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#1 Re: Meta New Mars » Active Members Of New Mars Please Vote! » 2005-12-24 12:29:52

You might note that those you added are no longer needed to be ignored as they are no longer with us. That is all that needs to be said on this matter.

Mr. Josh Cryer,

As a result of what I have seen here, past and present. I am withdrawing my support and membership to the Mars Society.  I have seen Mr. Dobson come here in the past with good ideas and with positive and beneficial posts, and each time he has been attacked and slandered "In Name", which is against your rules for this New Mars message board, and indeed against what the Mars Society is supposed to represent.  I seldom make posts because of the childish behavior which is ever present on message boards in general, but this time I cannot sit back and watch this, with out making a comment.

Firstly, I have met this Mr. Dobson at several space conferences and events.  I can say he is a very nice person with some very interesting ideas.  I have seen and heard people talk badly about Mr. Dobson behind his back at these events, which has included people from the Mars Society, and other visible people in the space community.  I do not agree with what is said about Mr. Dobson because it is not true.  I do not like the way people in the space community have mocked and belittled Mr. Dobson all these years.  I have lost respect for people in the space community who in the past I supported, mainly because of what I have seen them do and say about Mr. Dobson.  None of which I have seen as either true or based in fact.

Secondly, I have seen many false statements that the international space agency group is just Mr. Dobson.  This I know first hand not to be true, as I have met two of the other board members from the isa group.  They have expressed to me their concern at the depth and level of false information about Mr. Dobson which has been widely circulated through out the space community.  I have seen the websites for the isa group and last time I looked, all the isa board members are listed for all to see, including contact numbers and emails.

Lastly, the fact that Mr. Dobson, who is a bright and dedicated to the space cause and effort, has been treated in such a rude and disrespectful manner on the official message board for the Mars Society, and no administrator or Mars Society official put a stop to it, tells me that Mr. Dobson concerns about mistreatment by those of influence in the space community are valid.  The fact that the Mars Society does not actively police and control the New Mars message board, tells me one thing.  The Mars Society leadership does not deserve my support.  I will not support any organization or group that condones and supports such unprofessional slander and attacks on anyone, most notably the many attacks I have seen against Mr. Dobson here.  This is wrong, and is counter productive to an open and positive environment.  In any of the posts I have read here by Mr. Dobson or the isa group, have never been negative or did they attacked any person or group.  In fact, in every case I have seen Mr. Dobson or any isa supporter make a post here, and on other space message boards, there has been an onslaught of viscous and untrue attacks which has totally destroyed any constructive talk or discussion, and has only antagonized curt defensive replies by Mr. Dobson.  And from my point of view, rightly so!

Mars Society, please get your act together!

This is not becoming of the Mars Society, and it does not project a professional and open environment here.

All those who attacked and slandered Mr. Dobson should be banned, not Mr. Dobson.  Supporting the actions of such people is wrong and demeans anything good which the mars Society has done or accomplished.

I support what Mr. Dobson is proposing, and I agree that an international space agency organization is needed.  Let Mr. Dobson have his say with out all the slanderous attacks and name calling.

Concerned Mars Society Member,

Bob White

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