speak of my being vehement and even vitriolic. I plead guilty to both. 

I am vehement in asserting my case and providing my rationale because i have zero doubt, none whatsoever, particularly in the matter you're referencing, the Cydonia daytime IR presentation by Laney and Hoagland. 

I am indeed vitriolic because the entire episode and each and every claim of Hoagland and Laney are so thoroughly objectionable, dishonest, inapplicable, improper, incorrect, technologically impossible as well as this issue does involve such vile tactics  and knowingly dishonest claims as well as ongoing furtherance of their case in employ of  personal attacks from both persons.  The cumulative weight of these improper, unethical and personally and scientifically dishonest methods results in me  becoming ever more incensed and offended by these undignified and unintelligent proceedings. Would not you yourself  be equally incensed if the arena in which these occured were your not only your own career but also you passion?

You wont learn anything from Laney at all about scientifically valid image processing from his imaging results nor "research" from his discussion thereof. Meanwhile I spent the night talking to "Bamf" a.k.a Noel Gorelick of ASU about the ongoing concerns and applied procedures employed in the ASU/THEMIS proprietary infrared imaging. Laney has long since stopped learning, declaring himself infallible and all others dishonest in an ever growing and ever more intricate conspiracy promoted in lieu of proper analysis and occuring as a result of the non-objective apriori conviciton that CYdonia is artificial

The result of this disregard for science and proper procedure in concert with the prejudiced certainty of artificiality in Cydonia is the ignorant pronoucement that induced image artifacts are artificial structures. The only thing that has been demonstrated in these Cydonia IR presentations is overwhelming incompetence and this having no "intelligent design."

Incidentally, Shaun, You may want to question yourself as to why you focus on the individual (me) rather than my claims or deliberately referencing the data and detail yourself. The answers are there and soem are quite simple to discern: For example it is quite easy to establish that the official ASU image has far more detail than does the Laney fabrication.  Given this, the official ASU image cannot be a derivative of Laney's so-called "REAL" image, as he claims.  Additionaly the lack of noise  in the Laney image, which he repeatedly asserts himself, is a byproduct of repeated application of "blur & sharpen" processes, as is the lack of data detail. It is no conicidence that Laney cannot supply the unaltered RAW TIF that he claimed to have uniquely and solely downloaded from the ASU site.

Incidentally, for the "record",  I did not ever make a personal choice to involve myself in the Mars Imagery from a predisposition nor did i ever anticipate finding artificiality on Mars. My own professional expectation was to see only natural morphologic structure. However, in furtherance, I was asked to inquire into what was evident in the anticipated web repease of the MSSS Mars Global Surveyor imagery more than two months before this release.  I was asked to look into this Mars imagery by a professional contact working for a subsidiary of NASA then known as "USA" (United Space Alliance), responsible for scheduling shuttle operations.  I was asked because of my recognized expertise in satellite image eval. I was asked because there were mildly specific reportings of extraordinary evidences on Mars. I examined the Mars Global Surveyor image release no more than 4 consecutive hours before I encountered the first of these 'extraordinary evidences" ... and my life and founding paradigms were forever changed.

#8 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Face on Mars - Hard evidence wanted, please » 2002-10-02 21:22:29


Why would I need to contact the Russian scientists involved 12 years ago to have an equal or more qualified resolve of this morphology?

What are you basing your belief on that this might be at all artificial and even a "City"?

#9 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Face on Mars - Hard evidence wanted, please » 2002-10-02 17:21:57

My response is incorporated into an expansion of my preceeding post.

#10 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Face on Mars - Hard evidence wanted, please » 2002-10-02 14:54:04


No sorry I am not at all wrong and am *ON TARGET* not only with regard to Burk's alleged 'journalism" which contains no objectivity nor grasp of the facts.. but I am on target about Cydonia overall and the improper methods applied to the ASU IR data, the grossly unfounded and inaccurate conclusions derived therefrom and these rediculous nonsense held forth By Hoagland and Laney that they allege to be "science."

Here is more on Burk TEM's Hoaxed Image

Incidentally I DO know IR analysis. In addition to being a profesional Geologist I also routinely applye such remote sensing surveys and analyses of the resulting data as ground penetrating radar (GPR), magnetometer, electromagnetometer (EM-31 & EM-34), seismic refraction, resistivity.. and Infrared .. in addition to others.

Burk has no grasp of scientific analyses, interpretation of data, proper data reduction and processing methodologies, geology, geomorphology.. nor even mere employ of objetive research in his latest attempt at ....  dare i say .. "journalism".

