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#2 Re: Terraformation » Venus Terraforamation - Can we colonize the death furnace? » 2005-04-13 15:12:38

Yep, but you said the shade could be used to make an ordinary day... But what about the night side of the planet, how could you bring light to that side of the world?? So basically the light side of the world would have ordinary says while the darkside would have the ordinary 233day long nights?

Answers please ???

#3 Re: Terraformation » Euorpa Terraformation - Will we beable to defrost the icy world? » 2005-04-11 17:17:47

Wait how long is a day on Euorpa, just wondering because we could be dealing with a Venus like problem.

#4 Re: Terraformation » Euorpa Terraformation - Will we beable to defrost the icy world? » 2005-04-11 17:16:10

Its said in the future the Sun will get hotter, Maybe if we put greenhouse gases in it during that time, it would melt the ice and create a world wide ocean.

#5 Re: Interplanetary transportation » matter and anti-matter - Bringing back the old idea » 2005-04-11 17:13:59

Hey everyone!

Does anybody watch startrek, anyways I read going faster than light speed would require smashing matter and anti-matter together. The two oppisite matters will annihilate eachother and create energy...

Could this be possible?

#6 Re: Human missions » Going to Mars - Am I the only one? » 2005-04-11 17:03:30

Anyways, lets stop arguing about religion! There is two things you can never win at. And that is religion and politics, now lets get back to the main topic.

Who wants to go to Mars. If so post below!!

#7 Re: Human missions » Going to Mars - Am I the only one? » 2005-04-11 16:59:22

oops..........  Sorry about that, I thought i didn't post the first post, then i posted again!!

#8 Re: Human missions » Going to Mars - Am I the only one? » 2005-04-11 16:54:45

Open an air lock and space the lot of them. Most of the real Mars colonists will be people with years of mining experience. Not a bunch of zealot parasites.

The first preist to crack open a bible and preach tyranny, despotism and the evils of independent thought will fall down a very deep hole.

I'll have to go with him too. We wouldn't want to start a fight over religion on another planet. Think if some zealot got into the base. Blow open the dome and we are all dead!

This could be dangerous, although we can't just have athiests go there......

#9 Re: Human missions » Going to Mars - Am I the only one? » 2005-04-11 16:53:52

Open an air lock and space the lot of them. Most of the real Mars colonists will be people with years of mining experience. Not a bunch of zealot parasites.

The first preist to crack open a bible and preach tyranny, despotism and the evils of independent thought will fall down a very deep hole.

I'll have to go with him too. We wouldn't want to start a fight over religion on another planet. Think if some zealot got into the base. Blow open the dome and we are all dead!

This could be dangerous, although we can't just have athiests go there......

#10 Re: Terraformation » Venus Terraforamation - Can we colonize the death furnace? » 2005-04-11 16:23:22

why would the atmosphere combust...

Earth has a resonible amount of O2 and it doesn't go up in flames?? explain?

#11 Re: Terraformation » Venus Terraforamation - Can we colonize the death furnace? » 2005-04-11 16:21:36

Thats a good idea chat!

This solar shade could be more than just used for more porposes than just lowering the temperature. Maybe we could add solar panels on the shade. If we could somehow harden the shade to protect it from solar flares, that would be great.

Meanwhile, taking the nitrogen from Venus and shipping it all the way to Mars, for its terraformation would be way too expensive, but we could shoot a laser on the Martian religoth to break out the nitrates. But maybe if thats the only way to get rid of the nitrogen, it just might have to work.

The magnetically bonded ships is too far in the future, maybe sometime in the distant future it will happen

Finally I still don't know if just adding more ozone to the atmosphere will give it an ozone layer........


#12 Re: Terraformation » Titan Terraformation - Is it possible? » 2005-04-11 16:12:20

Ok I guess you don't know what i am talking about....

Ok heres my best example:

Take an Atom Smasher and shrink it down to the point where it is made up of only a few atoms/molecules. Then give it the ability to reassemble the protons/neutrons/electrons to make certain atoms/molecules. Give the machines a built in computer. Not fungi or bacteria... machines. Give them claws for grabbing certain atoms. The nanomachines can be programmed for different reasons, one being to scavenge the body for problems, they could break up cancer cells, clear plaque in the blood vessels and repair damaged cells. They can break apart other atoms and molecules, whick could mean deadly to us because if these nanomachines were gotten into the hands of a terrorists they could be programmed to chew up carbon atoms wich would mean we are dead. They could assemble many things. For example, you could build a refridgerator out of the bare metals in the carpet. Although programming the nanomachines to do these things would take some time, there are endless possiblilities.

There you have a nanomachine

#13 Re: Life support systems » I am doing a project - mars colonation » 2005-04-09 12:47:27

the low gravity would help the food grow easier than on earth

#14 Re: Life support systems » Nanomachine Dirt » 2005-04-09 12:40:54

Could the work of nanomachines help make the humans on Mars life better.

I believe we could use them to make fertile soil and help the food grow much bigger than it would on Earth.

Also The lower Martian gravity would help the food grow.

If we kept greenhouse domes to a certain level of carbon doixide would also help stimulate plant growth

#15 Re: Human missions » Going to Mars - Am I the only one? » 2005-04-09 12:31:39

Just wondering who else would someday want to go to the red planet. We all know it is going to happen someday, but who will be chosen to go?

#16 Re: Terraformation » Titan Terraformation - Is it possible? » 2005-04-09 12:26:11

We could use nanomachines, of course once they are devolped

#17 Re: Terraformation » Titan Terraformation - Is it possible? » 2005-04-09 12:25:00


We would have to add more greenhouse gases, but the methane would be very flammable once we added the oxygen, so what about ammonia?

