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#351 2019-06-15 10:53:56

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,609

Re: Election Meddling

Before y'all get all worked up over the "Steele dossier",  remember exactly what it was and who-all paid for it.  Yep,  I meant "who-all",  the plural. 

It started out as opposition research funded by a conservative anti-Trump group (Republicans) during the 2016 primaries.  The work was done by an American opposition research-for-hire group,  who hired (among others) a former Brit spy named Steele,  who has/had a good reputation for accuracy.  When Trump clinched the Republican nomination,  the anti-Trump conservative group funding this thing quit funding it,  and it languished for a while.

The Democrats heard about this thing's existence,  and funded a restart with the same opposition research-for-hire outfit.  This time around,  Steele was more involved than before.  It appears that the Dems funded this,  but really didn't use much of it in the election.  What we have publicly heard about its contents was released after the 2016 election. 

It was Senator John McCain who first turned a copy of it over to the FBI.  As best as I can tell,  the majority,  but not all,  its content was verified as at least reasonably accurate. There is little verifiable public info about what is true and what was not.

This opposition research sort of thing goes on all the time,  as best I can tell.  Supposedly,  there is nothing illegal about opposition research,  although anything political can be abused.  We the public usually don't hear about such stuff.   

But in Trump's case,  his notoriety made this particular opposition research item a public football to be kicked around.  It was sort of inevitable this would happen.  Both parties lie about it,  mostly by selective omission.  Best to keep that in mind,  as well as its history of funding by members of both parties.

Knowing that pedigree helps keep this way-overblown item in better perspective.


GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


#352 2019-06-15 15:50:43

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


What parts of the Steele Dossier were verified before they were presented to a FISA Court judge as "evidence" of something?

Are you now privy to the details around how the warrant to spy on President Trump was issued?

Senator McCain may have turned over a copy of the Steele Dossier to the FBI, but Bruce Ohr, husband of Nellie Ohr, who worked for the company that paid Mr. Steele for the dossier through the Clinton Campaign, said it was all just a big lie.  Peter Strzok, Mr. "Hillary Clinton should win 100 million to zero", also said it was made-up BS.  Steele himself outright admitted that he made it up and said he wasn't responsible for its content.  In other words, it was a political fairy tale, or something that was fraudulent / fabricated / falsified for partisan political purposes.  These are the words of the people who both made up the lie and the people who subsequently "investigated" the lie.

Deceive yourself as much as pleases you, rather than ever admit you were profoundly wrong, but I'm going to continue to remind you that your ideation about President Trump has no bearing on verifiable evidence, in much the same way that all actual evidence refutes your conspiracy theories.  I've noticed that you continue to make statements about the various election meddling strategies perpetrated by the Democrats and the Russians that run directly counter to all available evidence.

You either know something that former FBI Director Mueller, former FBI counter-intelligence Special Agent Strzok, and former MI6 agent Christopher Steele all directly refute, or you've constructed an alternative reality in your mind to ignore objective reality.


#353 2019-06-15 18:11:51

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Election Meddling

Just useless parochial politics. This site is supposed to be about Mars colonisation.  Who cares about American politics? Please shut up.

Last edited by louis (2019-06-15 18:12:05)

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#354 2019-06-15 18:42:12

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


Nobody is stopping you from posting your ideas here.  This section of the forum is for politics and we discuss our political differences here.


#355 2019-06-15 19:17:15

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

2016 Steele and the Dossier were credible enough for former FBI Director James Comey and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to brief President Obama and then-President elect Trump on its contents.

The dossier is not the 400 plus Mueller probe report but at 35 pages is way more than the 4 page coverup by Barr.

These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia; A dossier, compiled by a person who has claimed to be a former British intelligence official, alleges Russia has compromising information on Trump. Jan of 2017 … mp-dossier–Russia_dossier … ted-russia

I’m Proud We Published the Trump-Russia Dossier Jan 2018

The Steel Dossier report; A whole lot of the infamous document ended up being corroborated elsewhere?


