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#1 Re: Not So Free Chat » Political Potpourri VIII » 2005-07-25 11:54:12

The police have to be given a bit of slack.  They aren't perfect; no one is.

Well said!!!!

I agree totally, and sorry SRMEANEY for insisting that:

1. SAS shot the man
2. The operation was "intelligence-led"

It turns out that the British media told me the wrong "facts".

Hmmmm, I'm sensing censorship!!!!

#2 Re: Human missions » Europe goes to the moon and Mars! - Human space flight.... » 2005-07-24 07:03:08

If anyone wants to know my ideas about a manned mission to Mars (very extensive- and sometimes rather delusional, I know- but don't quote me on that),  I have made a website concerning the terraformation and landing of crafts on Mars (though not nescessarily in that order  lol ). please visit it to learn more, the url is:]

big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile  big_smile

#3 Re: Terraformation » Mars Needs Nitrogen » 2005-07-24 06:20:18

Interesting. Design it yourself? I suggest Mechanisto for a 3-D lander and smoke it with a dust storm... looks good, Probably need a few bits on Fuel Cell tech and all the products producable- Try contacting one of the big companies like CIG. They might be able to tell you what they can

All of the website was designed by me- using Dreamweaver and freewebs. Apart from the chatroom and forum on it, the coding is all mine. Thanks for the review and the advice, i'll try to follow up your suggestions. Meanwhile, would you mind signing up to the forum on the site- its not very big, but it will grow with more members- maybe you could direct some of your friends to the site? thanks again.

#4 Re: Not So Free Chat » Political Potpourri VIII » 2005-07-23 09:17:34

I suppose being pointed out by the ticket clerk for dodging the fare is all the intel they needed.

I suppose the next one will be for dodging your taxes.

lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  tongue  tongue  tongue  tongue

I am fairly sure (despite your insistence), based on extensive watching of English news at home (almost non-stop), that the shooting was supposed to be truly intelligence-led. I.e. they tracked the guy and kept him under surveillance.

#5 Re: Not So Free Chat » Darth Vader accepts award for... » 2005-07-23 08:58:32 … ity_awards

Yeah, but Anakin was cuter than George could ever be.  roll  On that point, I cry "foul!"  tongue

hmmm, respectfully what???   :?  :?  :?  :?  :?  :?  :?  :?  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

#6 Re: Not So Free Chat » Political Potpourri VIII » 2005-07-23 08:55:30

1. Shooting was "intelligence-led"- if so, they should have known he did not have a bomb with him.

2. Even if he did have a bomb on him, he was said to have been "followed" onto the platform- not chased initially. (why didn't they shoot him as soon as he left his house (or take him in)- if they suspected he had a bomb?- strange.)

They didnt have intelligence on this guy, and he wasnt followed from his house. He was pointed out to officers in the station by the guy at the ticket counter for having skipped a fare.

Bang! You're dead for not paying the ticket to ride the train...If that wasnt a career decision, the next civilian victim will be.

According to english media, the shooting was "intelligence-led"-- Sir Ian Blair.

Actually, he was followed from a house that "was under surveilance in connection with the attempted London bombings"

Anyway, i agree that the plain-clothed SAS (btw, they think it was SAS rather than police-- no public inquiry called etc. -- SAS less accountable than police) were heavy handed and total assholes for not declaring themselves and their intentions. Seems to me as if it is "shoot the asian".

#7 Re: Not So Free Chat » Political Potpourri VIII » 2005-07-23 08:41:45

not sure i agree that the shooting was entirely justified.


1. Shooting was "intelligence-led"- if so, they should have known he did not have a bomb with him.

2. Even if he did have a bomb on him, he was said to have been "followed" onto the platform- not chased initially. (why didn't they shoot him as soon as he left his house (or take him in)- if they suspected he had a bomb?- strange.)

3. If police just wanted to kill any terrorist for the london bombings- why did they do it in such a public place?-- (government wanted to be seen as "tough on terror".

4. If police did think that the killing was justified due to numbe of people the terrorist helped kill (in the london bombings), then why did they not kill Harold Shipman (he killed more people, and over a longer period of time, and made various institutions look impotent).

Overall, on a wider note, i feel that the Iraq war may be a reason, but by no means a justification for the bombings. I feel that Br. and U.S.A. were right in removing the despotic dictatorial regimes of the taleban and Saddam Hussain, but i believe that other despotic regimes should be dealt with similar zeal. i.e. North Korea, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Israel (to name but a few).

Thank you for considering my point of view.

:?  :?  :?  :?  :?

#8 Re: Terraformation » Mars Needs Nitrogen » 2005-07-23 08:09:00

If you care to visit my site,] , i have attempted to answer all questions related to the exploration and terraformation of Mars. If you feel that you may have content for the site that would be useful to include, could you please e-mail me at:, or alternatively, you could post your suggestions in this forum.

:idea:  :?:  :idea:

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