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#251 2019-08-17 16:55:09

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451


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#252 2019-08-18 13:18:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

Its not for just one party only as the title would indicate as The biggest 2020 issue that the Democratic debates missed as the list of things that are not affordable to the low income levels.

Part of that list is the want versus needs and Trump failure to bring them the high-speed internet he promised. of which that was something that rural america had already given up due to its cost...


Trump pledged during the 2016 campaign to deliver broadband to rural Americans as part of a trillion-dollar national infrastructure package. Leaders of his 2020 reelection campaign also cited the need for rural connectivity earlier this year as they tried to pitch the Trump administration on a plan for a government intervention to spur along super-fast 5G wireless connectivity.

But Trump’s big infrastructure plan went nowhere in Congress, and the president has disavowed the idea of federal meddling in 5G, preferring to let the private sector take the lead. Meanwhile, rural areas continue to heavily lag cities in internet availability and speeds

Infrastructure build is a costly network upgrade and expansion so its not happening.


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#253 2019-08-18 22:31:56

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,017

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

5g is happening, with or without President Trump's blessing, irrespective of his claims, the media's claims, or anyone else's claims.  In point of fact, build-out of network infrastructure is a freight train that's long since left the station.  Quite frankly, it doesn't even matter if 5g happens or not when Starlink comes online.  Worldwide high-speed internet connectivity is happening now.  The person who happens to be in office is entirely irrelevant to that process, as business requires constant connectivity.


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#254 2019-08-25 16:14:50

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

There are many levels to those that need and look forward to the annual income change.

An Early Look at Social Security's 2020 COLA

more than 63 million monthly beneficiaries 3 out of 5 retired workers reliant on Social Security for at least half of their monthly income
Working Age Population: Aged 15-64: 206 million plus according to the chart.

I am sure the data has changed and from past experience the unemployed do not count the people that reach the expiration limit of collection. … or-america

In 2014, the working poor as a fraction of all people in the labor force for 27 weeks or more were:
11.7% Black, 11.7% Hispanic/Latino, 5.5% White, 4.3% Asian
7.2% women, 5.5% men
18.3% with less than a high school diploma
8.3% high school graduates with no college education
2% with a bachelor’s degree or higher


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#255 2019-09-11 21:42:32

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451


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#256 2019-09-11 22:25:42

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,017

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America


I guess when you have to walk over human feces to get to work, it's just another wonderful day in liberal regressive utopia.


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#257 2019-09-12 16:53:42

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

Treating a human as subhuman would yield that response....


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#258 2019-09-12 18:45:41

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,017

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America


The only people treating those people like they're subhuman are the Democrats who are enabling such behavior.  There are no Republicans in charge of anything in San Fran.  If the homeless are taking dumps on the sidewalk because of poor treatment received, then it's poor treatment they received at the hands of Democrats.


On a personal note, this kind of behavior is just disgusting.  It's not society's job to support you if you just want to sit on the corner and get drunk and stoned out of your mind.  I can't even fathom how it is that you connect such behavior with your politics.  There were just as many poor people getting drunk and stoned under past politicians, just fewer in most places now under President Trump because he actually gives a crap about America's economy, providing jobs for Americans, and isn't simply trying to destroy everything we worked so hard to build as some sort of childish and misguided temper tantrum aimed at "proving" that capitalism doesn't work.  Real socialists / communists would simply round up these homeless people and send them off to gulags to work until they dropped dead, or they'd simply shoot them on the spot and anybody else who interfered with their state-sponsored murder spree.


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#259 2019-09-12 19:53:36

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

Homeless do not know party voting afiliation nor does that change how or whom is in charge for the care of people that look for assistance and get none....

I ask bing "homeless under trump versus obama"

Homelessness in the U.S. Declined Under Obama - CityLab … ump/508223

Nov 18, 2016 · On a single night in January 2016, more than half a million people across the U.S. were homeless. That number is large (549,928 people) but it has declined substantially since 2010, when the Obama ...

