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#1 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » Structure on MARS? » 2006-07-23 22:42:01

Hello again,
I have found another interesting image from the NASA MRO mission archieve. It is a 3D image that when you zoom in on it seems to reveal a structure of some kind.
Take a look if you have some 3D glasses.

Click on the image for larger version, then save it to be able to zoom in on the center of the image.

#2 Re: Pictures of Mars » MARS AND BEYOND (Part I). » 2005-10-05 01:24:52

Hello once again.
I have just uploaded Part One of my greatest creation.
It is called MARS AND BEYOND.
Click here to watch MARS AND BEYOND Part I.
It is my pet project and is not complete yet.
It started the night of the first Mars Exploration Rover landing by NASA's Spirit Rover
on January 3rd, 2003. I was able to capture the actual soundtrack of the landing and have incorporated it into this movie.
To view all of the MER experience go to:
Both Rovers are still in great health to this day and continue to make new discoveries.
No other Mars project has even come close to what these two robots, Spirit and Opportunity, have accomplished.
So, my movie will continue as long as these incredible machines are able to function.
So far there are four parts (at this upload size) to it.
I will be uploading the other parts soon so stay tuned.
Thanks for watching it and enjoy.   lol

#3 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » I AM HUBBLE IV In Memory Of Columbia. » 2005-07-27 21:26:00

Anyone out there into Hubble and the Shuttle?  roll

I have a new video you might want to watch.
It is Part IV of my movie, I AM HUBBLE.
I made in tribute to the Space Shuttle Columbia and Crew.
I figured with the launch and problems with Discovery that I should
post this video to remind us of the ones that have been lost in our quest for knowledge.

It is a 30 MB downloadable video at a free file hosting site called MegaUpload.
When you click on the link it will take about 45 seconds for the download to start.
It's better to right click and save target as....
The free MegaUploaders are just wanting you to stare at the ads while you wait.
But the system does work and anyone is able to upload up to a 500 MB file and make it available to the web for free.
This is the link to the download of I AM HUBBLE IV In Memory Of Columbia at MegaUpload.
Thanks for watching. Let me know what you think of the video.

#4 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » I Am Hubble IV - Video tribute to the Hubble and Columbia » 2005-06-07 23:08:22

Hello again,
Being the space nut and an amature video maker that I am. As I have posted before, I have created a film that I would like the space community to see. It is called … 68834]MARS AND BEYOND . It is a video tribute to the world's space programs. I made for no personal gain and it is not for sale. I just made it.
I have posted it, in segments, to a amature video maker hosting site called]KnowItAllVideo .
In order to view and rate the videos at this site you have to register but it is painless and well worth the time. So far I have posted seven segments of my creation. The first segment is the link above.  The rest are in this order: … 37346949]I AM HUBBLE , … 30827760]I AM HUBBLE II , … 68770525]I AM HUBBLE III . I have recently added, … 69372891]I AM HUBBLE IV , … 632]ONWARD AND UPWARD  and … 9348206]ON THE MOVE .
I AM HUBBLE IV was made in memory of the Columbia and the crew of STS-107.
I have several others at this site, just go to … 8311916]My Pressroom .
I would very much like to have your feedback on my creations and have you rate them.
So, if you are interested in watching something special, take a look.
Thanks and enjoy,
Weave                   :band:

#5 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » Earth Atmospherics/Weather » 2005-05-29 01:03:31

You know your going to have a bad day when you have to scrape the ice off your windshield these days.

#7 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » MARS AND BEYOND video - Download complete Part I of my creation. » 2005-05-29 00:46:29

Hello again New Mars Forum,
Has anyone tried downloading my creation?
If you had trouble getting the download, try it again. I think I got the link fixed.
Thanks again.
Weave roll

#8 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » MARS AND BEYOND video - Download complete Part I of my creation. » 2005-05-26 23:05:42

Hello Mars community,
Ever since January 3, 2004, Spirits landing webcast, I have been working on a video tribute to ESA, NASA and the world's space programs. It has evolved into a 40 minute film. I did not make it for profit or personal gain. I just made it. Now I would very much like others to view it.   
THIS IS A LIMITED TIME DOWNLOAD OF THE FIRST HALF OF MARS AND BEYOND BY WEAVE. Just click on the link below to start the download. It is 48 MB in size but it is wonderful. Take a look. You won't regret it. It will only be available for one week and ends on June first, 2005.

Enjoy it while you can
Thanks for reading this and for viewing my projects. The best is yet to come, so stay tuned.

dmMweUdGdmpaU3FRPT0=]MARS AND BEYOND Part I roll

#9 Re: Life on Mars » Lichen on Mars? - Is it? » 2005-05-24 21:38:42

Hello again,
These latest Spirit raw microscopic images of the rock called, 'Keystone' are incredable to say the least! I have been examining them for an hour now and wow! I don't think it is just my minds eye seeing fossils or creatures. I see many things. For one in the center of the image there is a protriding object that resembles a mushroom. Directly behind it is something that looks like a flying reptile, almost like a miniture dragon. In the middle of other image there is an object that looks similar to the lichen image in the other post. It stand verticle and fans out from the base. These things look real. Take a look at the full size images. Let me know what you think. They are from Spirits … icroscopic images from sol 491.
The two that intrigue me the most are:


#10 Re: Science, Technology, and Astronomy » Mars And Beyond - Video Tribute to NASA » 2005-05-09 20:57:40

