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#476 2020-11-06 15:06:49

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,842

Re: Election Meddling

Terraformer: cheating has been part of the American system for a very long time. Possibly always. During the year 2000 election, one poll district that normally votes Democrat, all the voting machines were set to "test mode". So all votes there were thrown out. During the 2004 election, in one poll district the number of votes for George W. Bush alone, were greater than the number of registered voters. That's without counting votes for other candidates.

I have been an election official here in Canada for the last number of years. For the last 3 federal elections, last 3 provincial, and last 3 city elections. Scrutineers from all candidates are allowed to observe the count, and usually do. Before I was an election official, I was a scrutineer. Ballot boxes are not moved out of the voting room. When polls close, the room is closed. No more voters are allowed in. Any voters in the room when the doors are closed are still allowed to vote. Once all voters have left, counting begins. The voting officer for each poll (usually a few polls in one building) opens the ballot box and counts the ballots. Every ballot is shown to all scrutineers. Every scrutineer has the right to challenge a ballot. Only the voting officer for that poll is allowed to handle the ballots. The assistant to the voting officer tallies votes as the voting officer calls out ballots. Scrutineers tally along with them to ensure the count matches. If the count doesn't match, any scrutineer can call for a recount. That's done right there, on election day. Once the final count is tallied, there's more paperwork for voting officers and assistants; scrutineers can watch but they usually leave once the final count is made. Scrutineers are invited to sign the official document with the final count. All paper ballots and all paperwork are put back in the ballot box, sealed and transported back to election headquarters. Ballots are kept in case a recount is required. The voting officer for the poll phones in to election headquarters the count for that poll.

There are advance polls where people can vote before election day. Those ballot boxes are only opened on election day after polls close. So those ballots are counted the same time as ballots on election day. By the end of the evening, all ballots are counted.

Details are different for federal, provincial, and city elections. But there's a federal agency that runs all federal elections. Provincial government has their own agency for provincial elections. And the city clerk's office runs city elections. One problem the US has is states administer federal elections, and some states leave it up to individual electoral districts. It's all hodge podge, inconsistent.

And in Canada, the sort of election irregularities I mentioned in the first paragraph would be considered a felony. It's extremely serious, will not be tolerated.


#477 2020-11-06 15:34:02

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


What about this process don't you "get"?

It takes a lot of time to make an obvious fraud look legitimate.  That's what we're doing here.  The Democrats realized how wildly unpopular their ideas are in places where the ultimate results of their ideas have caused much pain and suffering.  If election results were merely tabulated rather than generated, then we'd already be done with that process.  That's why we knew by 3AM that Hillary Clinton had lost to President Trump.

The mail-in ballots were an obvious fraud scheme cooked up by the Democrats because they knew they would lose in a straight-up in-person voting contest between their voters and President Trump's voters.  It doesn't matter, though, so long as it "looks official".  That what we're doing right now.  We're making an obvious fraud appear legitimate, even after we have videotaped evidence of vote tallying locations filling out ballots for President-elect Biden.  The paperwork will appear legitimate, and in America that is all that matters.

You could show this video to most of our Democrats and they would come to any conclusion except that something completely fraudulent was going on.  They've been brainwashed by propaganda, masquerading as "news", which is actually a well-known and thoroughly documented KGB-derived fear-inducing conditioning program- for 4 straight years.  The KGB said that after 1 to 2 months, you could provide any amount of evidence to someone after you terrorized them with their fear-based conditioning program and they'd never believe you, no matter how much evidence you showed to them, not even after you made it perfectly clear that you were deliberately trying to manipulate their emotions by preying upon their worst fears.

Why do you think I mostly stopped arguing with SpaceNut and GW over President Trump or any of their governance ideas that don't actually work whenever actual humans are involved in the decision making process?

I knew all of this stuff specifically because my own father was involved in brainwashing people, a process better known as neurolinguistic programming (hypnosis, in plain English), but he did it for therapeutic purposes to ease or erase irrational fears or to help patients process trauma like being raped or abused as a child, death of a loved one, insecurities, depression, stuff like that.  I recognized it right away in boot camp when I joined the Navy.  The fear-based conditioning was pretty hard to miss, although they also do other types of conditioning because it turns out that fear is often unhelpful for military purposes.  For example, making foreigners afraid of you is nearly always counter-productive, so there are various rapport building programs that they teach, following local customs, etc.  I doubt most of the other recruits there had fathers who taught them anything about psychology when they were children, but my father provided lots of books and even took me to some of his seminars so I could meet / observe psychologists.

