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#1 Re: Unmanned probes » Phoenix - North Pole Region Lander (PHX) » 2008-05-28 06:46:23

Not knowing, at present, what the resolution per pixel of the images, I have been carrying out some more research into objects on the surface and have to ask the following question.

Has Phoenix landed on a city of micro-dimensions?

When processing the images slightly, some very interesting objects on a micro-scale are being revealed compared to the size of the lander. Is it possible that in this area of the Northern Plains, an existence is, or did, survive which is nothing like the size of the humans? This relates to my previous post where I made reference to - 'Martians being the size of ants' after perusing the first images.

It is very hard to comprehend that there could possibly be micro life-forms existing on Mars, but if such life-forms do exist, what could their appearance look like and why, amongst the rocks and boulders, are there recognizable structural shapes showing up in micro-form?


#2 Re: Unmanned probes » Phoenix - North Pole Region Lander (PHX) » 2008-05-27 15:30:18

Have a look at the images posted below. What are we seeing in these images? Is the detail in the images from Phoenix real or a visual anomaly?

Look into the images, not at them, and you should be amazed at what you can see.


and here's another.....


#3 Re: Unmanned probes » Phoenix - North Pole Region Lander (PHX) » 2008-05-27 13:19:21

Does anyone know the measurement per pixel of these images?

#4 Re: Unmanned probes » Phoenix - North Pole Region Lander (PHX) » 2008-05-27 06:40:57

I have been researching some of the images sent back by Phoenix and have to ask the following question.

Is there a species living in the Northern Plains area the size of ants?

Take a look at the very fine detail in the high resolution image, lg_437.

Bearing in mind the above question, have a look and see if you can spot anything on the surface that is vaguely familiar. What would appear to us as being small rocks and boulders may not be rocks and boulders at all.

I watched the broadcast of the landing and waited for the first images. As I predicted in an earlier post, everything would go perfectly, and it did.

Well done to everyone involved in the Phoenix mission.


#5 Re: Water on Mars » Water on Mars Today » 2008-05-25 10:44:02

I believe that when the volcanic magma diminuished it left huge underground voids and the water of the northern ocean drained away into the voids. That's the reason there is not much evidence of it to be seen on the surface.

I believe that now the majority of the water from the ocean is under the surface. It could not have floated off into space as it has mass and is affected by the gravitational forces being exerted upon it. So, the place to find most of the water is not on the surface but under the surface.


#6 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-05-25 10:19:13

The image I have posted above does contain structures. The detail of the structures is unable to be seen due to the resolution per pixel but if you look to the right edge of the lake you will see that there is the ouline of a large structure where the basic shape can be determined. The twin white row bordering the lower part of the lake is also a dual line of structures with a small settlement behind. These particular structures are not shown highlighted as the material they are built of is darker than the materials used for the structures of the other settlements.

As a matter of interest, the other image of the 'Golf Ball' crater has many structures just outside of the crater rim. Again, the structural shapes are still hard to determine due to resolution per pixel but the outline of them shows up when solarization is applied during image procesing.


#7 Re: Unmanned probes » Phoenix - North Pole Region Lander (PHX) » 2008-05-23 04:00:50

When the lander touches down with three feet firmly on the ground and the camera module is brought into operation, it will be interesting to see what is seen in the immediate area.

Will the camera see a deserted terrain or will it see objects that NASA did not expect to see. From what I researched of the landing ellipse, it will most probably be the latter.

It's a pity that a camera is not on board to monitor the decent as the images of the approaching surface terrain, I believe, would have made for very interesting viewing.

The next trip to the planet should be a manned mission with enough fuel and supplies to last over a year. Having enough fuel, the craft could return after an exploratory period. Large fuel pods could be mounted externally leaving a spacious cabin area for living and supplies. The technology is available, so why not do it.

Anyway, let's hope everything goes well with the touchdown on Sunday.


#8 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-05-23 03:29:19

I have had alook at the image of the lake posted above.

I have processed this image and the block patterns that can be seen are definitely structures. It would appear that the lake contains water or water-ice and there are settlements surrounding it. Take note of the long double line along one edge. This is the best I can do with this particular image due to the resolution. I have increase the overall size of the image by a factor of two. Have a look and see what you think about the scene.



#9 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-05-18 15:23:31

To jumpboy11j,

If it's not a structure, then please tell me why there a shadow being cast at the lower left side of the inner anomaly like there is behind the ejecta at the upper right of the crater rim?