Number Of Homeless Veterans Drops Under Trump, Continuing ... … -obama-hud

Nov 01, 2018 · Number Of Homeless Veterans Drops Under Trump, Continuing Trend From Obama Administration The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is reporting a decrease in homeless veterans across the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency, continuing a trend from the Obama administration.

Here is the google response
As homelessness crisis grows, the Trump administration has ...
Jul 26, 2019 - As the crisis of homelessness worsens in many major urban areas, the ... and has walked back Obama-era policies aimed at homelessness, ...

Trump Officials Tour Facility for Relocation of California's ...
13 hours ago - Trump is due to visit California early next week and one administration ... plans to make an announcement related to homeless people in California. ... of an Obama-era water regulation called Waters of the United States

Since I have voted for both parties over the years does that really make it one or the other....Politics or political party does not make the numbers change only people do, policy that assists rather than hurts. Changing whom gets help for being drunk, stoner requires moving the person from where they are and not allowing them back...once they get on the path away from a cruch....

You do not give them the fish to eat without giving them a pole plus teaching them how to use it first


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#260 2019-09-12 20:00:15

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,017

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America


What kind of assistance would you provide to someone who's only ambition in life is to be drunk or stoned as long as possible?

If you're homeless, then whereupon you do get money to spend, if you spend it shooting heroin (which would be why SF also has a massive discarded hypodermic needle problem in addition to their poop problem), that seems like a personal problem that no government on the planet is going to solve.

Call me crazy, but if I didn't have a place to live then my first priority would be getting food and shelter, not doing drugs.


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#261 2019-09-12 20:27:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

The reason for being on the streets is that they did those things before they ended up there permanently. So when the cops remove them from the streets its there chance to make a difference. The element that takes them off the streets to go to a detox or methodone clinics do no favors to those that recieve treatment as they just slip back since there is no support to keep them clean. That takes removing them from where they return to where they continue the downward spiral as they do not know how to coup with the environment which causes this to continue. Part of the treatment is to teach them that they have value. Teach them that what once caused them to be that way they were can change. Part of the solution is to relocate them where they can distance their memories of the past so as to not be reminded of them. If they lapse they are processed to a jail term.


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#262 2019-09-17 17:50:23

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

Trump administration exploring police crackdown on homeless people


The White House has said it is exploring using police to remove homeless people from the streets, a vague threat that has escalated concerns about Trump pushing a law enforcement crackdown in California. THe Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) said “policing may be an important tool to help move people off the street and into shelter or housing where they can get the services they need”

In a state thats got a moto live free or die its a freedom of speech exercise in using a tent but the law which is broken is trepass for loitering at best.
They need help and encouragement to get help in trusts not deceit or punishment....


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#263 2019-09-17 20:24:54

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,017

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America


Dropping deuces on sidewalks while other people are trying to use them to get to work doesn't pass the smell test of being an acceptable form of free speech, no matter how artistic our Democrats find that form of "personal expression".  Some of us just think that this whole mess stinks to high heaven.  Perhaps that sort of bull flies in Democrat-run cities because the people living there just figure that if their Democrat politicians are blowing it out of their rear ends 24/7, then there's no reason they shouldn't.  That said, leaving behind piles of smelly brown stuff on other peoples' porches is a load of crap and you know it.


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#264 2019-09-18 18:40:45

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

Seems the US is behind the scenes then



The again go buy a coffee to use the patrons only bathrooms....


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#265 2019-09-18 19:57:31

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,017

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America


What scenes were those?

The pictures didn't come through.

Before the ridiculous mocha choca yaya's, turning a perfectly good cup of coffee into an ice cream sundae, it only cost a quarter or two.  Now the things cost more than the entire meal at Mickey D's.  Although not always, sometimes simple is better.  I think coffee qualifies, in that regard.


