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#1 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » A face? » 2008-04-04 00:22:05

I've counted several faces in woodgrain throughout my house. People often see patterns where patterns don't exist. Galileo thought he saw canals on Mars when he first looked at it.

Try to sober up and then look again.....HTH smile

#2 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » A face? » 2007-11-09 16:09:22

publiusr, it seems a little silly to spend a lot of money sending up space craft with cameras and then saying you cannot trust the images they send back.

If it were just a couple of strange images I could see your point but when their is a pattern of many images then when do mathematics kick in and say the odds are against them just being "chance"?

#3 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Evidence of an intelligent species! » 2007-09-22 10:01:47

You can see people from the Orbiter images?  I find that hard to believe but will keep an open mind to it and wait to see something you might post for us.

BTW I posted some images here but you might be able to see them more clearly at my blog here:

I know what you are talking about when you refer to trinkits but I don't think some of my images fall into that catagory.

#4 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » The purpose of this forum » 2007-09-20 05:12:39

Seems like I picked the wrong place to present my evidence.  I'll see if I can find a more open group.  BTW the evidence does not point to them being "Aliens".  They looked just like you and me.

#8 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » A Monument? » 2007-09-16 17:43:59

lol  lol  Your right Rota, I dont live in Texas. Although, i've always wanted to visit that location. Back to the point, It kind of does look like a oil derek, although if those images are on mars, then they are either made by wind or a really low advanced civilisation like, Egypt 600 - 10000 years ago with all they pyramids. If there was advanced live, they wouldent use terrain to communicate, if they do then thats stupid, they cant be advanced.

I rest my case that i Dont live in Texas.

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P.S. is that you in the picture? LOL   lol  lol  lol

I think you are judgeing what was once on Mars using a measuring stick of what we have on earth.   Yes I see a civilization that seems similar to the ancient Egytians but also I see some hints of advanced things mixed in. 

In fact I don't even post a lot of the advanced stuff I see because it would be totaly useless if I can't even get people to take the first step and see that there was a civilization at all up there.  Maybe the government is right.  People just can't handle the truth.   Maybe people just feel better living in a box where the government defines reality for them. 


#9 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » A Monument? » 2007-09-16 02:03:42

Well it looks similar to an oil derek.  I take it you don't live in Texas.


#12 Re: Pictures of Mars » Strange shape » 2007-09-10 17:03:27

It came from Mars.  I got it off this site:

They colorize the mars pics.  I've seen this particular image in its red format on the regular NASA site.

#19 Re: Life on Mars » Discussion on TAMPERING with the truth (revised) » 2007-09-06 11:43:27

Just put the URL the picture is hosted at in between these two tags.


#20 Re: Life on Mars » Discussion on TAMPERING with the truth (revised) » 2007-09-05 16:06:32

I heard from a friend I met recently that a fellow had discovered some new evidence of intelligent activity on the planet. Has anyone on the forum heard about this?

Proof?  Proof is in the eye of the beholder.  I believe you are refering to the images I put forward recently.  As I understand it, people with much more smarts than me are looking at them and what they think is anyones guess as they refuse to comment and went into silent mode. 

I suppose if they think there is anything to them they'll write a book about it later on.  If you want to look at some of the images look at some threads I started right here.  I think they start 7 threads down.

#21 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » A Monument? » 2007-08-29 21:38:13

The next picture I see clearly as a demon on top of a big Shark.  You can see the demon's hand reaching over the top stretching the mouth of the shark wide open.  I've showed this picture to others and they some say they don't see it.  Oh well...I see it very clearly.   


Now look down at in the first picture at what the rover just ran over.  I believe that is the bust of whoever this monument was built for.  It's in the mud so it's dirty but you should be able to tell it's the head of saten or whoever.


#23 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » A Monument? » 2007-08-29 21:34:19

The image is NASA's PIA06771.   

Here is the link to the full picture:


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