#18 Re: Terraformation » Venus Terraforamation - Can we colonize the death furnace? » 2005-04-09 12:20:48

Ok here's my terraformation:

We start by putting a huge mirror or shade in orbit. The temperature will lower to at least 500F.

Even though 500F. may be very hot, the extreme pressure on the planet would condense the C02.

The weigth of the liquid C02 will trigger earthquakes (venusquakes) and the holes will suck up the liquid C02.

With the atmosphere raining on to the surface the pressure and the heat will drop. Some of the liquid C02 will freeze into dry ice. This could be a problem. Nanomachines could be planted on the surface designed to break apart carbon dioxide molecules, the result would be oxygen and carbon. The carbon could be used for other purposes and the oxygen could be breathed! This takes care of the artificial plants needed to change the carbon dioxide to oxygen.

The atmosphere will stilll be thinning out.

Ahh... nanomachines again. Well the sulfur in the atmosphere could be broken apart with the nanos too, and the small amounts of carbon monoxide.

Now we need to get rid of the excess nitrogen in the atmosphere. We have 5 bars and we only need .77 Well i dont't really have an answer to this. maybe future humans would have to live in 5.23 bars of pressure. I'm not even sure if that is possible i'll have to do a little research.

Now.... we still have a 233 day long day. Easily fixed with spaceships placed in orbit magnetically bonded to Venus's core. The orbit of the ships would be slightly angled so we could have seasons. The faster orbit will trigger a van allen belt.ere we go.

So far we have: A breatheable atmosphere (with exception of 4 extra bars of pressure).
A 24 hour long day.
A van allen belt for solar storm protection.
A comfortable temperature range.

So we need an ozone layer and water.

The water problem can be solved easily, nanomachines again 
using nanomachines, dig the hydrates out of the ground and turn them into water molecules. The remaining water that nanos couldn't provide would be gotten from a classical resource. Use a few very close comets or one of the moons of Jupiter or Saturn. We don't want to lose any of the atmosphere into space. So we break off chunks of the comet/asteroid and let a little loose at a time. Then we now have 70% water on Venus's surface.

we now have a very cold planet. We need to take a large piece off the solar mirror/shade so the temperature range is normal.

Now we need an ozone layer, now we use...... You guess? and assemble the long chain ozone molecule and realease it. A large ozone layer would begin to form. Note: I do not know how the ozone layer works or if my theory would work.

Now we have a habitable Venus!!

Hope you liked it!

This has been a report from The 11 year old astronomany buff!

#22 Re: Terraformation » Venus without sulphur. - New teraforming approach » 2005-04-08 23:41:10

that would be interesting.....

but we dont even know if antimatter exists right now although it probably does...

#23 Re: Terraformation » Venus without sulphur. - New teraforming approach » 2005-04-07 17:23:59

Alright here we go.

So far we have: A breatheable atmosphere (with exception of 4 extra bars of pressure).
A 24 hour long day.
A van allen belt for solar storm protection.
A comfortable temperature range.

So we need an ozone layer and water.

The water problem can be solved easily, nanomachines again big_smile
using nanomachines, dig the hydrates out of the ground and turn them into water molecules. The remaining water that nanos couldn't provide would be gotten from a classical resource. Use a few very close comets or one of the moons of Jupiter or Saturn. We don't want to lose any of the atmosphere into space. So we break off chunks of the comet/asteroid and let a little loose at a time. Then we now have 70% water on Venus's surface.

we now have a very cold planet. We need to take a large piece off the solar mirror/shade so the temperature range is normal.

Now we need an ozone layer, now we use...... You guess? and assemble the long chain ozone molecule and realease it. A large ozone layer would begin to form. Note: I do not know how the ozone layer works or if my theory would work.

Now we have a habitable Venus!!

Hope you liked it!

This has been a report from The 11 year old astronomany buff!

#24 Re: Terraformation » Venus without sulphur. - New teraforming approach » 2005-04-07 16:56:00

Here's my terraformation:

We start by putting a huge mirror or shade in orbit. The temperature will lower to at least 500F.

Even though 500F. may be very hot, the extreme pressure on the planet would condense the C02.

The weigth of the liquid C02 will trigger earthquakes (venusquakes) and the holes will suck up the liquid C02.

With the atmosphere raining on to the surface the pressure and the heat will drop. Some of the liquid C02 will freeze into dry ice. This could be a problem. Nanomachines could be planted on the surface designed to break apart carbon dioxide molecules, the result would be oxygen and carbon. The carbon could be used for other purposes and the oxygen could be breathed! This takes care of the artificial plants needed to change the carbon dioxide to oxygen.

The atmosphere will stilll be thinning out.

Ahh... nanomachines again. Well the sulfur in the atmosphere could be broken apart with the nanos too, and the small amounts of carbon monoxide.

Now we need to get rid of the excess nitrogen in the atmosphere. We have 5 bars and we only need .77 Well i dont't really have an answer to this. maybe future humans would have to live in 5.23 bars of pressure. I'm not even sure if that is possible i'll have to do a little research.

Now.... we still have a 233 day long day. Easily fixed with spaceships placed in orbit magnetically bonded to Venus's core. The orbit of the ships would be slightly angled so we could have seasons. The faster orbit will trigger a van allen belt.

More soon to come.....

#25 Re: Terraformation » Venus without sulphur. - New teraforming approach » 2005-04-07 16:38:37

Hey, smile

what about nanomachines??
They could break down the carbon dioxide into oxygen and water!

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