Hello Mars community,
Ever since January 3, 2004, Spirits landing webcast, I have been working on a video tribute to ESA, NASA and the world's space programs. It has evolved into a 40 minute film. I did not make it for profit or personal gain. I just made it. Now I would very much like others to view it. I have started to post it at a website called]KnowitallVideo. This is a website dedicated to amature film makers. My film is called … 68834]MARS AND BEYOND. So far I have posted two other segments of it that are titled … 37346949]I AM HUBBLE and … 30827760]I AM HUBBLE II. I will be posting the segments about the Mars Rovers very soon but the first half of my film is great also. In order to watch and rate them at this site you'll have to register but the registration is painless and well worth the time. Once at the site go to the Highest Rated videos section and you will find my films. When you click on MARS AND BEYOND the download will start and you will be able to go to my pressroom and find all of my videos. or just click on these hyperlinks. Take a look, you won't be sorry.
Thanks for reading this and for viewing my projects. The best is yet to come, so stay tuned.

#11 Re: Life on Mars » Mars And Beyond - A video Tribute to NASA » 2005-05-09 19:02:03

Hello Mars community,
Ever since January 3, 2004, Spirits landing webcast, I have been working on a video tribute to ESA, NASA and the world's space programs. It has evolved into a 40 minute film. I did not make it for profit or personal gain. I just made it. Now I would very much like others to view it. I have started to post it at a website called]KnowitallVideo. This is a website dedicated to amature film makers. My film is called … 68834]MARS AND BEYOND. So far I have posted two other segments of it that are titled … 37346949]I AM HUBBLE and … 30827760]I AM HUBBLE II. I will be posting the segments about the Mars Rovers very soon but the first half of my film is great also. In order to watch and rate them at this site you'll have to register but the registration is painless and well worth the time. Once at the site go to the Highest Rated videos section and you will find my films. When you click on MARS AND BEYOND the download will start and you will be able to go to my pressroom and find all of my videos. or just click on these hyperlinks. Take a look, you won't be sorry.
Thanks for reading this and thanks for viewing my projects. The best is yet to come, so stay tuned.

#12 Re: Life on Mars » Lichen on Mars? - Is it? » 2005-05-09 18:11:49

Hi Shaun,
I'm happy to see the first reply to this discovery. I agree that it is very strange that this is the only example this type of anomoly. It is very hard to say that this is the only one of these things. The fact that the Rover planners have not been taking as many microscopic images as they have in the past, probably because the rock abrasion tool is pretty worn out on Spirit, might have something to do with the fact that no other such things have been seen. Spirit just happened to catch this one. I thought this thing might be something that dropped off of Spirit but after zooming in on the object, it is clear that it has what looks like veins on the flat surfaces of it. Also the fact that it has FLAT surfaces is strange in itself. Also it looks attatched to the rock and fans out from there, upward. It still looks very much like the Earth lichen in your photo.
There was an article at … ] about other Lichen looking objects seen by the Rovers. None of them were in as clear a focus to see any details like what can be seen in this image.
It is very hard to say exactly what this thing is. I wonder if the rover scientists are investigating this object. One would think they saw it. But if they did, why didn't they look around that area for more?
Quick question. How do I add a photo to my post like you did?

#13 Re: Life on Mars » Lichen on Mars? - Is it? » 2005-05-09 00:13:36

I too have seen what looks like fossils and/or live organisms in some of the Rover's raw images. This is the one that intreges me the most is from the raw images from Spirit's sol 372 microscopic images. Image number 10, that is third row second image. … HTML]Image number 10
To me this really looks like Lichen. If you save the large image then zoom in on the the thing you can see what resembles veins or a pattern on the flat surfaces.
Take a look, if it is not, what the heck is it? What do you think?

Lichen: A typical lichen has a three-layered structure. A middle layer containing algal cells entwined in fungal hyphae is sandwiched between two layers of fungal tissue. This three-layered structure is arranged into one of three basic growth forms. Crustose lichens grow as flattened crusts with the bottom layer cemented to the surface of a rock or tree bark. Foliose lichens have a leaflike appearance, with a distinct upper and lower surface exposed to the air. Foliose lichens often form large, flaky patches on tree trunks. Fruticose lichens grow in hairlike, shrubby strands on the ground or hanging from tree branches. Each strand is tubular, with the typical three-layered structure surrounding a hollow core. A common fruticose lichen is old man’s beard, which hangs in wispy clumps from tree limbs and resembles moss.

#14 Re: Life on Mars » Is there Life on Mars? - Are these picture of Life on Mars? » 2005-05-09 00:08:23

I too have seen what looks like fossils and/or live organisms in some of the Rover's raw images. This is the one that intreges me the most is from the raw images from Spirit's sol 372 microscopic images. Image number 10, that is third row second image. … HTML]Image number 10
To me this really looks like Lichen. If you save the large image then zoom in on the the thing you can see what resembles veins or a pattern on the flat surfaces.
Take a look, if it is not, what the heck is it?

Lichen: A typical lichen has a three-layered structure. A middle layer containing algal cells entwined in fungal hyphae is sandwiched between two layers of fungal tissue. This three-layered structure is arranged into one of three basic growth forms. Crustose lichens grow as flattened crusts with the bottom layer cemented to the surface of a rock or tree bark. Foliose lichens have a leaflike appearance, with a distinct upper and lower surface exposed to the air. Foliose lichens often form large, flaky patches on tree trunks. Fruticose lichens grow in hairlike, shrubby strands on the ground or hanging from tree branches. Each strand is tubular, with the typical three-layered structure surrounding a hollow core. A common fruticose lichen is old man’s beard, which hangs in wispy clumps from tree limbs and resembles moss.

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