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#126 2018-11-10 15:28:46

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: South of the Border Politics


I think you mean the Democrat's invasion, since thousands of people didn't simply decide to leave home and travel thousands of miles without a considerable amount of outside support that clearly didn't come from the countries who can't take care of their own people.  President Trump didn't tell people who were already granted asylum in Mexico to come to America, either.  This is just another sad example of staged-for-public-opinion incident.

The Democrats desperately need a new way to "prove" to Americans that capitalism doesn't work (so they can implement socialism) by continually depressing the wages of American workers and blaming the corporations, using destitute foreign laborers and soft-headed Americans as tools, under President Trump.  Throngs of poor people with little choice in how they're exploited by the Democrats appears to be the current strategy for achieving that objective.  It's upsetting to know that the plantation mindset of the Democrats hasn't changed since they created that system, but at least modern information sharing tools can partially overcome the ignorance-based ideas that permits that system to exist.


#127 2018-11-10 15:42:18

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

The countries that these people are coming from, know nothing about being from either party and this is just more false claims....

So what are the Mexican's laws on what they should do with their Nation's invaders?

What are they doing with those that did take the assylum?


#128 2018-11-10 16:45:22

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: South of the Border Politics

I never said the people from these countries were privy to the outside forces acting on them, nor that they even cared about such outside forces.  Thousands of people who literally have the clothes on their back and nothing else don't make it thousands of miles without outside support.  If you claim that they're coming here without outside support, then you're the one engaging in false claims.

If you can't answer the question of where "Pueblo Sin Fronteras" is getting their funding from, then any claim about what the motivations are is demonstrably a false claim.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras

La Familia Latina Unida

The Pueblo Sin Fronteras (“People Without Borders”) is a project of La Familia Latina Unida, a Chicago, Illinois-based 501(c)(4) illegal immigration advocacy organization formed in 2001 by Elvira Arellano, an activist for immigrants living illegally in the United States. The organization is affiliated with the Chicago-based 501(c)(3) pro-illegal immigration groups Centro Sin Fronteras and Pueblo Sin Fronteras. Together, the organizations have been involved in organizing approximately 1,000 economic migrants from Central America to attempt to cross the U.S. and Mexican borders illegally since 2010.[1]

Pueblo Sin Fronteras and La Familia Latina Unida, its sponsor, are regularly listed together, including on the latter’s website and their respective social media pages.[2]

Emma Lozano, a left-wing activist and pastor at the Lincoln United Methodist Church in Chicago, Illinois, is listed as executive director of Pueblo Sin Fronteras. [3] Lozano is also president and founder of the Centro Sin Fronteras.[4] She is the sister of the late Rudy Lozano, a left-wing activist and community organizer in Chicago, Illinois.[5] Lozano is also a pastor at the Lincoln United Methodist Church in Chicago, along with her husband, the pastor Walter “Slim” Coleman. [6] [7]

Illegal immigration activist Roberto Corona is the founder of Pueblo Sin Fronteras.[8]

Pueblo Sin Fronteras is a member of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, a left-wing coalition of immigrant activist groups.[9]

Communist Party USA (CPUSA)

PSF’s executive director is Emma Lozano, a left-wing activist who serves as co-pastor of the Lincoln United Methodist Church in Chicago, and as president and founder of Centro Sin Fronteras. Ms. Lozano’s late brother, the left-wing community organizer Rudy Lozano, was the father of the Communist Party USA / Young Communist League activist Pepe Lozano.

These people are communists and anarchists.

Do you support communism?


#129 2018-11-10 17:48:12

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

I see that you supplied an immigrant, that goes over the board to provide rides to what he is seeing as fellow citizens.

If you looked a the public pictures of the caravan you would see that they beg for rides, walk and in the past Mexico did give rides...that is all changing under the crack down....and threats of fund withdrawals from what we send to them.

Photos of the Central American Immigrant Caravan … -news.html

Sort of says it all



#130 2018-11-10 18:10:48

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: South of the Border Politics

You asserted that these people are not receiving outside funding from communists and other assorted leftists here in America.  That is false and I directly refuted that false claim.  There were lots of footnotes providing sources for the information presented.  Maybe you don't care that these caravans are funded by American and illegal alien communist criminals because you support their ideas, but I don't.  Someone who comes here illegally and gets arrested for unrelated felonies is not a "fellow immigrant helping other immigrants", but you keep believing that nonsense if it helps you sleep at night.