Anyway...  They've been conditioned to believe things which are objectively false, to the point that no amount of evidence will ever change their opinion.  I think what they discount is that people who have no core-identity values can justify absolutely anything to themselves, so long as it supports their ideology.


#478 2020-11-06 17:09:58

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,551

Re: Election Meddling

Looks like the fat lady is yet to sing in Georgia.  Not sure about other states. … ntial-race

One can only hope that an investigation of what has taken place will improve the integrity of future elections.  The Russians are openly laughing at the shambles of the US election.  Their electoral fraud is carried out in a far more professional manner.  Putin would never be so sloppy as to get caught.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#479 2020-11-06 17:27:31

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

RobertDyck wrote:

I'm disappointed. Based on election results as of yesterday, if Trump wins Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, and Alaska, while Biden wins Nevada and Arizona, the final electoral college votes are 270 for Biden, 268 for Trump. That's very close, but Biden still wins. No need to cheat.

Some of the stations suggesting the poll out comes was setting up scenarios of which states did what in the final turn and there was server ways for Biden to win but only 1 for Trump and that required Pennsylvania and Georgia plus a few others.


#480 2020-11-07 07:31:24

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,363

Re: Election Meddling

kbd512 wrote:


I was hoping that after former Vice President Biden is elected President, the "mostly peaceful" protesting would stop, but the "mostly peaceful" protesters have stated that they will become "even more peaceful" after he's elected President.  Pay no attention to the leftists attacking the Democrats they voted for or burning down their own cities.

The process simply takes a little bit longer when the vote tallying Democrats have to fill in the ballots for former Vice President Biden.

Here, watch a video of them doing that:

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Poll Worker Stamping and Filling in Ballots - Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Nothing to see here.  Move along now...

Just wanted to clarify on this. It isn't fraud, and I am guessing that just about every other instance brought forward will be shown in retrospect to not be fraud. There are a lot of hard working, honest citizens, involved in our election process. But I'm sure the replies that will follow will consciously miss the point. Stay safe, be well. … 185589002/

Video is manipulated, misleading
The viral video is genuine footage from a livestream of ballot counting. However, in some cases the video has been manipulated by zooming in to eliminate surrounding areas.

Adrienne Marofsky, public relations director for Delaware County, Pennsylvania, told USA TODAY that the video crops out bipartisan observers who were not more than 6 feet away.

"The cropped video portrays an election worker, seemingly alone at a table, marking a ballot. The actual video shows the election worker at a table with other coworkers in a room full of people with bipartisan observers a few feet away at each end of the table, closely observing the worker from approximately 6 feet away," Marofsky said in an email.

She said the arrangement was agreed upon between the Election Bureau and the former Republican chairman of Delaware County Council.

Election workers are not committing fraud
What counters in the video are actually doing is fixing damaged ballots.

Marofsky said that during ballot processing, a machine extractor opens the ballots. Some ballots were damaged by the extractor and unable to be scanned successfully, she said.

"According to the scanner manufacturer, Hart, the best practice to deal with damaged ballots that cannot be scanned is to transcribe the votes on each ballot to a clean ballot and scan the clean ballot," she said.

The chief clerk of the Delaware County Bureau of Elections then instructed elections staff to manually transcribe the damaged ballots.

The damaged ballots were directly next to the new ballots, and damaged ballots were preserved while bipartisan observers watched closely, according to Marofsky.


#481 2020-11-07 10:19:32

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


They went to court in Pennsylvania and a state judge ordered the Elections Commission to permit observers to be allowed within 6 feet of the vote tallying.  Why do you imagine that a judge would have to issue an order to permit observers to be allowed to observe?


#482 2020-11-07 10:25:42

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Nicely put Clark as I observed the officer as well in one of them. It transfer of information must be signed by the person doing the transcribing of which that is the purpose of the stamping. Its clear that the member accross the table is reading the original while the other is marking the fresh stamped ballot to be marked. Before placing each ballot into the appropriate pile before going to the next.

Some believed that the video was showing cheating on ballots but it caused Armed men arrested in Philadelphia may have believed fake ballots were being counted, Philadelphia DA …


#483 2020-11-07 10:55:52

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,846

Re: Election Meddling

Well, Pennsylvania will be interesting. As I understand it, the legality of votes that arrived after 8PM is up in the air, due to being permitted by a court order rather than the state legislature?

