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It looks and sounds flawless to me. Good Idea!
Would you use solar power stations and if so would they be different than any found on earth?
Would it change anything if it was within the atmosphere of a planet and was going against the independent revolutions of the planet from the sun?
thanks a lot
Like a counter revolution or a something moving the opposite way of earths orbit
Is it possible to change the orbit of a planet by creating a anti revolution within its atmosphere or orbit?
Is there a ozone layer on mars? and What caused the hole in our ozone layer? thanks
Would it be possible to create a mechanized process that altered the CO2 amount in the atmosphere of mars through the use of a mechanized photosynthesis?
Does anyone have any tips for aspiring scientists such as school subjects to specifically take?
Does anyone have any ideas whether or not the movie KPAX has any truth to it?
Do you have any advice on what classes to take for students in highschool preparing for scientific careers?
I just thought of this idea, that since the electromagnetic field of a planet is controlled by the revolutions of the core of the planet, then what if you made some sort of machine that ringed around the whole planet at the edges of its atmosphere to counter the revolutions of the core of the planet ultimately changing the electromagnetic fields and the weather patterns on mars. This would make an impact on the atmosphere possibly for more possibilities of Terraformation. Any thoughts?
What about producing a permanent rover station on mars to get more advanced data than the regular rovers and then also equip this station to build the mini rovers like you are suggesting.
Anyone got any ideas for new rovers and projects?
For terraforming mars, is it possible to create a huge mirror array that orbited around Mars such as the Halo things that are at the top of every planet. This Halo could be bent or arrayed in a way for each individually recieving the suns light and sending it to Mars ultimately for terraformation over a large scale. Of course the price would be tremendous and the size of the Halo would be enormous but it's an idea. Any thoughts?
An idea for Mercury ,besides terraformation for Jupiter, could be to construct a massive array of solar panels across the face of mercury. This could provide a solution to part of the alternative energy problem. Unfortunately the cost would be high and maintenance would probably be required often. Still it's an Idea. Any thoughts?
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