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#266 2019-09-26 20:23:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

The gap between rich and poor is the widest in five states: California, Connecticut, Florida, Louisiana and New York.
US Income Inequality Hits Highest In 50 Years, NYC And California Have Biggest Gap … ted_States

Jan. 27, 2015 St. Louis


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#267 2019-09-29 15:51:41

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

Here is how we keep people in poverty as 32 companies with the lowest-paying full-time jobs of course the next ones are the companies that create only part time employment for nearly all of the staff required to work.
These are paying less than $41,000 a year....
Poverty in America


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#268 2019-10-10 10:08:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,344

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

For SpaceNut re topic ...

Your topic here seems important to keep in mind, so when a report appears that seems to reflect efforts to address the problem, I try to pay attention.

I have obfuscated the names of the institutions because those details are not relevant to the larger point, which is that (occasionally) Capitalism can be observed trying to make a positive impact on society as a whole, aside from whatever business they happen to be in.

Another point which I note is that the benefits on offer apply ONLY to persons who have already surpassed the many hurdles they must overcome to achieve employment in a major corporation.

The challenge of nurturing youngsters from birth remains a largely catch-as-catch-can operation in the United States, and perhaps elsewhere as well.

(a local bank) has combined with (a local college) State Community College and (a local)  University to offer a new program for (local bank) employees that puts them on track for an associate’s and bachelor’s degrees for free. (local bank) pays the cost of tuition, books and other expenses and the schools bring instructors to (local bank’s) operation centers in Northland to teach the classes.
(local bank’s) workers can now go to college for free under a new program that the bank has launched with (local college) State Community College and  (local university) University.



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#269 2019-10-12 11:12:01

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

Here is a couple of informational pages for each state as to what it costs to have a place to call home and what it is the wage required to be able to afford that home. This is how percentages for each expediture are not realistic when all that matters is the dollars of cost.

What you can rent on a minimum wage salary in every state

Edit finally getting the other data for the post

45. New Hampshire

    Minimum hourly wage: $7.25
    Annual income on the minimum wage: $15,080
    Monthly rent you can afford on the minimum wage: $246.35
    Square footage 1 minimum wage worker can afford: 126.73
    Square footage 2 minimum wage workers can afford: 415.1
    Square footage 3 minimum wage workers can afford: 622.65

39. Texas

    Minimum hourly wage: $7.25
    Annual income on the minimum wage: $15,080
    Monthly rent you can afford on the minimum wage: $246.35
    Square footage 1 minimum wage worker can afford: 151.37
    Square footage 2 minimum wage workers can afford: 492.66
    Square footage 3 minimum wage workers can afford: 739

The Salary You Need to Afford Rent in Every State

A common rule of thumb is to spend less than 30 percent of your salary on housing costs.

New Hampshire

    Median rent: $1,748
    Monthly income needed: $5,827
    Annual income needed: $69,920

If you earn the average income in this New England state — $51,040 — you’ll be making $18,880 less than what you would need to afford rent.


    Median rent: $1,455
    Monthly income needed: $4,850
    Annual income needed: $58,200

The average income in Texas is $48,700, which is $9,500 less than what you would need to afford rent.


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#270 2019-10-12 15:33:12

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,017

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America


The numbers you posted for Texas rental costs are complete malarkey.  If you just did a quick Google search on apartment prices in major Texas cities you'd know it was complete BS before you posted it.  It doesn't cost $1,500 dollars to rent an apartment in Austin or Houston or Dallas.  It's more like $500 to $700 dollars.  I lived in a very nice brand new apartment in Austin while I was going to college for less than half of that figure you just posted.  If you lived in an apartment with a roommate, as many in college do, then it's half that figure.  I worked full time when I was in college, just like both of my parents and grandparents did.  Funny thing is, it was also about that much when I was just a teenager.  In real terms, buying power has drastically increased, which has only lead to more over-spending on contrivances such as fancier apartments.  For $1,500 per month, you can live in a very nice 3000ft^2 house, much like the one we live in.  When I lived in Austin, I think the most I ever made in a year was around $40k.  You can blow as little or as much money as you'd like on an apartment.  If you have the cash, someone is willing to take it.  Same obviously applies to houses.


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#271 2019-10-12 16:32:28

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

These numbers are the ones which our government are using. They also do not count shared expensive for cost correction.

