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#1 Re: Civilization and Culture » Attire - -or-:  What to wear on Mars, baby! » 2005-02-19 00:38:43

lol return of the corset...

The skin idea, dont know about having it alive. though it would be cool to have a skintight with computers built in and water lines and thinking of desings right now.maby ill make some sckeches and post them.

#2 Re: Life support systems » Robotic Tomato Harvester » 2005-02-19 00:31:21

But the question arising here is if such a robotic gardener would be dependable enough, so the crew wouldn't have some very very bad surprises when they arrive on Mars.

It takes what...8 months to get there? so when planing for a mission to mars send the rover one and a half years before the humans go, this gives time for the thing to brake down and to have a serplus, never bad lots you can do with them. though i wonder is you could do Potatos, more useful.

#3 Re: Life on Mars » Oil on Mars - Dead fish or fossils couldhavemadeoil » 2005-02-19 00:18:22

At what temp dose oil freez? did some quick surching and didnt find anything but i would think that it could at some time, would this mean that it would not show up in cracks?

#4 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Tubes, Rails, Planets. - some simple questions i havent seen. » 2005-02-18 23:56:38

Forgive my lack in posting, things cought up to me and i had to take time to handel them. You answered the questions right on, exsept the Planitary orbits one, which i might have not asked well. lol lets see if i can do it better.
if we were to set the the Sun as 'sea level' were whould the other planets be? ex: Sun,0 Mirc,+50 Ven,-10 Ear,+1 Ast,+60through-60 Mars,+1. i think you get the idea? Thanks

Also, though it should probly be elswere, What affect would the atmosphere on external Human skin be? i bet this is a dumb question but i realy have forgotten. lol if i had more time i would read up more. thanks.

#5 Re: Interplanetary transportation » Tubes, Rails, Planets. - some simple questions i havent seen. » 2005-02-05 13:27:07

Hi, i have a few questions, many about tubes, rails, and planets. lol these questions i havnt found answered here as far as i know. (too many pages for me to go through, and search didnt come up with anything)

One, with tubes and rails how dose one plan on compisating for the orbit of the planets?
Two, if useing a 'floting' or LEO base how will that efect the earths atmosphere and oceans?
Three, what about them astrods? arnt we bound to hit one some time? or are they moveing at the same rate as earth and mars?
Fore, what are the altitudes of the planets figuring the sun as zero? i would think this would couse many trobles.

Ok im done. thanks.

#6 Re: Life support systems » Iss Plant growth experiments - planning the future in 0g » 2005-02-05 01:48:38

I forgot about LEO. i was thinking more of the trip to mars or other bodies. the window size would not need to be to big i would think becouse you could refelct the light? i know here on earth you could and i beleive that light acts just about the same up there. you could also paint that glows in the dark. (last post to night.) to continue a dim lighting....hum...maby that could replace the lighting on the ISS. lol

#7 Re: Planetary transportation » Land propulsion - Tracks, or tires? » 2005-02-05 01:41:51

Interesting desing, i wonder if you could place some sort of energy making device on the spokes. Im thinking of the consept that i saw some were that used larg flotes on the ocean to move pumps that some how made electricity, forgive me late at night cant remember the artical well. but i wonder if you could place a liquid (one that wont freeze of course) or maby use a piston method to make power to help propel the veical?
also a plug for tires that i bet has been said (only read the first 3 pages) they are more versital, as in you can plase them jsut about any were on the body of the veical.

#9 Re: Life support systems » Iss Plant growth experiments - planning the future in 0g » 2005-02-05 01:12:25

Lighting units are power hungery, but we probably won't go far without a reactor.

Why not use sunlight? If it is to harmful, why not filter it with water or relflect it with darkented wood/metal?

#10 Re: Meta New Mars » Hello all. - I thought i might itroduce my self. » 2005-02-05 01:03:12

Hi, Im Matthew. I feel quite small posting here as i can see you many posters..or them that post a lot are brilant, or at least scintific to some extent. I am still in colage aculy just starting only in my secound semester. so please bare with me if i post something foolish. I love Mars and have read a few book on it, most were just your basic "this is mars" books but my most charished one is 'The case for Mars'. I do tend to have a vivid imagination and have come up with many Mars landers, though many are to advanced or impratical.. I have done a few that make some sence and made basic 3D models of them. I hope that by posting here and poking around that i can help in some way and of corse learn. Thank you for you time.

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