#356 2019-06-15 19:29:59

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling

Barr is in the process of uncovering what the Democrats tried and failed to cover up, namely their use of foreign nationals and foreign governments to influence our 2016 elections, which is exactly what they accused the other side of doing, despite a complete lack of evidence to support such accusations.  James Comey and James Clapper are presently under investigation for their own criminal activities related to the 2016 elections.  Leaking classified information to the media is still against the law when Republicans are in power or whenever it hurts Democrats' election opportunities.

Posting leftist media drivel about the personal political beliefs of leftist media people, regarding topics they know absolutely nothing about, is just silly.  Christopher Steele scribbling something on a paper doesn't make it true, either.  I can post a very official looking document about the conspiracy to sell the Brooklyn Bridge if you believe what you read in the Steele Dossier.  That doesn't mean either document is even tangentially related to reality, but it'll look pretty convincing to conspiracy theorists who want to believe something nefarious is going on when someone they don't like is involved.


#357 2019-06-17 16:55:58

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Trump discounts polls that show him trailing ‘Motley Crew’ of Democrats

Trump is afraid he’ll lose reelection, and he’s in a fury over it which has lead to Russia, if you’re listening, it’s Donald Trump – again

Sounds like first amendment in free speech but this is also where we cross a line when the help comes and its going to change the election out come.


#358 2019-06-30 22:54:53

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Day late and a dollar short in changing policies as Facebook Will Ban Ads That Tell People in U.S. Not to Vote

Should be some more to that policy change....


#359 2019-07-25 20:36:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Trump plus DOJ tied the vocal cords of Mueller and with that our next election will see more of the same happen in favor of those that chose to win at any cost which includes cutting down democracy to do so. His man in the senate once again today saw the 2020 election security: GOP senators block bills after Mueller testimony


#360 2019-07-26 17:43:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

The senate had 2 chances to bring about change to the election voting and for both McConnel blocked both bills.
Muellers testimony along with others have said point blank that the 2016 Russian election interference happened across the US systems in all 50 states. Previously Known In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data.


#361 2019-07-26 19:16:42

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling

The only person who "tied the vocal cords" of Mueller was Mueller himself.  Mueller was barely coherent enough to respond to a question.  In all probability, he's going senile like former Vice President Joe Biden obviously is.  At least he's not eating dirt and running around calling people nazis like Beto O'Rourke.  I remember when O'Rourke was "the next Kennedy" and "taking America by storm".  Actually, since he was arrested for DUI, maybe he was the next Kennedy, but I digress.  Mueller didn't even know key points about what was written in the report he was responsible for delivering to DoJ.  Maybe Mueller was drunk or asleep throughout the entire investigative process after learning from the start that he never had a case, but then again, the Democrats already knew there was no case since it was all fabricated lies, created with the help of foreign actors, paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign.  A parting gift and reminder from the Democrats of who was really the most corrupt, namely Hillary Clinton.

The power-mad Democrats tried and failed to convince the American public that their false accusation scheme was some kind of serious foreign subversive threat, knowing full well that they're the real subversives.  The Democrats' glorious failure to seize power from a duly elected American President just goes to prove that the banana republic tactics they love so much still don't work here.  The notion that the Russians can do much of anything to influence our elections is pretty absurd, as former President Obama stated.  They sure did get a lot of Democrats to buy into the idea, though.  I guess they can't stomach the idea that their policies are so inexcusably poor that President Trump was elected to end their nonsense.  Since even former President Obama knew that was BS from the word "go", does anyone else wonder why the media pushed that false narrative so hard after then-President Obama said that on national TV?

The lunacy that a few social media advertisements convinced tens of millions of Americans to vote or not vote for someone is the kind of thing that only those with a few screws loose or too few working brain cells to make chance connections would ever believe.  The American public saw the opportunity to vote for someone who might actually do something positive for America, rather than running America into the ground as former President Obama and this new wave of radical socialists continuously attempt to do, so they pulled that lever and ran with their decision.  Quite frankly, it was one of the best decisions they ever made.