EDIT: and the fact that a 4-4 SCOTUS decision isn't really a decision. The lower court decision wasn't upheld so much as allowed to stand because the supreme court couldn't rule on it.

Last edited by Terraformer (2020-11-07 12:30:18)

Use what is abundant and build to last


#484 2020-11-07 14:02:18

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Of course A Georgia poll worker has been forced into hiding after being falsely accused of throwing out a ballot

Of course the images of ballots still not delivered

Federal judge keeps pressure on USPS to deliver remaining mail-in ballots by state deadlines

U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan began issuing the orders earlier this week after the USPS reported low delivery scores and ballots that appeared to have entered their facilities but perhaps not exited them.

Since then, the USPS has found and delivered thousands of ballots. Attorneys said documents provided to the court show close to 40,000 ballots were delivered by the postal system on Thursday, as elections officials continued counting ballots in states where the final outcome of the contest between Biden and President Donald Trump still hung in the balance.

The U.S. Postal Service must continue searching its processing facilities twice a day for missing mail-in ballots in states where they are still being accepted, under a federal judge’s orders aimed at making sure every eligible ballot gets delivered in time. Those ballots are not expected to change the outcome of the election but will be included in each state's final, certified tally.


#485 2020-11-09 05:29:39

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,842

Re: Election Meddling

Is this accurate? It's dated November 6 (Friday) @ 4:06pm

Michigan County Flips to Trump After Major Vote Tabulation Error Discovered

A Michigan county has flipped from a win for Democrat Joe Biden to one for President Donald Trump after the discovery of a software glitch and a manual recount.

“Officials with Antrim County posted updated results showing President Trump won the county with 9,783 votes making up 56.46% of ballots cast. Joe Biden earned 7,289 votes or 42.07%,” WLNS-TV reported.
Antrim County officials blamed the election software system, explaining that totals counted did not match tabulator tapes.

The “Dominion Voting System” used in the county is also used in 64 others across the Wolverine State, WLNS-TV reported.

However, a spokesperson for Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson told the outlet “the skewed results were the result of a ‘county user error’ not a software issue and there is no reason to believe similar errors with ballot counts happened anywhere else.”

Media has declared Joe Biden the winner, but election officials are still counting. Only 50% of votes in Alaska have been counted and officially released. Final results for Georgia and North Carolina haven't been announced. If those states continue the trend they have now, then this change for Michigan gives Joe Biden 274 electoral college votes. If one more state flips from Biden to Trump, that makes Trump the winner.


#486 2020-11-09 06:25:30

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,846

Re: Election Meddling

Even if it is a 'county user error', what are the odds only one county made that error? I guess we'll find out after the recount.

I don't know why people are being so quick to call it for Biden. There seems to be a big push to legitimise him before the election has actually finished, so that any flip can be painted as Trump 'stealing the election'.

Huh. People were accusing Trump of trying to do that for months, and then suddenly the electoral system became infallible. Really makes ya' think.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#487 2020-11-09 11:55:16

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,551

Re: Election Meddling

This appears to be indisputable evidence of vote fraud in the presidential elections in several US states. … ail-ballot

Ironically, whilst mail voting makes fraud much easier to commit, it also makes it easier to detect as the changes in vote composition can presumably be tied to specific vote dumps.

How this will play out in the legal arena, I have no idea.  There has always been vote fraud in elections.  But this election was clearly tipped by vote fraud.  The US is now so politically polarised, and the stakes are apparently so high, that a large number of people were prepared to risk prison to alter the outcome by cheating.  And the fraud does appear to have been all in one direction.

Last edited by Calliban (2020-11-09 11:56:56)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#488 2020-11-09 13:41:24

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


Some of us already know it's a complete fraud, but I no longer care.  All of the swing states display wild statistical anomalies, which are not found in other states' vote tallies.  It took one silly day to tally the votes from the 2016 Presidential election to determine who won.  We're more than week into this and we still don't have all the votes tallied.  It takes significantly longer to manufacture votes than it does to count them.  No other explanation even begins to hold water.

The Democrat Party wants a fascist one-party regime (they are, after all, exactly what they accuse the Republican Party of being) and some of their voters want a communist one-party regime, but either way we're going to get totalitarianism within the next decade, if not sooner.  The ensuing violence will make COVID-19 look like a slightly anomalous yet barely detectable ripple in mortality.  All of our allies are well advised to beef up their national defense now, because the cavalry won't be coming if Russia or China attack.


