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#1 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » 5th International Convention in Boulder - Who owns Mars? Not  Lightman or the USA! » 2002-07-12 00:56:15

Thankyou Adrian,

Thankyou for the informative report on why this post was moved....I'm sure it carries a great message to all that read it....Perhaps even greater than your silence on its subject matter...After all the privilege you have been granted when carrying the title of SUPER is worth it.

I wish I had your address so I could send you a thankyou pillow slip with holes cut out for your eyes....please extend my best wishes to the rest of the Klan.

#2 Re: Civilization and Culture » The Martian Dead - What's to become of them? » 2002-07-12 00:24:28


Please attempt a reply with out quoting bits and pieces of other peoples posts...about the time everyone here reached puberty they had worked out how the simple minded could abuse this method of debating.  If you still don't know what I'm talking about then please turn your pc off and return it to your parents room.

I'm sure you can't follow this line of thinking, but hec, it amuses me to think of you trying to stand on you own two feet.

In actual fact I agree with you on your stance ..ummm...stances ...well atleast bits and pieces of the jumble you have elegantly turned into a debating train wreck.

Luckily for you I have worked with idiot savant's before...except you arn't that bad and I think we can be rid of the savant part.

Don't get me wrong Clark, I think most people have the maturity to cope with the simple skill of quoting without resorting to desperate twists and turns and the abandonment of logic all together, but in your case I think you should try crawling before you run.

I hope you have found my advice both informative and coherent and not just the thinly disguised put down it was intended to be.   I added that last part just incase you couldn't read the "quotes" (get it) between the lines.

P.S  Clark,  I think if you keep it up...your dream of impressing Cindy will come true and one day you will marry her...heheheh....cruel but ohh so very very true.

#3 Re: Civilization and Culture » Unpleasantries - Macabre business -- » 2002-07-11 23:35:15

Ohh...and just one more thing Clark

Do you even know how all the dribble about life being sacred even started....its called EVOLUTION!!!......there is no evil in killing....its just a survival trait of the species....but if it makes you feel warm comforted in knowing that your genes will live 15 years longer than me in a Nursing home bed covered in bed sours...and once again the human species will continue.

#4 Re: Civilization and Culture » Unpleasantries - Macabre business -- » 2002-07-11 23:23:36


for a guy that supports the forceful removal of children from their parents in your other posts I find your currant stance a novel twist.

You need to understand that societies have quite happily existed in the past where suicide was acceptable and I'm quite sure society will be able to handle it in the future on any planet...the sun still keeps rising buddy, the human race just goes on.

It may make you squeamish but guess what, I don't really care.....If I want the right to suicide and I want that right protected in the law of the land, then so be it.,,either won't stop me and is certainly unofficially supported here in can even order suicide kits...and no in every 4 kids arn't buying one...suprised buddy?

Tell me you really think you or anyone else should have a say if I want to die?....what if tomorrow I might have changed my mind...So what?....if I want to die now then I want to die now....end of story.

But what if I was depressed at the time?......I would hardly be in a great mood would I?....hehehehe....but really....I would still want the choice...bring it on.

Your above arguments seem to be based on one just feels wrong to you....heheheh.....your dribble about life being can stick that up your you know what.

You are welcome to spend the remaining 15 years of your life in a nursing home eating the stools of the person next to you....yummy.

Me....I'm eating sacred beef burgers and buying a whole family worth of sacred leather couches...and when I finally have had enough....I'm coming over to the Bubble you live in and die by puking my guts out on your lawn....but don't can have me arrested then ok.

#5 Re: Civilization and Culture » Reproductive rights - Society vs. Individual » 2002-07-11 22:32:57


I once had a girl friend like you.  When we would go on holidays there would be 3 days of pure torture before the trip.  She would say "and what if this happens and what if that happens".  She would pack 10 times the required luggage, make a note book full of notes and generally make a huge fuss over absolutely nothing....YOU are by far in a class of your own and I'm sure you never leave the room you are now in....I have a sneaking suspicion you are a bubble boy.

some of the scenarios and solutions you have posted above are right out there and I can only think you must come from a completely dysfunctional family.

I admit I didn't read all your posts but from the many I did read I know you are in deep trouble buddy....Taking peoples baby's away too serve as an example to the rest of the colony?  I must have missed something....sounds like the Mars colony is in deep (you know what) up to their necks.

And what will you do if there is a shortage of babies?....start a government rape gang?...that was a joke in bad taste....problem is I'm sure you have considered it.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are a little kid.  Look....this is how they will handle it....just like adults....simple as that Clark.

If the populations growing too fast or too slow....don't worry Clark.....they will muddle their way thru it just as they will the billions of other tedious problems they will face, just as we do. big_smile

#6 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » A Solution to the Problem of Owning Mars - Sovereignty by a Neutral Third Party » 2002-07-11 21:55:00

I wouldn't worry too much about who is originally in control of mars....if people started to settle there then over time communities would develop and so would a culture...yeah maybe there will be a few wars....maybe the Martian history will continue to have wars such as earths..SO WHAT...what are you going to do about it...change the way we are designed...take a few strands of DNA out here and add alittle there?

At the end of the day the Martians would naturally seek and eventually gain control over their own planet...who day we may even go to war with them....but thats how we are...and with out the ying and yang in us we would never have been able to survive crawling out of that swamp millions of years ago...what do you expect....we should try to turn Mars into a race of people that can't defend them selves?....May sound good in lala land but not a good trait for a population of a planet to have.

Wake up and get with the only plan that works with mother nature.

#7 Re: Martian Politics and Economy » 5th International Convention in Boulder - Who owns Mars? Not  Lightman or the USA! » 2002-07-11 18:46:54

Who owns Mars? Who should govern it?  This topic has been included as a special evening session for the 5th International Convention in Boulder.  INTERNATIONAL being the key word.  Unfortunately the Mars Society has decided to fill time (or waste our time) by providing a soapbox for Alex Lightman to dribble his right wing patriarchal garbage about how Mars should be run by the United States.

If the American Mars Society really think he has something to say then please save him for your local meetings and keep this International convention for the serious people.  No other country's will be showcasing there crackpots so why should you.

Anyway, I'm sure Mr Lightman will find a more understanding Audience in L.A where it O.K to beat black people...nah...Boulder sounds just about right.

#8 Re: Meta New Mars » Should NASA credit Richard C. Hoagland? - Sign our petition! » 2002-07-11 17:15:23

Sorry.....Its obvious to most people that Hoaglands work is no more than his best guess and unfortunatly has the accuracy to match.  I think anyone of us could produce work to his same standard just by renting some old original series Star Treks combined with a coin for flipping, except none of us crave attention from crackpots like you PsychicCrab.

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