You can thank President Trump for the best economy we've had in living memory and no new pointless wars of the variety that former Presidents Obama and Bush started.  Since the rest of the world isn't in ruins, as it was after WWII, maybe President Trump has some valid points to make, even if they're done with rather blunt and/or tasteless commentary on our current state of affairs.  Whenever the Democrats decide to lay off the crazy talk and start promoting policies that make sense again, they still have a seat at the table.  Since President Trump has been elected, Congress (both Democrats and Republicans) has mostly proven how utterly worthless they collectively are for accomplishing anything worthwhile.


#362 2019-07-27 18:46:04

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

The evidence is there and ignoring it means we will not be america very soon.... Georgia election officials accused of destroying evidence in voting machine lawsuit
Georgia election officials accused of destroying evidence in voting machine lawsuit. Voters in the state reported malfunctioning machines and long wait times. These are the touchscreen voting machines the state has used since 2002 are unsecure and vulnerable to hacking or manipulated that it cannot be relied upon, jeopardizing voters’ constitutional rights.

"The office is also in the process of replacing the state's current voter machines with machines that print a paper ballot for an added layer of security. Those new machines will be in place by the March 24, 2020 Presidential Preference Primary".
The new system in which voters make their selections on electronic machines that print out a paper record that is read and tallied by scanners. State officials have said it will be in place for the 2020 presidential election.


#363 2019-07-30 19:53:18

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

The second state to free up the checks and balances of a tax return is open for viewing... California governor signs bill requiring Trump to release tax returns to expose still-murky details of Trump's financial empire. The states have a legal and moral duty to do everything in their power to ensure leaders seeking the highest offices meet minimal standards, and to restore public confidence.

There was also quite a bit more of changing the outcome than by just the Russians as North Carolina ballot fraud investigation yields new charges

Illegally collected absenty ballots that were signed by not the owner of the ballot....


#364 2019-07-31 00:45:28

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling

Someone who was reasonably fair-minded would learn to accept the outcome of an election that the former President from the opposing political party said was "free and fair" on national television and move on with the rest of life.  They might also look for better quality candidates to put forward for the next election.  Since none of that happened, I guess we shouldn't be too surprised if all these cheap gimmicks and partisan political games results in another election victory for President Trump.

Someone in the Democrat Party must know by now that they're going to actually have to put forward a candidate with better ideas, but we're still waiting for that to happen.  We still have someone here talking endlessly about the Russia collusion hoax that the Clinton campaign and a few criminals within DoJ tried and failed to use that hoax to defraud the American government and the people of the United States.

Here's what some real "collusion" looks like, for any who has a problem accepting reality:

ACLJ Obtains Obama DOJ's Immunity Agreements with Hillary Clinton Lawyers Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson to "Dispose" of Evidence and Refuse to Comply with Federal Law

Notice how I didn't need to quote any left-wing or right-wing propaganda sources.

It's funny how the truth speaks for itself, even if nobody is listening:

A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election

If these people weren't so imprisoned within a self-destructive ideology that they've been brainwashed to hold in such high regard, then this might be somewhat comical to watch, but it's not the least bit amusing anymore.  The complete disconnection from reality is just very scary now.  It's a shame that they're so ignorant of what that leads to.

There is no deed or lie that a Democrat won't do or tell to gain power and the people voting for them seem to accept that as collateral damage without a second thought, all for hatred of one man who made them look foolish by simply pointing that out to everyone.  That's tribalism at its worst.  Some of their tribe might want to ask those pesky Russians how well that worked out for them.  The Russians fell for the same game (free this / free that / woe to thee who is guilty of "wrong think" / give us all your guns and we'll protect you) and after tens of millions of them were murdered by their own government, their final recourse was to simply give up and get drunk and not care whether they lived or died.  A couple of decades later, they're now ruled over by another murderous dictator-for-life who "disappears" anyone who opposes him.

Truth no longer matters- only power.


#365 2019-07-31 19:32:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

The Mueller report was 433 pages and maybe less than 5 % read past the first page....and the second link is 568 pages whats the chances that many will get past page 10...

Just one word of the indicated as 436 but noted as 407 an the end of the page with regards to U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph “Rudy” Contreras. on

Tons of how bad they all were with Email use and text messaging....Midyear team members based Clinton assessment on a lack of evidence showing intent to place classified information on the server, or knowledge that the information was classified not to charge Clinton. FBI investigation and its forensic analysis did not find evidence that Clinton’s email server systems were compromised.