I wonder if the people depicted protesting President Trump, disingenuously implying he has anything in common with the kkk, also understand that the Democrats who support them created the kkk.

I wonder if they know that the nazis lifted their ideas from the Democrat Party of Jim Crow era America.

Oh well, I guess ignorance is bliss.


#131 2018-11-11 15:32:23

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,846

Re: South of the Border Politics

For people who think that borders are just imaginary lines, they seem pretty intent on being on the US side of the imaginary US-Mexico border. If borders don't matter, why care which side you're on?

Use what is abundant and build to last


#132 2018-11-11 16:50:03

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

The Fairy Tails called the American Dream and Freedom....


#133 2018-11-12 20:55:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Now Trump sent the military to the border and they have hung barbed wire fencing along it to slow the invaders of woman, children and men wanting to seek a better life and now we wait for the arrival of them.

What are 5,600 troops going to do at the border? Maybe not much

For the most part, they are laying barbed wire barriers and erecting tent facilities for themselves and the Border Patrol in anticipation of the Honduran migrant caravan crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

Troops are not allowed to apprehend immigrants like border agents do.

For the most part, they are laying barbed wire barriers and erecting tent facilities for themselves and the Border Patrol.

The only armed troops are military police, who are there to protect the encampments where troops are staying.

While some troops will wear body armor, they will do so only for self-defense and will not directly interact with immigrants.

There are many that will not be happy with the military use but the border patrol personel are happy that they do not need to lay barbed wire....


#134 2018-11-19 15:32:31

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

There are some of the immigrants amassing in the Tijuana area where there are resulting tensions from those that never came across to America in the form of resentment with respect to the newcomers of this group seeking to go to America.

Mexican protesters took to the streets on Sunday to protest the growing influx of Central American migrants who have made their way to the border city of Tijuana. ... The number of protesters appeared to grow on Sunday as the migrant caravan is starting to lose favor among certain sectors of Mexico’s northern states.

Protesters in Tijuana, Mexico, demand that Central Americans in migrant caravans who are seeking asylum in the United States leave the border city.

'Tijuana first!': protests grow against migrant caravan in Mexico


#135 2018-11-19 18:28:12

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Report of migrant caravan members possibly trying to cross border illegally prompts temporary closure of some US port of entry lanes


This looks like a group that wants to hang onto there Nationalism and that means they are not ready to enter the US.


#136 2018-11-19 19:27:54

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

The barbed wire is strung and its time for the Troops at U.S.-Mexican border to start coming home

The 5,800 troops who were rushed to the southwest border amid President Donald Trump’s pre-election warnings about a refugee caravan will start coming home as early as this week — just as some of those migrants are beginning to arrive.

Democrats and Republicans have criticized the deployment as a ploy by the president to use active-duty military forces as a prop to try to stem Republican losses in this month’s midterm elections.

The general overseeing the deployment told POLITICO on Monday that the first troops will start heading home in the coming days as some are already unneeded, having completed the missions for which they were sent. The returning service members include engineering and logistics units whose jobs included placing concertina wire and other barriers to limit access to ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexico border.

All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.
"Our end date right now is 15 December, and I've got no indications from anybody that we'll go beyond that,"


#137 2018-11-19 21:04:22

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: South of the Border Politics

Mexican citizens are protesting a massive influx of foreigners that their government never properly vetted to exclude criminals?

Racism!  Xenophobia!  Bigotry!

Or, maybe just maybe, they share the same concerns I do.  Oh, look.  They're even carrying the Mexican flag.  Mexico for Mexicans, first and foremost.  Nationalism!


#138 2018-11-19 22:36:14

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics


#139 2018-11-20 12:35:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Well asylum seeker were being stopped under the new executive order to deny entry as a cause but not so fast as a US federal judge has blocked an order issued by President Trump US District Judge Jon Tigar in San Francisco issued the temporary restraining order after hearing arguments by civil rights groups. With caravan members saying they are fleeing persecution, poverty and violence in their home countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. President Trump said many of the migrants were criminals, called the caravan an invasion.