Burk is neither a scientist nor a journalist and cannot even begin to define the relevant issues here.

And Laney? A researcher?  Laney employs techniques that rob visual imagery of crucial salient image detail and has extended these same grossly inappropriate techniques to processing of Infrared data.. DATA.. creating a result that is entirely invalid and conclusions that cannot even be reasonably supported.  Laney nowhere egages in legitimate "research" and had demonstrated repeatedly that he is extremely challenged in intepretation of 2 dimensional imagery into a 3-D mental appreciation.   He has not bothered to spend a moment of time considering the real normal and natural topography and then goes off and declares that a vague resemblance that is in no way a divergence from that normal topography is an intelligent artificial artistic creation.  This is not research.  The is only mental laziness compounded by his certainty he already knows it all, prohibiting him from learnng anything to improve his stand. Additionally, I personally know for a fact that Laney's honesty & integrity are severely flawed.

Richard C Hoagland an "analyst"?  Hoagland is nothing more than a modern day P.T. Barnum... a showman who wants the attention on *HIM*. How often have you seen Hoagland correct himself or modify his errant posts and assertions about morphologic shapes on Mars? Hoagland cannot even differentiate the evident "Tubes" on Mars from the longitudinal p-waves, or pressure waves, in a fluid pahoehoe-type lava flow, and went so far as to declare this to have "engineering control points". Even once corrected Hoagland never bothered to inform his readers nor educate them on what REAL morphology was represented. With regard to "Ron Nicks" and his support to "Enterprise Mission", I have no idea whether Ron's evaluations are only disregarded when he supports Hoagland or not, but i do know that Mr Knicks shows himself to be repeatedly ignorant of geomorpholgy and often times in ways that could be respolved by simple attention to detail, seen here: Mars Inca City, "The Mars Grid & 'Ron's Hole'" Incidentally this post somewhat addresses the Hydrates Chaos and Russia's Phobos 2 IR image thereof. No, the Russians did not state it was unresolved. Beyond that, the comparison to "A city" was not to suggest it demonstrated anything artificial, nor is this conclusion an option  in Russia's lack of resolve. These features show themselves to be entirely natural in origin.

Here is an analysis of Richard C. Hoagland and the "Enterprise Mission" by ONE who you would think would be a major proponent and supporter of Hoagland given his own site's name of "Cydonia Imperative":.

" TEM's fault is not its willingness to address possible conspiracies and hidden knowledge, but its certainty that such conspiracies exist based on conveniently "symbolic" evidence... TEM's appeal is comparable to that of "The X-Files"--which, interestingly, TEM occasionally uses as a source. As entertainment, TEM fills a void with its inimitable formula of paranoia and science; Hoagland and Bara have created a thoroughly postmodern venue in which fact and fiction are broken down into pixels and liberally blended. TEM's role is seated more in myth-making than "science" in any conventional usage of the word. " ~ Mac Tonnies

Incidentally,  Mariner, you might check my own post within this subject area in regard to showing not "artificial engineerings" on Mars but also evidence of a current presence.

The "face" and indeed all of Cydonia are entirely natural morphologies and there is not one single shred of evidence pointing ot any artificiality.. none whatsoever.

#11 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Face on Mars - Hard evidence wanted, please » 2002-10-01 18:17:06

Recently, The Mars Society(Spanish Chapter) published a re-print of Jim Burk's first article about the THEMIS IR Cydonia REAL Photo that Keith Laney( Image Processing Consultant & Unpaid NASA/AMES Contractor For The Mars Exloration 2003 Rovers) processed. When Keith processed the July 25,2002 version of the photo, he noticed that it contained block-like structures that look very much like underground buildings. This July 25,2002 THEMIS Cydonia IR photo is apparently not the same version of the photo that is presently on the THEMIS/ASU web site. Why, there is this difference is still very much controversial. However, I find Keith Laney's & Jim Burk's analysis of the IR photo are excellent ,& I strongly recommend that everyone read Jim Burk's series of articles about the Cydonia THEMIS IR Photo. They can be found at www.  The Mars Society(Spanish Chapter) Jim Burk Article On Themis Cydonia IR Real Photo


There is only one photo.

Laney's processing and analysis of the IR DATA could not be more deplorable.

Burk is acting solely as a prejudicial supporter of TEM and neither Laney nor Burk have a clue what theyre' doing.

A Bit About Burk

#12 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma - Evidence of Current Presence - Relict? No. current & Immediate » 2002-09-26 14:33:17


Well I think  i do a reasonably good job of delineating and describing what is etra-ordinary and explaining why these features are not common nor even merely aberant topography.