#489 2020-11-09 15:09:57

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,551

Re: Election Meddling

kbd512 wrote:


Some of us already know it's a complete fraud, but I no longer care.  All of the swing states display wild statistical anomalies, which are not found in other states' vote tallies.  It took one silly day to tally the votes from the 2016 Presidential election to determine who won.  We're more than week into this and we still don't have all the votes tallied.  It takes significantly longer to manufacture votes than it does to count them.  No other explanation even begins to hold water.

The Democrat Party wants a fascist one-party regime (they are, after all, exactly what they accuse the Republican Party of being) and some of their voters want a communist one-party regime, but either way we're going to get totalitarianism within the next decade, if not sooner.  The ensuing violence will make COVID-19 look like a slightly anomalous yet barely detectable ripple in mortality.  All of our allies are well advised to beef up their national defense now, because the cavalry won't be coming if Russia or China attack.

I care for the simple reason that nothing else matters without liberty.  Without freedom, there is no possibility for choosing one's future.  Without freedom of speech and association, there is no freedom at all.  That is the first thing that the far left attack, under the guise of protecting the poor liddle immigrants from racial discrimination.  It is of course more about protecting their own authority and punishing those that don't blindly accept their BS out of sheer spite.

You talk about the US becoming a totalitarian state, whereas I live in one already.  If I post something considered to be rude, offensive or insulting on the Internet and the UK authorities catch wind of it, I would seriously be at risk of being dragged from my bed (by the police) in the middle of the night and shoved into the back of a van.  There are people in Britain serving long prison sentences for nothing more than having said or written something that someone else found rude and insulting.  The UK even has a secret police force in the form of the Terror Police, which functions exactly like a secret police force.  They are used by the British elite to harass and brutalise those that the elite consider to be extremists, a category that includes people that would be considered patriots and would fit in as standard Republicans in the US.  Their actions are not under public scrutiny.  Protesting is something you need permission for in the UK and if the political controllers of the police don't approve, expect to be beaten and arrested.  We still have elections, but without freedom of speech, how much are elections really worth?  You are free to vote for whichever candidate the ruling elites approve of.

Without freedom in the US, I see no hope of restoring it in the UK.  A slide into tyranny in the US would truly be the end of Western civilisation.  I am a great admirer of the US constitution.  Personally, I think it is a greater achievement than having sent men to the moon or having split the atom.  It makes the US quite unusual in that individual liberty is permanently safeguarded by law and is essentially the guiding purpose of the nation.  Those that wish to undermine it are essentially evil by definition.  No one that wishes to undermine public freedom can be anything other than a scoundrel.  If the constitution is abandoned or defiled, nothing else that the US stands for counts for anything.  And any hope of extending those values to other oppressed parts of the world (which sadly now includes Europe) will die with it.  Without it, all that the world will have left is Chinese tyranny.  What then would be worth living and fighting for?

Last edited by Calliban (2020-11-09 15:15:02)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#490 2020-11-09 16:53:55

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


People who were simply handed everything they have not only fail to appreciate what they have, but look upon it with contempt.  They will carelessly trade what actually works for what they wish would work.  We have so many self-appointed, self-righteous, and entitled sycophants to carry water for our tyrants that Americans lost the plot somewhere along the line and forgot that America is supposed to be the guidon to lead humanity into the light, away from darkness and despair.  That is the only mandate that America has.  There are no other mandates.  No politician asserting that they have any other mandate is leading his or her people into the light.

Will Americans live up to our one true mandate?

At this point I have serious doubts, but I also have faith in our people.  After we've exhausted all possibilities that don't provide the results we're after, then for some strange reason Americans will make the correct decisions- but not a moment before then.


#491 2020-11-09 19:10:09

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

To do so mean every one is equal in all facets that are used to describe each other....That no one is allowed to steal to cheat from another because of there ability or educational back ground. To not allow others to label those that are not as fortunate as to not be normal as they still hold a value for society and are very capable to put egg on many a face. To not use a seat of power to fix it for the rich to get richer. To treat each other with respect enough to learn the nations language not hide in the past or distant nation that they once came from.


