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#1 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » GUTH Venus is a little too hot - Planetary and life's evolution » 2006-05-20 20:08:46

Sorry about the Venus thing.  It's just that there's other intelligent life on Venus, but then who actually cares?  It's also about the 'what if' we can't actually manage to accomplish Venus or even so much as our extremely nearby moon, then how the heck is Mars going to become all that doable, much less affordable?

Clearly the to/from aspects of accomplishing Mars is still a wee bit pesky if not downright lethal, and the mostly sub-frozen surface of Mars isn't exactly within DNA specs of whatever is locally survivable without having a nuclear reactor plus good shelter and obviously a viable method of getting such equipment and folks with an obvious death wish safely deployed.
Brad Guth

#2 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Positives/Negatives as to Mars and Venus - GUTH Venus is positively worth an effort » 2002-06-24 13:41:21

When you're running a bit low on medication, at least in my case, you start to focus or perhaps lose focus upon certain other possibilities.

If we are looking for reasons and thereby logic as to why and how our world has been so devastated upon several clearly recorded occasions, then it seems entirely worthy as to our considering what others may have to offer, like about that 12th planet or whatever dead star issue. How can considering such possibilities possibly hurt?

I've created another isolated page as pertaining to that of mostly "other stuff" (http://geocities.con/bradguth/other-stuff.htm) that has this link posted: and there seems to be many others posting upon this 12th planet issue.

Obviously NASA has far better things to do, then as to saving mankind. However, there should be others out there with parallel/internet (multi hundred million node processing power software programs), that which can run out a few thousand trillion computations based upon those "what if's". How can that hurt? Seems like a worthy exercise in melting down some of these idle computer processors. Think of this as a reliable duty cycle test of those supposedly capable PC's that are otherwise downloading mass quantities of those Mars images or better yet and entirely more valuable smut.

As to that of our solar system collapsing or not. I seem to recall the "BIG BANG" theory, which I thought clearly established that at least at some point in time we will all become one. Until then, it seems only somewhat logical that unless something like a 12th planet with sufficient mass and speed were to get involved, that our sun (due mostly to gravity) would continue to acquire more inbound mass then it rejects (that includes you and me). I also recall reports of exploding matter being recorded, so this tells me that at least so far we're in a good location and those that blew up were obviously not (those lucky survivors are now headed somewhere on whatever is left of their frozen planets, just like my planetary evolution conjecture suggested):

"What makes you think Venus is an extrasolar object?"

It seems that planet rotation speed is simply another reasonable conjecture, worthy of calibrating upon a planet's age, especially if it were assumed as being created at the same moment as Earth and Mars. Obviously, I believe Venus has been running down for a few billion years longer then Earth (or, are you going to start in by indicating that planets like Earth and Venus are actually speeding up?). So how can that be if you whish to only consider that we (Earth) were here either first or at least at the exact same time and thus created by the same event, as under the exact same criteria (seems Venus, Earth and Mars should each be rotating at nearly the same rate and conceivably as more unified orbits, likewise perhaps, our moon should still be rotating, so how about when and where the hell did it come from? or, perhaps our moon was acquired and/or created from the Earth/Venus EL1+VL2 event).

Thanks to the input of others, I've since updated my page on that, as I somewhat agree that what NASA and you "suggest" were entirely valid considerations (a whole lot better then their moles at "" could ever come up with, so, I wonder what their problem was?). As my moon-02.htm update now reads; I feel that a sufficient number of those star like indications are in fact stars, as I've also enhanced upon other lunar surface images that seemed to indicate some rather dim stars, of which I'm not qualified as to identify in any relationship as to whether or not they are where they need to be (I obviously have my doubts as to their being where they truly need to be). Perhaps your keen eyes and/or the expertise of others can offer something as to resolving that issue.

I've also created a "positive" and counter "negative" page, both of which I'll update and apply whatever others, such as yourself, might care to offer: and

If we each proceed to delve into these negative issues, it's not all that likely that either of us will ever get off the bar stools we're sitting on. Since you nor I can't do all that much about the past, it seems somewhat more pressing and worthy as to be focusing upon the "positive" issues rather then the "negatives". Don't you agree?