#10 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-05-18 07:26:50

The above image, posted by Vincent, is an interesting anomaly, although I have seen it before. Is there a reference number for the main image from which this image was cropped? I believe the structure is artificial as the shape looks similar to the large domes at the Eden Project in Cornwall, England.

I will not be posting further images of the Phoenix landing site. I shall wait until after the 25th May to see what materialises. I have had an exploratory look into the context image (PIA10633) of the landing site and have noticed many structures on the surface which may cause Phoenix some problems. We shall have to wait and see what happens on the day. As I have said before, I believe the entry and burn will go perfectly but it will be last twenty feet that is the crucial part of the mission.

I trust nothing unfortunate will happen on touchdown. If anything does happen the U of A cannot say they had no idea what was on the surface in the landing ellipse. I wrote to them in late March expressing my concerns. These concerns related to the many surface objects and what I thought the objects could possibly be. Maybe, that's one of the reasons why they made an in-flight correction recently to avoid that particular area! The trouble is the Nothern Plains area is saturated with many interesting objects, some of which are a lot larger than Phoenix.


#11 Re: Unmanned probes » Phoenix - North Pole Region Lander (PHX) » 2008-05-03 04:48:23

As well as collecting soil samples, let's hope that NASA will release authentic images of what the camera can see from the landing site location.


#12 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-05-01 12:42:12

What a good idea noosfractal. A thread on genuine visual discoveries that could possibly stimulate a greater interest in forum overall.


#13 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-05-01 10:19:37

OK then.... I have some interesting visual evidence of primitive intelligent activity. Where should this information be posted, here or under the topic "Life on Mars"?


#14 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-05-01 04:18:58

I see that I have had a post moved - yet again, but this time from the relevant topic, "Life on Mars".

To the moderators,

If my post is not suitable to be placed under the main heading "Life on Mars", then what kind 'life' are we talking about that should be dicussed under this topic?

Would someone please clarify the difference between the two topic headings, and what kind of material is expected to be posted under "Life on Mars". Surely, if I post something relating to the actions of intelligent alien life, then that post should be suitable and should qualify to be placed under the topic heading of "Life on Mars".


#15 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-04-30 13:08:32

Vincet said. <Either way it can not be a house or hotel.>

How can you say that it is not a house or hotel? You do not know that. What I said is that the structure resembles the 'earthly' appearance of a house or hotel. I have not said what it is for sure, only what it appears to be.

I have posted visual evidence in other threads on this forum of objects that I have found in image strips which resemble the appearance of human-like life forms that would appear to be part of a designed building complex. I also know from the huge amount of visual research I have carried out that the huge number of structures on the Northern Plains are vastly different in shape and size from the structures to be found in areas close to the Southern Polar region.

The question is, is there intelligent life currently existing on the planet that has adapted to the so-called harsh conditions? To be honest, I think life is existing there. Only time will tell in proving whether I am correct or not.

Anyway, the object in the image is there and its existence cannot be denied.


#16 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-04-30 10:22:34

What do I see in the images.

For starters, the object circled in the image is definitely a built structure. It resembles the shape of a building with four walls and a roof and has a vent of some description. Could it possibly be a very large house, club or hotel structure?

In the last image, which has been slightly solarized, exactly what is in the image cannot be seen clearly viewing the image as it is. If you download this image and then enlarge it, many more rectilinear shapes are showing up.

This is what I know I can see in the images and I'm definitely not suffering from any dellusions.


#17 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-04-30 08:10:27

Oh dear Vincent!  I do not suffer from pareidolia but I do believe you may be in a state of denial or completely blind. Can you not see the circled object? If you can, what does it look like to you?

The Astrobiologist, Chandra Wickramasinghe, maintains that he has the proof that life molecules came to Earth in comets. Maybe, it's possible that the same life molecules reached Mars in a comet as well and have adapted to the conditions there just as we have adapted to the conditions here.

I suggest you check out this person. He has written many interesting scientific papers.


#18 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-04-30 07:09:34

And here is the same area of view, slightly solarized. Adding this effect shows up where all the other hidden objects are located in the image that cannot normaly be seen.

If you look carefully there are many object closely connected or interlinked together.



#19 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Candor Chasma » 2008-04-30 06:46:07

For those of you who cannot see anything in the above images I have added another image. I have circled the object for quick recognition.


Is the object what it appears to be or a trick of light?


#20 Re: Unmanned probes » Phoenix - North Pole Region Lander (PHX) » 2008-04-24 09:54:55

I have to say that I am deeply offended by the removal of some images I posted on this thread. The images posted are directly related to one of the images that is still posted in this thread. Is there no democracy at all on this forum?