I also think that the rent is not just the place as many do not come with heat, hot water, nghts, plus many landlords pass on the costs of taxes, water plus sewage bills to there tennents...these would make the cost to rent much higher.

The rent that one can afford on minimum wage indicates that they can not afford even the prices which you quoted....
most rentals here are even higher than yours with house rentals close to that number for texas that was quoted.
The other was the quoted income which even at my good job does not even come close to the monthly number given for my state.
They must also be skewing the numbers with more than one payckeck house holds as a combined but not counting the second person as part of the total average as the means to make the income be so in a state that more jobs are minimum wage there is no way that the median wage is as high as they indicate.


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#272 2019-10-12 16:52:13

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 8,017

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America


Every apartment I ever rented came with hot water / AC / microwave / stove, and some even came with a washer and dryer.  The utilities are paid by the tenant because they are the ones consuming the electricity or water.

A minimum wage job is the kind of job you do when you're going to school.  It's not something you're supposed to live off of for the rest of your life.  McDonald's doesn't even pay minimum wage here in Texas.  While we're on the subject, if all you're ever willing to do is the minimum possible to get by in life, then that's all you should ever expect out of it.  If you want more, then you have to do more.


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#273 2019-10-12 17:43:28

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

I have taken rents long ago that had no appliances at all so when you do that you go to the rent to own place and pay a little at a time each week. Most places heat and hot water are not included in the rental. The water and electrical you run into more when renting a trailer in a park not being part of the rent.

Nh does have some high paying jobs but the majority of work is service industry low paying and usually part time to keep you from costing them with the taxation of unemployment insurance, social security, health insurance kick in, as the employer..The low wage thing goes even further when you get tips as the employer can pay as little as 50% of minimum wage for the working hours.
Another trick that some companies are using is to give you hours at 2 or more locations during a work week but they are treating these each as part time employment even thou you might be working more than a 40 hour week.


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#274 2019-10-12 18:47:06

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

The have been a few small or tiny home communities that have begun to spring up for Vets so far but the alternative has been all year round camp ground trailers. It is something to consider rather than living in a tent or sleeping out in the open.
I spent 3 days living in a 350-square-foot house in a community of tiny homes — see what it was like

I think these are fine for the single person but couples on up depending on square footage could get quite tight for the fit of belongings.


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#275 2019-10-15 09:30:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,344

Re: Why do we have Poverty in America

For SpaceNut re topic in general:

The latest three Nobel prizes were awarded for work done over years to study and suggestion solutions for poverty. 

While it may not be practical to hope that any of the three winners will participate in this forum, there may be an opportunity to build on their experiments to influence decision makers in America. … SKBN1WT17L

Mr. Google went crazy when I asked about the trio, so I picked one of the top ranked citations.

For kbd512 .... At the risk of stepping on one of your notoriously short fuses, I'd like to make an observation and invite your reply.

I am confident of one thing ... there is a good chance your reply will be worth reading, and potentially worth study.

So here goes:

To the best of my knowledge I have never met a lazy human being.  That doesn't mean I ** haven't ** met any.  All I'm saying is that my mental filters are so strong that if I've met a lazy person, I haven't stored a memory of the encounter.

I tend to gravitate toward places/groups where things are happening, and I tend to associate with people who are human dynamos, or who ** inspire ** human dynamos.  My experience has been that people with PhD (or equivalent life experience) tend to gather people around them who are supportive of whatever goal they might have set for collective activity.

What I ** have ** met, are people who are demoralized by circumstances in which they find themselves.  I've met, or read about, or watched video about many people who fall into what seem to them to be bottomless pits without hope of escape.

I think that part of the reason Mr. Wang is winning support for his (otherwise preposterous) Universal Basic Income proposal is that (in my opinion) MOST  people are hard working and willing to try anything to earn a pittance, and (I'm guessing) they recognize that Mr. Wang is willing to treat them as though they could be trusted to invest whatever funds he provides wisely.

Regarding laziness ... my intuition is that evolution provides a natural cutoff for that trait << grin >>



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