#492 2020-11-11 14:26:50

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,551

Re: Election Meddling

America's future under Biden begins to look like a nightmare.  This man will hasten its decline as a serious world power.  For Biden is really just a stalking horse for Kamala Harris - the most Marxist senator in the entire US government.  If Biden is installed, the US faces an October Revolution. … t-tracers/ … -revealed/ … calinsider

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#493 2020-11-11 15:29:15

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


America is returning to our roots, but with a modern twist- foreign military adventurism and crony capitalism married to socialism for businesses but not for the general public, you know, the "best" parts of western democratic society.  But hey, at least Democrats believe that they got rid of President Trump or people far worse than him.  In another 4 years, having a somewhat inept but otherwise benevolent person who says dumb things but generally does reasonably intelligent things for the country, someone like President Trump, will look like a dream come true.  We'll have an actual authoritarian communist / fascist (they're two sides of the same coin) in another 4 years.


#494 2020-11-11 16:24:06

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

The not conceding and still calling for criminal investigations into voting you would think that for mail in ballots and when they get to be counted So why would you not want Military voters included on Trump campaign list of 'improperly cast' ballots
Of course the shoe will not fit as Military families angry after Trump campaign appears to accuse them of ‘criminal voter fraud’

Its also bad when the media publishes what some one might do as if its truth to what they will do....


#495 2020-11-11 16:45:54

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


All mainstream media has already been relegated to propaganda machines intended to pit one faction against another for political purposes, primarily maintaining the status quo.  They blatantly lie on TV, not to people who are gullible but people who willingly believe whatever supports their ideology.  The fact-checkers should spend more time exposing their malfeasance.  It's as if a press pass has become a license to lie on behalf of your corporate sponsors, using your mass media megaphone to spread the lie far and wide.  All sources are anonymous, so nobody can cross-examine their sources, and an increasing amount of meaningful dissent is censored or obfuscated.

Regarding the elections, all legally cast ballots should be counted.  Any fraudulent ballots should not be counted.

It's very odd that people who voted for President Biden didn't also vote to give him a Democrat house and senate, is it not?


#496 2020-11-11 17:45:59

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Anonymous are still getting the name of the person putting it out as truth as they believe it and that is the problem under the freedom of speech. Its the articles that have no name signed to them which state anonymous which is the problem as these get repeated even when there is no truth to them.
NH usually splits the duties between the governor and the congressional seats as wot one will be the Republican while the other is the Democratic. It makes for a balanced equation for the state getting the work done for the people of the state. … _elections … _Hampshire


#497 2020-11-12 12:18:19

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,551

Re: Election Meddling

An interesting take on things. … americans/

Some 70million Trump voters are convinced that they were robbed of the election.  This is likely to be the catalyst for a development that the Left in America and Europe will find terrifying.

For those that want to see a white nationalist awakening in America, Trump is more useful in defeat than he ever would have been in power.  A scary thought in many ways.  But I for one, want an end to far left vandalism of the western world and I no longer care how it is done.  I think a lot of others are beginning to feel the same way and a Harris presidency, achieved through electoral fraud, is going to push people as far as they need to go.

Last edited by Calliban (2020-11-12 12:21:33)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#498 2020-11-12 16:36:19

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


Most of the people vandalizing America are white, not black or brown or any other color of the rainbow.  The black and brown people are so afraid of the Police that the ones who aren't criminals avoid any situation where Police-involvement seems likely, as if their lives depended on it.  I have no desire to make people fearful of our law enforcement agencies and want to see an end to the intimidation tactics.  I do want personal and property rights respected, and if that means law enforcement has to quell riots to do that, then so be it.

Seriously, though.  Why are you people so obsessed over skin color?  What does that actually do for the rest of you?

I know black Democrats that I trust implicitly with my kids and I know white Republicans I wouldn't allow within a mile of them if I had my druthers.  It's about shared values, for me, not what someone looks like.  Appearances can be very deceptive and actions drown out all the pretty words people like to use while they do their utmost to screw you over.  The corporatists and their media backers stole the election fair and square.  It's over.  Give it up.  Point out their hypocrisy and lies whenever required, but leave it at that.  There's another election in 4 years.


#499 2020-11-13 10:29:22

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,842


#500 2020-11-13 17:55:21

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


President-elect Biden's new cabinet is looking like a who's who of Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex.  Maybe that's what the Democrats want, but the voters who believe that they're going to represent their interests in our government are sorely mistaken.  With President Trump gone, both the Democrats and the Republicans are now moving to screw us over.  Either way, I hope President-elect Biden gets COVID-19 under control without crippling our economy by ordering another lockdown.


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