You wrote " Certainly, some things look out of the ordinary, but the detail seems blurry and the objects could as easily be natural formations, in my opinion."

Indeed there are blurry and blurred features. Beyond this being a satellite image and as such subject to atmospheric conditions there are features that are clearly generating this blurriness through discharge of exhaust or smoke. One such example is my image above of the "Tech Structure". This featuer is an arupt deviation from the valley floor seen as a abrupt sharp vertical rise with lineations seperating this feature from the floor and indicating even an under shadowing.

Maybe this would be a productive exchange: What specific features don't you "see" or are you unable to recognize and clearly artificial in nature?

I agree with you on the Tubes .. and my long standing presentation on these tubes shows NASA is either lying or incompetent in their Dune analyses, with this analysis even conflicting with NASA/JPL's own initial evaluation. … pic=6]Mars Tubes -- Not a "Trick of Light & Shadow"

It does not take a "rocket scientist" to rocognize that given these details so proximally associatived with the "Tubes" that these forms are not mere "dune trains".


The "Tube Vents"

Addtionally I demonstrate through detail that these "Tubes" have a distinct feature associated with them and at times immediately proximal to the tube lengths themselves.  This feature which i refer to as]"vents" are surface terminations of subsurface or near surface tube paths(Image LINK).

Elsewhere in what is my preliminary discussion of the Mars "Tubes", I outline why these features must be artificial in nature and even propose an entirely novel, wholly original (and profoundly supported by detail) theory as to the purpose of these tubes whch clearly excludes these as being used for water conveyance or any sort of transportation, given salient and coherent image evidences. … .html]Mars UnEarthed Presentation: The "TUBES" 

In brief, my belief of the purpose if these "Tubes" is for the discemination of heated geothermal gases so as to prevent formation of extreme thermoclinal temperature gradients which would otherwise result in thermoclinal cyclonic storms. These thermoclinal cyclonic storms are prevalent on Mars and seen in scales ranging from localized measurments made by Pathfinder's instrument boom to dustdevils and on a global scale to Mars enveloping dust storms.

Incidentally, since the April 2001 imaging of the so-called "face" and subsequent imagings of Cydonia I have seen only powerfully compelling evidences that these features are thoroughly natural in origin.

Cindy Wrote:

"*I'm with Shaun on this one.  I checked out your web site, Tripp.  No offense intended, but I'm highly skeptical as well.  "

But, Cindy, are you skeptical of the details I enumerate and delineate or skeptical of the conclusions indicated by these details?  If you were skeptical of the details then would be encouraged to challenge these in discussion by referencing these directly. However merely being skeptical of these evidences because they transgress our foundationary paradigms is not a reasonalbe cause to dismiss.  Beyond this, there are highly compelling evidences here on Earth from both archaeology and our recorded ancient past that affirm these conclusions and make them more, dare I say, "reasonable".

#13 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma - Evidence of Current Presence - Relict? No. current & Immediate » 2002-09-24 10:51:29

Hello Shaun,

You wrote :

, I genuinely find it difficult to understand how you can believe so firmly in something so unconvincing.

I dont believe in something "unconvincing". I believe in someting so convincing it boggles the mind. Perhaps if you do not find it convincing, you yourself have not adequately considered the image detail and failed to garner a real appeciation for the overall natural topography and terrain. This is convincing not only for the overall macro evidence and major abrupt deviations from normal topographic contour and morphology, but also due to the evidences conveyed in the finer salient image detail. Also as I wrote in preceeding post:

The evidence is not at all "inconclusive" and is in fact indicated in a compelling fashion by not only primary image evidences associated with delineation of the primary feature itself but also the support of secondary and tertiary evidences more remote from that feature's defining details.

Only *ONE* example of this is what I present as the "PORT". While such a rectilinear structure with an abrupt albedo change to a stark, sharp circle centered within that geometric structure is itself startling,  the "culvert" to its immedated right giviing off a clearly visible fluid flow is even more stunning. This fluid flaw is is confirmed by details all along its course down the cliff and ending up dispersing in lobate reflective patterns on the talus debris field.
Mars doesnt do that typically..and not originating from a "U" shaped clearly artificial culvert.