Judge Tigar, in his ruling, said current legislation made it clear that any foreigner arriving in the US "whether or not at a designated port of arrival" could apply for asylum. "Whatever the scope of the president's authority, he may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden," Judge Tigar added.

Migrant Caravan Is Just Yards From U.S. Border, but Long Wait Lies Ahead

This must be one of the extremist that Trump fears



#140 2018-11-21 17:51:44

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Trump clashes with Supreme Court Chief Justice but John Roberts criticizes Trump for 'Obama judge' asylum comment

With much anger Trump says that the White House expected to give troops permission to use force at border, with President Trump expected to sign an executive order giving troops the authority to use lethal force against migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Now unarmed people require being shot....but the truth it is not as Mattis can now order lethal force at border, MPs training with riot gear

Two U.S. officials said military police at the border are already training with riot gear and there are plans to send more MPs to the border in California.

Asked if troops on the border now have authority to use lethal force, Mattis said, "I have the authority. But we are not even employing, you've seen the picture of the guys down there not carrying guns, so relax. Don't worry about it."

Asked whether the U.S. military could be called in to back up CBP if things get rough, Mattis said, yes and that would likely include unarmed Military Police with masks, shields, and batons, but "no firearms."

So what is the real intel on the migrant group?

Feds have paid undercover informants in migrant caravan

The 4,000 migrants have used WhatsApp text message groups to communicate along their journey, and DHS personnel have joined those groups to gather info. Paying informants, placing officers in the region or monitoring the communications of non-U.S. citizens is not illegal, but it does raise some concerns about the allocation of resources.


#141 2018-11-24 21:54:11

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Are we headed for a new beginning for all or are we getting a new hate of each other with the Trump Wall....

Deal with Mexico would make asylum seekers wait outside US

The Trump administration has won the support of Mexico’s incoming government for a plan to remake U.S. border policy by requiring asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims move through U.S. courts, according to Mexican officials and senior members of president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s transition team.


#142 2018-11-25 19:56:47

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Trump lies again once more as Mexico denies deal with US to host asylum seekers

As much as Trump would wish it to be so the fact is Mexico seems to be wanting to create a better nation for its own.

Playing it tough on the caravan Mexico is to deport those that charged the border

While it would seem that the U.S. closes border at San Isidro, migrants report being hit with tear gas

Not smart doing it to small children.....


#143 2018-12-11 18:45:00

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Trump wants more border wall money than the house or senate want to give and he is threatening a shutdown over it.
President Donald Trump’s willingness to trigger a partial government shutdown over funding for his proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall boils down “to a manhood

Security is working but the entries that they are not going after are the over stays and airline entries into the nation...

The fact that Democrats even want to work with Trump is troubling in that there meeting came away with 5 Takeaways From Trump’s Meeting With Pelosi and Schumer


#144 2018-12-11 20:08:13

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: South of the Border Politics

Senator Pelosi will only believe that border security is about someone's "manhood" until one of those precious illegal aliens kills one of her children.  If such a horrible event were to come to pass, as it did for the parents of Kate Steinle, then it will instantly become "all Trump's fault" for failing to protect her children from those "real sweethearts" that we Republicans call illegal alien drug cartel members.  Maybe Democrat Party politicians really hate their children that much since AG Holder's Justice Department sold guns to drug cartel members.

Have the Democrats ever had, at any point in time, any intellectual arguments about why they won't fund real border security?

FYI, High School insults don't count as intellectual arguments.


#145 2018-12-12 04:31:16

Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,262

Re: South of the Border Politics

You do need to produce verifiable statistics of the causes of death of children in the USA to support this kind of argument.


#146 2018-12-12 05:00:23

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,846

Re: South of the Border Politics

Why? Conjecture is enough to justify gun control.

But here is some information, anyway - … and-gender Americans care more about their cars than their kids.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#147 2018-12-12 18:23:47

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

I saw a few articles with these people marching to the embasy to demand that if they are not allowed soon that they should be paid $50,000 to go home so they could make business down there in Hounduras..

If Trump is handing out that sort of dough, send some my way...saying Merry Christmas...
Any illegals or even legals that need help are not citizens and should not be getting more help than an american is able to recieve and they should not get it..;.