What I uploaded is visual research material and relates to surface objects that are showing in one of the images.

cIclops, I would like to ask you a question.

Have you ever examined any of the MGS-MOC or HiRISE images at close range and in minute detail?

If you had, you would know and understand that the visual information I post on this forum is true and not based on any form of speculation.

I am a serious visual researcher and I do not take kindly to people who interfere with genuine visual research material which I have spent many hours examining.

My visual research and the analysis of many objects found on the Martian surface has been recognized by learned institutions, so why will you not recognize my research work on this forum?

Surely, any material related to finding any structural objects on the surface of the planet would be of interested to the wider majority or, is it that the thinking on this forum by the moderators is that of an 'old school' following where no one is prepared to examine anything that looks like the real truth?

The information you moved is serious visual information. I placed it in this thread firstly, because it is relavent to the subject matter that is still posted here, and also to encourage some views from members who may have found the images interesting and worthy of further discussion.

Obviously. whether or not there are structural objects on Mars is a subject that you do not want discussed, not in this thread at least but, you are prepared to discuss lumps of rock which serve no purpose whatsoever.

If there was nothing to see in the images except dirt, boulders and rock there would be little interest shown and it would not be worthy of my time and patience. But when there is the possibility of an intelligent species living on the planet, the research becomes a completely different ball game!

What will you say if, in the future, it is confirmed that intelligent life-forms do exist on Mars and always have done. Will you then ackowledge that I was right or will you maintain that my research was only based on visual speculation?


#21 Re: Unmanned probes » Phoenix - North Pole Region Lander (PHX) » 2008-04-21 05:13:45

Vincent, please be realistic.

I have posted the last two images so that we can see what is on the surface which is likely to be encountered by the lander, if it lands at, or near, this location. I am sure that no one would want Phoenix to bump into something on the last twenty feet after it had travelled millions of miles to get there.

Should the mission controllers feel there is a need to change the landing site, there is still time for critical corrections to be made.


#22 Re: Unmanned probes » Phoenix - North Pole Region Lander (PHX) » 2008-04-21 03:15:32

This image is a closer view of the above image. The objects on the surface appear to be quite unusual.

As the location of this image is a potential candidate landing site for the Phoenix lander does anyone have an idea what these objects could be?


#23 Re: Unmanned probes » Phoenix - North Pole Region Lander (PHX) » 2008-04-20 16:23:10

This is a processed image of the one above. I have circled some anomalous curiosities that are showing on the surface. See what you think. If you decide to download the image to enlarge I suggest that the image is rotated to the left by 35 degrees first.

Image PSP_007207_2485


Image credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona


#24 Re: Unmanned probes » Phoenix - North Pole Region Lander (PHX) » 2008-04-18 16:48:54

I've had a look at the image posted above by Vincent.

I have processed the image and it certainly would appear that there are many trees or similar vegetation at this location. The white parts of the image are structures. They appear to be built of a very bright building material similar to the material used for the very white structure in one of my previous landing site images. The bright material is in evidence in many other parts of the planet. It could be that the material has reflective and thermal retention qualities.

The white parts do not give the impression of being frost patches as they have rectilinear form. I will post a processed image of the same location later. I trust the landing site team have had a really good look at where they want Phoenix to touch down. Martian structures are quite small and could be mistaken for boulders. They are only about 2.5 m high, which gives the impression there could be a civilization of 'little people' inhabiting the planet. Maybe, we will find out, after Phoenix has landed, exactly what is really on the terrain.


#25 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Phoenix landing site images » 2008-04-12 16:02:43

No Terraformer, I am not ignoring your argument. It's just that I have no wish to entertain the inclusion of a perceived supernatural force that is beyond the comprehension of most people. It's more than possible that the force that seeded intelligent life on this planet could also have seeded life on Mars. That is something for the Astrobiologists to get their teeth into. The problem is that we have been led to believe by the science community that life on Mars is not viable due to the harsh environment and the hostile atmosphere. But maybe, the atmosphere is not as hostile as the scientists are making out. As an example, look at the tall trees and the huge number of structures that can be seen on the terrain in some of the images. How did the trees get there and who built the structures? The fact is, they are there for everyone to see should they care to do the research.

I believe from what I have observed of the Martian surface that the planet is inhabited, and quite possibly, by an intelligent human-like species. How far that species has advanced by earthly standards, I feel, will be the subject of much debate in the coming years. There is enough evidence in the images returned to Earth which indicates that this is more than just a possibility. I just hope at some time in the future one of the MER's will come across some real live Martians. That would prove my theory of intelligent life being on the planet once and for all.


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