While the specific details of these features would change in a higher resulution image, the nature of these feature interrelationships will not change. These interrelationships *ARE* what remove these from subjective opinion to objective and supported determinations.  Also this is not like the Viking image of the "face" or any feature in Cydonia.:  every one of those features in Cydonia is asserted to be artificial only from vague resemblances and very rough approximations of geometric tructures.. all the while discounting (and ignoring) how these can and do occure in nature and ARE INDICATEd as natural in the very same Cydonia images themselves!  In this image of Candor Chasma, AB1-08405, we are looking at a scale, 4.59 meters per pixel, , which is not a scale ideal for finding fugitives in Afghanistan but more than sufficient to discern the details of these large features on Mars

Additionally, in reaching my conclusions, i spent weeks reading the entire image and interpreting the terrain; gaing an thorough appreciation for what is NORMAL before I began to delineate was was a deviation from that normalcy. Often Times merely looking at the cropped features in tight image enhancements one loses the perspective of these features in the overall surriounding terrain.

Beyond that.. simply put.. do you truly see no detail in this feature that is not stunning?

"Tech Structure:
In the approximate center of the image Area Of Concern there is a feature labeled "Tech Structure' or Technical Structure. This Tech Structure feature is somewhat elongate and its northeastern end has a whiter albedo clearly delineating two parallel features which appear to be metallic rails catching the sunlight. The southwest end of the tech structure appears to be at a higher elevation and giving off thin, wispy semitransparent smoke which trails off in a west northwest direction. This "Tech Structure" has evident tracks on both its eastern and western sides, showing the structure itself has had to be circumnavigated. From: … ure]Candor Chasma: "Tracked Area & Bunker"

#14 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma - Evidence of Current Presence - Relict? No. current & Immediate » 2002-09-23 13:19:30

In outlining the purpose of this section Adrian Wrote

Let me first say that it is not the policy of New Mars or its parent organization, the Mars Society International, to pursue investigations into intelligent alien life of the Cydonia variety. We do not believe that there is a conspiracy to cover it up, and we believe that discussion of such topics is not useful due to insufficient evidence and a complete lack of usage of the scientific method.

I am puzzled by the phrase "intelligent life of the Cydonia variety".  Is this refering to claims of "relict" features overall, claims of ANY intelligent engineering relict or current, or extrapolations of a vague resemblances of features, such as a a face, to be actuall indended creations and thereby asserting intelligent design?  In Truth "intelligent life of the Cydonia variety" is only a phrase intended to jaundice any such evidence and provide a blanket and 'understood" dismissal.

I do not believe Mars has any evidence of "works of art" or caricatures.

I do no speculate on conspiracies. I only deal in reasonably ascertained evidences without extrolation thereof to extreme conclusions.

I do not believe Mars has any "domes" or "cities".

I do believe a handful of images of Mars shows definatively and conclusively that there are artificial engineerings on Mars surface with these engineerings showing a current and immediate presence as well as indicating a strong liklihood of much larger subsurface engineerings.

The evidence is not at all "inconclusive" and is in fact indicated in a compelling fashion by not only primary image evidences associated with delineation of the primary feature itself but also the support of secondary and tertiary evidences more remote from that feature's defining details.

While assertions of vague resemblances amounting to de facto "proof" of artificiality does not employ the "scientific method", merely ruling out and aprior excluding the evidence of artificial engineerings as "insufficient evidence" is itself dismissing the "scientific method" and amounts to prejudicial exclusion of the possibility without consideration of that evidence. Merely declaring there is "insufficient evidence" when not even referencing a specific consideration demonstrates a refusal to employ even the first step of that "scientific method", this being objective observation and analysis without apriori expectations dictating what is allowed to be present. … =14.topic]Candor Chasma: Evidence of A Current Presence

Thomas "Tripp" McCann
Professional Geologist

#15 Re: Water on Mars » Water On Mars: Real & Reasonable - Analysis of Image Detail and Phys Data » 2002-09-23 09:50:12

Hey Shaun..

Thanks for your response.  Much of the fluid "water' in evidence may be due to the high salts evident on Mars surface... indicated by NASA to be some 10 - 12 percent. Additionally, a growing cadre of scientists, myself included believe that these clearly evident, even dictated, fluid bodies are likely clathrate. given the behaviors and even the evident wavelengths of the fliuid body indicating a substance of higher viscosity and laminar cohesion.

I am not sure to what images you're referring in your post, my own offered images or from the other topic you reference... However I will say that those images i offer up show  fine salient evidences wholly removing these aeolian dune forms and indicating these to be fluid mechanics.  Many of these "salient evidences" I outline in my previously cited "Mars: Water World" link above.

Given your broaching the subject of mis-identifying water and water mechanic features as other features, I think you may enjoy this topic, initially begun to discuss "Dustdevils" but then expanded to incluide discussion of evident and compelling water bodies in Schiaparelli Basin.

"Martian Dust Devils"

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