#148 2018-12-13 05:05:09

Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,262

Re: South of the Border Politics

So how many of the homicides of children and young adults were committed by illegal immigrants? How many of the other avoidable categories , such as RTAs, were caused by illegal immigrants?


#149 2018-12-13 14:06:18

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: South of the Border Politics


The illegal alien who shot at and killed Kate (Kathryn) Steinle was found "not guilty" of her murder for the following reason:

From ABC13 News:

"Garcia Zarate, was found not guilty of murdering 32-year-old Steinle as she was walking along Pier 14 on July 1, 2015. The jury agreed with the defense which argued that a single shot killed Steinle after the bullet ricocheted off the ground traveling 78 feet before striking her in the back."

His own attorney stated on TV that "My client (Mr. Zarate) was briefly in possession of a SIG-Sauer P239 .40 caliber pistol (a pistol that a civilian in California may not legally purchase or possess- more on that later) and that he threw the pistol into the water after it accidentally discharged".  Let's review here.  Mr. Zarate is an illegal alien criminal previously convicted of multiple felonies and deported multiple times who is in possession of a firearm stolen from a California Bureau of Land Management officer who left his loaded firearm unsecured in his vehicle while he and his wife went to dinner (an action that is itself a criminal offense if you're a civilian), he said he fired it (first he claimed he was shooting at sea lions, then he said it accidentally "went off" when he picked it up), the bullet fired from the gun struck Kate Steinle's aorta, she bled out and died in front of her father and other onlookers who desperately tried to save her life after she was shot, and the people of San Francisco were more concerned about the fact that Mr. Zarate was in possession of an illegal firearm (illegal for a civilian to own because it lacks those all-important "safety" features, but apparently not illegal for some clown from California's government to leave loaded in his car) than the fact that a convicted felon illegal alien drug dealer actually used the firearm (that he obviously stole from the BLM officer unless you believe in magic flying elves that give guns to convicted felons) to kill someone.

To recap, a handgun was stolen from a California government employee's personal vehicle and somehow wound up on a park bench (of course Mr. Zarate didn't steal it, he just found it) that Mr. Zarate just happened to be sitting on (a hell of a coincidence, but let's pretend), he either pulled the trigger because he was testing his new toy against sea lions (target practice on endangered species; Where are our animal lovers with their fake outrage when we need them?) or magic little elves pulled the trigger while he was oblivious to it in a drug-induced la la land, Kathryn Steinle was fatally shot as a result, her father (who personally witnessed this horrifying event happen) literally held his little girl while she bled out in his arms because some lowlife illegal alien street thug drug dealer (some of his previous felony convictions and deportations were for selling and manufacturing narcotics such as heroin) used her for target practice (unless you believe his first story about sea lion hunting or being too stupid to not pull the trigger after he changed his story).

I wish I had the silver tongue of Mr. Zarate's tax payer funded liar, I mean lawyer.  I could get rich selling ice to Eskimos.

Mr. Zarate was just some saintly little "undocumented immigrant" out trying to make a living by, you know, making and selling heroin to Americans.  Life was hard, he couldn't make enough money to go to college to pursue his lifelong passion of transgender immigrant interpretive dance and he fell on hard times.  All those legal immigrants who never sold drugs to other people or shot their kids were clearly coming from a place of "legal immigrant privilege".  What a poor, poor lost little soul.  Oh boo hoo.

How "well educated" in a liberal institution of higher learning do you have to be to buy that load of crap?

Mr. Zarate picked up a gun, which a convicted felon is legally not allowed to touch here in America, he pulled the trigger, and now someone's daughter is dead.  He even said he did it, just not on purpose.  It took the jury 12 days to determine he was a "felon in possession of a stolen firearm".

Murder (intentional / pre-meditated killing of someone)?  Nope

Involuntary Manslaughter (accidentally or recklessly killing someone)?  Nope

Assault With a Deadly Weapon (means you did something that you knew or should've known could seriously injure or kill someone, but says nothing about intent)?  Nope

Felon in Possession of a Firearm?  Yeah, that's what he did.  The bullet fired from the pistol that fell outta the sky just sorta magically wound up in Kate's aorta while Mr. Zarate had it in his possession.  It was that evil gun's fault, not the person using it.