#3 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » New Discoveries - Extraplanetary, deep space, etc. » 2002-06-15 16:43:35

Sorry folks.

Exactly how many light-years difference is your so called "NEW" plant, as that compared to Venus, especially come this October 2002. and

It seems you and I are not going to live for thousands of years, let alone 10's of thousands. So, tell others and myself; what exactly is your point or ulterior motive?

#4 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » GUTH Venus is a little too hot - Planetary and life's evolution » 2002-06-15 16:35:11

In spite of whatever Club NASA has to say.

The planet Venus clearly holds onto more promise then everything else combined. and

These two URL's are simply chuck full of it, great ideas, even better SAR images and something (mostly good and some bad, very bad) for everyone.

Even with far better resolution coming from Mars, Mars still offers not one pixel of artificial content and, it's still damn cold, a real energy sink if there ever was.

Whereas "GUTH Venus" holds vast energy reserves and many usable energy options that even our limited technologies can manage to deal with.

There is simply far more to this sad, pathetic story surrounding our infamous Clubs NASA/NSA/DoD (secondly; CIA/FBI).

If you should feel the need as to doing/accomplishing something positive, then process upon whatever you can and refocus your resources towards the planet Venus. If you are in any military having access to those tactical laser cannons, perhaps you can find a way, as to sneaking one out for a little duty cycle testing (no questions asked). I wont even charge the government for my services.

#5 Re: Meta New Mars » TEXT IS SIMPLY TOO DAMN SMALL - MAGNIFY OR DIE » 2002-06-03 14:33:33




#6 Re: Planetary transportation » CO2-->CO/O2 + H2O2 (possibly even a little c12h26) - Robert Zubrin and GUTH Venus » 2002-06-03 14:25:36

Obviously, you simply have the idea that somehow Earth humans are it, and, you do not much care as to considering the possibilities, because?

If you are interested; I've already done a fair job of explaining what's in the image, that which is not natural by any known/recorded standards.  If on the other hand, you can explain how lava could have possibly created a 1000+ meter horizontal bridge, spanning a "grand canyon" and, perhaps something further as to how natural events caused four segments of a reservoir to somehow become collected plus connected from their center to the edge of yet another massive reservoir (showing a dark center) and, these elements equating to something exceeding 50 million cubic meters worth of containment, Then I'm willing to review the remaining potentials of what's existing in this image.

As being the original observer, my job is nearly done, however, as to further entertaining your limited view points, such as that rather stupid comment about the "airship" issue, if you bothered to read at least excerpts from a few of my pages, you would have realized the greater logic and obvious potential of such an airship.

Even according to NASA's research, alone that CO2 atmosphere is a fairly good rocket engine fuel, as could be utilized for a turboprop power plant. I simply believe H2O2 and other substances are potentially there for those capable of reaching into those clouds, plus otherwise deep into the planetary geology.

Because there is so much to consider, we must focus upon one specific target at a time.

I'm most interested to see your text/documentation on defining what's in the image as being purely natural, obviously because of your superior expertise in such matters will enable others and myself to realize the differences from rock, soils and lava flows along with subsequent erosions and even "one-of-a-kind" tectonics as to prevail as being entirely responsible, or perhaps irresponsible.

#7 Re: Planetary transportation » CO2-->CO/O2 + H2O2 (possibly even a little c12h26) - Robert Zubrin and GUTH Venus » 2002-05-21 12:02:44

I have a wee little plan as to flying high on Venus.
I even have a rather massive airship (180 x 1200 meters)
This airship ignites upon h2o2/c12h26, then blends in co2.

My research needs some further input, unfortunately this has little to do with Mars. I hope that is not going to be any problem.

Venus offers plenty of already hot co2 and, that upper atmosphere is simply loaded with sufficieni h2o and thereby h2o2. So, tell me this can't be done.

As backup/alternate:

Eventually I would like to hear directly from Dr. Robert Zubrin. How hard can that be?

Regards, Brad Guth / IEIS 1-253-8576061

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