FBI Midyear 2016 team had been assigned to the investigation of Russian interference in the U.S. election but comey did not say boo until June 8, 2017.
It was the midyear team that started investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts...
July 26, 2016: Strzok stated that he never took any investigative step designed to help or hurt Clinton or Trump.
So all of this covers only the FBI and activity in year 2016 for the most part through June 12. 2018


#366 2019-08-06 21:10:13

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

The latest who is doing what to whom? Trump, without evidence, accuses Google of illegally swinging election against him in 2020

This is just comical U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday stepped up his accusations against Google, claiming without offering evidence that the technology company worked to subvert his 2016 presidential campaign and warning he was watching it “very closely” ahead of the 2020 election.
It must be a conspiracy....


#367 2019-08-13 20:14:46

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Seems that some states think that going At Least Eight States Will Use Paperless Voting

So no possible confirmable vote as cast only the data which was suposedly stored for a vote... No means to prove that the data matches the voter that cast it.


#368 2019-08-15 17:58:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

All is not rosy and in condition that says we are booming with growth Trump returning to state that jump-started his 2016 bid

Trump's New Hampshire Struggle: 'Trumpgret' - White House, US - Trump has done little to address health care issues for small employers, and the bigotry and racism in the administration is "a turn off." Only 5 percent of New Hampshire voters who favored President Trump in the 2016 election regret their decision, according to a state poll released Wednesday.


#369 2019-08-15 22:01:49

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling

If 95% of the people who voted for President Trump approve of the job he's done, then that has to be a record high approval rating.

Enjoy the record low unemployment, stellar economic growth, and no new pointless wars.

Isn't it great to know that capitalism still works?

By the way, you're welcome.


#370 2019-08-16 16:47:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Actually tpta; percentage of Trump votes were just uner 50% so that would make it either 47.5 or 45 depending on how that percentage is taken to explain....


#371 2019-08-18 18:10:38

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

What do you do when a President keeps saying that there is voter fraud in your state... Federal Election Commission (FEC) chair challenges Trump to provide evidence of voter fraud in New Hampshire

This country's democracy depends on "the American people's faith in our elections. Your voter-fraud allegations run the risk of undermining that faith."

Trump complained to reporters — and to his supporters at a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire — that he had narrowly lost the Granite State because of fraudulent voting, a claim for which there is no evidence.

Trump should provide his evidence to the public and the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

"To put in terms a former casino operator should understand," she wrote, "there comes a time when you need to lay your cards on the table or fold."

With data bases being hacked, registries being flushed, gerry mandering to change the concentration of like voter,  and ballot collection as well as paper not counted what else would you need to change a voting outcome?


#372 2019-09-04 19:47:45

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Since nothing is getting through the senate to change how the votes were corrupted then maybe its time for the Tech Companies Meet US Election Security and do what they did not last time....


#373 2019-09-17 17:31:52

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Its sad how others always speak of the others which have done a crime when the present is washed over as if it did not happen.. Corey Lewandowski is trolling to please Donald Trump
No executive privelegde only Trump told me not to say anything (obstruction)and he did not waive his rights to plead the 5th so at this point not giving valid responses to the question is contempt. It is said that a senate seat has his name on it....


#374 2019-09-17 21:03:44

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


The only crimes that were committed were perpetrated by the Democrats and their lackeys towards President Trump.  The atrocious behavior of the Democrats towards both the American voters and the Republicans clearly illustrates why Americans grew tired of that nonsense and voted for Republicans.  The Democrats owe President Trump, Justice Kavanaugh, and Mr. Lewandowski an honest and contrite apology.  Unfortunately, I think Democrats would rather spew their vengeful ideology at people who don't share their political beliefs, rather than admitting that they misjudged someone.  Although not easily forgotten, all would be forgiven and this country could move forward, as it must.

There are far more important issues for America to address than petty political differences over one lost election and it's time that the Democrats recognize that fact.


#375 2019-09-29 15:58:35

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

If its good enough for the President to use then its good enough to Federal Election Commissioner Posts Foreign Interference Memo on Twitter


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