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#1 Re: Space Policy » Creating a pro-Mars government » 2002-06-25 10:05:29

I am not expecting this party to get a president in office by its self. No all we really need to do is show that people want Mars, and people want space exloration. Also I don't expect to convert everyone to this party, no just unify those of us who already think this way. There are a lot of us we just need to organize and motivate. This party alone will not get us in space but it can't hurt.

#2 Re: Terraformation » Mars as a base camp - Why we shouldn't terraform » 2002-06-24 18:50:55

Let me first say Mars is not going to be another Earth. It is farther away with less gravity and I recall from my reading that terraforming efforts will leave the atmosphere still less dense then our own. These differences will provide a unique enviroment for life to develop, new Mars life.
Now lets consider there is life on Mars, it mostlikely would be barried in the regolith deep into the crust so as to protect itself from the Martian environment. So why don't we transform Mars to something more sutible for its natural inhabitants. That way a truly martian ecosystem would eventually develop. Sorry to go off on a tangent. My point is that it will not be another Earth.
Also I agree that we will not stop at Mars but continue to move out in the solar system to the moons of the gas giants and the asteroids and beyond.
One more thing, about the aliens. Life on Earth has been changing the environment from the start, altering the atmosphere and soil makeup. These aliens would of had the same thing on their planet so they would have no room to talk.

#3 Re: Space Policy » Creating a pro-Mars government » 2002-06-24 15:55:54

Our current government does not seem to even be interested in Mars, eventhough many people are. This reflects badly on our system, which is suppost to be representative of our wants and needs. This is not our govenments fault though. We as a people need to stand up and say what we want. I think we need to create a pro-Mars government. We need to create a party that supports Mars exploration and space colonization. Make it known that Mars is a subject that could get you elected.

#4 Re: Space Policy » A March on The Capitol » 2002-06-24 15:33:00

The ideas here are great. We need to set a date for such a march. Getting as many people to go to Washington D.C. as possible and for those of us who can't afford it we can show our support by going to our state capital. Action does speak louder than words this is our action lets speak out.

#5 Re: Terraformation » When should we terraform » 2002-06-19 13:17:46

All life changes the environment around it. Earth it self has changed because of life. When we go to Mars we should look and see if there is life on it. If we find life hidding in more hospitiple places we should assist it. Change the planet to help out that life to retake the surface and take a course of its own. But if nothing is found terraform it and lets bring life to it. This not only will provide us with a planet to expand to but help us better understand what we are doing on Earth.

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