That is the sort of logic I get from people who are tragically trapped in their own heads after being brainwashed by our narcissistic media / pop culture or their anti-American college professor cohorts to believe things that are facially absurd (like illegal immigrants only come to America to get jobs, unless "drug dealer" recently became a recognized profession, rather than criminal conduct) because far too many of the people who should be protecting our young and impressionable minds after having been entrusted to their wisdom are actually evil little cretins who think they're "the champions of the proletariat fighting their oppressors" (you know, "freedom fighters", or people who fight against other people having any freedom).  Well...  Some of us are fed up with it.

You think only the government should have guns?  Why?  So they can provide them to criminals to use to murder people, either intentionally (as former President Obama's Justice Department did when it decided to sell guns to drug cartel members and ISIS) or out of mind-blowing ignorance (like the California BLM officer did)?

It's the gun's fault, right?  I mean, it can't be the little turd who shot Kate, can it?  That would mean that people actually kill people and that how they do it is irrelevant to the person who was killed because they're still just as dead.  The gun didn't magically steal itself and it didn't magically fire itself.  Somehow, our government failed more than 5 times to flush that little turd down the toilet and he just kept floating back to the surface somewhere along America's southern border.  These are the people you want to be totally beholden to and completely dependent upon for your own personal protection?  Certainly not I, but the people in California sure as heck do.  The few who are disenfranchised by the whole system then move to Texas, which is where I live, and then try to re-create the hell hole that made their lives so unbearable that they had to move Texas, home of all those crazy racist redneck cowboys, something we're clearly not, and all their icky baddy-bad guns.  Makes perfect sense, right?

As far as statistics are concerned, why don't you try going to the FBI and US state government websites and start reviewing data instead of asking for something that you should already know if you're going to come here and try to make an argument that America doesn't need to enforce its immigration laws because there's no issue with the crimes that illegal aliens commit?

Why don't you call up Kate Steinle's father and tell him that the person who murdered his daughter was just a statistical aberration and not representative of "all immigrants" (as if he doesn't already know that)?  I'm sure he'll feel much better knowing that you understand the issues of illegal immigration so much better than he does.


#150 2018-12-15 17:08:28

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

The recent death of a 7-year-old girl in U.S. government custody ia as BUT appears to have been one of four people who died this month trying to cross the Mexico border, and one of more than 260 this year, according to a marked “sensitive but unclassified,” government report.

Of course this is where many say child seperation is a mandate....

We are not in the know of all of the conditions that have led to her death but we may never know if not put into the public. Tough reporting says that Paramedics determined, she had a 105.9-degree fever and she was airlifted to a children's hospital in El Paso, Texas, where she went into cardiac arrest and later died. A high fever means she was in real trouble.

With that we should push back on those saying its easy to get into the USA....

Then again there is the arguement that Trump argues for a wall, a border security measure gets pulled back

U.S. Army soldiers have removed barbed wire along the US-Mexico border in area after hearing from local elected officials who raised environmental and public safety concerns with the wire running near community parks.

Which is a concern that is valid.

Razor wire has also been removed in Hidalgo, Texas, where the Rio Grande River valley acts as a natural impediment to crossing as it does throughout much of south Texas.

Which as the article says is blown out of proportions.

Laredo routinely handles the bulk of trade across the US-Mexico border, which amounts to more than $200 billion each year.

Saenz emphasized the historic, cultural connection between Laredo and Nuevo Laredo, the Mexican town directly across the border line. He said the politicized decision-making has strained this relationship and threatens the local economy.

“By all means we want security, but it’s got to be done properly and weighed carefully,”

I would say that they have not had any problems with crossings....

Of course Trump still has Thousands of troops to remain on US-Mexico border as Trump's original military deployment comes to a close in support of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) slated to last through January 31.

A troop rotation has been established for the extension, allowing those who were deployed over Thanksgiving to make it home for Christmas, the official said.

So thank you for your service even thou it would be better that you could be at home for christmas.

Trump suggested that the military could be used to build a wall on the southern border and there was "no plan to build sections of the wall."

There are just 22 points of entry along the length of the border and I thought that there would be more.


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